been the head of the family shipping
company, Twin Suns Transport
Services, since its inception, as well as
leader of the family. His decisions are
usually derived from calm, but
calculated, reflection. His success at
making the family business grow has
caused a rivalry with Viraxo Industries,
a less-than-honest shipping business
with ties to the Empire.
Antan Azzameen Your uncle
cofounded the family cargo company
with your father. He tries his best to
keep the family neutral and avoid
possible reprisals from the Empire,
especially after the narrow escape
from Hoth. “My first and foremost
concern is the Azzameen Family,” he
once stated. “It is not healthy to
become involved in the struggle
between the Empire and the Rebels.
Our only enemies are the Viraxo.”
Galin Azzameen Your oldest brother
and, appropriately, first in line to
inherit the family business. Having
always been the quiet, brilliant sibling,
Galin is destined to follow Tomaas’
footsteps. Like Tomaas, his strong
beliefs in the distinction between right
and wrong have inspired a natural
sympathy to the Rebel cause just short
of allegiance.
Emon Azzameen Your middle brother
and second in line to inherit the family
business. He’s a skilled pilot whose hot
temper sometimes affects his better
judgment. If there’s a fight nearby,
Emon is probably involved. Aeron once
said, “Trouble clings to Emon like iron
filings to a magnet, and he wouldn’t
want it any other way.”
Aeron Azzameen Your older sister is
well- known as an ingenious computer
hacker and systems slicing expert.
She’s open to new ideas and opinions,
but can be strong-willed once her mind
is made up. Olin Garn is the only
person outside of blood relatives to
experience her sensitive and caring
nature. You, though, have always been
her favourite in the family.
Family Friends
Olin Garn Prior to joining the
Rebellion, Olin was an experienced
freighter pilot and freelance bounty
hunter. While contracting with the
Azzameens, he became a very close
and trusted friend of Aeron. It wasn’t
long before the entire Azzameen family
adopted him as one of their own.
Emkay He is a heavily modified Kalibac
Industries MK-09 Maintenance Droid. He
has had many internal modifications
that allow him to repair, pilot and
copilot most light to medium vessels,
including starfighters. He is extremely
jealous of other droids and itching for
combat. In fact, his enthusiasm for
action is so pronounced, there have
been discussions about tweaking his
aggression circuits.
Dunari A close friend and prior
business partner of your father, Dunari
now is sole proprietor of one of the
most notorious casinos in the galaxy.
Although he often deals in questionable
goods, his loyalty and friendship with
the Azzameens is beyond doubt.
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
Family Enemy
K’Armyn Viraxo He’s patriarch of the
Viraxo family and head of the shipping
conglomerate, Viraxo Industries. Viraxo
is a formidable enemy, and the
Azzameens are not in Viraxo’s favour.
The Viraxo have dominated the local
shipping lanes for years, mostly due to
their coercive tactics and close ties with
the Empire. With the growth of Twin
Suns Transport Services, the Viraxo
family is not likely to give up their
position without a fight.
For the Azzameens, every day is a
battle for survival in the world of
commerce. And with the war between
the Rebel Alliance and the Empire
looming in the background, the fate of
your entire family depends on your
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
Loading Instructions
To install X-Wing Alliance on your PC:
1 Close all open windows on your desktop and
quit all other applications.
2 Put the X-Wing Alliance Disc 1 in your CD-
ROM drive.
3 The X-Wing Alliance Installer will appear.
If Autoplay is disabled and the game’s
Installer does not appear when you insert the
CD-ROM in the drive, you’ll need to open the
Installer manually. To do this, double-click the
My Computer icon, then double-click the CD-ROM
icon in the window that opens. Double-click the
Alliance.exe file to open the Installer. It has these options:
• Install X-Wing Alliance Installs the game on your hard drive.
• Readme & Troubleshooting These
documents give you the most up-to-date game information, and we strongly
suggest you read them. See the Troubleshooting Guide for detailed installation and
troubleshooting tips. You can also view the Software License Agreement or install
DirectX 6.
