TI-89 / TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200
Statistics with List Editor
Important Information
Where to Find Install ation Instructions
How to contact Support and Service
License Agreement
Table of Contents
The Statistics with List Editor application (Stats/List Editor) adds inferential
and more advanced statistics functionality to the TI-89 / TI-92 Plus /
Voyage™ 200 PLT through an easy-to-use list editor interface.
The Stats/List Editor is really two application in one. The list editor
provides a means for viewing, editing, and working with data lists. The
Statistics portion of the application provides basic inferential and
advanced statistics functionality. The two work together to let you view
and perform statistical analyses on data lists.
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Where to Find Ins tallation I nstructions
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Table of Contents
Getting Started: Read This First!
Running and Quitting Stats/List Editor................................................................................................2
Format .................................................................................................................................................. 32
About ....................................................................................................................................................33
Normal Pdf ......................................................................................................................................... 126
t Pdf..................................................................................................................................................... 129
t Cdf ....................................................................................................................................................131
F Pdf.................................................................................................................................................... 134
F Cdf ...................................................................................................................................................135
The Statistics with List Editor Application (Stats/List Editor) for the TI-89 /
TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT is two applications in one. Stats/List Editor
includes a list editor that provides a means for viewing, editing, and working
with statistical data in lists. Stats/List Editor also provides basic inferential
and advanced statistics functionality. The two work together to let you view
and perform statistical analyses on data lists.
Note: You must set your TI-89 / TI-92 Plus / Voyage 200 PLT to the AUTO or APPROXIMATE mode
when using the Stats/List Editor application.
TI-89 / TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT Statistics with List Editor App Getting Started 1
Running and Quitting Stats/List Editor
Running Stats/List Editor
After installing Stats/List Editor:
1. Press 9.
2. Highlight Stats/List Editor.
3. Press ¸. The Folder Selection for Statistics Application
dialog box appears.
4. Press B to display the folders in the Select Current Folder
field. Highlight the
main folder, and then press ¸
Note: The Select Current Folder option always displays the folder
names 1:main and 2:statvars, but it displays other folders only if
you have created them. The statvars folder is primarily used by
the Stats/List Editor Application. It is recommended that you use
the main folder, or a folder that you have created as your current
folder. Refer to your guidebook for more information on creating,
setting, and deleting folders.
5. Press ¸ when you have selected or created a folder.
The list editor is displayed.
Quitting Stats/List Editor
To exit Stats/List Editor and return to the calculator Home screen:
¦Press - l.
¦Press O and select another application.
Tip: Press 2 a to toggle between applications.
Any lists or other variables that you or the application stored while using Stats/List Editor are
retained in memory. Variables that you created are stored in the current folder. Variables
generated by Stats/List Editor are stored in the
Tip: Press 2 ° from anywhere on the calculator to open the VAR-LINK [All] menu.
TI-89 / TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT Statistics with List Editor App Getting Started 2
STATVARS folder.
Stats/List Editor CATALOG
Accessing the Flash Apps CATALOG
Most statistical capabilities provided by the Stats/List Editor Application are also
available for use from the Home screen and in programming.
Copy any function or instruction from the
and paste it into the entry line on the previous screen.
1. To access the
¦½ … (
¦2 ½ … (
CATALOG with all Flash Apps functions is displayed.
Flash Apps CATALOG, press:
Flash Apps)for the TIL89
Flash Apps)for the TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT
2. Use the up and down arrow keys (C D) to move the cursor (ú) to the Stats/List
Editor function that you want to use.
3. Press ¸ to paste the function or instruction to the entry line of previous
screenlist editor, Home screen, program, etc.
Tip: To find an item in the CATALOG quickly, press the first letter in the item name. (You do not have
to press j first.) The cursor (ú) moves to the first item that begins with that letter. Use C and D to
scroll the CATALOG until you find the item you are looking for.
