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All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied,
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of Hewlett-Packard Company.
Novell NetWare
is a registered trademark of the Int ernational Busin ess Mach ines
, SCO OpenServer®, and UnixWare® are regi stered trademarks of Th e S an ta
Cruz Operation, Inc.
in the U.S. and other countries.
is a registered tra d emark of Novell , Inc.
and Win d ows NT® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation
Hewlett-Packard Company
Network Server Divisi on
Technical Communications/MS 45SLE
10955 Tantau Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014 USA
This HP NetRA I D Series User Guide is for the person who installs, administers,
and troubleshoots LAN servers. Hewlett-Packard Compan y assumes you are
quali fied in the s er vi cing of comput er equipment and trained in recogn izing
hazards in products with hazardous energy levels.
The HP NetRAID-1Si and HP NetRAID-3Si adapters and the integrated
HP NetRAID controllers built into certain HP NetServers let you link multiple
hard disk drives together to write data across them as if they were one large drive
You configure your linked drives in a RAID (redundant array of independent
disks) subsystem.
Initial installation and configuration of HP NetRAID Series adapters is described
in the HP NetRAID Series Installation and Configuration Guide. Initial
configuration of the integrated HP NetRAID controller is described in the HPNetServer Integrated NetRAID Controller Configuration Guide.
This HP NetRAID Series User Guide contains information on the HP NetRAID
utilities that let you manage and make changes to an existing RAID system. This
guide covers the following topics:
• Overview of HP NetRAID Utilities
• HP NetRAID Assistant (for Windows NT and Windows 2000)
• HP NetRAID Config (for Novell NetWare, IBM OS/2, and SCO
OpenS erver and UnixWare)
• HP NetRAID Express Tools (use with all supported network operating
• Reconstructing and Rebuilding Drives
• Capacity Expansion
• Monitor Alert List
• Alarm Control and Au dible Warnings
• Glossary
1Overview of HP NetRA ID Utilities
Three HP NetRAID utilities can configure and manage HP NetRAID Series
subsystems. Integrated HP NetRAID controllers and HP NetRAID Series adapters
(HP NetRAID-1Si and HP NetRAID-3Si) use the same utilities. However, all
utilities are not available to all network operating systems.
• HP NetRAID Assistant is used only with Microsoft Windows NT and
Windows 2000. (This utility is similar to the one that you ran from the
HP NetServer Navigator CD-ROM to initially configure your
HP NetRAID subsystem. )
• HP NetRAID Config is a text-based RAID configuration utility that runs
under Novell NetWare, IBM OS/2, SCO OpenServer, and SCO UnixWare.
• HP NetRAID Express Tools is a text-based RAID configuration utility
available to all operating systems. HP NetRAID Express Tools has some
advanced features not available in the other utilities.
Table 1-1. HP NetRAID Management Utilities and Network Operating Systems
Network O perating
Microsoft Windows 2000XX
Microsoft Windows N TXX
Novell NetWareXX
SCO OpenServerXX
SCO UnixWareXX
Express Tools
NOTEConsult the Hewlett-Packard World Wide Web site
( or your local HP deal e r for
compatibility of your adapter with the most current versions of
the net wor k operating systems listed in th e preceding ta ble.
Chapter 1Overview of HP NetR AI D Utilitie s
HP NetRAID Assistant
HP NetRAID Assistant is an object-or iented GUI management utility. It runs
under Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 2000, and it allows you to
reconfigure and manage your HP NetRAID subsystem and to monitor its status.
For complete instructions on using this utility, see Chapter 2, "HP NetRAID
Assistant," in this guide.
NOTEUsers of al l operating systems run HP NetRAID Assistant from
the HP NetServer Navigator CD-ROM to configure their
systems during initial installation.
