Bongard ECP 256 User Manual

Automatic in termediate pr oofer
The ECP proofer is generally use in automatic bread-making lines and is used for proving portions of dough following the dividing and rounding operations and before forming and final leavening, ensuring the continuity of production cycle at the preset production rhythm. The ECP proofer is therefore designed and dimensioned— depending on needs - to allow the portions an adequate rest time inside a closed structure, with controlled conditioning on request. The ECP proofer is usually fed by BC Conical Round er and AT o pposite belts, or directly by DVM volumetric divider with built-in roller device. The discharge end is usually combined with a Ultra Auto moulder put on TE. 4 standard models apt at producing pieces ranging from 200­300 grams to 1200 grams, with maximum output of 1 200 pieces per hour and variable rest time.
Support structures and covers in hot-painted steel sections
and sheeting
Pocket gutters in galvanized steel tubing
Pockets in nylon me sh
Motor drive connected to the micro switch-controlled auto-
matic load ing device
Intermittent feed of the gutter with a chain transmission
Lo w voltage electrical control board : 24 V
3 sockets f or the connection of machines line
Germicide lamps on standar d model
Supply voltage : tri phase 400 V+ N 50 Hz
07005862 ECP 224 07005864 ECP 256 07005871 ECP 320 07005882 ECP 400 Choose your config uration : 1, 2, 3, 4
Machine complies with regu lations
81 Non con t ract ual photograph
32, route de Wol fisheim - F -67810 Holtzheim Tél : 33 (0) 3.88.78. 00.23 - Fax : 33 (0) 3.88.76. 19.18 - bongar
ECP Autom atic intermediate proofer
General features
Model ECP 224 ECP 256 ECP 320 ECP 400 Reference 07005862 07005864 07005871 07005882 Performance
Total pock ets 224 256 320 400 Usable pockets 192 224 288 368 Power demand 0.6 kW 0.6 kW 0.6 kW 0.6 kW Power demand with CTU 2.6 kW 2.6 kW 2.6 kW 2.6 kW Dimensions and weight Depth 1450 mm 1910 mm 2850 mm 3960 mm Width 1835 mm 1835 mm 1835 mm 1835 mm Heigh t 2590 mm 2590 mm 2590 mm 2590 mm Packing volume 11.3 m Weight 745 kg 790 kg 1025 k g 1230 k g
12.2 m3 9.3 m3 15.3 m3
The proofer can be ordered as follows
Entry Entry
Entry Exit Exit Entry
Exit Exit
1 2 3 4