Apple eMac (ATI Graphics and USB 2.0) 04-04 Service Manual

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eMac (ATI Graphics) and

eMac (USB 2.0)

Updated 13 April 2004
© 2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
eMac (USB 2.0)
eMac (ATi Graphics) and eMac (USB 2.0) -
Service Source


eMac (ATI Graphics) and
eMac (USB 2.0)
© 2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.


What’s New (April 2004)

eMac (USB 2.0)
Apple announced a revision to the eMac product family. Powered by G4 processors running at up to 1.25GHz, with a system bus of 167 MHz, the new eMac models come with Mac OS X v.10.3 and include Apple's iLife application suite, providing iMovie, iPhoto, and iTunes as a standard software configuration.
The changes include the following:
• No-optical drive configuration: This computer is available in a low-cost no-optical drive configuration
• Mac OS X 10.3
• Modem: except for the educational configuration, the eMac (USB 2.0) has an internal, fax modem (soft modem). The modem appears to the system as a serial port that responds to AT commands.
• Bluetooth (optional): Fully integrated Bluetooth is available as a build-to-order option
• 922-6201 Bluetooth board
• 922-6402 Bluetooth antenna
• USB 2.0 ports: This computer has three USB 2.0 ports
• Revised logic boards
• 661-3279 1 GHz board: EEE code QDJ or QHL.
• 661-3280 1.25 GHz board: EEE code QDK or QHM
• New optical drives:
• 661-3281, CD-ROM, 32x
• 661-3282, Combo, 32x
• 661-3283, SuperDrive, 8x
• New hard drives:
• 661-3209, 80 GB
• 661-3266, 160 GB (CTO)
• Memory, 333 MHz DDR
• 661-3322, 512 MB
The RAM expansion modules used in the eMac (USB 2.0) computers are 184-pin SDRAM DIMMs (dual inline memory modules) that are 2.5 V, unbuffered, 8-byte, non-parity, and PC2700 compliant. The speed of the SDRAM devices must be rated at 167 MHz (7 ns) or faster. Refer to Kbase article 86718 for more information.
The memory expansion cards (DIMMs) must use SDRAM devices as
eMac (ATi Graphics) and eMac (USB 2.0) Basics -
specified above. DIMMs for previous models of eMac or DIMMs that use EDO or SGRAM devices will not work. If they are installed, the computer will beep, and the power light will flash several times when you turn on the computer. This indicates that the computer cannot find any useable RAM.
• Faraday Shield
• 922-6407
• Optical Plate (used on the no-optical drive configuration only)
• 922-6408
• Inner AirPort Door (blank, used on the no-optical drive configuration only)
• 922-6406
• Heatsink with/clip
• 076-1079
• Wireless Antenna
• 922-6401
• Wireless Antenna clips
• 922-6405
• Kit, Feet, Captive Screws
• 076-1034

Service and Support

The service and support strategy for the new eMacs is the same as previous eMac models.
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eMac (ATI Graphics) and eMac (USB 2.0) Basics

What’s New (October 2003)

Apple announced a revision to the eMac product family. Powered by G4 processors running at up to 1GHz, the new eMacs come with Mac OS X v.10.3 “Panther,” and include Apple's iLife application suite, providing iMovie, iPhoto, and iTunes as a standard software configuration.
The revision to the eMac (ATI Graphics) includes the following:
• Revised logic board, part number 661-3014, 1 GHz, Ver. 2 (EEE code Q11) Refer to the Take Apart chapter, Logic Board/Logic Board Information for details on how to identify the Version 2 board.
• New optical drives:
• 661-3012, CD-ROM, 32x, drive
• 661-3015, Combo, 32x, drive
• 661-3013, SuperDrive, 4x
• New hard drives:
• 661-3011, 80 GB
• 661-3016, 160 GB (CTO)
• Mac OS X 10.3
• Updated Apple and third-party bundled software

Service and Support

The service and support strategy for the new eMacs is the same as previous eMac models.
eMac (ATi Graphics) and eMac (USB 2.0) Basics -
Service Source

Take Apart

eMac (ATI Graphics)
eMac (USB 2.0)
© 2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.


