Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany
Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail:
System description
Diagnostics1.12006-02BasicsSystem descriptionDiagnostics
The PNOZmulti has many options for
diagnostics and fault detection:
` LEDs on the base unit and expan-
sion modules
` Diagnostic data via serial interface
and fieldbus
` Expanded diagnostic options using
a visualisation system, e.g. PMImi-
cro diag
` Error stack
` Diagnostic word in the PNOZmulti
Please refer to the chapters
` “Diagnostic interface” and
` “Diagnostic word”
in the configuration guide “PNOZmulti
– Special applications”.
LEDs on the base unit and expansion modules
The LEDs signal
` Operating statuses (e.g. “RUN”)
` External and internal errors
The key to the LEDs can be found in
the operating instructions supplied
with the units.
Diagnostic Interface
The serial interface on the PNOZmulti
modular safety system is used to
transfer diagnostic data to a user program.
Diagnostic data
The diagnostic data can be called up
via the serial interface or via a connected fieldbus.
The diagnostic data may only be used
for non-safety purposes, e.g. visualisation.
Diagnostic data on the PNOZmulti
modular safety system comprises:
` Version:
Product number, unit version, serial
` Status of inputs/outputs:
Indicates whether inputs and out-
puts are active or inactive (open/
` LED status:
Indicates the status of the LEDs on
the base unit and expansion mod-
ules (on/off/flashes), plus the operating mode (start up, RUN, STOP)
` Simplified status scan:
Shows group messages relating to
the safety system: Signal changes,
LED status, operating statuses
` Virtual inputs and outputs:
Virtual inputs can be set. The status
of the virtual inputs and outputs can
be scanned.
` Diagnostic word:
The diagnostic word contains the
status of elements from the user
program within the PNOZmulti.
` Test data:
To check commmunication.
` Data in table form:
This is structured data (arranged in
tables and segments) from the
PNOZmulti, as it could also be read
via a fieldbus module:
– Configuration
– Status of the inputs and outputs
–LED status
– Diagnostic word
–Element types
Expanded diagnostic options using
a diagnostic terminal, e.g. PMImicro
An expanded diagnsotic configuration
can be created in the PNOZmulti Configurator. The diagnostic configuration
enables appropriate event messages
to be displayed in the case of:
` Errors in or on the PNOZmulti:
Contains the event messages that
are triggered when there are errors
in or on the PNOZmulti (error stack)
` Changes in the operating status of
the PNOZmulti
` which are triggered when safety de-
vices, inputs, outputs and connec-
tion points have a defined status
PNOZmulti event messages can also
be supplemented through additional
information, which is helpful during diagnostics.
With expanded diagnostics, a display
unit (e.g. PMImicro diag) is connected
to a PNOZmulti. If an event occurs in
or on the PNOZmulti, an event telegram is sent to the display unit. The
event telegram is evaluated in the display unit. In most cases, the event
message that corresponds to the
event is displayed and is entered in the
event list. The event message contains
a description of the event. A remedy
can be displayed for each event message. The remedy describes how to
react to the event, in other words,
what “actions” to take.
The diagnostic configuration is
project-related, i.e. a separate diagnostic configuration is created for
each PNOZmulti project (see Create a
diagnostic configuration).
Then the diagnostic configuration is
downloaded to the PNOZmulti and to
the display unit.
The diagnostic configuration is described in detail in the PNOZmulti
Configurator's online help.
Error stack
The error stack on the PNOZmulti contains important information for diagnostics and troubleshooting. The error
stack can be read out by the PNOZmulti Configurator. It contains messages and help texts such as
` Hardware errors
` Wiring errors
` Configuration errors
` Errors in the operation of the inter-
face or fieldbus
` Errors in the project's user program
` Messages relating to differences
between the programs stored on
the PNOZmulti and chip card
Diagnostic word
A diagnostic word can be called up for
those elements of the PNOZmulti Configurator interface that have the ability
to store a status:
` Online in the PNOZmulti Configura-
` Via the base unit's serial interface
` Via a connected fieldbus
The diagnostic word contains information about a certain element, e.g.:
` Operating statuses (e.g. switch op-
` Error messages (e.g. monitoring
time elapsed)
An individual bit from a diagnostic
word can be evaluated in the user program of the PNOZmulti Configurator.