Understanding the CATALOG Screen
To resolve duplicate name conflicts from other applications, the application name is
combined with the function name. When viewed in the
application name follows the function name
line, the application name precedes the function name
CATALOG (including the Flash Apps CATALOG)
Flash Apps CATALOG, the
binomCdf(...TIStat. When placed in the entry
Flash Apps CATALOG with binomCdf( selected List editor with binomCdf( pasted to entry line
Function name
(binomCdf) with
application (TIStat)
Status line containing
syntax for binomCdf
Function name (binomCdf)
with application prefix
(TIStat). Enter arguments
Status line containing
syntax for binomCdf
In the CATALOG, each function’s syntax (all arguments and punctuation needed to
execute the function) is included in the status line to help enter you enter the correct
arguments for the function. This is especially useful for programming.
Tip: Press ƒ (Help) from the CATALOG to view the selected syntax statement at a larger size.
Example: binomCdf
N = Number of trials
LOW = Lower limit
P = Probability of success
UP = Upper limit
Notes: Always separate arguments with commas. Arguments in brackets are optional.
TI-89 / TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT Statistics with List Editor App Getting Started 3
Stats/List Editor Screens
Understanding the Stats/List Editor Screens
The three primary screens used in Stats/List Editor are shown below.
Note: All the screens used in this documentation were taken from the TI-89 calculator. The screens
displayed on the TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT are similar.
list editor menus dialog boxes
From the list editor
screen, you can:
¦ Store, display, and edit
statistical input data in
¦ Perform statistical
analyses and store
results in output lists.
From menus you can
access various statistical
operations. For example,
F4 Calc menu lets
you calculate:
¦ One- or two-variable
¦ Several types of
regressions such as
exponential, linear, and
quadratic regressions.
In dialog boxes, you can
¦ Prompts for data input.
¦ Data output of
statistical calculations.
¦ System messages.
You begin most of the procedures found in this guidebook at the list editor screen, where
you execute instructions, perform statistical analyses, and view the results.
TI-89 / TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT Statistics with List Editor App Getting Started 4
Example: Pendulum Lengths and Periods
Problem Setup
This is a fast-paced introduction to solving problems with Stats/List Editor. Read the remaining
chapters for details.
A group of students is trying to determine the mathematical relationship between the length of
a pendulum and its period (one complete swing of a pendulum). The group makes a simple
pendulum from string and washers and then suspends it from the ceiling. They record the
pendulum’s period for each of 12 string lengths.
Length (cm) Time (sec)
6.5 .51
11 .68
13.2 .73
15 .79
18 .88
23.1 .99
24.4 1.01
26.6 1.08
30.5 1.13
34.3 1.26
37.6 1.28
41.5 1.32
List Editor Setup
1. Display the list editor screen.
2. If necessary, press z B and then select
FUNCTION graphing mode.
1:Function to set
Press ¸ to return to the list editor screen.
3. Press ƒ (Tools) and select 3:Setup Editor to display the
Setup Editor dialog box.
4. Press ¸ to close the Setup Editor dialog box without
entering any list names in the
Lists To View field.
This removes all lists from the list editor and restores the
list names list1 through list6 to columns 1 through 6.
Note: Removing lists from the list editor does not delete them from
memory. However, clearing elements from lists does delete the
elements permanently from memory.
5. If elements are stored in either list1 or list2, clear them.
Move the rectangular cursor onto
‘ B ‘ ¸ to clear
list1, and then press
list1 and list2.
TI-89 / TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT Statistics with List Editor App Getting Started 5
Example: Entering the Data
1. Use the arrow keys (A B C D) to move the rectangular
cursor to the first element in
6 Ë 5 Í
(6.5 cm) in
list1. The rectangular cursor moves to the next
to store the first pendulum string length
Repeat this step to enter each of the 12 string length
Length (cm):
2. Use the arrow keys to move the rectangular cursor to the
first element in
Press Ë 51Í to store the first time measurement (.51
sec) in
list2 and to move the rectangular cursor to the next
Repeat this step to enter each of the 12 time values.
Time (sec):
TI-89 / TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT Statistics with List Editor App Getting Started 6
Example: Plotting the Data
1. Press „ (Plots) to display the F2Plots menu.
2. From the F2Plots menu:
¦ Select 3:PlotsOff to turn off all plots.
¦ Select
4:FnOff to turn off all Y = functions.
3. Press „ (
Plots). Select 1:Plot Setup to display the Plot Setup
dialog box.
Note: Your Plot Setup dialog box may not look exactly like the one
shown here.
4. Highlight Plot 1 and press ƒ (Define) to display the Define Plot 1
dialog box.