Chapter 1Overview of HP NetR AI D Utilitie s
HP NetRA ID A ssistant M enus
Main Menu
Physical Drive
Logical Drive
Configuration Menu
Clear Configuration
Adapter Menu
Update Firmware
Flush Cach e
Performan c e M onit or On/Off
Rebuild Ra te
View Log
Alarm Control
Alarm Control Menu
Disable/Enable Alarm
Silence Alarm
Physical Drive Menu
Update Drive Firmware
Change Status
Logical Drive Menu
Chec k C onsiste ncy
Change Co nf ig
Progress Menu
Rebuild Progress
Diagnostic s Progress
Initialize Progress
Chec k C onsiste ncy
Reconstru c tion Progress
Performan c e M onit or
Help Menu
Change Stat us Menu
Make Online
Make Offline
Spin Up
Spin Down
Make Hot Spare
(Alarm Control menu is not available for integrated HP NetRAID.)
Chapter 1Overview of HP NetR AI D Utilitie s
HP NetRAID Config
HP NetRAID Config is a character-based, non-GUI utility that runs under all
supported operating systems other than Microsoft Windows NT and
Windows 2000. HP NetRAID Config allows you to reconfigure and manage your
HP NetRAID subsystem and to monitor its status.
HP NetRAID Config performs most of the same functions as HP NetRAID
Assistant a s well as some addit ional ones, but it runs under Novell NetWar e,
IBM OS/2, SCO OpenServer, and SCO UnixWare.
The command you use to start the HP NetRAID Config utility depends on which
NOS you are using.
• For Novell Netware, type
• For IBM OS/2, type
• For SCO OpenServer, type
• For SCO UnixWare, type
For instructions on using this utility, see Chapter 3, "HP NetRAID Config," in this
load megamgr
Chapter 1Overview of HP NetR AI D Utilitie s
HP NetRAID Config Menus
Management Menu
Check Consistency
Advanced Menu
Select Adapter
Configure Menu
Automa tic Configur a tion
Easy Configuration
New Configuration
View/Add/Delete Configuration
Clear Configuration
(Alarm Control menu is not available for integrated HP NetRAID. Battery
Backup menu is not available for HP NetRAID-1Si or for integrated
HP NetRAID if Battery Backup Module is not present.)
Chapter 1Overview of HP NetR AI D Utilitie s
HP NetRAID Express Tools
HP NetRAID Express Tools is available to all network operating systems because
this utility is contained in the firmware. HP NetRAID Express Tools contains
some adv anc ed management and diagnostic utilities that are not available with
HP NetRAID Assistant or HP NetRAID Config.
NOTETo access HP NetRAID Express Tools you must restar t the
HP N e tServer.
To start HP NetRAID Express Tools:
1. Log off all users, close all applications, and power down the HP NetServer.
2. Restart the HP NetServer.
3. When th e following pr om p t appears, press <Ctrl> <M>.
Option: Experienced users may press <Ctrl> <M> for
HP NetRAID Express Tools now.
Firmware Initializing
For complete information on this utility, see Chapter 4, "HP NetRAID Express
Tools," in this guide.
Chapter 1Overview of HP NetR AI D Utilitie s
HP NetRA ID E xpress Tools Menu s
T ools Manage me nt Menu
Check Consistency
Disable BIOS
Change Ad apters
Alarm Control
Configure Menu
Easy Configuration
New Configuration
View/Add/Delete Configuration
Clear Configuration
Reset to Default Settings
Power Fail Safeguard
Memory Type
Read Modify Write Mode
Change Disk Geometry
Disk Spin-up Timings
Cache Flush T imings
View/Update Rebuild Rate
Adapter Type
Auto Rebuild
Initiator ID
Logical Drive Menu
Check Consistency
Physical Drive Menu
Make Online
Fail Drive
Make Hot Spare
Synchronous Negotiation
SCSI-2 Command Tagging
SCSI Channel Menu
Terminate High 8 Bits
Terminate Wide Channel
Disable T ermination
Automatic Termination
SCSI Transfer Rate
Figure 1-3. HP NetRAID Express Tools Menus
(Alarm Control menu is not available for integrated HP NetRAID. Battery
Backup menu is not available for HP NetRAID-1Si or for integrated
HP NetRAID if Battery Backup Module is not present.)
