Q-See QSD2216 User Manual

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The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of insulated dangerous Voltage within the product’s enclosure that may be sufficient magnitude to constitute risk of electrical shock to persons.
The exclam ation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operation and maintenance (servici ng) instructi ons in the li terature accom panying the appliance.
and Service
Attention: installation should be performed by qualified service Personnel o nly in accordance with the National Elect rical Code or applicable local codes.
Power Disconnect. Units with or without ON-OFF switches have power supp lied to the unit w henever the pow er cord is i nserted i nto the power source; however, the unit is operational only when the ON-OFF switch is the ON position. The power cord is the main power disconnect for all unites.
CAUTION: Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instruction.
During the warranty period (one year for Hard Disk), we will repair or replace the hard disk free of charge. Be sure to have th e m odel num ber, s erial num ber and v endor st ick on hard disk for service representative.
About this document
Before install ing stand alone DVR, be sure to thorou ghly review and foll ow the instructions in this Users Manual. Pay particular attention to the parts that are marked NOTICE. Also, when connecting with external application, first turn the power OFF and follow manual instruction for appropriate installation.
Before reading this document
1. This document is intended for both the administrator and users of this stand alone DVR Model.
2.This manual contains information for configuring, managing and using this stand alone DVR Model.
3. To prevent fire or electrical shock, do not expose the product to heat or moisture.
4. Be sure to read this manual before using this stand alone DVR Model.
5. For questions and technical assistance of this product, contact Q-see.
Strong recom mendation on installation of the DVR unit
1. Verify that the electricity at the place you want to install the DVR unit is stable and meets our electrical requirements.
Unstable electricity can cause malfunction of the unit or cause critical damage to the unit. Notice: We also STRONGY recommend that you plug the DVR and cameras into a
Transient Voltage Surge Protector (UL-1449 rating). Look for a clamping voltage of
330 or lower, Joule rating of at least 400, and a response time of 10 nanoseconds or less.
2. Several chips on the main board of the DVR unit and hard drive inside the unit generate heat and it must be properly discharged.
Do not put any objec ts near the exhaust port (fan) on the left side of the unit and do not
block the opening (fresh air in-take) on the right side of the unit..
3. Put the DVR unit in a well-ventilated place and do not put heat-generating objects on the unit. When it is installed inside 19 inch mounting racks together with other devices check that the built-in ventilation fan of the rack is properly running.
1. FEATURES AND FUNCTION…………………………………………………………………….…..5
2. UNIT DESCRIPTION OF FRONT PANEL.…………………………………………………..……….6
3. REAR PANEL AND SYSTEM CONNECTION…..……………………………………………………8
4. REMOTE CONTROL…………………………………………………………………………………12
5. SYSTEM SETUP………………….………………………………………………..………………..12
5.1. SETUP MENU.………………..…………………………………………………………………12
5.2. SYSTEM SETUP…………………………………………………………………………………14
5.2.1. TIME/DATE SET……………………………………………………………………………...14
5.2.2. HDD FORMAT SET…………………………………………………………………………15
5.2.3. FACTORY RESET………………………………………………………………………….15
5.2.4 CHANGE PASSWORD………………………………………………………………………16
5.2.5 FIRMWARE UPDATE…………………………………………………………………………17
5.3. DISPLAY SETUP………………………………………………………………………..………18
5.3.1. CAMERA NAME SET…………………………………………………………………..……18
5.3.2. COLOR SET.……………………………………………………………………………..…19
5.3.3. AUTO SEQUENCE SET…………...………………………………………………………20
5.4. RECORD SETUP………………………………………………………………………………….20
5.4.1. AUDIO CH SET………………………………………………………………………………21
5.4.2. REC CH SET.……………………………………………………………………………..…22
5.4.3. RECORD LENGTH SET………………………………………………………………..…22
5.5. NETWORK SETUP.……………………………………………………………………………….22
5.5.1. N/W ENABLE SET……………………………………………………………………………23
5.5.2. MAC SET………………………………………………………………………… …………24
5.6. SENSOR SETUP…………………………………………………………………………………24
5.6.1. MOTION DETECTION SETTINGS…………………………………………………………25
5.6.2. MOTION AREA SET…………………………………………………………………………26
5.7. SCHEDULE SET…………………………………………………………………………………27
5.8. USB BACKUP…………………………………… ………………………………………………27
5.9. STORAGE INFO…………………………………………………………………………………28
5.10. PTZ SET…………………………………………………………………………………………28
6. QUICK USER GUIDELINE……………………………………………………………………………29
7. USING THE NETWORK VIEWER……………………………………………………………………38
8. MAIN STANDARD & PARAMETER CHART……………........…………………………………44
9. TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE……………........……………........………………………………45
10. RECORD TIME TABLE……………...……......……………........…………………………………47
Q-SEE PRODUCT WARRANTY…………………………………………………………………...51
l Video input: 16channels; Video output: 3channels. l Audio input: 4channels; Audio output: 2channels. l 16 alarm input and 1 rela y alarm output. l Compression mode: M-JEPG. l Support network view. l Support USB backup. l Compatible with NTSC and PAL form at. l Support zoom, auto function, watermark security. l Four optional level s of image quality: very high, high, low, very low. Record and play-back
frame rate are changeable.
