Silvercrest STG 85 User Manual

Tabletop Freezer STG 85 A1
Tabletop Freezer
ID-Nr.: STG 85 A1-01/10-V8
STG 85 A1
123 4 5
Intended Use 2 Safety instructions 2 Technical data 3 Items supplied 4 Description of the appliance 4 Setting the appliance up 4
Ventilation ...........................................................................................................................................................4
Laying and connecting the power cable.........................................................................................................4
Protect against moisture and heat ...................................................................................................................4
Installation of the appliance..............................................................................................................................4
Start-up 5
Switching on .......................................................................................................................................................5
Control lamps .....................................................................................................................................................5
Storage times......................................................................................................................................................6
Freezing fresh foods...........................................................................................................................................6
Frozen Foods......................................................................................................................................................6
Making ice cubes...............................................................................................................................................7
Operating noises 7 Saving energy 7 Power failure 7 Defrosting 8 Cleaning and Care 8
Cleaning the interior ..........................................................................................................................................9
Cleaning the outside of the appliance.............................................................................................................9
Prolonged non-usage.........................................................................................................................................9
Changing the door hinging 9 Troubleshooting 10 Information about the refrigerant 11 Disposal 12 Warranty and Service 12 Importer 13
Read the operating instructions carefully before using the appliance for the first time and preserve this booklet for later reference. Pass the manual on to whomsoever might acquire the appliance at a later date.
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Tabletop Freezer
Intended Use
This appliance is intended solely for the freezing of fresh foods and the storage of frozen foods. This appliance is not intended for industrial, commercial or laboratory use, only for employment in domestic households. rriisskk ttoo lliiffee aanndd lliimmbb In addition, the warranty will become void.
Safety instructions
• NEVER open the housing of your freezer. There are no user-serviceable elements inside. Arrange for repairs to be carried out by qualified specialist workshops that are approved and authorised by us.
• Never allow children to play with the appliance or insert anything into any of the openings. There will be a risk of a potentially fatal electric shock.
• Never touch the power cable with moist or wet hands! Never use a damaged power cable! This brings also the
• Arrange for defective power plugs and/or cables to be replaced at once by qualified technicians or our Customer Service Department.
IInn ccaasseess ooff iimmpprrooppeerr uussee tthheerree wwiillll bbee
due to electric shock or fire.
Attention! Risk of electric shock!
rriisskk ooff aann eelleeccttrriicc sshhoocckk..
• The electrical safety regulations require that this equipment may eeaarrtthheedd for injury to life or limb of persons resp. animals or property damage arising from any breach of these regulations.
• Before you connect the appliance, you must check to ensure that the power cable has withstood the transportion and is undamaged.
eelleeccttrriiccaall ssaaffeettyy
• The be assured when it is operating on ccoonnnneecctteedd aanndd eeaarrtthheedd hho ssoocckkeett
• When setting the appliance up, ensure that the appliance cannot damage the power cable.
• Before cleaning the appliance, disconnect it from the mains power supply or switch off the corresponding circuit breaker.
oonnllyy bbee ooppeerraatteedd wwhheenn iitt iiss
. The manufacturer accepts no liability
of this appliance can only
aa pprrooppeerrllyy
ouusseehhoolldd mmaaiinnss ppoowweerr
Risk of personal injury!
• This appliance is not intended for use by individuals (including children) with restricted physical, physio­logical or intellectual abilities or deficiences in experience and/or knowledge unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or receive from this person instruction in how the appliance is to be used.
• Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
• Use the appliance only for storing frozen foods or for freezing fresh food. Do not place glass containers containing liquids in the appliance, they may burst.
• Never take anything out of the freezer if you have wet/damp hands. You could get stuck to the frozen item.
• Do not eat ice lollipops immediately after removal from the freezer, otherwise they could cause frostbite or numbness.
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• freezer or to hide in it! They could become trapped in the device and suffocate!
NEVER allow children to play in a
Risk of fire!
• Should the power cable be too short to reach an existing mains power socket, arrange for a qualified electrician to install a new one. Do not use extension cables or multi-plug sockets.
• Do not store or use petrol, gas or flammable liquids in the vicinity of the appliance or other electrical equipments. The vapours could cause a fire or an explosion.
• Never damage the pipes of the coolant circulation system.
Warning in regard to property damage!
• The appliance may only be operated in indoor spaces.
• This appliance is designed for operation with an alternating current power supply of 230V /50Hz. NEVER attempt to operate the appliance with a different power source rating.
• Wait at least 4 hours for the first start-up, so that the coolant has re-amassed. IIff yyoouu hhaavvee ddiissccoonnnneecctteedd tthhee aapppplliiaannccee ffrroomm tthhee
• mmaaiinnss ppoowweerr ssuuppppllyy,, yyoouu mmuusstt wwaaiitt aatt lleeaasstt 55 nnuutteess bbeeffoorree yyoouu rreeccoonnnneecctt tthhee aapppplliiaannccee.. IIff yyoouu ddoo nnoott,, tthhee ccoommpprreessssoorr ccoouulldd bbee ddaammaaggeedd.. the event of a power failure, you should immedi­ately unplug the appliance from the mains power socket. After 5 minutes you can re-connect it, re­gardless of whether the power supply is working again or not.