Chapter 1Overview of HP NetR AI D Utilitie s
HP NetRAID Utility C ompa ris on C ha rt
The three HP NetRAID utiliti es (HP NetRAID Assistant, HP NetRAID Config,
and HP NetRAID Express Tools) perform many of the same fun cti on s, but they
are not identical.
Parameters with default values and functions that are not shared by each of these
utilities are listed in the Table 1-2. (Most functions common to all three utilities
are not listed.)
Table 1-2. Comparison of Available Functions of HP NetRAID Utilities
Ada pter Typ eXX
Add CapacityXX
Alarm Control
HP NetRAID-1Si &
Integrated HP NetRAID
Battery Backup (HP NetRAID-3Si &
with Battery Backup Module in
HP NetServer LH 3000/3000r,
LH 6000/6000r & LT6000r)
Cache Flush Timings4 seconds*X
Cache PolicyCached*XXX
Change Disk Geome try8 GB*XXX
Channel Activate/DeactivateActivated*X
Disable BIOSNO*X
Disk Spin-Up TimingsAutomatic*XX
Emulation (Sets PCI Class Code to
O or M ass Storage m ode)
Initiator ID7*X
Not Available
Chapter 1Overview of HP NetR AI D Utilitie s
Memory Type
HP NetRAID-3Si & integrated
Not Available
Power Fail SafeguardEnabled*XX
Print ConfigX
Read Modify Write ModeOFF*X
Read PolicyAdaptive*XXX
Rebuild Rate50%*XXX
Reset to Default SettingsX
Save/Load Config from FileX
SCSI-2 Command Tagging
SCSI Termination
HP NetRAID-3Si & HP NetS er ver
NOTEWrite-Back means that data is written to disk only when it is
forced out of the ca ch e. Write-Back is efficient because an
entry may be written many times in the cache without a disk
access. While thi s setting in cr eases performance, da ta can be
lost if power fails.
Write- Back is NOT recom mended un less one of the fol lowing
is true:
• The HP NetRAID adapter is an HP NetRAID-3Si, which
has a Battery Backup Unit.
• Your system is equipped with a UPS (uninterruptible
power supply).
• Your system is an HP NetServer LH 3000/3000r,
LH 6000/6000r, or LT 6000r that is equipped with a
charged accessory Battery Backup Module.
Write-Back is not certified for any logical drive used as a
Novell NetWare volume.
Chapter 1Overview of HP NetR AI D Utilitie s
HP NetRAID Drivers and Utilities
Table 1-3 lists the filenames of drivers and utilities specific to your network
operating system (NOS). For information on installing drivers and configuration
utilities for HP NetRAID, see the HP NetRAID Installation and ConfigurationGuide or the HP NetServer Integrated NetR AID Controller Configuration Guide.
Table 1-3. HP NetRAID Drivers and Utility Files for Network Operating Systems
Network Operating
Microsoft Windows 2000mraid35x.sysmegaserv.exe
Micr oso ft Windows NTmraidnt.sysmegas erv.exe
Novell NetWare 4.2 and 5
(Conventional, non-I
Novell NetWare 4.2 and 5
O support)
IBM OS/2mraid.addmonitor.cmdmegaconf.exe
SCO OpenServeramirdamirdmonmegamgr
SCO UnixWaremegaamirdmonmegamgr
2HP NetRAID Assistant
HP NetRAID Assistant is an object-or iented, graphical user int erface (GUI)
management utility that runs under Microsoft Windows NT or Windows 2000.
HP NetRAID Assistant allows you to control an d monitor the status of hard disk
drives on t he local HP NetSer ve r or over a network with s eve ral servers.