Scatter is not displayed, press B and select 1:Scatter.
5. If
6. Press D. If Cross is not displayed, press B and select
2:Cross (+) for the type of mark used for each data point on
the scatter plot.
7. Press D to move the cursor to the x field. Then press
2 ° to display the
list1 and press Í to paste list1 in the x value field.
Note: If the contents of the MAIN folder are not displayed, highligh t
the MAIN folder and then press B to expand it.
VAR-LINK [All] menu. Highlight
8. Press D to move the cursor to the y value field. Then press
2 ° to display the
list2 and press Í to paste list2 in the y value
VAR-LINK [All] menu again.
9. Press D to move the cursor to the Use Freq and Categories?
field. If
NO is not displayed, press B and set Use Freq and
to NO.
10. Press Í to close the dialog box with changes saved.
Plot1 is selected.
Tip: The ¸ key evaluates an expression, executes an instruction, or
selects a menu item. When using the input examples in this guidebook
you may need to press ¸ more than once in order to calculate the
results. Press ¸ once to save your information, and then press ¸
again to close a dialog box.
TI-89 / TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT Statistics with List Editor App Getting Started 7
11. Press ‡ (ZoomData) to make sure the entire plot may be
viewed in the calculator screen and to begin plotting the
Tip: To return to the list editor after graphing an equation or plotting
data, press 2 a.
TI-89 / TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT Statistics with List Editor App Getting Started 8
Example: Fitting a Line to the Data
Since the scatter plot of time-versus-length data appears to be approximately linear, fit a line to the
1. Press 2 a to return to the list editor.
2. Press † (Calc) and select 3:Regressions to display the
Regressions menu. Then select
LinReg(a+bx) input dialog box.
Note: This example shows all dialog boxes with no lists stored.
Your calculator screen may show prepopulated X List and Y List
3. Press 2 ° to display the VAR-LINK [All] menu.
list1 and press Í to specify list1 for the X List
1:LinReg(a+bx) to display
4. Press D to move the cursor to the Y List field. Press
2 ° to display the
list2, and press Í to specify list2 for the Y List.
VAR-LINK [All] menu, highlight
5. Press D to move the cursor to the Store RegEqn to field and
press B. Highlight
regression equation (
y1(x) and press Í to store the
RegEqn) variable to the y1(x) equation
6. Leave Freq, Category List, and Include Categories at their
defaults, as shown in the
LingReg(a+bx) dialog box to the
7. Press Í to execute the linear regression LinReg(a+bx)
and display the results. The linear regression for the data
list1 and list2 is calculated. Values for a, b, r2, and r are
displayed. The linear regression equation is stored in
8. Press Í. The residuals are calculated and stored
automatically in the
resid list, which is then pasted in the
last column of the list editor.
Note: To prevent the resid list from being pasted to the end of the
list editor, press ƒ 9:Format to display the FORMATS dialog box,
Change the Results->Editor setting to NO, and then press Í.
resid is stored in the STATVARS folder.
9. Press ¥ % to graph the data. The regression line and
the scatter plot are displayed.
TI-89 / TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT Statistics with List Editor App Getting Started 9
Example: Producing a Scatter Plot of the Residuals
The regression line appears to fit the central portion of the scatter plot well. However, a
residual plot may provide more information about this fit.
1. Press 2 a to return to the list editor.
Use the arrow keys to move the cursor onto
Press y /. An unnamed column is displayed in column
three, and the remaining lists shift to the right one
column. The
Name= prompt is displayed in the entry line,
and alpha-lock is on.
2. Press … (List) and select 1:Names to display the VAR-LINK
menu. Highlight the resid variable, which is stored in
STATVARS folder.
Note: If the contents of the STATVARS folder are not displayed,
highlight the STATVARS folder and press B to expand it. You can
then access resid.
3. Press Í to paste resid to the entry line.
Note: Notice the path name in the entry line. If you paste a variable
name that is not in the current folder, the variable’s path name is
pasted as well.
4. Press Í. resid is moved from the last column to column
three of the list editor.
Notice that the first three residuals are negative. They correspond to the shortest pendulum
string lengths in
negative. The latter correspond to the longer string lengths in
list1. The next five residuals are positive, and three of the last four are
list1. Plotting the residuals will
show this pattern more clearly.