• Analyse Your Computer Checks your
system to see if it meets game requirements.
• Exit to Windows Returns you to your desktop.
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
4 To install, click the Install X-Wing Alliance button. Follow the onscreen
5 Choose an installation size, either minimum or complete. (You must do the
complete install to play multiplayer.)
6 Next, choose the destination for X-Wing Alliance installation. The default
directory is: C:\Program Files\LucasArts\XWingAlliance. If you wish to install
elsewhere, specify
a different drive or directory name.
7 You’ll be given the option to create a series of shortcuts in your Start menu.
Creating a shortcut will make it easier for you to launch the game. Click the
tickboxes to deselect any shortcuts you don’t want.
8 Setup will create an X-Wing Alliance Program Folder for the program icons.
Click Next to choose the default (Start Menu\
or create a new folder or select an existing folder, and then click Next.
9 You’ll be prompted to create a shortcut for your desktop. You’ll also have
another opportunity to view the Readme.
10 You’ll be prompted to calibrate your joystick before playing.
11 A Setup Complete screen will now appear if the program successfully installed.
12 After installing the program, you’ll be prompted to install DirectX 6.0, which is
necessary to run the program. If DirectX 6.0 (or a later version) is detected on
your system, the tickbox to install it will remain empty, and you won’t need to
install DirectX. Click Finish to complete the Setup.
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
13 You’ll be prompted to register
electronically. (You’ll need to be
connected to your Internet Service
14 You are now ready to play X-Wing
If You Have
Trouble Installing
See the Troubleshooting Guide for more
detailed installation instructions and
troubleshooting tips. To access the
Troubleshooting Guide:
1 Insert an X-Wing Alliance disc,
then double-click the My Computer
2 In the window that opens, doubleclick the icon for your CD-ROM drive.
This opens the Installer. You may also
need to double-click the Alliance.exe
file to open the Installer.
3 From the Installer, click Readme &
Trouble- shooting, then Troubleshooting
Running the
1 To run the game, insert the X-Wing
Alliance Disc 1 into your CD-ROM drive.
The game’s Launcher will appear
automatically if Autoplay is active.
2 If Autoplay is disabled, find the X-
Wing Alliance directory on your hard
drive. Double-click the X-Wing Alliance
application icon (Alliance.exe), or
double-click the CD-ROM icon on My
Computer, then double-click
Alliance.exe file.
This Launcher appears whenever
you insert a game disc, when you
double-click the CD-ROM icon, when you
select the X-Wing Alliance shortcut
from your Start menu, and when you
double-click the Alliance.exe file.
3 If you have not done so before, select
Pilot Options in the Launcher to create
a pilot.
4 Select Play X-Wing Alliance in the
Launcher to play the game.
The X-Wing Alliance Launcher
the following options:
• Play X-Wing Alliance This launches
the game.
• Pilot Options Use this option to
create, delete, or load a pilot. To create
a pilot, press Create New Player, then
enter a name and click OK. To load a
pilot, select a name from the list of
pilots you have created, then click the
Load Player button. To delete a pilot,
select the name from the list, then
click Delete Player. Click Done when
you are finished.
• Hardware Configuration This
option lets
you analyse your computer to see if it
meets system requirements, install
DirectX and calibrate your joystick.
• Registration, On-line Options and
Documentation Here, you can view
the Readme document, or see the
Troubleshooting Guide for detailed
installation and trouble- shooting tips.
You can also join the LucasArts
ExpressClub or go to the LucasArts Web
site if you have Internet access.
• Uninstall X-Wing Alliance Click
here to remove the game from your
• Exit to Windows Returns you to
your desktop.
Getting Started
You use your mouse to move through
the front end screens, and press your
mouse button to select options. You’ll
use a joystick when it’s time to fly
your missions.
