Type ACE95 and Type ACE95Sr Tank
Blanketing Valves
ACE95 Series
Figure 1. Type ACE95 Tank Blanketing ValveFigure 2. Type ACE95Sr Tank Blanketing Valve
Scope of the Manual
This instruction manual provides installation, startup,
and maintenance procedures for the ACE95 Series
(Type ACE95 and Type ACE95Sr) tank blanketing
valves. See Figures 1 and 2.
Product Description
ACE95 Series tank blanketing valves are self-contained,
balanced, pilot operated and used for accurate pressure
control on gas blanketing systems. These valves
help control emissions and provide protection against
atmospheric contamination. ACE95 Series valves
maintain a positive pressure and thereby reduce
the possibility of tank wall collapse during pump
out operations, in addition to preventing liquid from
vaporizing into the atmosphere.
ACE95 Series
The Specifications section on this page provides specifications and ratings for ACE95 Series Tank Blanketing
Valves. Factory specifications are stamped on a nameplate fastened to the upper actuator case of the valve.
-5.0 in. w.c. to 1.5 psig / -12 mbar to 0.10 bar
See Table 1
Pressure Registration
Typically within 0.5 in. w.c. / 1 mbar when flowing
5 to 70 percent of advertised capacities.
Main Valve Flow Characteristic
Flow Coefficients for Relief Valve Sizing
Type ACE95Type ACE95Sr
1 use Cv 1.1Cv 20 use Cv 22
2 use Cv 2.2Cv 45 use Cv 50
4 use Cv 4.4Cv 60 use Cv 66
7.5 use Cv 9.25
10 use Cv 11
Material Temperature Capabilities
Nitrile (NBR): -20 to 180°F / -29 to 82°C
Fluorocarbon (FKM): 0 to 212°F / -18 to 100°C
Ethylenepropylene (EPDM/FDA): -20 to 212°F /
-29 to 100°C
Perfluoroelastomer (FFKM): -20 to 212°F /
-29 to 100°C
Approximate Weights
With all accessories:
Type ACE95: 40 pounds / 18 kg
Type ACE95Sr: 60 pounds / 27 kg
1. Various Single Array Manifold (SAM) tank connections are also available. Contact your local Sales Ofce for more information.
2. Special low temperature constructions for process temperatures between -49 to 104°F / -45 to 40°C are available by request. The low temperature constructions passed Emerson
laboratory testing for lockup and external leakage down to -49°F / -45°C.
Table 1. Control Pressure Ranges
-5 to -0.5 in. w.c. / -12 to -1 mbarStainless Steel
-1 to 1 in. w.c. / -2 to 2 mbarStainless Steel
0.5 to 5 in. w.c. / 1 to 12 mbar
4 to 10 in. w.c. / 10 to 25 mbar
8 to 15 in. w.c. / 20 to 37 mbar
0.5 to 1.5 psig / 0.03 to 0.10 bar
1. The second spring is located under the diaphragm assembly.
Figure 3. ACE95 Series Operational Schematic (Valve Open)
Principle of Operation
ACE95 Series tank blanketing valves are pilot
operated, activated by the diaphragm, and control the
vapor space pressure over a stored liquid. The unit
is controlled by a very large diaphragm actuator. The
oversized actuator offers high sensitivity to changes
in tank pressure. When a storage tank cools and
tank vapors condense, ACE95 Series valves replace
the condensing vapors with an inert gas to prevent
internal tank pressure from decreasing. Positive tank
pressure prevents outside air from contaminating the
product and reduces the possibility of atmospheric
pressure collapsing the tank. As demand is satisfied,
the valve closes.
ACE95 Series valves respond to slight decreases in
internal tank pressure by opening and increasing the
flow rate of inert gas into the tank. When the tank’s
liquid level has been lowered to the desired point and
the vapor pressure setpoint is re-established,
the valve closes.
Installation and Startup
Personal injury, equipment damage, or
leakage due to escaping accumulated gas
or bursting of pressure-containing parts
may result if this gas blanketing system
is overpressured or installed where
service conditions could exceed the limits
given in the Specifications section and
on the appropriate nameplate, or where
conditions exceed any ratings of the
adjacent piping or piping connections.
To avoid such injury or damage, provide
pressure-relieving or pressure-limiting
devices (as required by Title 49, Part 192,
of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations,
by the National Fuel Gas Code Title 54 of
the National Fire Codes of the National
Fire Protection Agency, or by other
applicable codes) to prevent service
conditions from exceeding those limits.