l Support alarm recording, time recording. l Suppor t v ideo loss and m otion detecti on functions. l Multi-function searches: be ab le to distingui sh diff erent alar m records and time records f rom
ordinary records; be able to search by time, by segment or by event.
l Support var ious p layback m odes: pause, sev eral fast forw ard and backward play modes. l Eq uipped wi th r emote dev ice and PTZ control enables (RS485). l Triplex operation can play back and se arch w hile it is recording. l 480frame (NTSC, PAL is 400) per second for view, 120frame (NTSC, PAL is 100) per
second for recording.
l SATA Hard Disk Interface, support Over 500G Byte.
2.1 Recording/Playing Control Buttons Area
1. REC: It i s manual recordi ng button. Press thi s button to r ecord v ideo to hard disk , Re-p ress
this button, it will stop recording. So, this button is the switch button of manual recording and stoppi ng recording operation, r ecording and s top will w ork simul taneously on 16 c hannels. This button doesn’t work in schedule mode.
2 . PLAY: Pr ess thi s b utton t o s tart p la ying the v ideo st ored in h ard disk, r e- pr ess thi s button, i t will stop playing. So, this button is the switch button of playing video and stopping playing operations. Play and stop will work simultaneously on 16 channels. This button doesn’t work while time recording and alarming recording.
3. REW: f ast backw ard button. Press this button to start f ast backw ard playing ti ll press play
button to start normal playing.
4. FORWARD: f ast forw ard button. Pr ess this button to start fast f orward p laying ti ll press p lay button to start normal playing the fast forward has five speeds; each time you press the button will change the speed from slow to fast and then back to slow.
5. MODE: mode change key, press this key to change to shift mode, re-press to change to
normal mode.
2.2 Function Control Area
1. Auto/1: Auto key, in shift mode, press thi s button, The DVR w i l l b e in auto dwel l state, i t dwells
according to the time set in auto seque nce set menu, and you can set the dwell time of each channel. Press this button to quit this mode. If not in shift mode, p ress this button to see big picture of channel 1. While inputting numbers, this button is used as number key of “1”.
2. Zoom/2: Zoom key, in shift mode, press this button, the DVR will be in zoom mode, please refer to zoom operation in user guideline for details, press zoom button again to cancel zoom operation. If not in shift mode, press this button to see big picture of channel 2. While inputting numbers, this button is used as number key of “2”.
3. USB/3: USB key, in shift mode, press this button, the DVR will start USB backup, please refer to USB backup operation in user guideline for details, press USB button again to cancel USB backup. If not in shift mode, press this button to see big picture of channel 3, while inputting numbers, this button is used as number key of “3”.
4. Display/4: Di splay key, i n shift mode, press this button to disp lay current inf ormation on the screen, p ress ag ain this t o cle ar the inform ation di sp lay. If not in shift m ode, p ress thi s butto n to see big picture of channel 4. While inputting numbers, this button is used as number key of “4”
5. Freeze/5: Freeze k e y, in shift m ode, p ress thi s b utton, the D VR w ill b e i n fr eeze m ode, p lease refer to freeze oper ation in user guideline f or details, re-press this button to quit f reeze mode, I f not in shift mode, p ress this button to see b ig p icture of channel 5. While i nputti ng numb ers, this button is used as number key of “5”.
