Burkert 8741 User Manual

Type 8741
Multi MFC
Mass Flow Meter (MFM) / Mass Flow Controller (MFC) Massendurchflussmesser (MFM) / Massendurchflussregler (MFC) Débitmètre massique (MFM) / Régulateur de débit massique (MFC)
Operating Instructions
Bedienungsanleitung Manuel d‘utilisation
© Bürkert SAS, 2014
Operating Instructions 1403/00_EU-ML_00810383 / Original DE
Type 8741
Table of content
1 USER INSTRUCTIONS ..............................................................................5
1.1 Definition of the word "device" ...............................................5
1.2 Symbols used .............................................................................5
2 INTENDED USE .............................................................................................6
2.1 Restrictions ................................................................................. 6
3 BASIC SAFETY INFORMATION ............................................................7
4 GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................8
4.1 Manufacturer's address and international contacts...........8
4.2 Warranty ...................................................................................... 8
4.3 Information on the Internet ......................................................8
5 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ............................................................................9
5.1 Design of the MFM/MFC ......................................................... 9
5.2 General description ..................................................................9
5.3 Operation of the MFM (Mass Flow Meter) .......................... 9
5.4 Operation of the MFC (Mass Flow Controller) .................10
5.5 Operation of the sensor in the MFM/MFC ........................12
6 TECHNICAL DATA .....................................................................................13
6.1 Conformity .................................................................................13
6.2 Standards ..................................................................................13
6.3 Operating conditions ..............................................................13
6.4 Mechanical data.......................................................................14
6.5 Fluid data ...................................................................................14
6.6 Electrical data ...........................................................................15
6.7 Nameplate, calibration plate .................................................16
7 INSTALLATION ............................................................................................ 17
7.1 Safety instructions ...................................................................17
7.2 Before installation ....................................................................17
7.3 Mechanical installation ...........................................................17
7.4 Fluid system installation .........................................................18
7.5 Setting up the fieldbuses.......................................................20
7.6 Electrical installation ...............................................................20
7.7 Connecting the functional earth...........................................22
8 COMMISSIONING ..................................................................................... 23
8.1 Safety instructions ...................................................................23
9 OPERATION AND FUNCTION .............................................................23
9.1 Safety instructions ...................................................................23
9.2 Normal control mode ..............................................................23
9.3 Device status LED ...................................................................24
9.4 Setting up the fieldbuses.......................................................25
9.5 Removable data memory .......................................................26
9.6 Functions ...................................................................................27
10 MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................... 30
10.1 Maintenance for operation with heavily contaminated
media ..........................................................................................30
10.2 Cleaning and recalibration at the factory ...........................31
11 DEVICE STATUS/TROUBLESHOOTING ....................................... 32
11.1 Display of the device status .................................................32
11.2 Troubleshooting .......................................................................35
12 ACCESSORIES /SPARE PARTS ....................................................... 37
12.1 Electrical Accessories ............................................................37
12.2 Fluid accessories .....................................................................37
12.3 Bürkert Communicator (PC software) ................................38
12.4 Additional documentation ......................................................38
12.5 Spare parts ...............................................................................38
13 DISMANTLING ............................................................................................39
13.1 Safety instructions ...................................................................39
14 TRANSPORT, STORAGE, DISPOSAL .............................................. 40
15 RETURNING THE DEVICE .................................................................... 40
Type 8741
User instructions


This manual describes the entire life cycle of the device. Please keep this manual in a safe place, accessible to all users and any new owners.
Important safety information!
Please read the manual carefully. Pay particular attention to the sections entitled Basic safety information and Intended use.
▶ This operating manual must be read and understood.

1.1 Definition of the word "device"

The word "device" as used within this manual, always refers to the MFM/MFC Type 8741.
1.2 Symbols used
The following symbols are used in these instructions.
Warns of immediate danger!
▶ If ignored, death or serious injury will result.
Warns of a situation which is possibly dangerous!
▶ If ignored, serious injury or death may result.
Warns of possible danger!
▶ Failure to observe this warning can result in substantial or minor
Warns of damage to property!
Important advice and recommendations
refers to information in this operating manual, or in other documents.
→ Indicates a procedure that must be carried out.
Type 8741
Intended use


Improper use of the MFC/MFM may be a hazard to people, nearby equipment and the environment.
MFM type 8741 is used exclusively to measure the mass flow of clean dry gases.
MFC type 8741 is used exclusively to control the mass flow of clean dry gases.
▶ Observe the additional data, operating and service conditions
specified in the contract documents, the manual and on the nameplate and calibration plate.
The device
▶ Use only for the media indicated on the nameplate and in the
calibration protocol. ▶ Do not use in an outdoor area. ▶ Use only in conjunction with external devices and components
recommended by Bürkert. ▶ Operate carefully and ensure regular, professional maintenance. ▶ Operate only in perfect working order and ensure appropriate
storage, transport, installation and control. ▶ Use only for its intended purpose.

