Texas instruments TI-89, TI-92 PLUS CellSheet

TI-89/TI-92 Plus/Voyage™ 200 CellSheet™
How To…
Navigate in Spreadsheets Format Spreadsheets Cut, Copy, and Paste Select, Insert, or Delete
Manipulate Data
Sort by Key Column Linear Regression Interest and Principal Paid Maximum Area
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2/7/02 © 2001, 2002 Texas Instruments

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Texas Instruments makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding any programs or book materials and makes such materials available solely on an “as-is” basis.
In no event shall Texas Instruments be liable to anyone for special, collateral, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the purchase or use of these materials, and the sole and exclusive liability of Texas Instruments, regardless of the form of action, shall not exceed the purchase price of this product. Moreover, Texas Instruments shall not be liable for any claim of any kind whatsoever against the use of these materials by any other party.
Graphing product applications (Apps) are licensed. See the terms of the license agreement
The instructions in this guidebook refer to this Flash application only. For help using the TI-89 / TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT, refer to the comprehensive guidebook at
for this product.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Apple, Macintosh, Mac, and Mac OS are trademarks of their respective owners.
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What Is the CellSheet™ Application?

The CellSheet application (App) is a spreadsheet in the palm of your hand. It combines spreadsheet functionality with the power of a calculator and supplements other calculator software applications. The application is useful in classes such as math, social studies, business, and science.
Cells can contain:
Real or complex numbers
Text strings
Functions that evaluate to expressions
Each spreadsheet contains 999 rows and 64 columns. A spreadsheet variable can be no larger than 64 kilobytes (KB).
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You can use a unit-to-unit cable to share spreadsheets with other TI-89 and TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT units. A CellSheet™ computer-based utility is available separately. The utility lets you share TI-89 and TI-92 Plus / Voyage 200 PLT spreadsheets with Excel and other programs. You can also use the utility to convert and share spreadsheets with TI-83 Plus and TI-83 Plus Silver Edition units. Please see education.ti.com
more information about the CellSheet computer-based utility.


This application is available in English, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish. The corresponding language localization software must also be installed and running.
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The 64 columns are labeled A through BL. Rows are numbered 1 through 999. Although you may insert and delete columns and rows, columns will always be labeled A-BL and rows will always be numbered 1-999. You cannot change the alphabetical column labels or row numbers.
Individual cells are referred to by their column letter and row number. For example, B25 refers to the 25th cell in column B. Cell ranges are separated by a colon. For example, A1:C5 refers to the rectangular range that has the 1st cell in column A as its top left corner and the 5th cell in column C as its bottom right corner.
Spreadsheet name
Row number
Column letter
Edit line
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Navigating and Selecting Cells

Press ƒ B:Help for a help screen that shows key shortcuts for navigating and selecting.


A, B, C, or D moves the cursor from the current cell to an adjacent cell.
¥ C or ¥ D moves the cursor to the first or last cell in a column.
¥ A or ¥ B moves the cursor to the first or last cell in a row.
2 C or 2 D moves the cursor several rows up or down.
2 B or 2 A moves the cursor several columns to the
right or left.
Tip For the TI-89 only, press j in the CellSheet™ App dialog
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1:GoTo moves the cursor to the cell you indicate.
boxes before typing letters.

Selecting multiple cells, rows, or columns

2:Select Range lets you select a range of cells by entering
the range in the dialog box. You can also press and hold ¤ while pressing A, B, C, or D in the spreadsheet.
¥ A A or ¥ C C selects the entire row or column from the current cursor location. You can hold ¤ and press A, B, C, or D to select multiple rows or columns.

Inserting a cell, row, or column

Select a cell, row, or column. 2 / inserts a cell, row, or column above (for cells or rows) or to the left (for columns) of the current selection.

Deleting a cell, row, or column

¥ 8 or 0 deletes a selected cell, row, or column and shifts the remaining cells, rows, or columns up or left one space.
M clears the contents of the selected cell or range of cells without deleting the cell, row, or column.
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File Management

Pressing ƒ allows you to:
Open an existing spreadsheet
Save a copy of the current spreadsheet under a different
Create a new spreadsheet
Cut, copy, and paste cells in a spreadsheet
Clear the spreadsheet
Format the appearance of data and set cursor movement
Display a help screen
with navigation and editing tips

Opening an existing spreadsheet

1. Press ƒ
2. Select the folder.
3. Select the name of the spreadsheet you want to open and press ¸.
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Tips You can open only one spreadsheet at a time. If a spreadsheet is
archived, you must unarchive it before you can edit it.