5. Turn off all plots and functions.
¦ Press „ (
Plots) and select 3:PlotsOff to turn off all plots.
¦ Press „ (Plots) and select 4:FnOff to turn off all
Y = functions.
6. Press „ (Plots) and select 1:Plot Setup to display the Plot
dialog box.
TI-89 / TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT Statistics with List Editor App Getting Started 10
Example: Producing a Scatter Plot of the Residuals (
7. Highlight Plot2 and press ƒ (Define). The D efine Plot 2 dialog
box is displayed.
8. If Scatter is not already selected, press B and select
9. Press D. If Box is not already selected, press B and select
1:Box to use the Box (è) mark for each data point on the
scatter plot.
10. Press D to move the cursor to the x field. Press 2° to display the
(in the MAIN folder) and press Í to specify list1 for the
x value field.
Note: If the contents of the MAIN folder are not displayed, highlight
the MAIN folder, and then press B to expand it.
11. Press D to move the cursor to the y field. Press 2
° to display the
resid list variable (in the STATVARS folder).
VAR-LINK [All] menu. Highlight list1
VAR-LINK [All] menu. Highlight the
Tip: If the MAIN folder is expanded, highlight MAIN, and then press
A to collapse the folder. You then have easy access to the
STATVARS folder. Additionally, you can type a letter to scroll
through a list. If there are any variable names that start with that
letter, the cursor moves to highlight the first of those variable
12. Press Í to specify the statvars/resid variable for the y
Note: If you paste a variable name that is not in the current folder,
the variable’s pathname is pasted as well.
13. If necessary, press D and set the Use Freq and Categories?
option to NO.
14. Press Í to close the dialog box with the changes saved.
Plot2 is selected.
15. Press ‡ (ZoomData). The window variables are adjusted
automatically and
Plot2 is displayed.
This is a scatter plot of the residuals.
TI-89 / TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT Statistics with List Editor App Getting Started 11
Example: Producing a Power Regression
Notice the pattern of the residuals: a group of negative residuals, then a group of positive
residuals, and then another group of negative residuals. The residual pattern indicates a
curvature associated with this data set for which the linear model did not account. The residual
plot emphasizes a downward curvature, so a model that curves down with the data would be
more accurate. Perhaps a function such as square root would fit. Try a power regression to fit a
function of the form y = a ä x
1. Press 2 a to return to the list editor.
2. Press „ (
Plot Setup dialog box. Highlight Plot 1 and press † Ÿ to
turn it on. Press D † Ÿ to turn off
Plots) and select 1:Plot Setup to display the
Plot 2.
3. Press ‡ (ZoomData). The window variables are adjusted
automatically, and the original scatter plot of time-versuslength data (
Plot1) is displayed.
4. Press 2 a to return to the list editor.
5. Press † (
9:PowerReg to display the PowerReg input dialog box. X List
list1 and list2) to calculate this power regression. (See
Calc) and select 3:Regressions. Then select
Y List should be prepopulated with the correct lists
arguments as shown to the right.)
6. Press Í to close the dialog box and calculate the power
Values for a, b, r
, and r are displayed in the PowerReg
output dialog box. The power regression equation is stored
Y1. Residuals for the power regression are calculated
and placed in the
resid list. The previous contents of resid
are overwritten by the new data. Residuals associated
with the linear fit of the transformed data are calculated
and placed in the
residt list.
7. Press Í to close the dialog box and return to the list
Note: If the Results->Editor option in the ƒ (Formats) dialog box
is set to
ON, resid and res id t are pasted to the end of the list
8. Press ¥ s. The regression line and the scatter plot
are displayed.
TI-89 / TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT Statistics with List Editor App Getting Started 12
Example: Producing Another Residual Plot with the New Data
The new function y1=.192283 … x^.522498 appears to fit the data well. To get more information,
examine a residual plot.
1. Press 2 a to return to the list editor.
2. Turn off all plots and functions.
¦ Press „ (
Plots) and select 3:PlotsOff to turn off all plots.
¦ Press „ (Plots) and select 4:FnOff to turn off all
Y = functions.