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
To start flying X-Wing Alliance’s first
mission right away:
1 Create your pilot, then run the game,
as described above.
2 After the cinematic intro, you’ll start
in the Family Transport. Click on Emkay,
your droid companion, to see your first
mission briefing.
3 After watching the briefing, click on
the To Hangar button in the lower right
corner of the screen.
4 You’ll find yourself at the helm of
Corellian YT-1300 Light Transport Sabra.
Press the SPACEBAR to exit the Hangar.
Take a moment to familiarise yourself
with the
joystick controls. (For details, see How
to Fly on page 12.)
5 Use these basic throttle keys to
control your speed:
6 In the mission it is best to follow
Aeron and Emkay’s instructions
precisely. Target (T key) and pick up
Full Stop
One-Third Throttle (This will
allow you to turn the fastest.)
Two-Thirds Throttle (This will
allow you to turn faster than
at full throttle, but not as fast
as at one-third.)
Full Throttle
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
cargo canister Xi 1, (not Xi 2.) You will
need to be within 0.2 km of Xi 1 when
you press SHIFT+P. Now follow Aeron to
the hyperbuoy to Harlequin Station.
Press SPACEBAR when you are within
0.5 km to initiate your hyperdrive.
7 Once you arrive, follow CORT Selu
and watch Aeron deliver her cargo,
then deliver yours. Target the station,
then press SHIFT+D to initiate the
autodocking procedure. You must be
within 1.0 km.
8 Once both canisters are delivered, a
pair of Viraxo ships appear to attack
Harlequin Station. You must move to
intercept them. As you come within
range, they will turn their attack
against you. All you have to do to get
them to leave is attack each of them.
Don’t bother trying to destroy them
because they will hyper out the
moment they are attacked.
9 Once the Viraxo have departed, it is
time to go back and get the supplies
you came for. Aeron will pick up Chi 2
(the container with the coolant.) You
need to pick up Pi 3, (the container
with the fuel cells.) Then hyperspace
home and deliver your cargo to your
home base. Once again, it is best to let
Aeron deliver her cargo first.
10 After both cargo containers have
been delivered, your mission is a
success and you may enter the Hangar.
Since you’ve just delivered your cargo
out on the Hangar Platform, simply
press the SPACEBAR to initiate the
automatic landing procedure.
Family Transport
After you’ve launched the game, and
moved through the opening screens,
you’ll find yourself in a room with
Emkay in the foreground.
Combat Simulator
You’re inside the Azzameen Family
Transport. Moving the glove cursor
around the room brings up the
following choices:
• Play Mission This sends you off on
the first of a series of missions you can
fly as a member of the Azzameen
family (see below).
• Combat Simulator This lets you
take part in missions you’ve already
flown, play a multiplayer game, or
create a Quick Skirmish to fly.
• Pilot Statistics Click on this to see
the records for each pilot. You can also
read e-mail messages through the
Alliance.reb network. Move your cursor
over these arrow keys in the lower lefthand corner, and click on one to make
your selection.
• Tour of Duty Record Displays the
combat record while you’ve flown for
the Alliance. This includes total score,
number of kills, assists, and craft
losses, and indicates how close a pilot
Medal Case
Play Mission
is to achieving a rating promotion.
• Azzameen Mission Record Displays
your combat record in missions flown
for your family.
• Combat Simulator Record This
indicates how a pilot has performed in
simulated missions. Only missions
you’ve successfully completed can be
flown in the Combat Chamber.
• Check E-Mail This is where you’ll
receive messages about Azzameen
family business, as well as information
from around the galaxy. Move the
cursor over the message’s title or
author, then click on it to read the
• Souvenirs Click on any of the
various souvenirs hanging inside the
room to get an up-close view of them.
• Uniform Once you’ve joined the
Alliance, click on your uniform to see
your rank.
• Medal Case Displays the awards
your pilot has won from the Rebel
After you’ve joined the Rebellion, a
new option in the Family Transport will
replace the Combat Simulator option.