• Before plugging in, ensure that the voltage of your domestic power supply is the same as that indicated on the appliance typeplate.
• Do not locate the appliance near a source of heat (e.g. oven, electric heater).
• To ensure adequate ventilation, there must be sufficient clearance behind the appliance. In this regard, comply with the information provided for setting up the appliance.
• Ensure that the ventilation openings on the ap­pliance are always clear.
• Take care to locate the appliance only on a surface that can also carry the weight of it.
• Move the appliance gently over the floor, so that you do not cause damage it (e.g., parquet floors).
• Do not use any mechanical, electrical or chemical method for defrosting, briefly any methodother than those recommended by the manufacturer.
• Do not use or place any electrical devices in the interior of the freezer, unless they are expressly authorised by the manufacturer.
We exclude all liability for damages if one or more of the above safety instructions or general recom­mendations has not been complied with.
Technical data
Voltage : 230 V ~/ 50 Hz Power consumption : 110 W Rated current: 0,8 A Volume: 85l (Total content, when
all drawers (freezer compartments/storage compartments) are re-
moved) Freezing capacity: 10.5 kg in 24 hours Storage time on defect: 14 hours
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Items supplied
Tabletop Freezer Ice cube mould Operating instructions
Description of the appliance
1 "Super Freeze" control lamp (yellow) 2 Temperature control lamp (red) 3 Operational control lamp (green) 4 "Super Freeze" switch 5 Temperature regulator 6 Adjustable feet 7 Storage compartments 8 Freezer compartments
Setting the appliance up
Laying and connecting the power cable
Connect the appliance via the power cable with a properly connected and earthed 230 V mains power socket. Do not use extension cables or multi­plug sockets. It must at all times be possible to dis­connect the appliance from the mains power supply by simply removing the plug from the mains power socket. Route the power cable so that it does not make contact with the compressor of the appliance. This becomes hot during operation and could da­mage the insulation of the cable. Also ensure that the cable does not come under the adjustable feet 6 or is in any way clamped and, because of this, could be damaged.
Protect against moisture and heat
Place the appliance in a dry and well ventilated room. The appliance is not suitable for operation outdoors. Protect the appliance from direct sunlight and do not place it near sources of heat such as stoves or radiators, etc.
While setting the appliance up, and also later should you want to relocate it, do not slope it by more than 45 °.
In order not to impede the heat exchange, and to ensure high cooling efficiency with low power con­sumption, a free space of 50 mm should remain above the appliance. Should this not be possible, then at least a space of 25 mm on each side of the appliance.
Installation of the appliance
Ensure that the freezer is positioned horizontally on a stable surface. It works properly only in this position. Check that it is horizontal with a spirit level. To make any corrections, you can screw the the adjustable feet 6 in or out. All adjustable feet 6 must have solid contact to the undersurface so that the appliance stands firmly.
To avoid the risk of fire, do not place electrical heaters on the freezer. Also, do not place kettles or water boilers on it, as overflowing boiling liquids could damage the electrical insulation of the appliance.
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Before commissioning, remove all paper and plastic packaging from the appliance. Check to ensure that the appliance is not damaged and the door closes properly. Clean the inside of the appliance (see chapter "Cleaning and Care").
Switching on
Wait at least 4 hours for the first start-up, so that the coolant has re-amassed. If you do not, it would lead to irreparable damage to the appliance!
With the "super freeze function" you can in a short time set the maximum cooling performance. In this case it does not matter at what level the temperature regulator 5 is set.
Place the switch “Super Freeze” 4 at the ON posi­tion if you want to cool the appliance down before freezing fresh foods (see chapter "Freezing fresh foods").
Always distribute the food to be frozen evenly in the freezer compartments 8.
Later, do not forget to place the switch 4 back into the OFF position.
1. Connect the appliance via the power cable with a properly connected and earthed 230 V mains power socket.
2. Bring the temperature controller 5 into the de­sired position. The further you turn the regulator clockwise, the lower the temperature will be in­side the appliance.
• MIN = relatively low cooling
= normal setting
• MAX = lowest temperature, maximum cooling
• The appliance will take about four hours to re­ach the desired interior temperature. Please wait this long until you start to fill the appliance with frozen foods.
The cooling temperature is influenced by, ...
• ... how high the ambient room temperature is,
• ... how much food is stored in the appliance,
• ... how you have set the appliance up.
Please take note of all of these factors when setting the cooling temperature. Do not be afraid to experi­ment a little to find out which cooling temperature best suits your needs.
