Corel MediaOne Plus Reviewer’s Guide

Reviewer’s Guide
Copyright 2007 Corel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Corel MediaOne Reviewer’s Guide
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Product specifications, pricing, packaging, technical support and information (“specifications”) refer to the retail English version only. The specifications for all other versions (including other language versions) may vary.
Corel, the Corel logo, CorelDRAW, MAIL, Painter, Paint Shop Pro, Picture Tubes, PhotoSafe, WinZip, and WordPerfect are trademarks or registered trademarks of Corel Corporation and/or its subsidiaries in Canada, the U.S., and/or other countries.
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1 | Introducing Corel MediaOne Starter
and Corel MediaOne Plus .....................................................1
Fast, Fun, and Easy Photo and Video Software.................................................. 1
Customer Feedback Guiding Development Priorities........................................ 1
2 | One Customer’s Story ..................................................... 3
3 | Key Features of Corel MediaOne Starter
and Corel MediaOne Plus .....................................................7
Simplified Environment ....................................................................................... 7
Downloading and Organizing Photos and Videos ............................................ 8
Editing and Enhancing Photos.......................................................................... 10
Editing Videos .................................................................................................... 14
Creating Projects with Photos and Videos ....................................................... 15
Sharing Photos and Videos................................................................................ 18
Protecting Photos and Videos ........................................................................... 20
4 | What’s Included? ............................................................23
Corel MediaOne Versions .................................................................................. 23
System Requirements ........................................................................................ 23
Customer Support and Other Resources .......................................................... 24
Corel MediaOne Version Comparison .............................................................. 25
5 | About Corel Corporation...............................................27
Introducing Corel® MediaOne™ Starter and Corel® MediaOne™ Plus
The Corel Product Management team listened closely to our customers to better understand what mattered to them, and the answer was clear — digital imaging software that is simple, flexible, and fun. They also wanted more opportunities to be creative with projects and templates that enable them to do more with their favorite photos and videos.
Fast, Fun, and Easy Photo and Video Software
Corel® MediaOne™ is fast, fun, and easy photo and video software that reflects Corel’s ongoing engagement with our customers. As more and more people use their digital cameras to capture photos and videos, we recognized it was necessary to extend the capabilities of Corel Snapfire — our entry-level digital imaging product — to more accurately reflect the evolving multimedia needs of today’s consumers.
With Corel MediaOne Starter, users can easily enhance and expertly combine their favorite photos and videos into entertaining slide shows. Corel MediaOne Plus users can even add music files and exciting motion effects to slide shows. Corel MediaOne Plus also offers more advanced photo- and video-editing features, DVD-authoring capabilities, an increased selection of project templates, and more protection options. In addition, Corel MediaOne Plus provides an expanded collection of creative templates, featuring new designs from Smilebox™ and Sandra Magsamen, award-winning author of Living Artfully.
Customer Feedback Guiding Development Priorities
Corel has worked in partnership with our customers, observing their use of Corel Snapfire and responding with continuous product updates and improvements. Our goal is to deliver engaging and rewarding experiences to our users with software that helps them achieve results that they are proud to share with family and friends. This dialogue with customers guided our development focus and, as a result, we prioritized the following items:
improving application speed and performance
making tasks easier to accomplish
giving users more creative and fun options
providing users with hassle-free backup and protection for their photos
Reviewer’s Guide [ 1 ]
Improving application speed and performance
As personal photo and video libraries continue to grow, people need software that can help them effectively manage and organize life’s moments. With Corel MediaOne, we focused on improving the overall performance of the application, including startup time, so that our customers can quickly and easily find and enhance their favorite photos and videos.
Making tasks easier to accomplish
Our goal is to make simple, flexible, and fun software that allows people to accomplish more with fewer clicks. With Corel MediaOne, we’ve reduced the number of clicks required to accomplish key tasks so that users can spend more time being creative and less time clicking through menu items. In addition, several features have been introduced that help users find and organize their photos and videos.
Giving customers more creative and fun options
More and more of our customers view photos and videos as a way to put their personal imprint on creative expression. Corel MediaOne Plus offers hundreds of templates in a wide range of styles to help customers enhance their photos. In addition, Corel has partnered with Smilebox and Sandra Magsamen to add dozens of new creative project templates.