This section provides the following information:
A. HP NetRAID Assistant Main Window
B. HP NetRAID Assistant Menu Options
C. Using the Wizard to Configure Arrays and Logical Drives
D. Managing RAID with HP NetRAID Assistant
E. Managing Servers Over th e Network
F. Windows NT Monitor Service for HP NetRAID (also for Windows 2000)
A HP NetRA ID Assistant Main Window
Start HP NetRAID Assistan t.
• To start HP NetRAID Assistan t un d er Windows 95 or 98, click the
NetRAID Assistant icon in the NetRAID pr ogram gr oup (or group you
• To start HP NetRAID Assistant under Windows NT or Windows 2000,
click the Start button, p oint to Programs, point t o NetRAID in the
Programs menu, and click NetRAID Assistant.
Figure 2-1 shows an example of th e main window of HP NetRAID Assistan t.
NOTESince HP NetRAID-1Si is a single-channel adapter, the
HP NetRAID Assistant Main win d ow for HP NetRAID-1Si
contains only Channel 0 information. In HP NetServer LH 3/3r
and LH 4/4r, the integrated HP NetRAID controller can show
either one or two channels depending upon h ow many channel s
you enabled for HP NetRAID. Integrated HP NetRAID
controllers in other HP NetServers show two channels.
Chapter 2HP NetRA I D Assi stant
Adapter Selector
Figure 2-1. HP NetRAID Assistant Main Window
The HP NetRAID Assistant win dow contains the following elements:
• Menu bar: The menu bar activates pull-down menus for Configuration,
Adapter, Physical Drives, Logical Drives, Progress, and Help.
• Toolbar: The toolbar icons, which are shown in Figure 2-2, are separated
into four categories of functions: Configuration, Properties, Miscellaneous,
and Oth er . They provide shortcut s to a ccess the menu op tions.
Figure 2-2. HP NetRAID Assistant Main Menu Toolbar Options
Physical Drv
Logical Dr v
Rebuil d Ra te
View Log
Chapter 2HP NetRA I D Assi stant
• Server Selector box: The Server Select or box shows the name of the
current server . If HP NetRAID Assistant is started on a client or server
over the network, you must select the server you want to access from the
pull-down list.
• Adapter box: The Adapter box shows the number of the current adapter. If
the HP NetServer con tains mor e than one adapter , you can chan g e the
current adapter by using the Adapter box pull-down list.
• Physical Devices box: The Physical Devices box contains either one
channel column (for an HP NetRAID-1Si adapter), one or two channel
columns (for an integrated HP NetRAID controller), or three channel
columns (for an HP NetRAID-3Si adapter), which show the physical
drives on the SCSI channels of the current adapter. The number in
parentheses to the right of each physical drive icon is its SCSI ID (Target)
on th e chan nel.
NOTEFor internal mass storage in HP NetServer LH 3000/3000r,
LH 6000/6000r, and LT 6000r, SCSI ID 5 is reserved for the
SAF-TE processor that manages the hot-swap mass storage
For an external mass st orag e encl osure with a SAF-TE
processor, a SCSI I D i s reserved for that process or. The
number of the reser ved S C SI ID varies with the type of
external enclosu re.
The SAF-TE processor is displ ayed in the Physical Devices
box with the rectangular green icon that is used for adapters.
The sta te of each physical drive appears to the right of the SCSI ID or arra y
designation. The possible states of a physical drive are as follows:
◊Onln: The physical drive is online, functioning normally, and part of a
conf igu re d logical d riv e.
◊Ready: The physical drive is functioning normally, but is not part of a
configured logical drive, nor configured as a hot spare.
◊HotSp: Th e dr ive is config ured as a hot spare, and is powered up and
ready for use as a spare in case an online drive fails.
◊Failed: The physical drive failed and is out of service.
◊Rebuilding: The drive is in t he proce ss of being rebuilt with data from
a failed drive.