The following tools are recommended for the take apart procedures.
• 2.5 mm hex (for rear housing)
• Nylon probe tools (922-5065)
• Phillips #1 screwdriver
• Phillips #2 screwdriver
• Jeweler’s screwdriver set
• Needlenose pliers
• ESD wriststrap and mat
• CRT discharge tool
Do not use a power driver on the rear housing screws.
eMac (ATI Graphics) and eMac (USB 2.0) Take Apart -

CRT Neck/Display/Analog Assembly Handling Information


when working with the display/analog assembly.
Do NOT lift, handle, bump, or manipulate the CRT neck/neck board (see arrows below) on the Display/Analog assembly. Modules damaged by mishandling are NOT covered by Apple Warranty. Apple Authorized Service Providers can be liable for broken CRT necks due to improper handling.
handling the assembly. Lift the assembly from the metal chassis; never lift the assembly from the neck. I
It is imperative that proper handling and packaging guidelines be followed
: The metal chassis has sharp edges, you may want to wear gloves when

Packing a Defective Display/Analog Assembly

The packing procedure is included with the replacement display/analog assembly. Incorrect packaging can result in damaged eMac (ATI Graphics) displays. Please read and follow the directions enclosed in the shipping box of the new display prior to packaging the defective assembly. AASPs can be liable for broken CRT necks due to improper packing and handling.
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eMac (ATI Graphics) and eMac (USB 2.0) Take Apart
CRT Neck/Display/Analog Assembly Handling Infor-

Rear Housing


• 2.5 mm hex (for the rear housing)
• Phillips #2 screwdriver

Part Location

Rear Housing

Preliminary Steps

Before you begin, do the following:
• Place the computer face down on an ESD mat.
eMac (ATI Graphics) and eMac (USB 2.0) Take Apart -


1. Remove seven hex screws around the perimeter of the rear housing.
2. Remove the three Phillips screws; one used for the user access door, and two used for
the feet.
Newer models have a captive screws.
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eMac (ATI Graphics) and eMac (USB 2.0) Take Apart
Rear Housing
3. Gently lift the rear housing up about four inches.
4. Disconnect the power button cable located on the inside the rear housing.
Rear Housing
5. Lift the rear housing off the computer.
eMac (ATI Graphics) and eMac (USB 2.0) Take Apart -

User Access Door


This procedure requires the following tools:
• Phillips #2 screwdriver

Part Location

Preliminary Steps

Before you begin, do the following:
• Place the computer face down on an ESD mat.
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eMac (ATI Graphics) and eMac (USB 2.0) Take Apart
User Access Door


1. Remove the screw on the user access door (shown below).
a captive screw.
2. Gently remove the access door.
Newer models have
User Access Door
eMac (ATI Graphics) and eMac (USB 2.0) Take Apart -



This procedure requires the following tools:
• Phillips #2 screwdriver

Part Location

Preliminary Steps

Before you begin, do the following:
• Place the computer face down on an ESD mat.
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eMac (ATI Graphics) and eMac (USB 2.0) Take Apart


1. Remove the two foot screws.
Newer models use captive screws.
eMac (ATI Graphics) and eMac (USB 2.0) Take Apart -

Power Button


• Needlenose pliers
Follow the Replacement Note procedure (step 2) only if you are replacing a
defective power button.

Part Location

Preliminary Steps

Before you begin, do the following:
• Place the computer face down on an ESD mat.
• Remove the user access panel.
• Remove the feet.
• Remove the rear housing.
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eMac (ATI Graphics) and eMac (USB 2.0) Take Apart
Power Button


1. Disconnect the power button cable from the power button located inside the rear
2. Lift the rear housing off the bezel.
page, “Power Button Cable Check” before replacing the rear housing.
Replacement Note:
Refer to the topic on the next
Power Button
eMac (ATI Graphics) and eMac (USB 2.0) Take Apart -
Power Button Cable Check
1. Check that the power button cable in drawn tight before you attach the other end of the
cable to the power button (located inside the rear housing).
2. Also, check that the cable is tucked under the chassis tab (as shown) and that the
black mark on the cable lines up with the chassis (circled below).
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eMac (ATI Graphics) and eMac (USB 2.0) Take Apart
Power Button
Power Button Replacement
1. Continue with this procedure only if you are replacing a defective power button. With a
needlenose pliers, push the power button through the retaining ring. The power button will pop off rear housing and the retaining ring may get stuck on the pliers.
2. Obtain the new power button and peel the sticky backing off the power button. Position
the power button into the hole on the rear housing (as shown below). picture below is looking at the power button from the inside of the rear housing.
3. Place the retaining ring over the power button connector and press down firmly.
Power Button
eMac (ATI Graphics) and eMac (USB 2.0) Take Apart -