In response to customer requests, we’ve also included many new frames, edges, and Picture Tubes™. Since customers have also expressed a desire to create DVD keepsakes of their slide shows and videos, Corel MediaOne Plus provides DVD­authoring capabilities, which include professionally-designed menus that help customers make their DVD creations both stylish and accessible.
Protecting photos and videos
As hard-disk storage replaces traditional photo albums, customers are increasingly conscious of protecting and preserving their personal memories. Without notice, virus attacks and hardware failures can wipe out digital memories. Corel is proud to partner with Sharpcast — the acclaimed online storage service — to provide customers with maximum protection and peace of mind. Corel MediaOne Plus makes the protection of digital memories virtually effortless. Customers can automatically back up photos and videos to Sharpcast’s online storage site, making it easy to preserve and share favorite memories online.
[ 2 ] Reviewer’s Guide
One Customer’s Story
o you ever get the sense that you’ve outgrown the
software that came with your digital camera? Or perhaps you find yourself marveling at a slide show or photo project and wondering why your efforts aren’t getting similar reactions? Don’t get me wrong — my friends and family all seem to enjoy the various slide shows, greeting cards, and photos that I occasionally e-mail around. It’s just that lately I’ve been feeling like there’s more that I can do creatively.
Reviewer’s Guide [ 3 ]
If you’re anything like me, your camera sometimes feels like a fashion accessory. Not that it matches any of my outfits, mind you. But it has become a constant companion and is with me on family outings, vacations, birthday parties, and celebrations. Not to mention the kids’ hectic, weekly schedule of parties, sporting events, music recitals, school plays, and just about anything else they’re involved with.
The flexibility is what I love most about digital photography. I can snap away to my heart’s content without worrying about the cost of developing photos that don’t turn out. I usually enjoy sifting through the results, picking out the best photos, retouching them, and adding my own creative flair to make something memorable out of life’s moments. Sometimes, though, the sifting gets rather tedious, especially after hubby’s been using the camera. He tends to take pictures only of the dog. Lots of pictures of the dog. I suppose he’s more comfortable not having to coax a smile out of ol’ Bowser — but I digress.
It’s not just that I want to do more with my plethora of photos. My digital camera has turned me into something of an amateur movie director. Okay, maybe “director” is pushing it. But I have compiled a vast collection of short videos and haven’t yet found a way to use them. Just a couple of weekends ago I shot some impromptu footage of
my daughter’s first bike ride without training wheels.
It was a complete surprise. I’d gone to the door to call the kids for dinner, just as my sister was letting go of my daughter’s bike seat. And there she was, riding along, all alone — powered by her own balance, force, and will — proudly shouting, “Mommy, mommy, look at me go!” As luck would have it, my trusty camera was sitting right there on a table in the foyer. And just like that, a priceless moment was captured forever.
Until recently, I would have been pulling my hair out for an easy way to share this screen gem with our technology-challenged parents. But something showed up in my inbox the other day that has really empowered my creative aspirations. It was a file called a Corel Show, sent by an old high-school pal, as encouragement to get the whole gang excited for our school’s upcoming 25th reunion.
At first, I was somewhat hesitant because I’d have to download some software just to view this Corel Show. But her message was intriguing, and she even warned that once you experiment with Corel MediaOne Starter, you’ll soon want to upgrade to Corel MediaOne Plus. So curiosity won out. I downloaded the software, started the Corel Show, and was immediately impressed and inspired.
She’d cobbled together old yearbook photos with more recent shots of all our displaced classmates, added some very cool transitions and effects, and even set it to music —
by the Police, the big hit song back in our graduating year. The nostalgia trip actually brought tears to my eyes and emboldened me to make it to the reunion.
I became a Corel MediaOne fanatic when I saw how this software let me quickly and effortlessly organize my photos and videos into Smart Collections. (It even found some pics I didn’t know I had.) And I was blown away by how much you can accomplish with just a couple of clicks. In a single afternoon of tinkering with this software, I knew it was the answer I'd been looking for.
