B. Connected.
Outlook®300 Safety Infusion System
Improve safety, efficiency and workflow across
departments with wireless access to infusion data.
For Advanced Infusion Therapy
Safety and Efficiency

Improve your ability to monitor
safe medication practices
• Improve department efficiency
by identifying trends in medication
delivery and usage
• Help reduce medication
errors proactively
• Access a real-time view of
IV therapy progress for
continuous maintenance
• Capture the cost of “lost”
doses with an audit that
can close the billing loop
B. Innovative.
“The ability to access real-time
infusion data helps improve
safety and reduce potential
IV medication errors before
they happen.”
• Real-time infusion status
• Drug usage per care area
• Dose limit alerts
• Dose limit overrides
• Drug usage per care area
Risk Management
• Real time ope
• Automated Ch
• Integration wi
• Asset Uilization
• Preventative maint
Biomedical Engine