Chapter 2HP NetRA I D Assi stant
• Logical Devices box: The Logical Devices box shows the current adapter
and its global hot spare pool. When arrays, logical drives, and hot spares
have been defined, they are displayed here. Clicking on Logical View or
Physical View switches between showing logical drives and physical
drives. Clicking on the + sign in the yellow diamond expands the view if it
is collapsed (physical or logical drives, or hot spares are hidden).
The possible states of a logical drive are as follows:
◊Online: All participating physical disks are online.
◊Degraded: (Critical) A single physical disk in a redundant array (not
RAID 0) in not online. Data loss may result if a second physical disk
◊Offline: Two or more physical disks in a redundant array (not RAID 0)
or one or more physical disks i n a RAID 0 a rray are not online.
• Status line: The status line at the bottom of the window shows the
pr ogress of the s c a n requ i red to build the di s plays on the HP NetRAI D
Assistant window. It also suggests possible actions.
B HP NetRAID A ssistant Menu
HP NetRAID Assistant offers several menu options to assist you in configuring
and monitoring RAID systems. The menu options are listed below in the order
they appear on the HP NetRAID Assistan t menu bar:
• The Config urat i on menu lets you create, display, print, clear, and save
your configuration of arrays and logical drives.
• The Adapter menu lets you view and change settings specific to each
adapter or integrated HP NetRAID controller.
• The Physical Drive menu lets you rebuild, format, view properties, or
change the status of a physical drive.
• The Logical Drive menu lets you initialize, check consistency, view
properties, and change the status of a logical drive.
• The Progre ss menu lets you view various utility monitors.
• The Help menu provides additional instructions about HP NetRAID
Chapter 2HP NetRA I D Assi stant
Configuration Menu
The following Configuration menu options assist you in configuring your
HP NetRAID system.
• Wizard: Lets you configure the arrays, logical drives, and parameters of
your s ystem . For comp lete inform ation on the Wi zard, see Part C of this
chapter, "Using the Wizard to Configure Arrays and Logical Drives."
• Display: Displays the current configuration properties:
◊Logical drive properties include State, RAID Type, Write Policy, Read
Policy, Cache Policy, Stripe Size, Number of Stripes, Size (in MB)
◊Physical drives properties include Rank, Channel, and Target (SCSI)
• Print: Prints a hardcopy of the current configuration display.
• Save: Saves the current configuration to a binary file. A dialogue box
prompts you to give your configuration a file name with a
Clicking an X in the Read Only box makes the file read only. This option
is not an alternative to saving your configuration by using the Wizard.
NOTEYou should always save your current configuration to a file.
This file is essential if you ever have to replace a failed
• Load: Loads a configuration from a previously saved binary file. A
dialogue box pr ompts you to ch oose your configuration from amon g
files in the directory. Use this option if you are replacing a failed adapter.
This selection does not cause a reconstruction to occur.
• Clear Configuration: Select this option to erase the current configuration
information from the selected adapter’s non-volatile memory. The current
RAID configuration becomes invalid after you select this option. This
option should be used only when configuring a new system.
NOTEIf you have i nadvertently er ased you r configuration, you can
recover it by immediately loading a previously saved
configuration. If you do not have a file copy of the previous
configu ration, you ca n reconfig u re the physica l drives into the
exact same array and logical drive structure in which they had
been, and save the configuration. Do not select the Initialize
menu selection.
Chapter 2HP NetRA I D Assi stant
• Exit: Select this option to quit HP NetRAID Assistant. You cannot exit if
disk operations are ongoing.
NOTENew con fi g u rations are not saved when exiting unless you
saved them by using the Wizard.
Adapter Menu
The options on the HP NetRAID Assistan t Adapter menu are described below.
• Update Firmware : This selection is not available.
• Fl ush Ca c he : Writes all data in cache to physical drives. The
HP NetRAID system allows logical drives to be configured in write-back
mode. If configured in this mode, data is retained in cache and is not
immediately written to the physical drives. If your system is configured for
write-back mode, and if the adapter must be powered down rapidly, you
must flush the contents of the cache memory to preserve data integrity.
