Liebherr Piling Rigs with
Fixed and Swinging Leader

Experience the progress –
Liebherr Piling Rigs of the LRH Series
Liebherr-Werk Nenzing GmbH offers a wide range of carrier machines
equipped with fi xed and swinging leaders for special pile driving applications
requiring large radii and large inclinations to install heavy piles.
Flexibility and
Effi ciency
Depending on the requirements basic machines
of the crawler crane series, either duty cycle (HS) or lift
version (LR), or of the drilling rig series (LB) are used.
Combined with solid leaders this high-performance
construction machinery convinces with its high level of
effi ciency and fl exibility.
Liebherr Piling Rig
LRH 100
The LRH 100 is designed as piling rig and is
based on the proven LB 20 carrier machine of the Liebherr
drilling rig series (LB series).
Powerful Equipment
Due to the high engine power of the Liebherr
carrier machines with up to 670 kW, hydraulic
hammers and vibrators can be driven by
the on-board hydraulics. No additional power pack
is required which signifi cantly reduces the costs for
operation and maintenance.

Litronic® Control System
The core of the Liebherr LRH series is the
Litronic control system. Developed and
manufactured by Liebherr, this comprehensive
system encompasses all control and monitoring
functions and is designed for extreme environmental
conditions in tough assignments.
Electronic Evaluation
A modem for remote diagnosis as well as a
process data recording system for recording
the work carried out and a process data report
software for evaluating the recorded data are available
as cartridge.
Reliable Service
Thanks to low maintenance requirements, the
possibility of remote diagnosis, quick assistance
on site and an effi cient spare parts supply,
Liebherr guarantees the permanent availability of its
products. For qualifi ed service of the machines as well
as comprehensive training of operating and maintenance
personnel, state-of-the-art repair and training centres are
available at the works in Nenzing and at other locations.

Flexibility and Effi ciency
The Liebherr piling rig series with fi xed and swinging leader includes
4 types featuring lifting capacities between 15 t and 80 t.
When applied with fi xed leader the LRH units achieve radii of up to 10 m and
inclinations of up to 1:3, depending on the type of equipment. When working
with swinging leader LRS inclinations of up to 1.3:1 are possible.
LRH technical data
LRH 100 LRH 200 LRH 400 LRH 600
Max. length of fi xed leader 19 m 33 m 42 m 50 m
Max. length of swinging leader – 40 m 48 m 60 m
Max. lift capacity 15 t 20 t 35 t 80 t
Max. pull and push force 20 t 40 t 60 t 100 t
Carrier machine LB 20 HS 855 HD
LR 1100
HS 885 HD
LR 1130
HS 895 HD
LR 1280