Sirona C3+, C4+, C4+ Cart Installation Requirements

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General information Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Installation Requirements
60 27 945 D3382
2 D3382.
Changes since the last version 06.2013:
Chapter or section, page
1.2 Connection to the public drinking water supply ....... 7
1.3 Media quality ........................................................... 8
2.5 Standards/Approvals ............................................. 29
About this document
This document describes the installation requirements for the C3
, C4+, C4+ Cart dental treatment centers.
The following sets of Installation Instructions describe the subsequent installation procedure:
REF 59 06 578 (C3+)
REF 59 06 529 (C4+)
You will also need the following drilling template in order to fasten the treatment center securely to the floor:
REF 58 71 673
General information
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH List of Contents Installation Requirements C3
, C4+, C4+ Cart
60 27 945 D3382 D3382.
1 Preparations.......................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Safety........................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Connection to the public drinking water supply ........................................... 7
1.3 Media quality................................................................................................ 8
1.4 Supply lines in the termination panel........................................................... 9
1.5 Underfloor installation of SIVISION connections ......................................... 12
1.6 Mounting plates for equipment with fixed cuspidor...................................... 13
1.7 Mounting plates for equipment with swiveling cuspidor............................... 14
1.8 M1 adapter plate for right-handed equipment with swiveling cuspidor ........ 15
2 Dimensions, technical data ................................................................................................. 17
2.1 Dimensions of the C3+ 1:20 ......................................................................... 18
2.2 Dimensions of the C4
1:20 ......................................................................... 21
2.3 Dimensions of the C4+ Cart 1:20 ................................................................. 24
2.4 Technical data ............................................................................................. 27
2.5 Standards/Approvals ................................................................................... 29
3 Electromagnetic compatibility ............................................................................................ 31
3.1 Accessories ................................................................................................. 32
3.2 Electromagnetic emission............................................................................ 33
3.3 Immunity to interference .............................................................................. 34
3.4 Working clearances ..................................................................................... 36
3.5 Foot control wireless interface..................................................................... 37
List of Contents
List of Contents Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Installation Requirements C3
, C4+, C4+ Cart
60 27 945 D3382
4 D3382.
C3+, C4+, C4+ Cart
60 27 945 D3382 D3382.
1 Preparations
1.1 Safety .................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Connection to the public drinking water supply ..................................................................... 7
1.3 Media quality ......................................................................................................................... 8
1.4 Supply lines in the termination panel ..................................................................................... 9
1.5 Underfloor installation of SIVISION connections ................................................................... 12
1.6 Mounting plates for equipment with fixed cuspidor ................................................................ 13
1.7 Mounting plates for equipment with swiveling cuspidor ......................................................... 14
1.8 M1 adapter plate for right-handed equipment with swiveling cuspidor .................................. 15
1 Preparations Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Installation Requirements C3
, C4+, C4+ Cart
60 27 945 D3382
6 D3382.
Identification of the danger levels
To prevent personal injury and material damage, please observe the warning and safety information provided in the present Operating Instructions. Such information is high­lighted as follows:
An imminent danger that could result in serious bodily injury or death.
A possibly dangerous situation that could result in serious bodily injury or death.
A possibly dangerous situation that could result in slight bodily injury.
A possibly harmful situation which could lead to damage of the product or an object in its environment.
Application instructions and other important information.
Tip: Information on making work easier.
General safety information
The installation must be carried out in accordance with the requirements stated in our Installationsvoraussetzungen.
Installation may be carried out only by personnel specifical­ly authorized by Sirona.
For reasons of product safety, this product may be operated only with original Sirona accessories or third-party accessories expressly approved by Sirona. The user is responsible for any damage re­sulting from the use of non-approved accessories.
If any equipment not approved by Sirona is con­nected, it must comply with the applicable stan­dards, e.g.:
• IEC 60950-1 for information technology equip­ment and
• IEC 60601-1 for medical electrical equipment. In case of doubt, contact the manufacturer of the system components.