You’ll see:
• Back to Calamari Cruiser This
sends you to the Calamari Cruiser
Concourse, a “command central”
where you’ll be able to access most of
the features of the game.
Mission Briefing
Selecting Play Mission from the Family
Transport brings up a brief text
description of your mission, under the
heading Mission Overview. This
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
description will be replaced by a more
detailed mission briefing given by
Emkay, your droid, complete with
diagrams and step-by-step
instructions. (Later, when you’re flying
Rebel Alliance missions, these briefings
will be given by your Ship Commander
and Briefing Officer.) You’ll also see a
row of buttons in the lower left-hand
corner, labelled:
• Mission Overview Brings back the text
description of the mission you saw earlier.
If you select this, click on the View
Briefing Map button in the lower left-hand
corner to return to the detailed briefing.
• Rewind Starts the mission briefing over.
• Stop Pauses the mission briefing.
• Play Unpauses the mission briefing.
• Forward Skips current page.
When your mission briefing has
finished, click on one of these two
buttons in the lower right-hand corner:
• Back To Family Transport Returns
you to the Azzameen ship if you don’t
want to fly the mission. (Later, after
you’ve flown several family missions,
this will say Back to Concourse.)
• To Hangar Sends you to the screen
where you can launch your mission.
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
After you’ve chosen Go to Craft Selection
or To Hangar from one of the earlier
Mission Briefing screens, you’ll find
yourself inside the cockpit of the default
craft, with a view of it in the lower
middle of the screen. Here’s where
you’ll start your mission, or change
craft and weapons if you want. Move
your mouse in different directions to
look all around the Hangar. You can
view the Hangar from different angles
with the I-O keys. Click the left mouse
button to centre view.
In the left- and right-hand corners,
you’ll see two menus. Press the LEFTARROW key to activate the left menu,
labelled Hangar Menu. Press the RIGHTARROW key to activate the right
menu. The border around each menu
title will change colour when you’ve
selected it. Press the UP and DOWNARROW keys to scroll within each
active menu. Your selection will be
highlighted. Press SPACEBAR to exit
the hangar.
How to Fly
Move your joystick up, down, left, or
right to control the direction of your
craft. Pressing the second joystick
button while moving left or right will
roll the craft left or right. You can also
adjust your joystick settings by
pressing the ESC key to go to the
Options menu. Keep in mind that no
two craft handle exactly the same way.
Throttle Controls
These increase or decrease your craft’s
current speed. Throttle is measured on
a scale from zero (no throttle) to 100
percent (full throttle). Use:
for one-third throttle,
for two-thirds throttle,
for full throttle,
for a full stop.
For fine control of any setting you
want, pressing the = key will increase
your throttle, and pressing the - key
will decrease it. If you have a craft
targeted (see Targeting Craft
on page 18 for a more detailed
description), you can press the ENTER
key to match that craft’s current
View Controls
You begin your mission in forward
cockpit view. Press your keypad
directional keys
(2, 4, 6, 8) to look at the different
views around your craft. Use the / key
to switch to external camera mode,
then press the * key to look all around
your craft, using your joystick. See
Multifunction Display (MFD) and Combat
Multiview Display (CMD), starting on
page 17, for a more detailed
description of your craft’s cockpit
Cockpits and HUD
Laser Cannon
Recharge level
Shield Recharge
Forward Sensor
Strength Indicator
Combat Multiview
Display (CMD)
Left Multifunction
Display (MFD)
Engine Thrust
In the upper left- and right-hand
corners of each cockpit, you’ll see two
round sensors. These indicate the
friendly and enemy craft and objects in
your vicinity, which are shown as dots
within each circle. The display on the
left shows the craft and objects in
front of you, while the display on the
right shows the craft and objects
behind you. A brighter dot indicates a
craft that is near you, while a dimmer
dot represents a craft that is farther
away. When you target a craft (see
Targeting Craft on page 18), a square
will appear around a dot on one of the
displays, indicating the location of the
targeted craft.