3. Press „ (Plots) and select 1:Plot Setup to display the Plot
dialog box. Highlight Plot 2 and press † Ÿ to select
4. Press ‡ (ZoomData). The window variables are adjusted
automatically, and
Plot2 is displayed. This is a scatter plot
of the residuals.
The new residual plot shows that the residuals are random in sign, with the residuals
increasing in magnitude as the string length increases.
TI-89 / TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT Statistics with List Editor App Getting Started 13
Example: Producing Magnitudes of the Residuals
To see the magnitudes of the residuals, continue with these steps.
1. Press … (Trace).
2. Press B and A to trace the data. Observe the values for
at each point.
With this model, the largest positive residual is about .041 and the smallest negative
residual is about L.027. All other residuals are less than .02 in magnitude.
TI-89 / TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT Statistics with List Editor App Getting Started 14
Example: Making Predictions with the Model
Now that you have a good model for the relationship between length and period, you can use
the model to predict the period for a given string length. To predict the periods for a pendulum
with string lengths of 20 cm and 50 cm, continue with these steps.
1. To display the Home screen, press:
¦ Press "for the TI-89
¦ Press ¥ "for the TI-92 Plus
¦ Press ¥ "for the Voyage™ 200 PLT
2. Press 2 ° to display the
Highlight the
Note: If the contents of the MAIN folder are not displayed, highlight
the MAIN folder, and then press B to expand it. You can then
access y1.
y1 variable.
VAR-LINK [All] menu.
3. Press ¸ to paste y1( to the entry line in Home screen.
4. Type 20 and press ¤ to enter a string length of 20 cm.
Press Í.
Based on the residual analysis, we would expect the prediction of about 0.92 seconds to be
within about 0.02 seconds of the actual value.
5. Since the last entry is still highlighted, press B A A 0 5
to change the string length to 50 cm.
6. Press Í to calculate the predicted time of about 1.48
Since a string length of 50 cm exceeds the lengths in the data set, and since residuals
appear to be increasing as string length increases, we would expect more error with this
From the text Contemporary Precalculus through Applications
This chapter provides examples that demonstrate the Stats/List Editor
application list features. You can find more information about the lists in the
List Menu chapter.
TI-89 / TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT Statistics with List Editor App List Editor 17
Using the List Editor
on of current (highlighted)
Entry line contains the currently
highlighted list name and element.
The List Editor Screen
Data for most statistical analyses in the Stats/List Editor application are stored in list
variables. The Stats/List Editor provides six list variables in memory,
ist names are displayed here.
Top line list1 through list6 are stored in columns 1 through 6 after a memory reset.
Center area On the TI-89, this area displays up to six elements of up to four lists. On
the T TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT, it displays up to eight elements of up to six lists.
Entry line All data entry occurs on this line. The characteristics of the entry line
change according to the current context: view elements, edit elements, view names, or
enter name.
Moving Around the List Edit or Scr e en
list1 through list6.
List elements are
displayed here.
Current column: 1
Number of open lists: 6 Status line
In view-elements context, the entry line displays the list name, the current element’s
place in that list, and the full value of the current element, up to 16 characters at a time
for the TI-89 and up to 20 characters at a time for the TI-92 Plus. An ellipsis (
indicates that the element continues beyond 16 characters or 20 characters.
list element in the list: 3
List name: list2
Full value of current (highlighted) list
element: 45
The following table shows the keystrokes for moving quickly around the list editor screen.
Move the cursor to the bottom of a list. ¥ D¥ D
Move the cursor to the top of a list. ¥ C¥ C
Page down six elements on the TI-89 or eight on the
On the TI-89
2 D2 D
TI-92 Plus / Voyage 200 PLT.
Page up six elements on the TI-89 or eight on the
2 C2 C
TI-92 Plus / Voyage 200 PLT.
On the TI-92 Plus /
Voyage 200 PLT Press:
Delete a list element. 0 or ¥ 80 or ¥ 8
Insert a new element. (Zero is the default value for a new
Move to the first list in the list editor. ¥ A¥ A
Move to the last list in the list editor. ¥ B¥ B
TI-89 / TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT Statistics with List Editor App List Editor 18
y [INS]y [INS]
Using the List Editor (
entry line. You may enter a list name.
to view list names currently
Switching List Edit or Cont e xts
The list editor has four contexts: view elements, edit elements, view names, and enter
name. The list editor is first displayed in view-elements context.