2.1 Restrictions

When operating the device, observe any applicable restrictions.
Type 8741
Basic safety information


These safety instructions do not take the following into account:
• any contingencies or occurrences that may arise during installation, use and maintenance.
• Location-specific safety regulations, adherence to which, also on the part of the mounting personnel, is the responsibility of the operator.
Danger due to high pressure in the installation/device.
▶ Before working on the installation or device, cut the pressure
and vent and drain the pipes.
Risk of injury from electric shocks.
▶ Before working on the installation or device, switch off the
power and ensure that it cannot be reactivated.
▶ Observe the applicable accident protection and safety regula-
tions for electrical equipment!
Burns/fire hazard due to hot surface of the device!
▶ Keep the device away from any highly flammable materials or
media and avoid any contact with bare hands.
Danger due to escape of the medium
▶ Observe the applicable accident protection and safety regula-
tions relating to the operating medium used.
Various dangerous situations.
To avoid personal injury, take care:
▶ Not to operate the device without the factory installed input
▶ Only to operate the device in the installation position given on
the calibration plate.
▶ That the operating pressure of the device is not higher than the
maximum calibration pressure (MFM) specified on the calibra­tion plate or the tightness pressure of the proportional valve (MFC).
▶ To only use the device for the medium specified as the operat-
ing medium in the calibration protocol.
▶ Only to use agents that are stable with the device materials for
cleaning and decontamination The compatibility chart can be found on our homepage: www.burkert.com in the event of any ambiguity please contact your local sales office.
▶ Do not make any internal or external modifications to the device
and do not subject it to mechanical loads. ▶ Protect the installation/device from accidental actuation. ▶ Only trained personnel may perform installation and mainte-
nance work. ▶ After an interruption in the electrical and media supply, ensure a
controlled restart of the process. ▶ Observe best industry practice.
Type 8741
General information
Components / assemblies at risk from electrostatic charges!
The device contains electronic components which are susceptible to electrostatic discharge (ESD). Contact with electrostatically charged persons or objects endangers these components. In the worst case, they will become defective immediately or will fail when energized.
• To minimise or even avoid all damage due to an electrostatic discharge, take all the precautions described in the EN 61340­5-1.
• Do not touch any of the live electrical components.


4.1 Manufacturer's address and international contacts

The manufacturer of the device can be contacted at the following address:
Bürkert SAS Rue du Giessen F-67220 TRIEMBACH-AU VAL
The addresses of our international sales offices are available on the internet at:
4.2 Warranty
The warranty is conditional on compliant use of the MFM/MFC type 8741 in observance of the operating conditions specified in this manual.
4.3 Information on the Internet
Operating manuals and data sheets regarding type 8741 can be found online under: www.burkert.com
Type 8741
System description