Control lamps
• The operating control lamp (green) 3 glows constantly when the appliance is connected to the mains power supply. When you disconnect the appliance from the power mains or there is a power failure, then the lamp extinguishes.
• The temperature control lamp (red) 2 indicates a temperature in the freezer compartment that is too high. These may be the reasons for it:
- the appliance was just connected to the mains power supply,
- a larger quantity of food is being stored in the appliance than is admissible as given on the typeplate,
- the appliance door has been left open for too long,
- the temperature controller has just been turned clockwise and the appliance has not yet reached the desired temperature.
• The "Super Freeze" control lamp (yellow) 1 glows when the "Super Freeze" switch is brought into the ON position - the compressor then operates continuously.
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Storage times
This freezer is suitable for the long-term storage of frozen foods. You can also freeze fresh foods in it and then store them there. The following list is intended as general information about how long you can store frozen foods in the appliance. In every case you should however pay heed to the storage instructions printed on the packaging of already frozen foods.
• Meat and poultry - up to 12 months
• Prepared Meats - up to 2 months
• Fresh fish - up to 6 months
• Fruits and vegetables - up to 12 months
• Bread and Cake - up to 6 months
Write down the date of freezing on the package when you freeze fresh food yourself.
Under no circumstances should you store liquids in bottles or cans in the appliance, because, when it freezes its volume also increases, which would lead to the bursting of the container! Risk of Injury!
Freezing fresh foods
1. If you want to freeze fresh food yourself, activate the "Super Freeze" feature around 24 hours be­forehand, by moving the switch "Super Freeze" 4 into the ON position. The setting of the tempera­ture controller 5 is for the moment unimportant, as the "Super Freeze" function, regardless of the setting of the temperature controller 5, always provides the maximum cooling performance.
2. Firmly pack the fresh foods into aluminum foil, plastic wrap or airtight and watertight plastic bags. You can also use plastic containers with lids or freezer boxes which are suitable for the freezing of fresh foods.
Pack the foods in the smallest possible portions. Thus, the food freezes faster. You can freeze a maximum of 10.5 kg at one time.
3. Distribute the food to be frozen evenly in the freezer compartments 8.
Ensure that the food being frozen does not come into contact with the already frozen foods. Otherwise they could defrost.
4. Deactivate the "Super Freeze" function after you have put the food in the appliance: Place the switch "Super Freeze" 4 at the OFF position and turn the temperature controller to a central position between "•" and "• MAX".
Never freeze more than 10.5 kg at one time.
The foods will be completely frozen in 24 hours.
Frozen Foods
Please take note of the following when you buy already frozen products:
• Ensure that the packaging is not damaged. Damaged packaging may have a negative impact on the quality of frozen food. If the packaging shows signs of swelling or moist spots, the foods could have been frozen under adverse conditions and/or is already thawed.
• When shopping, select your frozen foods as the very last and transport them only in isolated cool bags.
• Place your frozen foods into the appliance im­mediately after you arrive home.
• Should the foods already be thawed, do not freeze them again, instead, consume them within 24 hours.
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• Always comply with the information given on the packaging about storage.
Making ice cubes
Fill the ice cube mould to two thirds with water. Place the ice cube mould level on the bottom of one of the freezer compartments 8.
Operating noises
You may possibly hear a faint gurgle when the ap­pliance pumps the coolant in the cooling system through the coils and pipes on the back of the ap­pliance.
When the compressor is working, you can hear a slight rustling or pulsation. The temperature controller controls the compressor and you may hear a slight click when it is switched on or off. All of this is completely normal and does not indicate a malfunction of the appliance!
Saving energy
• The cooler the ambient air, the less energy the appliance has to consume to deliver the desired cooling capacity. Accordingly, never locate the unit next to sources of heat such as radiators, stoves or dishwashers. Provide for sufficient venti­lation.
• Do not leave the door open for longer than ne­cessary. If you do, warm air will flow into the in­terior, which will lead to increased ice formation and cause an increase in energy consumption.
• Take care to ensure that no objects, or incom­pletely closed drawers, in the freezer compart­ments 8 or the storage compartments 7 impe­de the proper closing of the door.
Power failure
• If the power supply should suddenly fail, immedi­ately disconnect the power cable from the mains power socket. After 5 minutes you can re-connect it, regardless of whether the power supply is working again or not.
• Should a power cut be planned, and therefore have a lead time, we recommend turning the temperature regulator 5 to the position "max" 2 - 3 hours beforehand and to switch the "Super­Freeze" function on.
• During the power cut avoid any unnecessary opening of the appliance door and place no foods in for storage.
• If the power cut lasts for a long time, when the power is switched back on check to see if melt water has collected on the bottoms of the freezer compartments 8 or on the bottoms of the storage compartments 7. In this case, you must wipe the water up with a soft, dry cloth so that the foods do not freeze to these surfaces.
• Check the condition of the foods. Should they be slighly or even fully thawed, they should be removed from the appliance and consumed promptly.
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