CRT Discharge

injury, always review the Service Foundations: CRT Displays course for safety information. It can be found at: Click on Desktop Certification Courses and select the Service Foundations: CRT Displays link.
an ongoing ground connection.
This product contains high voltage and a high-vacuum picture tube. To prevent
Never use a grounding wriststrap until after discharging the CRT and setting up

Safety Guidelines:

Whenever the rear housing of the computer is removed and before replacing a module, you must
1. Discharge the CRT (shown below) and remove the anode cap.
2. Establish an ongoing ground by using a cable with alligator clips at both ends.
Connect one end to the anode aperture, and connect the other end to the metal CRT frame (as shown below).
3. With the CRT discharged and the ongoing ground in place wear a grounding
wriststrap to prevent equipment damage from static electricity.
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eMac (ATI Graphics) and eMac (USB 2.0) Take Apart
CRT Discharge



This procedure requires the following tools:
• Phillips #2 screwdriver

Part Location


Preliminary Steps

Before you begin, do the following:
• Place the computer face down on an ESD mat.
• Remove the user access door.
• Remove the feet.
• Remove the rear housing.
• Discharge the CRT.
eMac (ATI Graphics) and eMac (USB 2.0) Take Apart -


1. Remove the left and right speaker screws (circled in the top photos). There are three
screws per speaker.
2. Disconnect the two spade connectors (see rectangles in the top photos) on each
3. Lift the speakers out of the front bezel.
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eMac (ATI Graphics) and eMac (USB 2.0) Take Apart


This procedure requires the following tools:
• Phillips #2

Part Location


Preliminary Steps

Before you begin, do the following:
• Place the computer face down on an ESD mat.
• Remove the user access door.
• Remove the feet.
• Remove the rear housing.
• Discharge the CRT.
eMac (ATI Graphics) and eMac (USB 2.0) Take Apart -


1. On the left side of the fan, disconnect the fan cable and remove the two screws
2. On the right side of the fan, remove three screws (the green cable goes to the ground
screw). and the screw on the bottom left is a fine thread screw.
Replacement Note:
The screw circled on the top left is a self-tapping screw,
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eMac (ATI Graphics) and eMac (USB 2.0) Take Apart
3. Wiggle the fan cable up and out of the groove in the chassis and then disconnect the
fan connector from the board.
4. To remove the fan, turn the computer so the fan is facing you. Grab onto the fan near
the AC plug and the bottom right corner of the fan. Gently pull the fan toward you and away from the chassis. Be very careful of the CRT neck.
eMac (ATI Graphics) and eMac (USB 2.0) Take Apart -

Faraday Plate


This procedure requires the following tools:
• Phillips #2

Part Location

Preliminary Steps

• Place the computer face down on an ESD mat.
• Remove the user access door.
• Remove the feet.
• Remove the rear housing.
• Discharge the CRT.
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eMac (ATI Graphics) and eMac (USB 2.0) Take Apart
Faraday Plate


1. Remove the four screws on the Faraday plate. Replacement Note: Note the position
of the gray cable (see red arrow) on the top left side of the Faraday plate. Be careful the cable doesn’t get pinched when the Faraday plate is replaced.
2. Gently pry the top half of the Faraday plate away from the chassis in the direction of
the arrows. Note: The gray cable (on left) rests in a groove under the Faraday plate.
Faraday Plate
eMac (ATI Graphics) and eMac (USB 2.0) Take Apart - 21
3. Pull the Faraday plate back (#1) and then push it down (#2) to unhook the metal tabs
on the Faraday plate from the cutouts (see graphic on the next page) in the chassis.
4. Continue to pull the Faraday plate back (#1) to unhook the tabs from the chassis. Pull
the Faraday plate up (#2) to remove it from the chassis.
22 - eMac (ATI Graphics) and eMac (USB 2.0) Take Apart
Faraday Plate
Faraday Replacement
1. Looking from the top down, line up the metal tabs with the cutouts in the chassis
(circled on the right and left) and the slots on the Faraday plate with the white plastic guides on the bezel (circled on the right and left sides of the optical drive).
2. Raise the Faraday plate up and attach it to the frame on the digital assembly. Be
careful that the gray cable (shown in step 2 on the previous page) does not get pinched in the Faraday plate.
Faraday Plate
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