5.1 Design of the MFM/MFC

for electrical connection
(4-pin screw terminals)
SIM card
Functional earth connection:
M3 screw** M4 screw**
Fluid connection
Flow direction
* The removable connector is part of the device ** For cable shielding and earthing of the device
Fig. 1 : Design of MFM/MFC Type 8741
LED to display the device status (in accordance with Namur 107)
5.2 General description
Device Type 8741 is available in two basic versions.
• As a Mass Flow Meter (MFM) the device measures the mass flow
of the gases for which it has been calibrated.
• As a Mass Flow Controller (MFC) the device measures and con-
trols the mass flow of the gases for which it has been calibrated. In contrast to the MFM, the MFC also contains a regulation valve. The gas must be in a dry and clean state.
Digital communication with the device (for example for transfer of the setpoint or measured value) is achieved via CANopen*- or büS**.
* CANopen - A fieldbus based on CAN (Controller Area
Network) that is used in automation technology for net­working of devices.
** büS - A CANopen-based fieldbus with additional
5.3 Operation of the MFM (Mass Flow Meter)
A sensor is integrated into the MFM to measure the mass flow. The measured value is transmitted to an external device via a digital output (fieldbus).
Type 8741
System description
5.4 Operation of the MFC (Mass Flow Controller)
• The mass flow is measured by a sensor.
• The MFC is fitted with electronics and a low-friction proportional
valve with a high response sensitivity to control the mass flow.
Malfunction due to contamination.
For problem-free functioning of the MFC, a filter must be installed in front of the device for contaminated operating media. See section "6.3.1 Quality of the operating medium"
The sensor measures the mass flow and relays the measured value to the integrated electronics. The electronics compares the measured current value (x) with the desired setpoint value (w) and calculates the control value to be transmitted to the proportional valve (Y) in order to control its opening.
The mass flow is either kept stable at a constant value or altered according to a predefined profile.
The regulation is performed independent of pressure fluctuations or increased flow resistance, such as might be caused by dirty filters.
The short response time of the proportional valve and the dynamics of the sensor determine the setting time.
The measured mass flow value is transmitted to an external device via a digital output (fieldbus).
In order to obtain a dynamic or quiet measured-value output signal, the damping of this signal can be adjusted by the "Bürkert Communicator" software. See section "12.3 Bürkert Communicator (PC software)"
Function diagram:
= w-x
Medium inlet
Fig. 2 : Function diagram of the MFC (Mass Flow Controller)
Proportional valve
Medium outlet
Type 8741
System description
5.4.1 The MFC electronics
The electronics
• compare the measured value of the mass flow with the specified
• and controls the opening of the proportional valve.
The setpoint (w) is transmitted digitally via the fieldbus interface. For control of a system where rapid flow-rate changes are not permitted,
a ramp function can be activated. This enables the parameters for an ascending or descending setpoint to be set separately.
More detailed information on the ramp function and on all other functions can be found in the supplementary manual "Digital Communication Type 8741".
Control settings
The control settings are preset at the factory.
Amplification factors: After start-up, the controller operates with amplification factors
dependent on the control-loop properties. The gain factors are calcu­lated automatically when the AUTOTUNE function is conducted. The AUTOTUNE function optimises the control settings for the installation's actual conditions.
Dynamic control parameters: The dynamic for the control loop of the device is influenced by two
settings, the gain (K
) and reset time (Tn). The dynamic control param-
eters can be modified using the "Bürkert Communicator" software (see section "12.3 Bürkert Communicator (PC software)")
The extreme settings are:
1. A very quick regulation with the possibility of overshoots. The controller reacts to even the smallest deviations. The control may then cause very strong fluctuations.
2. A slow-acting regulation. For less dynamic applications, the behaviour of the controller may be damped. It then reacts slowly to very minor fluctuations of the measured value or set-point.
Zero point shut-off: A zero point shut-off is included to ensure the sealing function of the
valve. This is activated if the following conditions occur simultaneously.
1. Setpoint < 2 % of nominal flow rate Q
(with measuring range 1:50)
2. Measured value < 2 % of nominal flow rate Q
(with measuring range 1:50)
If the zero point shut-off is active, the PWM signal is set to 0 % so that the valve is completely closed.
Type 8741
System description
5.4.2 MFC solenoid valve
The solenoid valve used for an MFC is a direct-acting, normally-closed proportional valve. The nominal diameter of the solenoid valve is determined by the required nominal flow-rate Q conditions in the process and the density of the operating medium.
The sealing function of the proportional valve cannot be guar­anteed for hard sealing materials.
When used within the specified pressure range, the proportional valve that is used for the mass flow control also provides the sealing function.
Exception: If the seat seal is composed of a special, hard sealing material (e.g. PCTFE), as for nominal valve diameters of 0.05 and 0.1 mm, then the leakage rate of the proportional valve may differ from that of a device with a soft seat seal (e.g. FKM or EPDM). The maximum leak rate in both cases is 1 Nml/min (air). A higher tightness may be possible, however it is not standard and must therefore be requested.
, the pressure
5.5 Operation of the sensor in the
The integrated flow-rate sensors in the MFM/MFC use the thermal measurement process (anemometric and calorimetric) to measure the mass flow. This essentially consists of a heating resistor and a temperature probe. The operating medium which flows through the device modifies the temperature difference measured between the two resistors.
The thermal measurement principle allows the MFC to control the required mass flow almost independently of the pressure and tem­perature fluctuations in the application concerned.
Type 8741
Technical data


6.1 Conformity

The Type 8741 complies with the EC-directives according to the EC declaration of conformity.
6.2 Standards
The standards used to demonstrate conformity with the Directives can be consulted in the EC type examination certificate and/or the EC declaration of conformity.
6.3 Operating conditions
Risk of injury from malfunction due to outdoor use.
▶ Do not use type 8741 in outdoor areas.
Permissible ambient temperature: -10 °C to +50 °C
Medium temperature: -10 °C to +70 °C for oxygen: -10 °C to +60 °C
Permissible humidity: < 95 %, non-condensing
Protection class IP 20, for properly wired
devices with inserted and tightened push-in connections.
Operating pressure: Max. 10 bar (depending on the nominal
diameter of the proportional valve)
Risk of injury caused by pressure, medium escape
Important device-specific data are indicated on the nameplate and calibration plate.
▶ Only use the device for the specified operating medium. ▶ Do not exceed the specified calibration pressure.
Technical data specified on the nameplate*
Supply voltage
Maximum power consumption
Sealing material
Nominal flow rate
Operating medium
Output signal
Technical data specified on the calibration plate*
Calibration medium
Calibration pressure
Installation position
Calibration date
*For description see section "6.7 Nameplate, calibration plate"
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