Grandview GPCM-E User Manual

Details of installation
Heigh t Adjustm ent
Take apart the orn ame nt cap of main bar (2-3) and loosen the fron t pos ition ing scr ews. Adju st the subsid iar y bar (2-3 ) to reqiured pos ition , an d then ins tall t he o rname nt c ap of m ain bar (2-3) as figure
figur e 9
Angle A djustme nt
1.V ertic al adjust men t: rota te the ad justing bu tton (3 -3) for vertical angle, fig ure 1 0
2. Ho ri zontal a dj us tm en t: ro tat e t he ad justi ng bu tt on (3 -2) fo r hor izont al angle, figu re 11
3.H orizo nta l rot ation adjustmen t: loos en the rotation adjust ing scr ew (3- 4), th e in stallati on b ase can be r ota ted by 3 60°;f ast en t he r otation adj ustin g scr ew (3-4) aft er de ciding the a ngl e,figure 1 2
Installation of main bar
1.First ly, please confirm how ma ny insta llat ion hole s the projector has? 3 or 4
2.If the re are 3 h oles, the ins tallati on arms (4-2) need to b e taken a part from In stallation bracket firstl y. Conn ect 3 insta llation arms(4 -2) to the project or, and the n connect t he instal lati on arms (4-2) to t he instal lati on base (4-5 ) However,the i nstalla tion base nee ds to be the ce nter of project or. Figure 13.
3.Conne ct the instal lati on arms to the project or conversely if the dis tance of in stallat ion hol es is less than 120mm. Connect the install ation arms (4-2 ) to the ins tallati on b ase (4-5) via slidi ng install atio n button (4 -4) as figure 14
4.Rotat e the adjustabl e screw (4-3) for a djusting the he ight of ins tlla tion arms (4-2 ) if the installa tion holes are no t at the same level a s figure 15
5.The f ront or back of adju ster mu st be parall el to th e surfa ce of project or as figure 16
figur e 13
Scope of adjustment: 10mm
figur e 14 figur e 15
Instruction Manual
Projector ceiling mount with high precision adjustment
Applicable Model
Thank you for purchasin g our products. Please read t he instructi on manual care fully in order to ensure this projector lift is suita ble for your proj ection equipme nt.
figur e 10 figur e 11
figur e 12
The n agle of hor izont al tilt :±8°
The a ngle of ver tical t ilt:±15°
Rot ation :360°
The front or back of adjuster must be parallel to the surface of projector
Grandview Crystal Screen Canada Ltd.
#11- 3751 N orth Fra ser Way, Marin e Way Business Cen tre, Burna by, BC, Cana da V5J 5G 4 Tel: 1-604- 412-9 777 Fax: 1- 604-4 12-9796 Websi te: andvi ewscre
figur e 16
Guangzhou Grandview Crystal Screen Co., Ltd.
P.O. 511400 Fede ral Ind. Zone No. 3 63, Yushan Wes t Road,Shiqia o, Pany u Distr ict, Gu angzhou, Guan gdong, China Tel: +8620- 8489- 9499 Fax: +8 620-8 480-3343 Websi te: andvi ewscre m
Do not take apart
For safety , the minim um of ceili ng must be 20KGweight
Pleas e do not incline the projec tor extreme ly.
Please do not take apart the accessories of projector ceiling mount.
Two steps of installation
GPCM-E is combined by GPCM and GPE
GPCM Main Bar Overview 1-1 Fixation 1-2 Top Cap 2-1 Main Bar 2-2 Subsidiary Bar 2-3 Ornament Board of Main Bar 2-4 Ornament Board of Subsidiary Bar 2-5 Ornament Cap of Main Bar
GPE Adjusting Overview 3-1 Adjuster 3-2 Horizontal Adjusting Button 3-3 Vertical Adjusting Button 3-4 Rotation Adjusting Screw 4-1 Installation Bracket 4-2 Installation Arm 4-3 Adjustable Screw 4-4 Sliding Installation Button 4-5 Installation Base
Acces sories : ① M6x25 T apping S crew (3s ets) ② M5x10 P hilips S crew/ Washe r/Spri ng Washe r (4sets ) ③ M4x6 So cket Cap S crew (6p cs) ④ M5x8 Ph ilips Sc rew (6pc s) ⑤ M3x8 Ph ilips Sc rew (4pc s) ⑥ M4x8 Ph ilips Sc rew (4pc s) ⑦ M5x8 Ph ilips Sc rew (4pc s)
4-4 4-5
Scope f or installati on (Installation hole of projector): Maxim um scope for installation:390mm diameter Minim um scope for installation:20mm diameter
Note: C onnect th e installati on arms to the pro jector conve rsely for diff erent instal lation holes o f project or.
4-1 4-2
Scope f or installati on (H is the distan ce between ceiling and projector) The H of GPCM-E3540 is 350 mm~400mm The H of GPCM-E4560 is 450mm~600mm
GPC M-E35 40 GPC M-E45 60
Two steps of installation
Insta ll the fixatio n on th e ceiling (scr ews of accesso ry ① ) as figur e 1. GPCM-E can be installe d to the concr ete­roof with ceiling or withou t cei ling,su ch as figu re 2 and figur e 3.
figur e 1
Conne ct the adjuster to GPCM Main Ba r Overview, and then fast en t he s crews (acce ssory③ ) as figure 4. After ward, s lide th e Adjustment Overvi ew (projecte r has been insta lled) to ad juster, and the fast en the screws (acce ssory ④) as fi gure 5.
figur e 4
figur e 5
Details of installation
Wires c ollecti on
Take apar t the ornamen t cap of mai n bar (2-5 ) after con necting the GPC M Main Bar Overv iew to the fix ation (1- 1), then stay the power cor d int o the s torag e gap. At las t, re- insta ll th e orna men t c ap of m ain bar ( 2-5) as figure 7、 8 a nd 9.
Maxim um diame ter: 390 mm Minim um diame ter: 20m m
figur e 2 figur e 3
figur e 6 figur e 7 figur e 8