6.WM/10+: Watermark button, In shift mode, if the DVR is playing video, you can press this button to see the watermark of the picture, if the video was recorded by this DVR and has not be changed, ther e w ill be a w atermar k symbol in each pi cture, pr ess waterm ark key ag ain to cl ear the display. If not in shift mode, p ress this button and then press 1 to 6 to see big picture of channel 11 to channel 16.
7. Schedu le/ 6: Schedul e k ey, in shift m ode, p ress this b utton t o e nter sche dule s tate, i f the DVR is in schedule state, there will be an “S” symbol on screen, press again this button to quit schedule mode. If not in shift mode, press this button to see big picture of channel 6. While inputting numbers, this button is used as number key of”6”
8. ADD/7: Add key, press this button to see big picture of channel 7. When in system setup menu, this is an increase button. While inputting numbers, this button is used as number key of “7”.
9. DEC/8: D ecr ease ke y, press this b utton t o se e bi g pictur e of channel 8. W hen i n system set up menu, this is a decrease button. While inputting numbers, this button is used as number key of”8”.
10. SR/9: Single frame rewind button, in shift mode, while in playback state, long press this button can see sing le frame r ewind, press play button to p lay normall y. If not in shi ft mode, p ress this button to se e bi g pictur e of channel 8.w hile inputti ng numb ers, thi s button is used as numb er key of”9”.
11. SF/0: Single frame forward button, in shift mode, while in playback state, long press this button can see singl e frame forward, press play button to p l ay normal l y. If not in shi ft mode, pr ess this button to see big picture of channel 10.while inputting numbers, this button is used as number key of”0” .
12. Search/Menu: press this button to enter search menu, please refer search play in user guideli ne for details. Long press thi s key to enter m enu (need passwor d), in menu setup , press this key to quit current menu.
2.3 Channel Choosing Control Area
1. Nine pictures/left: Press this button to see nine pictures
display, re-press this button to see eight pictures. While select menu items, press this button to move the cursor left ward.
2. Sixteen picture/right: Press this button to see sixteen pictures display, re-press this button to see thirteen pictures. While selecting menu items, press this button to move the cursor rightward.
3. Big picture/up: Press this button to see full screen, re­press this button to see the next channel. While selecting menu items, press this button to move up the cursor.
4. Four pictures/down: Press this button to see four pictures display , re-press this button will display next four pictures. While selecting menu items, press this button to move down the cursor.
5. Enter: W hile sel ecting menu i tems, pr ess this button to select the item. W hile playing video, press this button to pause the play, press play button to continue play.
3.1 Back panel and connection terminals
S Video
Video In 16
The power cable and input, outp ut signal term inals are all at the b ack of the machi ne, the connection to monitor, camera etc equipments are all carried out through the terminals and sockets on the back panel the back view of the machine is illustrated as below. Each part of the back panel is illustrated as below:
1. Video input CH1-CH16 2.main output 3.assistant monitor 4.S-VIDEO 5.audio input 6.audio output 7.net interface 8.USB port 9.power 10.debug port 11.Alarm and RS485 ,port define:
(1-12: sensor1-sensor12; 13, 20, 24, 25: GND, 14-17: sensor 13-sensor16, 18: RS485A 19:
RS485B, 21: COM 22: NC 23: NO)
3.2 Video and Audio Connection
The DVR can support up to 16 cameras video input at the same time.
3 4
The DVR can connect 4 channel’s audio input, but you can only select one for recording. To display the D VR picture, the DVR video output signal should be transferred to your TV set or monitor. Any TV set that has a “video input” terminal is suitable for displaying the image. The figure above shows the video and audio signal line connecti on.
Notice: you can only connect one audio input at any one time, which means, if you connect an audio input to CH1, you cannot connect any to CH2 through CH4.