• Performance Monitor On /Of f: Displays a graphic representation of the
performance of the logical drive you select. To use this selection, first click
the left mouse button on a drive icon and then select Performance Monitor.
Performance for each logical drive is displayed in two ways: as the data
tran s fer rate and a s the number of I/O operations per second. Y ou can
choose different logical drives, the type of graph (bar or line), and the
window arrangement from the Performance Monitor menus.
• Properties: Displays the adapter properties, including the firmware and
BIOS ve rsions, the rebuild rate, and cache memory size.
• Rebuild Rate: Sets the rebuild rate for rebuilding a failed drive. The
rebuild rate determines the percentage of IOP (input/output processor)
resources devoted to the rebuild. A 100% rebuild rate means that 100% of
the IOP’s resources are applied to the rebuild, leaving no re s ources
available for other tasks until the rebuild is complete. The default rebuild
rate is 50 %.
• Rescan: Reads the current configuration for the currently selected adapter.
It displays the updated configuration on the main window of HP NetRAID
Assistant. Use this selecti on if any physical drives were moved, added,
removed, changed, or whose state changed after HP NetRAID Assistant
was started.
Chapter 2HP NetRA I D Assi stant
• View Lo g: Displays the contents of the View Log File, which records
adapter activities and conditions such as battery backup charge, logical
drive properties, and changes to configurations along with the date and
time changes are made.
• Al a r m Control: Changes the onboard tone generator settings as described
below. (This option is not available with the integrated HP NetRAID
◊Enable/Disable Alarm: Enables or dis ables the onboard t one
generator. The default setting is Enabled.
◊Silence Alarm: Stops the alarm when it goes off. To silence a
sound ing alarm, ch oos e Al a r m Control and Silence Alarm.
For complete information, see Chapter 8, "Alarm Control and Audible
Physical Dr ive M enu
The Physical Drive menu options are described below.
• Rebuild: Rebu ilds one or m ore fai led disk dri ve s . Cli c k Cance l to stop the
rebuild process at any time. The drive returns to its original status before
the rebuild beg an. A config urati on of RAID level 1, 3, 5 , 10, 30 or 50 has
built-in redundancy. If a drive in one of these RAID groups fails, the RAID
subsystem continues to work but no additional redundancy is provided.
Another drive failure will take the logical drive offline. Rebuilding the
failed drive replaces and adds it into the RAID system. The rebuild process
can take place while the RAID system is still running, although
performance may be affected.
• Format: Low-level formats one or more physical drives. You can format a
drive only if it is in the Fail or Ready state and is not part of any
Since most SCSI disk drives are low-level formatted at the factory, this
step is usually not necessary. You must format a disk only if:
◊The disk drive was not low-level formatted at the factory.
◊Ther e is an exces s ive number of media errors detect ed on the disk
NOTEYou do not need to use the Format option if you simply want to
erase existing information on your hard drives, such as a DOS
partition. That information is erased when you choose Initialize
from the Logical Drive menu to initialize the logical drive(s).
Hewlett-Packard drives are factory- formatted .
Chapter 2HP NetRA I D Assi stant
• Update Drv Firmware: This se lection is no t available.
• Change Status: Changes the status of the ph ysical drive:
◊Make Online: Puts the drive online and available to the adapter.
◊Make Offline: Puts the drive offline and unavailable to the adapter.
◊Spin Up: Sets the method and timing for spinning up the hard disk
◊Spin Down: Sets the method and timing for spinning down the hard
disk drives.
◊Make Hot Spare: Makes a hot spare of the drive you selected. To use
this selection, first click on the drive icon, then select Make Hot Spare.