Ship I.D.Warheads
Mission Clock
Rear Sensor
Engine Power
Targeting Sight
Targeted Ship
Right Multifunction
Display (MFD)
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
Laser Cannon
Recharge level
Shield Recharge
Forward Sensor
Strength Indicator
Combat Multiview
Display (CMD)
Left Multifunction
Display (MFD)
Engine Thrust
Each dot is colour coded, to let you
know whether they are friendly,
hostile, or neutral. The colours you’ll
see are:
• Green Rebel craft
• Red Imperial craft
• Purple Family craft
• Yellow Unknown or neutral craft,
presumed hostile
• White Mines
• Blue Neutral craft, presumed
• Flashing Yellow/Red Warheads
Ship I.D.Warheads
Mission Clock
Rear Sensor
Energy Levels
Each craft has Energy Level Indicators
for weapons, shields, and engines
displayed as coloured vertical bars. The
Weapons and Shields Energy Level
Indicators are located left of the left
Sensor Display. The Engines Energy
Level Indicator is located right of the
right Sensor Display. If your craft is
armed with a beam weapon, its Energy
Level Indicator will be located below
the Engines Energy Level Indicator. (See
the HUD diagram above.)
You can redirect power to the
different systems from your engines.
Engine Power
Targeted Ship
Targeting Sight
Laser Cannon
Display (MFD)
Laser Cannon
Recharge level
Shield Recharge
Forward Sensor
Combat Multiview
Display (CMD)
Display (MFD)
Engine Thrust
Press the F9 key repeatedly to cycle
through the different possible recharge
rates of your primary weapons. Press
the F10 key repeatedly to
do the same for your shields. If your
craft has beam weapons, press the F8
key for beam recharge rates. You can
also transfer energy from your
weapons to your shields by using the ‘
(apostrophe) and “ (quote) keys, and
transfer energy from your shields to
your weapons by using the ;
(semicolon) key.
This interplay between energy, shields
and lasers, called the Energy Array, is
Ship I.D.Warheads
Mission Clock
Rear Sensor
Engine Power
Beam Weapon
Recharge Level
Beam Weapon
Targeting Sight
Targeted Ship
Ion Cannon Charge
Laser Cannon
Charge (green)
Display (MFD)
the most crucial aspect of your
starfighter. It allows you to control the
power output to each of your systems,
allocating as much or as little power as
needed. Think of it as a central battery
that all systems draw from. When all
systems are charging at maintenance
rates, shields and lasers will decrease
as damaged or used. To recharge one
of your systems, you must take power
away from the engines to redirect it to
the system that needs recharging.
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
For example, if your ship’s shields have
taken damage, you must recharge the
shields. When you increase the shield
charge rate, your ship draws the power
from the engines. Therefore, even
though your ship remains at the same
throttle rate, it will travel at a
decreased speed with less
manoeuverability. Conversely, if you
need to get somewhere in the shortest
amount of time, redirect all power to
the engines by dropping the laser and
shield charge rates to minimum.
• Engines Engines are controlled by
thrust. You do not have direct charging
control of engine power. When power is
redirected to or from lasers, shields or
the beam weapon, it is the engine level
that increases or decreases. You may be
at 100 percent throttle, but if another
system is drawing power from the
engines, you may not travel at full speed.
• Lasers When your laser recharge rate
is at mid-level, laser cannons recharge
at maintenance level. As laser cannon
shots are fired, laser power will dissipate
until it is recharged. If the display is
below the mid-level line, laser cannons
are charging at a decreased rate, and
your ship will lose laser power even if
you are not firing them. When the
display shows above mid-level, your laser
cannons are recharging and will
continue to recharge until they are at
full capacity. You can quickly transfer
energy to your lasers from your shield
system, if your craft is equipped with
one. Increase your laser recharge rate
once you get into heavy combat.