My mind was flooded with ideas for personalized crafts, greeting cards, photo albums, collages, and so much more. Corel MediaOne even works with those long-neglected video clips. I was so enamored that I decided not to wait for my free, 30-day trial to expire, and I immediately paid the $30 upgrade fee. Besides, it was much cheaper than I expected, and I know it will be money well spent.
Have I mentioned that my penchant for picture-taking has made me the “official chronicler” for my entire family? I’m the one who rounds up the revelers at celebrations to snap a few pictures. At weddings and anniversary parties, I’m the one who runs around asking people to record those special video greetings to the happy couple.
Every Breath You
[ 4 ] Reviewer’s Guide
Some of my camera-shy nieces and nephews have even taken to calling me “Au n t Pa p a ra z z i ”.
My sister got married last year, and Corel MediaOne compelled me to finally do something with that day’s photos and video clips. So I used MediaOne to instantly find all the photos and videos from the wedding day. I picked the best ones, created a wonderful Corel Show, and get this — I used MediaOne to burn the show to DVD. That way, my sister and brother­in-law can view it over and over again on their new high-definition television. I haven’t put it in the mail just yet, but I’m sure they’ll be delighted.
Using this software was so incredibly easy that I knew my parents would be able to handle it. In fact, I whipped up a neat little Corel Show of my
daughter’s first two-wheeled bike ride and e-mailed it to them, along with instructions for downloading Corel MediaOne. Of course, that led to a long-distance distress call, but after some guidance and gentle prodding they were quickly up-and-running — and tickled pink to see their granddaughter pedaling away.
Dad says Mom’s been hosting her weekly tea parties around the
computer ever since, so that she can share my Corel Shows and other photo creations with her friends. I usually send both our parents anything I’ve made that’s kid-related: from thank-you cards and invitations to photo collages
and slide shows. They can’t get enough of their growing grandchildren and it helps bridge the distance between us.
Katie had a birthday party last week, so I created personalized thank-you cards for her guests. Nothing extravagant — just a picture of her with her toothless grin blowing out the candles on her cake. I added a few decorative effects, like butterflies, a border, and a thank­you message. All in all, it took only minutes to create but I know her
friend’s parents appreciate it. A couple of them have asked for my secret. “No secret,” I say, “just my camera and Corel MediaOne.”
My son Johnny’s little-league season just wrapped up, and he’s been bummed out about not winning in the playoffs. To lift the little guy’s spirits, I used MediaOne to find all the pictures taken during the season. I picked out the best, most action-packed shots, and then created a photo collage. With Corel MediaOne, I just dragged the
photos onto the template, and voilà. Then, I printed it off in full color and pinned it up on his bedroom door. You should have seen his face light up when he saw himself in uniform, running, sliding, throwing, jumping, catching, and hitting.
Creating photo projects is so fast and simple that I’ve started using MediaOne to get things done around
the house. I’ve been after hubby to get moving on renovating our master bathroom but he hates shopping, especially in the summer. So I took my camera along to visit some suppliers, gathering cost estimates and photographing samples of materials for the cabinetry and porcelain. Then I used MediaOne to tag the photos as “bathroom project” so that he could sit in front of the computer, easily pull up those pictures, and finally make some decisions. And I wouldn’t have to listen to him whine about missing his Sunday golf game.
One of my many favorite things about Corel MediaOne is its online backup service. Each time I download new pictures from my camera or memory card, MediaOne automatically sends the new files to a safe online storage site. This convenient option means that I never have to worry about backing up our precious digital images, something I wasn’t particularly diligent about anyway.
Thanks to Corel MediaOne, I can finally get around to some of the photo album projects I’ve been planning. I've got years and years of family vacations, celebrations, activities, and other goofy photos and video clips to catch up on. And I can’t wait to see all my old friends at our high school reunion — especially Sherry. She’s the one who sent me that first Corel Show, and I want to thank her for helping to free my creative spirit. With the multitude of options and project templates in Corel MediaOne, I know that I’ve just barely scratched the surface of seeing what I can do with my digital photos and videos.
Reviewer’s Guide [ 5 ]
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