• Properties: Displays the physical drive properties of a selected drive. The
properties include Device Identification, Device Attributes, and Device
Physical Drive Right Mouse Button Menu
To access this menu, select (and highlight) a physical drive in the Physical
Devices box, then click the right mouse button. The following popup menu
options appear :
• Rebuild
• Abort Rebuild
• Format
• Tools
◊Make Online
◊Make Hot Spare
◊Fail Drive
◊Spin Down (used to spin down the motor of a disk drive)
◊Spin Up (used to spin up the motor of a disk drive)
• Firmware Download (not available)
• Remove (not available)
• Properties
Chapter 2HP NetRA I D Assi stant
Logical Dr iv e Men u
The Logical Drive menu options are described below.
• Initialize: Initializes one or more logical drives. To initialize one or more
drives, first select the logical drive(s) to be initialized, then choose
After configuration, a logical drive must be initialized before it can be
used. This option initializes the logical drives by writing zeros to the data
fields and generating corresponding parity fields on drives with RAID
levels 3, 5, 10, 30, or 50.
CAUTIONHP NetRAID Assistant all ows you to initi al ize a drive at any
time. Make sure that the drive being initialized does not hold
active data. All data will be lost when you choose the
Initialize menu selection.
• Che ck Consistency: Ensures that parity or mirroring is correct for the
selected d rives. C lick on the drive to be checked ( LD 0 - LD 7 ) . RAID levels
3, 5, 30, and 50 use an extra drive to store parity data blocks; parity is
checked between these parity da t a blocks an d the selected dr ives. RAID
levels 1 and 10 use duplicate data drives (mirroring); the duplicate data is
Check Consistency should be run if the system shuts down irregularly,
such as after a power failure. I t is also rec ommended that yo u run
consis t ency checks e very two to four weeks to ensu re that bad bl ocks on
the disk drive are mapped out. Check Consistency always remedies
inconsistencies. Check Consistency will fail only if the firmware could not
complete parity and data writes due to a power-failure or a system hang, or
because the logical drive degraded or failed when a physical drive went
You can use a Windows NT Monitor Service for HP NetRAID Series
adapters to schedule and perform Consistency Checks automatically. For
more information, see Part F of this chapter, "Windows NT Monitor
Service for HP NetRAID."
• Properties: Displa ys the logical drive properties of the selected logical
drive. Each logical drive can be displayed by selecting the Previous or
Next buttons.
Chapter 2HP NetRA I D Assi stant
• Change Config: Changes the parameters of a logical drive. To use this
option, first select the logical drive or drives to change, then click Change
◊Cache: There are two Cache policies :
∗ Direct I/O specifies that only repeated reads to same locations are
∗ Cached I/O specifi es that all r ead s are cached.
◊Read: There are three Read policies:
∗ Read Ahea d tells the adapter to read sequentially ahead of
requ ested data and cache the fur ther data in m emory, anticipatin g
that the further data will be requested.
∗ Normal specifies that the controller does not use Read-Ahead for
the cur rent logica l drive.
∗ Adapti ve Read Ahead specifies that the adapter begins u s ing
Read-Ahead if th e two most recent d isk accesses occurred in
sequential sector s.
◊Write: There are two Write policies:
∗ Write-Back specifies that data is written to disk only when it is
forced out of the ca ch e. Write-back is efficient, because an entr y
may be written many times in the cache without a disk access.
∗ Write-Through specifies that data is written to disk at the same
time as it is cached. Write-Through caching has a data security
advan tage over Write-Back ca ch ing.
◊RAID Level: This op t ion allows you to cha nge the RAID level.
◊Virtual Size: This selection is not available. Use HP NetRAID Express
Tools to enable the Virtual Sizing parameter.
◊Add Capacity: Use this option to add a physical disk to the logical
drive. HP NetRAID reconstructs your data to incorporate the new
physical drive into the array.
Logica l Dr iv e Ri g ht Mo use B ut ton Me nu
To access this menu, select (highlight) a logical drive in the Logical Devices box
and click the right mouse button. The following pop-up menu options appear:
• Delete (deletes the last array created, one at a time)
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