3.3 Alarm Connection
The DVR can support up to 16-alarm input and 1 alarm output. Alarm input: there are two types of alarm input.
1. Voltage output (5V and 0V)
A: In case sensor output high voltage (5V) normally and output low voltage when trigg ered (0V), then users must set DVR as low voltage alarm. B: In case sensor output low voltage (0V) normally and output high voltage when trigg ered (5V), then users must set DVR as high voltage alarm.
Please refer to the picture below, channel 2 to channel 16 are the same as channel 1.
2. Open/Close output
A: N.O. Normal open, close when triggered. DVR must set as low voltage alarm. B: N.C. Normal close, open when triggered. DVR must set as high voltage alarm. Please refer to the picture below, channel 2 to channel 16 are the same as channel 1.
Alarm output:
There are three alarm output pin, the status of these pin are illustrated as below
Before Alarm After Alarm
There is an example for alarm output connection
3.4 Hard Disk Connection
There are processing to install the hard disk.
Note: If the DVR comes with a HDD pre-installed then skip the following steps.
1. Pull out the hard drive rack from DVR side panel.
3. Open the top cover of the drawer.
2. Connect the DATA cable & power cord.
4. Close the top cover of the drawer and put the hard drive drawer back into the DVR
5. Lock the hard drive draw by turning the key cl ockwise.
If you have another HDD, please jump that HDD to SLAVE, and open then machine, put the HDD to the HDD rack, and then connect the power cord and DATA cable.
0 – 9, 10+: Select the channel (Full screen) 2x2: 2x2 Screen Modes 3x3: 3x3 Screen Modes 4x4: 4x4 Screen Modes USB: USB Storage Backup AUTO: Auto Sequence Mode ZOOM: 2X Zoom FREEZE: Freeze DISPLAY: Hard Disk Information MENU/EXIT: System Setup SEARCH: Time Searc h, Event Search a nd Start Stop Searc h ENTER: Enter Nex t Menu REC: Record WM: Watermark set PTZ: Control Speed dome
Before usi ng the video recorder, the first s tep i s t o set up the system acc or di ng to user’s needs;
otherwise the machine will run with the default settings.
When in s etup mode, press upward button or downward button, the cursor will move among the settable items, continuous pressing will make the cursor move among the options one by one, and it can recur. The selected one will display in yellow color.
While choosing digital fields, e.g. year, month, day, hour, minute, second etc, press leftward button or rightward button, the cursor can move leftward or rightward among
The sever al digits of one fiel d, continuous p ressing w ill make i t move am ong digits one b y one, and it can recur.
Please press leftward or rightward button to change the value that the cursor on,
Press “ENTER” button to enter sub menu and press menu button to return to previous menu.
Long press the m enu/s earch b utton o n th e ke yboar d or p ress the rem ote c ontrol ler to enter the Setup Main Menu. You can show passw ord input box acc ording setting of password set. If you fault password input 3-times, then you can’t enter the setup menu. Default password is “0000”,
If you enter the correct password, the main menu will display ad below.
Press “ENTER” button to enter sub menu
PLAY REPEAT: Set the Playback Repeat VIDEO SYSTEM: Set the NTSC/PAL BUZZER SOUND: Set the Buzzer On/Off
5.2.1 TIME/DATA SET Set the date and time.
DATE: Set the date TIME: Set the time FORMAT: Set the tim e display form at (USA, EURO and Asia Users) DISPLAY: Set the time display on/off LOCAL: Set the time displ ay position
Format the hard disk.
Select “YES”, to form at the hard disk. And all video on the HDD will los s.
Initialize all the setup; the DVR will reset to factory default settings.
5.2.4 Change Password
When the c ursor moves to CHANGE PASSW ORD, please press the enter button, and the
Change Password window will appear.
Password Level: password type of the DVR, the DVR has various types of password: SETUP: If set to “YES”, you have to input password to enter menu. SYSTEM: If set to “YES”, you have to input password to boot the DVR. ALWAYS: If set to “YES”, you have to input password to all operation. If you select the Passwor d Change and press the Enter button, t he Passwor d change
window will display as below:
Please enter the current password, then input new password and confirm the password.
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