Saving a spreadsheet

The spreadsheet is automatically saved in Random Access Memory (RAM) as you work. You do not have to save your work manually. However, you can save the current spreadsheet with a new file name.
1. Press ƒ
2:Save Sheet As.
2. Select the folder.
3. Type the variable name for the spreadsheet, and press ¸ ¸. You are still working in the current spreadsheet, not the one you just saved.
The spreadsheet name can contain:
Letters, numbers, and symbols, but must begin with a letter
Up to 8 characters, but no spaces.
To access the saved spreadsheet, press ƒ 1:Open and select the name of the spreadsheet you just saved.

Creating a new spreadsheet

1. Press ƒ
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2. Select the folder.
3. Type the variable name for the spreadsheet, and press ¸ ¸. — or – Accept the suggested variable name and press ¸.

Using cut, copy, and paste

4:Cut removes contents from the currently selected cell or
range and places these contents on the clipboard to be pasted into other cells.
TI-89 shortcut: ¥ 5. TI-92 Plus / Voyage™ 200 PLT shortcut: ¥ X.
5:Copy copies the contents of the currently selected cell
or range and places them on the clipboard to be pasted into other cells.
TI-89 shortcut: ¥ 6. TI-92 Plus / Voyage 200 PLT shortcut: ¥ C.
6:Paste pastes the contents of the clipboard into the
currently selected cell or range. TI-89 shortcut: ¥ 7. TI-92 Plus / Voyage 200 PLT
shortcut: ¥ V.
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You can cut, copy, and paste from cell to cell and from edit line to edit line, but not from cell to edit line or vice versa. If you copy or cut a cell reference from a cell and then paste it to another cell, the cell reference changes accordingly, but does not change if you copy from edit line to edit line.
1. In cell A1, enter =a4.
2. Select cell A1 and press ƒ
3. Select cell B1 and press ƒ
5:Copy. 6:Paste. Your spreadsheet
should look like this:
Notice that A4 has automatically changed to B4.
4. In cell A2, enter =a5.
5. Go to the edit line for cell A2. Select =A5 and press
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6. Exit the edit line for cell A2 and access the edit line for cell B2. Press ƒ
6:Paste and then ¸. Your
spreadsheet should look like this:
Notice that A5 has stayed the same and has not changed to B5.
For more information about cut, copy, and paste, go to Editing

Clearing a spreadsheet

To delete all the contents of a spreadsheet, Press ƒ
. This action cannot be undone.

Formatting data

Formatting allows you to choose:
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To have values calculated automatically as you enter data or to calculate the value for the active cell only. AutoCalc automatically recalculates the entire spreadsheet as you work. When AutoCalc is set to
NO, cells with formulas
containing references to other cells do not recalculate when you make changes to the referred cells.
Whether the cursor automatically moves down or to the right as you enter data in cells.
Whether a formula or a value is displayed in the edit line.
1. Press ƒ
2. Select
3. Select the cursor movement (
4. Select what the edit line will display (
1:YES or 2:NO for AutoCalc.
1:DOWN, 2:RIGHT, or 3:OFF).
5. Press ¸.
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Recalculating a spreadsheet

When you start the CellSheet™ App, the AutoCalc feature is turned on by default. If you turn it off, you must recalculate the spreadsheet manually.
To recalculate the spreadsheet, press 2 Š (TI-89) or Š.
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Entering Numbers

Type the number on the edit line and press ¸. If the number is too large to fit in the cell, the partial number and an ellipsis (…) appear in the cell. Select the cell containing a truncated number to view the complete number on the edit line. The following screen contains an example of a truncated number.
Truncated number appears in cell
Complete number appears on edit line
1. On the edit line, enter 14/16.
2. Press ¸. The cell displays 7/8. — or — Press ¥ ¸. The cell displays .875.
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Entering Text

To ensure that text is treated as a string and not as a variable, type quotation marks at the beginning and end of the string. Text strings continue past the cell boundary as long as the next cell is blank. If the next cell contains information, the text is truncated in the cell. Select the cell containing truncated text to view the complete text string on the edit line.
To type letters on the TI-89, press j and then the letter key. Press 2 ™ to turn on alpha-lock and j to turn off alpha­lock.
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Entering Symbolic Expressions