• Shields If your ship is equipped with
shields, they will have two levels. You
may double charge your shields by
increasing your shield recharge rate
until both of the first and second tiers
are full. If the shield level display is
below mid-level, your shields will lose
power, even if your ship is not being
damaged. Like your laser system, you
can alternatively transfer energy to
your shields from your lasers. Recharge
your shields if you’ve taken a lot of hits.
Display (MFD)
These two displays, located in the two
lower corners of the cockpit, give you
important mission information.
Pressing the DELETE key brings up the
left MFD, and the PAGE DOWN key
brings up the right MFD. The display
that has the brighter border is the active
MFD. Press the inactive MFD key (either
DELETE or PAGE DOWN) to make it the
active MFD. Press this key again to turn
the MFD off. Press the LEFT and RIGHTARROW keys to cycle through these
display modes within the active MFD:
• Flight Commands This MFD mode
contains the interface for giving orders
to your wingmates and support craft.
(See the In-Flight
Communication/Wingmates Commands
section on page 22 for detailed
information and instructions.)
• Friendly Craft List Displays a list of
friendly craft in the area, along with
information about shield and hull
damage they’ve
sustained, and their targets. If the list is
long, press the UP and DOWN ARROW
keys to see all the craft.
• Enemy Craft List Displays a list of
hostile craft in the area, along with
information about shield and hull
damage they’ve sustained, their
targets, and their orders. If
you have a long list, press the UP and
DOWN ARROW keys to see all the craft.
Craft names will appear as Unknown
until the craft have been identified.
• Damage Assessment Displays the
condition of your craft’s systems. If they
are damaged, it gives you the time
remaining until they are repaired.
• Radio Messages Displays all radio
communications you’ve received since
the start of the mission. If the list is long,
press the UP and DOWN ARROW keys to
read all the messages.
• Mission Goals Displays the mission
objectives you must achieve (in yellow
text), the objectives that have been
achieved (in green text), the goals to
prevent (in blue text), and the
objectives you failed to accomplish (in
red text). Some missions will have a
number in parenthesis next to a goal.
This is displayed when the objective of
a mission is to protect or destroy a
percentage of craft, and will be
updated during your mission. As the
mission progresses, new mission
objectives will be displayed. You’ll also
see the mission outcome, which will
either be unresolved, victory or loss.
• Mission Score Displays your name,
score, and number of kills you’ve
achieved in your current mission. During
the races in the Pilot Proving Ground, the
score lists the players according to their
places in the current contest.
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
Combat Multiview
Display (CMD)
In the lower middle section of your
cockpit, you’ll see the Combat
Multiview Display, or CMD. It will show
the image of any friendly or enemy
craft, station, buoy, or mine you’ve
targeted, its name, what activity it’s
doing, along with the following
information once you have identified
the target:
• SHD% Shows the strength of the
targeted craft’s shields.
• HULL% Shows the percentage of the
targeted craft’s hull that is intact. If
you’ve destroyed your target’s shields,
you’ll begin decreasing its hull integrity.
When the percentage reaches 0, your
target will be destroyed.
• SYS% Shows the percentage of the
targeted craft’s systems that are
functioning properly. Damage to these
systems can only be inflicted with ion
• Distance Shows the distance from
the targeted craft to your craft, in
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
• Craft Cargo Displays contents of
craft’s cargo bay. Enemy craft (and
most neutral craft) must be inspected
to reveal their cargo.
• Targeted Component: Displays the
component of the vessel currently
Targeting Craft
In space combat, you’ll have numerous
targeting options, which you’ll want to use
depending on your situation in a mission.
To cycle through all the available
targets, press the T key repeatedly.
