Apple A1843 User Manual

Welc ome t o you r App le Ma gic Keyb oard
Lightning port
Lightning to USB cable
On/off switch
You r A ppl e Mag ic Key boa rd has a rechargeable battery and uses Bluetooth® technology to connect wirelessly to your Mac.
This guide shows you how to use your Magic Keyboard, including pairing, customization, recharging the battery, and updating macOS.
Update your software
To us e y our M agi c Key boa rd an d i ts fu ll range of features, update your Mac to OSX v10.11 or later.
To up dat e t o the l ate st ve rsi on of ma cO S, choose Apple menu > App Store to see if there are updates. Follow the onscreen instructions to update macOS.
Set up your Magic Keyboard
Use the Lightning to USB cable that came with your keyboard. Plug the Lightning end into the Lightning port on your keyboard,
and the USB end into a USB port on your Mac. Slide the keyboard on/off switch to on (so you see green on the switch).
You r k eyb oar d w il l p air au tom at ica lly wi th your Mac.
After the keyboard is paired, you can disconnect the cable and use your keyboard wirelessly.
Remove a pairing
After you pair your Magic Keyboard with a Mac, you can pair it again with a different Mac. To do this, remove the existing pairing and then pair the keyboard again using the setup instructions in the previous section.
To rem ov e a p air in g, se le ct th e k ey boa rd in Bluetooth preferences, then click the Delete button next to the keyboard name.
Customize your Magic Keyboard
Change the modifier keys, assign keyboard shortcuts to menu commands in macOS applications and the Finder, and more.
To cus tom ize yo ur Mag ic Key boa rd:
1. Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Keyboard.
2. Click Keyboard, Text, Shortcuts, or Input Sources to customize the keyboard.
Use the function keys
Use the function keys at the top of the keyboard to adjust the brightness of display, open Mission Control, access
applications with Launchpad, control the volume, and more.
Decrease or increase the
brightness of the Mac display.
Open Mission Control for a comprehensive view of what’s running on your Mac, including Dashboard, all your spaces, and all open windows.
Open Launchpad to instantly see all of the applications on your Mac. Click an application to open it.
Rewind or go to the previous song, movie, or slideshow.
Play or pause songs, movies, or slideshows.
Fast-forward or go to the nex t song, movie, or slideshow.
Mute the sound coming from the speakers or headphone port on your Mac.
Decrease or increase the
volume of sound coming from the speakers or headphone port on your Mac.
Press and hold the Media Eject key to eject a disc.
Rename your Magic Keyboard
You r M ac au tom ati cal ly gi ves yo ur Mag ic Keybo ard a uniq ue nam e the firs t time you pair it. You can rename it in Bluetooth preferences.
To ren ame yo ur key boa rd:
1. Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Bluetooth.
2. Control-click the keyboard, then choose Rename.
3. Enter a name and click OK.
Recharge the battery
Use the Lightning to USB cable that came with your keyboard. Plug the Lightning end into the Lightning port on your keyboard, and the USB end into a USB port on your Mac or a USB power adapter.
To ch eck th e bat te ry st atu s, ch oos e App le menu > System Preferences, then click Keybo ard. The batt ery level is show n in t he lower-left corner.
Note: When you aren’t using the Magic Keybo ard, it goes to sle ep to c onserve battery power. If you won’t be using your keyboard for an extended period, turn it off to conserve even more power.
Clean your Magic Keyboard
To cl ean th e out si de of yo ur ke ybo ard , use a lint-free cloth. Don’t get moisture in any openings or use aerosol sprays, solvents, or abrasives.
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