Hp Netserver Server Management Reference Guide

HP Netserver
Server Management
Reference Guide
HP Part Number 5971-0813
Printed November 2000
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Hewlett-Packard Company Network Server Division Technical Communications/MS 45SLE 10955 Tantau Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-0770, USA
© Copyright 2000, Hewlett-Packard Company.
1 HP Netserver Management Tools: What's Available? ................................. 1
Hardware Monitoring and Troubleshooting ....................................................... 1
Hardware Management Feature List............................................................. 2
Remote Server Management ............................................................................ 3
Remote Management Feature List................................................................ 4
Software Management ...................................................................................... 5
Integration to Enterprise Management Platforms .............................................. 6
2 Server Management Tools Installation.......................................................... 7
Small Business Environment............................................................................. 7
Mid to Large Business Environment.................................................................. 8
1 HP Netserver Management Tools:
What's Available?
HP Netserver server management strategy allows administrators to pick and choose the tools to manage their hardware, software and networks. Administrators may choose HP TopTools to manage hardware level issues, while using ManageX Event Manager to track operating systems issues. Finally, as needs change, network administrators may also leverage high level enterprise system management platforms such as OpenView NNM, Computer Associates Unicenter® TNG™, Tivoli® Enterprise Management and NetView™.
In this guide, you will find a brief description of the tools available to manage HP Netservers, an overview on how these tools are installed, and where the software and documentation are located.

Hardware Monitoring and Troubleshooting

The HP TopTools suite of software is included on CD-ROM with every L and E Series Netserver and should be installed to help you and your support provider monitor and troubleshoot your system. If you want the latest available version of HP TopTools, you may also download software and documentation from the TopTools website at http://www.hp.com/toptools.
HP TopTools Device Manager is web-based management software designed to use a web server (a PC or server designated as the management server) to manage your networked devices (HP servers, desktops, notebooks, hubs and switches and printers) from a single, easy-to-use interface. Information about your managed devices are served up on web pages that may be viewed from any PC client via a browser. HP provides automated discovery as well as consolidated alerts for all systems being managed. The Server component of HP TopTools Device Manager in conjunction with Netserver Agents provides remote administration and monitoring of critical server components for quick troubleshooting and proactive management.
HP Netserver Agents software utilizes SNMP and DMI to monitor and pass on real-time information about server processors, memory, storage, network interface cards and other components in the system to a management console. Netserver Agents are required on each server being managed by TopTools Device Manager and/or TopTools Auto Alert. Netserver Agents are available for Netservers running Microsoft Windows NT, 2000, Novell NetWare, and SCO UNIX.
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