ACE95 Series
Figure 4. ACE95 Series Tank Blanketing Valve Installation
Additionally, physical damage to the
tank blanketing system could result in
personal injury and property damage due
to escaping accumulated gas. To avoid
such injury and damage, install the tank
blanketing valve in a safe location.
This ACE95 Series valve was assembled and preset
to the customer specified pressure and setpoint. The
control pressure range of the valve is stamped on the
nameplate fastened to the upper actuator case. The
gas blanketing setpoint is the only adjustable feature
on this unit.
1. Use qualified personnel when installing, operating
and maintaining valves. Before installing, inspect
the valve and tubing for any shipment damage or
foreign material that may have collected. Make
certain the body interior is clean and the pipelines
are free of foreign material. Apply pipe compound
only to the male pipe threads with a threaded
body or use suitable line gaskets and good bolting
practices with a flanged body.
2. Inspect the nameplate on the upper actuator
case. It displays the model number, serial number,
a blanketing gas supply pressure range and
the maximum inlet pressure and set pressure.
These must agree with the system that you are
blanketing. The serial number will be needed in
any communication with your local Sales Office.
3. Clean the gas blanketing supply lines of all dirt and
foreign material before connecting them to the
ACE95 Series tank blanketing valve.
4. The valve must be mounted so the actuator case
is horizontal. The valve should be mounted above
the tank. Three connections are required:
a) blanketing gas supply to valve, b) valve outlet to
tank, and c) sensing line to tank.
Piping Considerations
Undersized piping may inadequately
deliver blanketing gas at the specified inlet
pressure under full flow conditions. This
may result in unacceptable performance
under high demand conditions.
Unnecessarily long or restricted outlet
piping may result in poor setpoint control.
Inlet Piping
The blanketing gas supply line should be equipped
with a Number 100 mesh strainer to remove dirt and
pipe scale. Inlet piping must be sized to adequately
deliver blanketing gas at the specified inlet pressure
under full flow conditions.
Outlet Piping
Type ACE95 or Type ACE95Sr valve outlet is piped
into the tank vapor space. Outlet piping must be full
size and self-draining to the tank. The valve should be
situated above and as close as possible to the tank
vapor space for best performance.
Sensing Line
The sensing line should be 1/2 in. / 13 mm tubing or
pipe, must slope down toward the tank, and should
not contain low points (or traps) that could catch liquid.
The sensing line must enter the tank above the liquid
level at a point that senses the vapor space pressure
and is free from turbulence associated with tank
nozzles or vents.
Best control is obtained when both
connections to the tank are separate. If
the tank has only one available nozzle,
contact Emerson for alternate methods
of installation. A single array manifold is
available for such situations.
ACE95 Series
(KEY 2)
(KEY 1)
(KEY 7)
Figure 5. Spring Case, Adjusting Screw, and Actuator Cap
(KEY 6)
(KEY 3)
Gauges and Shutoff Valves
Inlet gas shutoff valves are desirable for servicing.
If this ACE95 Series tank blanketing valve was not
ordered with an inlet pressure gauge, it is advisable to
install a gauge between the inlet shutoff valve and the
blanketing valve.
Safety considerations may dictate full
port shutoff valves between the tank and
blanketing valve, and at the valve inlet.
Startup, Adjustment, and Shutdown
Tank vents and safety relief valves must
be in place and operating.
Always open the outlet valve before
the inlet valve. Operation in the reverse
order could result in inlet pressure
being applied to the actuator casing,
potentially damaging it.
1. Open shutoff valves between the blanketing
valve and the tank (both sensing and outlet).
See Figure 4.
2. Slowly open the supply line shutoff valve (to the
blanketing valve) and leave it fully open.
3. Monitor the tank vapor space pressure.
The setpoint of this unit is factory set. If an adjustment
is to be made, it should be done so in small increments
while the unit is supplying gas to the tank. To change
the setpoint:
1. Unscrew and remove the actuator cap (key 1) from
the top of the spring case (key 7). See Figure 5.
2. Loosen the lock nut (key 3) and turn the adjusting
screw (key 2) clockwise to raise the setpoint.
(Turning the screw counter-clockwise lowers
the setpoint.)
3. Observe the effects of the change.
4. When the adjustment is complete, tighten the lock
nut (key 3) and replace the actuator cap (key 1).
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