Press the Y key repeatedly to cycle
backwards through these targets. Press
the N key to target the nearest nav
buoy that locates a hyperspace jump
point. To locate and target nearest
enemy craft, mine or weapon, press
the R key. Press the E key repeatedly to
cycle through the enemy craft that are
targeting your craft. Press the I key to
target the nearest warhead that is
targeting your craft. If you aren’t
being targeted by a warhead, pressing
this key will target the nearest enemy
warhead. Press the U key to target the
most recent craft to arrive in the
combat area.
If Imperial craft are attacking a target
you want to defend, press the A key to
target the nearest attacking craft.
Since you have a mission to perform,
the O key is useful, as it targets the
nearest mission objective. You can
even target individual components of a
craft by pressing the , (comma) key.
These will be displayed in the lowerright corner of the CMD.
You can also target a craft by
pointing your Targeting Reticule at it (see
below), then pressing your second
joystick button.
This round sight above the CMD is used
as a targeting device for your primary
weapons, your cannons, as well as
your secondary weapons and your
warheads. As you’re flying in combat,
try to line up a target inside the
reticule. When you’re firing laser
cannons at a target, the reticule will be
illuminated green and you’ll hear a
beeping noise when you have a shot
lined up with the targeted craft.
If your craft is carrying warheads,
the number available will be displayed
below the reticule. When you have
these weapons armed, yellow brackets
will appear within the reticule when
you aim it at a targeted craft in range.
The brackets will turn red when you’ve
locked in on a target, and you should
fire your weapon. You’ll also hear a
solid tone. Press the first button on
your joystick to fire your weapons.
The curved bar above the reticule has
four different indicator lights to alert
you to possible attacks by enemy craft
and weapons. If the left light on the
bar comes on, your craft is being
attacked by an enemy fighter. If the
middle-left light is illuminated, your
craft is being targeted by a laser turret
on a starship. The middle-right light
warns you that a beam weapon is
being used on your craft. The right
light will flash yellow if an enemy craft
is trying to lock a warhead onto your
craft, and will turn red if this lock has
been achieved.
Identifying and
Inspecting Craft
and Cargo
During some missions, you’ll need to
identify unknown craft and see what
they’re carrying. To identify a craft,
target it, then fly close to it (the
distance varies from craft to craft).
You’ll then see the craft’s name, along
with other important statistics,
displayed on your CMD. To inspect a
craft, target it, then fly within about
0.5-0.2 km of it. A description of the
ship’s contents will appear on your CMD.
Selecting and
Firing Cannons
and Warheads
Depending on the craft you’ve chosen,
and the way you’ve configured it,
you’ll have a variety of cannons and
warheads to fire at a target. Press the
W key repeatedly to cycle through the
different available weapons for your
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
craft. If your craft has more than one
of the same type of weapon, such as
laser cannons, you can press the X key
to link their fire, so they’ll all fire at the
same time. However, doing this will
slow down your rate of fire. On certain
craft, you can even link lasers and ion
cannons together using the X key.
Press the Z key for gun harmonisation.
(Gun Harmonisation determines the
distance at which your lasers will
converge to a single point. Most craft
default to automatic, which means that
lasers will automatically converge at
the distance of the currently targeted
craft. The harmonisation can also be
manually changed. Some older craft,
like the Z-95 Headhunter, do not have
automatic harmonisation, so they must
always be adjusted manually.)
• Laser Cannons The galaxy’s most
commonly used weapon, these fire
bolts of coherent light that inflict
significant damage.
• Ion Cannons These weapons are
useful for disabling craft. Its drawback
is that it has a shorter range than a
laser cannon.
• Turbolasers Advanced laser
cannons typically found only on
starships, these awesome weapons
cause much more damage than a laser
cannon and can also go farther.
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
• Concussion Missiles Best used
when dogfighting with slower craft,
these weapons can be avoided by a
quick, last-second turn.
• Advanced Concussion Missiles
Swift and deadly, these powerful
weapons are difficult to avoid.
• Proton Torpedoes The most
commonly used warhead in the galaxy,
these weapons are too slow to use
against fighters, but devastating
against much larger capital ships.