Any person who assembles or modifies a medical electrical system complying with the standard IEC 60 601-1 Chapter 16 by combining it with other equipment (e.g. by connecting a PC) is responsible for ensuring that the requirements of this regula­tion are met to their full extent for the safety of the patients, the operators and the environment.
The floor must be flat and level (DIN 18 202). A mounting plate must be used for uneven floors (see Section 1.6, "Mounting plates for equipment with fixed cuspidor" on page
The floor must have a minimum loading capacity of 0.5N/ cm².
Wireless phone interference with medical electrical equip­ment: To ensure safe operation of medical electrical equipment, the use of mobile wireless phones in practice or hospital en­vironments is prohibited.
Electromagnetic compatibility: The unit should not be op-
erated in the immediate vicinity of other devices. If this proves to be unavoidable, the unit should be monitored to ensure that it is operating properly.
1.1 Safety
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 1 Preparations Installation Requirements C3
, C4+, C4+ Cart
60 27 945 D3382 D3382.
Treatment center with isolation from public drinking water supply
Provided it is equipped with a disinfection system, the treat­ment center fulfills the requirements of EN 1717 (free outlet with sections 20 mm and the German Gas and Water Association (DVGW). It is intrinsically safe in accordance with worksheet W540 and therefore also fulfills the W270 requirements as well as the requirements for plastics used in the transport of drinking water. It can be connected directly to the public drinking water supply.
The treatment center therefore also bears the symbol for the German Gas and Water Association (DVGW) along with the rating plate.
Treatment center without isolation from public drinking water supply
If compliance with EN 1717 is stipulated nationally, appro­priate equipment must be installed beyond the treatment center to protect the public drinking water system.
This applies to device versions without a disinfection sys­tem.
The treatment center then does not bear the DVGW icon.
Please always adhere to the national requirements with regard to connecting treatment centers to the public drink­ing water supply.
1.2 Connection to the public drinking water supply
1 Preparations Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Installation Requirements C3
, C4+, C4+ Cart
60 27 945 D3382
8 D3382.
Water quality
Lime deposits and corrosion residues in tap water can lead to the following malfunctions:
Premature clogging of the filters in the unit
Rapid clogging of the fine water paths and jets in the treatment instruments
For these reasons, the following points must be observed:
Permitted water pressure: 2.5 bar (36.25 psi) to 6 bar (87 psi)
Permitted minimum flow volume: 3 l/min
For water hardness (total hardness) of 2.2 mmol/l (= 12 °dH), install water softeners. Set the blend hardness to 1.4 mmol/l (= 8 °dH).
Install a conventional fine filter; fineness: > 80 µm (0.08 mm).
Installation must be performed in compliance with the recommendations of the national installation require­ments (e.g. EN 1717).
The water quality must comply with the national re­quirements for drinking water.
The connection must be made to cold water.
When laying the water pipe to the treatment center, comply with the following instructions to reduce the quantity of micro-organisms in the feed pipe:
– Avoid long stub lines to the treatment center.
– Carry out the installation so that, where possible,
other main consumers (such as the sink) are fed from the same line downstream of the treatment center connection.
– Avoid laying the supply line parallel to hot water
Observe EN 1717 concerning protection of the public drinking water supply. For details please refer to chap­ter „Connection to the public drinking water supply” on page 7.
Air quality
The air for driving the turbines, for cooling the drives and for the cooling spray must be free from oil, dry and hygienically faultless.
Suction pipe
Install steam trap K.
With a vacuum of pu >0.18 bar back pressure on the bottom connection, the treatment center must be retrofitted with the "Vacuum limiter" retrofit kit (REF 59 68 826).
1.3 Media quality
>80 µm
Suction machine
Cold water
Dilution hardness
(drinking water quality)
1 bar = 100 kPa = 14.5 psi
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 1 Preparations Installation Requirements C3
, C4+, C4+ Cart
60 27 945 D3382 D3382.
