63 82 936 D3584
D3584. 02.2013
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 2 Safety information
Operating Instructions SIROInspect
Safety information
Safety information
Obligations of the user ➢ Use only fault-free materials that do not deviate from the specified
data [ → 10].
➢ Protect yourself, patients, and others against hazards. To do this,
follow the safety instructions.
➢ Use the equipment as intended.
➢ You should always keep these operating instructions within reach for
further reference.
Cross contamination and spreading of infection
Prevention of the spread of infection and
cross contamination
Prevent the spread of infections and cross contamination among patients,
users, and others; sterilize after every patient.
Take the appropriate hygiene measures, e.g. wear protective gloves.
Before startup _ FACE
Before startup Sterilize the new light guide prior to initial start-up.
Periods of non-use _ SIR OInspect
Periods of non-use In the event of prolonged non-use, SIROInspect must be cleaned and
disinfected in accordance with the instructions. Sterilize the light guide.
Observe the instructions for storing the battery [ → 12].
SIROInspect safety instructions
Normalization phase An adequate period of normalization must be maintained following
transport and initial operation.
Blinding Do not shine directly into the eyes.
Only switch the SIROInspect on once it is in the patient’s mouth to avoid
glare. The glare is not harmful, but may temporarily impair vision.
UV radiation LED product of risk class 0. SIROInspect emits UV light. Prevent the oral
mucosa from being unnecessarily exposed to radiation from UV rays.
Light guide Make sure the SIROInspect is in good condition and that the light guide
fits tightly prior to every use.
If the glass in the light guide has shattered or has sharp edges, there is a
risk of cutting injuries. By not using a damaged light guide, you can
prevent cutting injuries.
The light guide or SIROInspect must not be dropped or knocked. Should
this occur, inspect the light guide or SIROInspect for damage.
Temperature rise during contin uous operation, SIROInsp ect
Temperature rise The maximum operating period is 3 minutes. In this time, SIROInspect
can heat up to 48 °C. Afterwards, the cool-down time is 12 minutes.
Malfunction / Damage _ Instruments
Malfunction or damage Immediately discontinue use in the case of malfunction or damage.
Damaged instruments may cause injury. Notify the dental depot or the
Accessory parts
Spare and accessory parts Use only Sirona original or approved parts. Safe operation is not
guaranteed for parts that have not been approved by Sirona.
Power supply unit _ SIROIn spect
Only the power supply unit provided may be used.
No unauthorized changes may be made. Position SIROInspect so it is
easy to disconnect it from the power line.
If you have any questions, please contact your dental depot or the