Symbolic expressions involve variables and other symbols such as p and ˆ. You can enter symbolic expressions into cells and use them in formulas.
The CellSheet™ App handles variables in the following manner.
You can use defined and undefined variables.
If a variable is defined, its value will be substituted for the
If you use a variable in a symbolic expression and then change the variable’s value outside of the CellSheet App, any cells using that variable will include the new value once those cells have been recalculated.
You can use variables that are stored in any folder on your unit by including the folder name with the variable name.
When cell names and defined variables are not part of a formula, they are replaced by their value.
If a variable has the same name as a cell name, the value of the cell will be used unless you type the folder name and variable name, even if the variable is in the current folder.
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Example 1 The variable x does not have a value.
1. Type 3x^2+2x on the edit line.
2. Press ¸. The cell displays 3*x^2…, and the edit line displays 3x^2+2*x.
Example 2 Assume that the variable PV (Present Value) is stored in a folder
FINANCE and its value is 12.
On the edit line, enter =finance\PV. The cell displays 12. — or — Enter = on the edit line, press 2 °, and select PV in the finance folder. Press ¸. The edit line displays finance\PV. Press ¸ and the cell displays 12.
Example 3
1. On the edit line of cell A1, enter finance\PV. Do not precede the entry with =. Press ¸.
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2. Go to the Home screen by pressing " (TI-89), ¥ " (TI-92 Plus), or ¥ " (Voyage™ 200 PLT).
3. On the Home screen, change the value of PV from 12 to 14 by entering 14 § finance\pv and pressing ¸.
4. Press 2 a to return to the CellSheet™ App. Notice that the value in cell A1 has remained as 12.
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A formula is an equation that performs operations on spreadsheet data. Formulas can:
Perform mathematical operations, such as addition and multiplication
Refer to other cells in the same spreadsheet
When you enter a formula, the formula and the evaluation of the formula are both saved in the cell.
The following example adds 15 to the value in cell C4 and then divides the result by the sum of the values in cells B4, B5, and B6.
Numeric constant
Cell reference
Spreadsheet function
Range reference
Always precede a formula with = or + so the formula is saved to that cell and values can be recalculated as variable values change. Formulas in cells are re-evaluated after changes are made in other cells and upon returning to the CellSheet™ App.
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Note If a formula references a blank cell directly (e.g., =A1+2), the cell
is treated as a 0 (zero). If a formula references a blank cell as part of a range (e.g., =sum(A1:A3)), the blank cell is ignored.
If AutoCalc is set to YES, the spreadsheet is automatically recalculated as you enter or edit data in the spreadsheet.
Tip You may want to turn off the AutoCalc feature if your
spreadsheet is large. Large spreadsheets can take a minute or more to recalculate.
When a cell is selected, its formula appears on the edit line, and the formula value appears in the cell. To view formula values in the edit line, press ¥ Í (TI-89) or ¹ F to display the dialog box. Select
Show:2:Value. The cell displays the formula
value. Pressing ¸ returns the edit line to edit mode and the formula displays on the edit line. Press
9:Show Pretty Print to
display in a pop-up box cell values that are larger than can be displayed in a cell.
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A function is a predefined command that performs calculations by using specific values in a particular order. The values are called arguments. The arguments can be numbers, lists, cell names, cell ranges, etc., depending on what the function requires. The arguments are enclosed in parentheses, and a comma separates the arguments.
If ƒ
Function name
9:Format is set to show formulas, functions from
CellSheet™ App menus, the Catalog, or calculator keys display on the edit line.
You can use any function on the calculator in a cell, as long as the end result is an expression.
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Example The variable x is not defined in the current folder.
1. In cell A1, enter x^2+5x.
2. In cell A2, enter =2 = (a1,x). Cell A2 displays 2x+5, which is the derivative of the function in cell A1, with respect to x.
Commands with multiple outputs are not allowed in cells and display as the word “Error” in the cell.

Entering a function

If a function's argument is a list, a cell range is also a valid argument.
If a function's argument is a value, a cell name is also a valid argument.
When a function is not used as part of a formula, only the resulting value of the function is saved in the cell.
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To enter a function:
1. Press Á, if you want the function to be re-evaluated.
2. Press 2 ˆ (TI-89) or ˆ to display a list of some commonly used spreadsheet functions and select the function. — or — Select a function from the Catalog or Math menu. — or — Press a function key.
3. Enter the argument(s) for the function, and then press Í.
The following section describes the functions available from the
Funcs menu.
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The cellIf( Function

The cellZf( function returns trueResult or falseResult, depending on whether the condition is true or false.
TICSHEET.cell[f(condition, trueResult,
For example:
If condition
True result
False result
Press 2 ˆ (TI-89) or ˆ 1:cellZf(. The cell If condition, trueResult, and falseResult may contain cell
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The count( Function

The count( function counts how many cells in a range contain expressions. It does not count cells that contain strings. Its syntax is:
TICSHEET stands for TI CellSheet™ and is the internal software name of the App.
The list may be entered as a cell range.
1. Enter 1 in cell A1, 2 in cell A2, and go to cell A4.
2. Press 2 ˆ (TI-89) or ˆ displays
2:count(. The edit line
3. Type a1:a3) and press ¸. The number 2 displays in cell A4 because two cells (A1 and A2) in the range contain data.
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The mean( function

The mean( function returns the average of a list. When used in the CellSheet™ App, you may enter either a list or a cell range as the argument.

The rand( function

The rand( function returns a randomly generated number. In the CellSheet App, you may enter a cell containing an integer as an argument.

The sum( function

The sum( function returns the sum of the elements of a list. In the CellSheet App, you may enter either a list or a cell range as the argument.
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