1.4 Supply lines in the termination panel
Center base plate opening to floor
7, 6
2 3/8”
3 4 5
max. 5 mm 3/16”
max. 5 mm 3/16”
10 x 1mm
10 x 1mm
x 1/32“
x 1/32“
Foot end
1 Preparations Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Installation Requirements C3
, C4+, C4+ Cart
60 27 945 D3382
10 D3382.
Observe the national regulations for electrical installa­tions (e.g. VDE 0100, VDE 0100, Part 710).
Comply with the national regulations for water supply installations (e.g. EN 1717) and sewage installations (e.g. EN 12056-1).
For the suction pipe, observe the instructions in the Suction Machine Installation Instructions.
For fastening the pipe ends in the installation field, we recommend using an installation template. They can be ordered from Sirona under REF 33 15 830.
If necessary, you can also prepare the template your­self based on the above sketch (not true to scale!).
Supply lines in the termination panel
Table 1: Supply lines
Item Description
1 Water inlet pipe 10x1 mm,
corner valve outlet 3/8"
2 Compressed air inlet pipe 10x1mm, corner
valve outlet 3/8"
3 Suction pipe DN40 HT-PP DIN 19560 (polypro-
pylene, inner diameter 36.5mm!)
4 Water drain DN40 HT-PP DIN 19560 (polypro-
pylene, inner diameter 36.5mm!)
5 Installation pipe, DN40 HT-PP DIN 19560
(polypropylene, 40mm!)
6 Suction machine control cable ( )and call
cables ( ) 3x1.5mm
7 Power cable 3x1.5mm2
Fuse: 16A slow-blow Recommended: Type B automatic circuit breaker
8 Not applicable
9 Installation pipe (or corresponding flat duct) for
additional requirement e.g. practice network connecting cable
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 1 Preparations Installation Requirements C3
, C4+, C4+ Cart
60 27 945 D3382 D3382.
Supply above the floor, "above-floor installation"
The supply pipe ends, corner valves and cables must be routed as shown above.
The retrofit kit for above-floor installation REF 33 17 265 is required for connection.
For cleaning, flush the air and water pipes thoroughly (metal chips!).
Supply through the floor, "underfloor installation"
1. The top edges of the corner valves for air and water
must not protrude more than 60mm above the upper surface of the finished floor.
2. The suction and drain pipes must be flush with the up­per surface of the floor (a deviation of +5mm is permis­sible). Internal diameter for both pipes: 36,5 mm.
3. The electrical cables must protrude at least 500mm.
Supply lines in the termination panel
<2 3/8“
Ø 36,5 mm
10x1 mm 3/8” x 1/32”
DN 40
> 20’’
Ø 36,6mm
Ø 36,5 mm
Installation template
1 Preparations Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Installation Requirements C3
, C4+, C4+ Cart
60 27 945 D3382
12 D3382.
Important information for the installer
Depending on the prevailing local conditions, the existing cable set can be installed in the cable duct of an underfloor installation by an installer prior to the installation of the dental treatment center. In this case, please observe the fol­lowing:
Proceed with extreme care when running the cables. Par- ticularly cables L15 and L38 are very sensitive, and must never be kinked or twisted. The cables must not overlap or cross one another.
RS232 (L37) and the XGA cable (L38) are not yet cut to length and terminated on the PC side. It would be impossi­ble to pull the cables through when installing them under floor level if a sub D connector were already connected. These cables should always be pulled.
Free length A of cables at the treatment center end: Length A = 600mm
If S video cable L15 is equipped with both a female and a male connector, make sure that the female connector (socket) points to the connection box of the treatment cen­ter.
1. Bend the wire at the front end of cables L37 and L38 to form a hook.
2. Pull cables L15, L37, and L38 as well as the audio ca­ble and the protective earth conductor for the treatment center through the cable duct to the location of the SIV­ISION PC.
Save the accessory parts for final installation!
1.5 Underfloor installation of SIVISION connections
C3+, C4
L15, L37, L38, Protective earth conductor
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