View names Press C to move the cursor onto a list name.
Edit elements Press Í.
The list name is highlighted. Press B and A
stored in other list editor columns.
The list name is still highlighted. The elements of the list are also
highlighted in the entry line. You may edit any element in a list.
View element Press Í again.
The first element of the list is highlighted. Press B, A, D, and C to
view other list elements. The current element’s full value is displayed in
the entry line.
Edit element Press Í again.
The element is highlighted in the entry line. You may edit the current element
in the entry line.
Enter name Press C until the cursor is on a list name, then press y [INS]. You can
also press B until you reach an unnamed column.
The new list name cell is highlighted. The Name= prompt is displayed in the
TI-89 / TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT Statistics with List Editor App List Editor 19
Creating Lists
Creating a New List in the List Edi t or
1. Display the Name= prompt in the entry line in either of these two ways.
¦Move the cursor onto the list name in the column where you want to insert a list
and press y /. An unnamed column is displayed and the remaining lists
shift right one column.
¦Move the cursor onto a list name and press B until you reach an unnamed
column. The
Tip: After moving the cursor onto a list name, press-¥ B to move to the rightmost list in the list editor.
2. Enter a valid list name in any of these three ways.
¦Press … (List) and select 1:Names to display the VAR-LINK [ALL] menu. Highlight a
list name and press ¸ to select it.
¦Enter an existing user-created list name directly from the keyboard.
Name= prompt is displayed.
a) Follow step 1 above to display the
Name= prompt.
b) Press [letter from A to Z or q] to enter the first letter of the name. A variable
-Can have one to eight characters consisting of letters and digits,
including Greek letters (but not p), accented letters, and international
letters. Do not include spaces. The first character cannot be a number.
-Can have uppercase or lowercase letters; however, the names
aB22, and ab22 all refer to the same variable.
AB22, Ab22,
-Cannot be the same as a name that is preassigned by the TI-89 /
TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT. Preassigned names include built-in
functions (such as
variables (such as
abs), instructions (such as LineVert), and system
xmin and xmax.
c) Enter the remaining zero to seven characters to complete the new user-
created list name.
d) Press Í or D to store the list name in the current column of the list
¦Enter a new user-created list name from the keyboard at the Name= prompt.
Press y / and enter the list name (abc). Then press ¸ or D to store the
list name (
abc) and lists elements, if any, in the current column of the list editor.
Begin entering, scrolling , or editing list elements.
TI-89 / TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT Statistics with List Editor App List Editor 20
Removing Lists
Removing a List Only from the List Editor
To remove a list only from the list editor, move the cursor onto the list name and press ¥
Note: The list is not deleted from
memory; it is only removed from
the list editor.
Removing a List from the List Editor and from Calculator Memory
¦From the Stats/List Editor, use the VAR-LINK [All] menu to delete specified lists.
1. Press 2 ° to display the
2. Press ƒ (
¸ to delete the list (
Manage) and select 1:Delete to display the VAR-LINK dialog box. Press
list1) from the list editor and from the calculator memory.
VAR-LINK [All] menu. Highlight the list (list1).
Press N to retain the list.
¦From the Home screen, use the DelVar command to delete specified lists.
1. To display the Home screen press,
-"for the TI-89
-¥ "for the TI-92 Plus
-Press ¥ " for the Voyage™ 200 PLT
2. To select the
----½ Dfor the TI-89
----2 ½ Dfor the TI-92 Plus / Voyage 200 PLT
Then move the ú indicator to the
DelVar function from the CATALOG press,
DelVar command. Press ¸ to paste the DelVar
command to the entry line.
3. Press 2 ° to display the VAR-LINK [All] menu. Highlight the list (list1) and
press Í to paste the list (
list1) in the entry line.
4. Press ¸ to remove the list (list1) from the list editor and from the calculator
Note: If you archive a list, the Stats/List Editor lets you
open and view the list. You cannot store values to this
archived list. You must unarchive an archived list before
you can delete it.
TI-89 / TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT Statistics with List Editor App List Editor 21
Removing Lists
Removing All Lists and Restoring list1 through list6
To remove all user-created lists and restore list names list1- list6 to columns 1 - 6:
¦Press ƒ (Tools) and select 3:Setup Editor to display the Setup Editor dialog box. Then
press ¸ to close the
Lists To View dialog box.