• Advanced Proton Torpedoes Fast
and powerful enough to be used
against fighters and larger ships alike.
• Heavy Rockets These slow
weapons can be easily shot down, but
if they hit a ship or installation, they
can inflict significant damage.
• Space Bombs They are more
powerful than heavy rockets and are
much harder to shoot down. Their
minimal guidance systems make them
most useful for destroying stationary
or slow moving, heavily armed targets.
• Mag Pulse Warheads While one of
these weapons won’t damage a craft’s
shields or hull, it can knock out its
weapons systems for 30 seconds.
• Ion Pulse Warheads The latest in
warhead technology, these weapons
act like proton torpedoes to damage
shields, and act like ion cannons to
disable a craft once its shields are
Firing Gun
If you’re flying in a craft equipped with
laser gun turrets, such as the
Millennium Falcon, you can operate its
gun turrets yourself. Press the G key to
move to the turret. Your craft will
continue to fly in a straight line, but
you can press the F key to have Emkay,
your droid copilot, follow your target
and keep it in range.
When you’re inside the gun turret,
move your joystick up, down, left, and
right to look all around. Your laser
cannons are mounted in the upper
section of the turret. You’ll see a round
targeting reticule in the upper-middle
of the screen. Press your first joystick
button to fire at the target.
To cycle through multiple turrets (if
the craft has them) or return to the
cockpit, press the G key again. You can
fire your gun turret lasers from the
cockpit by linking them with your
forward lasers. Press the X key to do this.
You can also have your gun turret laser
automatically track and fire at your
current target by pressing the F key.
Types of Beam
These defensive weapons can paralyse
and hinder enemy craft, to give you an
advantage in space combat. There are
three types of beam weapons:
• Tractor Beam Use these to keep
another craft from turning.
• Jamming Beam These prevent
another craft from firing weapons at
your craft. Large targets may require
more than one beam to be fully
• Decoy Beam With this stealth
device, your craft won’t show up on
enemy radar screens, and can’t be
To activate a beam weapon, press
the B key. The decoy beam works
automatically, but you’ll need to aim
the tractor and jamming beams at a
targeted craft. If your craft is equipped
with a beam weapon, you’ll see a
Beam Weapon Charge Indicator below
your right sensor.
Types of
These weapons help you defend your
craft against enemy warheads. The
two kinds of countermeasures are:
• Chaff This electromagnetic energy
shoots out from behind your craft to
deflect warheads and beam weapons.
• Flare When fired, this miniature
warhead will go after the nearest
enemy warhead that is bearing down
on you. If no warhead has been
launched, it will target the nearest
enemy craft.
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
To use either of these
countermeasures, press the C key when
a warhead is fired at you. If you’re
firing flares, it’s best to wait until the
warhead is within 0.5 km before
activating your countermeasure system.
When your craft is hit, its shields deflect
much of the harmful energy to prevent
your craft from being damaged or
destroyed. As your shields weaken,
however, your craft will be more likely
to sustain damage. Your Shield Charge
Indicator, located on the left side of the
screen below the Forward Sensor
Display, will show you how your front
and rear shields are holding up.
The ship outline icon displays the
integrity of your craft’s hull. If the icon
is green, your craft is undamaged; if
it’s yellow, your craft is damaged; if
it’s red, your craft is in serious danger.
The oval surrounding that icon shows
the integrity of your craft’s shields, and
are also green if undamaged, yellow if
damaged, and red if critical. If your
shields go down, your craft’s hull will
begin to weaken. To recharge your
shields, press the ‘ (apostrophe) or
SHIFT+F9 keys to transfer laser energy
to shields. Press the SHIFT+ ‘
(apostrophe) to transfer all laser
energy to shields.
If your shields have been
damaged, and you need to retreat
from battle or defend against frontal
attack, press the S key to cycle through
the shield settings, and move your
shield energy to the front, rear, or
wherever you need it most.
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