TAC I/A Series
MN 800 Series Controllers
Specifications continued from first page.
FCC Part 15, Class A
UL 916, File #E71385 Category PAZX
UL Listed to Canadian Safety Standards
(CAN/CSA 22.2)
Meets requirements to bear the C-Tick Mark
European Community- EMC Directive
EN55022 (Emissions, Class A)
EN50081-1 (EMC, Immunity)
EN50082-1 (AC Mains Power Line Voltage)
Pulse Count
IN1 Only
Minimum pulse count rate of 1 per 4 min.
Maximum pluse count rate of 10 per sec (50 msec
minimum On or Off time per pulse).
Minimum pulse count rate of 1 per 4 min.
Maximum pluse count rate of 1 per sec (0.5 sec
minimum On or Off time per pulse).
Analog Outputs
Quantity 4
Type 0-20 mA range programmable source into 80 to
550 ohm load, momentary short circuit protection.
Digital to Analog Conversion Resolution 8 bit.
Digital Outputs
Quantity 8
Contact Ratings 30 VA at 24 Vac, pilot duty. 120 VA
at 120 Vac, pilot duty.
Contact Type Form C (SPDT) isolated.
Status Indication Light emitting diode.
Voltage Reference 5.1 Vdc, 20 mA maximum.
Analog to Digital Conversion Resolution
12 bit.
Universal Inputs
Quantity 8
1K ohm Balco Input -40 to 250 °F (-40 to 121°C)
range. TSMN-81011, TS-8000 Series or equivalent.
1K ohm Platinum Input -40 to 240 °F (-40 to
116 °C) range. TSMN-58011, TS-5800 Series or
1K ohm Copper Input -31 to 240 °F (-35 to 116 °C)
range. TS-5600 Series or equivalent.
10K ohm Thermistor w/ 11K ohm Shunt Resistor
-40 to 250 °F (-40 to 121 °C) range. TSMN-57011850, TS-5700-850 Series or equivalent.
1k Resistance 0 to 1.5k ohms.
10k Resistance 0 to 10.5k ohms.
Potentiometers 1K to 15K ohm resistance, using
5.1 V reference.
Voltage 0 to 5 Vdc.
Current 0 to 20 mA requires an external 250 ohm
shunt resistor.
Digital Input Dry Contact. Detection of closed
switch requires less than 300 ohms. Detection of
open switch requires more than 1.5K ohms.
Lo n Wo r k s Networks
o n Wo r k s communications network uses a
TP/FT-10 Free Topology configuration. Controllers
on a L
o n Wo r k s network can communicate with each
other in a peer-to-peer fashion. A L
has a communications speed of 78 kbps, using
unshielded, twisted-pair cabling, with connections
that are not polarity sensitive.
The Sensor Link (S-Link) communications wiring
provides power and a communication interface for an
MN-Sx MicroNet sensor. The various MN-Sx sensors
can provide room temperature, room humidity,
setpoint adjustment, and occupancy override. This
connection uses two-wire, unshielded cable and is
not polarity sensitive. Maximum wire length allowed
between a controller and a MicroNet Sensor is 200 ft
(61 m).
o n Wo r k s network
Schneider Electric
F-26627-5 Novemb er 2009 pm
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