Setup Editor dialog box without entering any list names in the
¦Reset all memory.
Note: Resetting the memory deletes all lists from memory.
Clearing Elements from a List
¦To clear list elements from the Stats/List Editor, use either of these two methods:
-‘ Highlight the list (
list1). Press ‘ Í or ‘ A or B. Or, press
‘ D to clear the elements.
-0 Highlight the first element of the list (list1). Press 0 to delete the element (5).
¦To clear list elements of a specified list from the Home screen, use the clrList( command.
1. To display the Home screen press,
-"for the TI-89
-¥ "for the TI-92 Plus
-Press ¥ "for the Voyage™ 200 PLT
2. To select the
-½ … (
-2 ½ … (
3. Move the ú indicator to the
entry line, enter the list name (
clrList( function from the … (Flash Apps) catalog press,
List) Cfor the TI-89
List) Cfor the TI-92 Plus / Voyage 200 PLT
clrList( function, press ¸ to paste clrList( to the
list1), press d, then and press ¸ to clear the
elements in the list.
Note: TIStat.clrlist(list1) and the Done message are
displayed when the list is cleared.
TI-89 / TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT Statistics with List Editor App List Editor 22
Editing a List Element
To edit a list element, follow these steps.
1. Move the rectangular cursor onto the element you want to edit.
2. Press Í to highlight the element in the entry line.
Tip: If you want to replace the current value, you can enter a new value without first pressing
Í. When you enter the first character, the current value is cleared automatically.
3. Edit the element in the entry line in any of three ways:
¦Press one or more keys to enter the new value. When you enter the first
character, the current value is cleared automatically.
¦Press B to move the cursor to the character before which you want to insert, and
then enter one or more characters.
¦Press B to move the cursor just after the character you want to delete, and then
press 0 to delete the character.
Note: To cancel any editing and restore the original element at the rectangular cursor, press N.
4. Press Í, C, or D to update the list. If you entered an expression, it is evaluated.
If you entered only a variable, the stored value is displayed as a list element. When
you edit a list element in the list editor, the list is updated in memory immediately.
Note: You can enter expressions (as shown above) and variables for list elements, but they must
resolve to a single value.
TI-89 / TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT Statistics with List Editor App List Editor 23
If a formula in quotation marks is displayed on the entry
line, a formula is already attached to the list name. To edit the
to use the Attach List Formula dialog box.
Attaching a Formula to a List Name
You can attach a formula to a list name so that each list element is a result of the
formula. The attaching procedure must be performed inside the Stats/List Editor
¦When executed, the calculation resulting from the attached formula must resolve to
a list.
¦When anything in the attached formula changes, the list to which the formula is
attached is updated automatically.
¦When you edit an element of a list that is referenced in the formula, the
corresponding element in the list to which the formula is attached is updated.
¦When you edit the formula itself, all elements in the list to which the formula is
attached are updated.
Note: To view a formula that is attached to a list name, highlight the name of the list to which a formula
is attached. The list will have an attached formula symbol (é) next to the name.
1. In the list editor, enter: list1={1,2,3,4,5,6}
2. Press C, if necessary, to move the cursor to the top line. Press A or B to move the
cursor onto the list name to which you want to attach the formula.
formula, press Í, and then edit the formula in the entry
line, or press ¸
3. Press … (List) and select 4:Attach List Formula. The Attach List Formula dialog box is
displayed. The list you indicated (
in the
Formula field.
list2) is in the List field. Enter the formula (list1+10)
4. Press D. If the variable name to which you want to store the formula to is not
displayed in the
Note: The calculator chooses “z” plus the list name as the default formula variable name. It is
recommended that you accept this default naming convention. If you want to reattach this f ormula the
calculator will only prompt for this default variable. Do not use preassigned system var iable names.
Formula Name field, enter a new variable name.
5. Press Í.
The é after the list
name indicates that
a formula is
The calculator
calculates each
element according to
the formula (list1+10)
and stores it to the
target list (list2).
TI-89 / TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT Statistics with List Editor App List Editor 24
Highlight the list name
to view the list
name and formula in
quotes in the entry line.
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