Apple A2047 User Manual

The b logo, beats and powerbeats pro are trademarks of Beats Electronics, LLC.
The Bluetooth® word mark an d logos are registere d trademarks owne d by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. a nd any use of such marks by App le Inc. is under lice nse.
Mo del : A2 047, A2048, A2078
-02955-01© 2019 Apple Inc. All r ights reserved.
SAFETY AND HANDLING Important safety information
Handle Powerbeats Pro and case with care. They contain sensitive electronic components, including batteries, and can be damaged, impair functionality, or cause injury if dropped, burned, punctured, crushed, disasse mbled, or if expose d to excessive heat or l iquid or to environm ents having high co ncentrations of indust rial chemicals , including near eva porating liqui ed gasses such as h elium. Don’t use da maged Powerbea ts Pro or case.
To turn off Bl uetooth on Powerbea ts Pro, put them in the ca se, close the lid, an d unplug the Light ning to USB Cable fro m the case.
Don’t attempt to replace Powerbeats Pro or case batteries yourself—you may damage the batteries, which could cause overheating and injury.
Charge the case with the charging cable and a power adapter or computer. Only charge with an adapter that is compliant with applicable country regulations and international and regional safety standards, including the International Standard for Safety of Information Technology Equipment (IEC 60950-1). Other adapters may not meet appl icable safety sta ndards, and charg ing with such adapte rs could pose a risk o f death or injury. Usin g damage d cables or charger s, or charging whe n moisture is present, c an cause re, electr ic shock, injur y, or damage to th e case or other prope rty.
Prolonged heat exposure
Avoid prolon ged skin contact wi th a device, its power a dapter, and the chargin g cable and conne ctor when plugge d into a power source, bec ause it may cause di scomfort or injur y. For example, while t he case is charging using the c harging cable and a p ower adapter, don’t si t or sleep on the case, c harging cable, co nnector, or power adapt er, or place them unde r a blanket, pillow, or your b ody. Take special care if you h ave a physical conditi on that affects yo ur ability to detec t heat against your b ody.
Hearing loss
Listening to sound at high volumes may permanently damage your hearing. Background noise, as well as continued exposure to high volume levels, can make sounds seem quieter than they actually are. Check the volume af ter inserting P owerbeats Pro in your e ar and before play ing audio. For more inf ormation about h earing loss and how to s et a maximum volume l imit, see www.appl
WARNING: To prevent possible he aring damage, do n ot listen at high volu me levels for long periods.
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Driving hazard
Use of Powerb eats Pro while ope rating a vehicle is n ot recommended a nd is illegal in som e areas. Check and obey the ap plicable laws an d regulations on th e use of earphone s while operating a v ehicle. Be careful a nd attentive while driving. Stop listening to your audio device if you nd it disruptive or distracting while operating any type of vehicle or performing any activity that requires your full attention.
Choking hazard
The small p arts include d with Powerbeats P ro may present a chokin g hazard or cause othe r injury to small children. Keep them away from small children.
Medical device interference
Powerbeats Pro and case contain components and radios that emit electromagnetic elds. Powerbeats Pro and case also contain magnets. These electromagnetic elds and magnets may interfere with pacemakers, debril lators, or other me dical devices. Ma intain a safe distanc e of separation bet ween your medica l device and Powerbeats Pro and case. Consult your physician and medical device manufacturer for information specic t o your medical devi ce. Stop using Powerb eats Pro and case if yo u suspect they are inte rfering with you r pacemaker, debrillator, or any other medical device.
Skin irritation
Earphones can lead to ear infections if not properly cleaned. Clean Powerbeats Pro regularly with a soft lint-fre e cloth. Don’t get mo isture in any openin gs, or use aerosol spra ys, solvents, or abra sives. If a skin problem develops, discontinue use. If the problem persists, consult a physician.
Electrostatic shock
When usin g Powerbeats Pro in are as where the air is ve ry dry, it is easy to buil d up static electri city and possib le for your ear s to receive a small ele ctrostatic disch arge from Powerbea ts Pro. To minimize the risk o f electrostatic discharg e, avoid using Powerb eats Pro in extrem ely dry environm ents, or touch a ground ed unpainted metal object bef ore inserting Powe rbeats Pro.
Important handling information
Discoloration of the Lightning connector and/or of the charging contacts on your Powerbeats Pro and case after regular use is normal. Dirt, debris, and exposure to moisture may cause discoloration. For informat ionaboutexposure to l iquid and clean ing Powerbeats Pro, t he case, and the Ligh tning connector, see
For support and troubleshooting information and the latest software downloads, go to
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Disposal and Recycling Information
The symbo l above indicates th at this product and/or bat tery should not b e disposed of with ho usehold waste. When you de cide to dispose of th is product and/or its bat tery, do so in accordan ce with local enviro nmental laws and guidelines. For information about Apple’s recycling program, recycling collection points, restricted substances and other environmental initiatives, visit
Battery Disposal Information
Dispose of batteries according to your local environmental laws and guidelines. The lithium-ion batteries in your
Powerbea ts Pro and batter y in the case should b e serviced or rec ycled by Apple or an au thorized serv ice provider, and disposed of separately from household waste. For information about Apple lithium-ion batteries, go to
FCC and ISED Canada Compliance
This equi pment complies wi th Part 15 of the FCC Rules an d ISED Canada lice nse-exe mpt RSS standard(s). Operati on is subject to the follow ing two condition s (1) This devic emay not cause harmful i nterference, and (2) Thisde vice must accept any int erference receiv ed, including inter ference that mayca use undesired operation.
This equi pment has been teste d and found to comply wit h the limits for a Class B d igital device, pursuant to P art 15 of the FCC Rules. The se limits are design ed to provide reasonab le protection again st harmfuli nterference in a resid ential installat ion. This equipmen t generates, uses andc an radiateradio frequen cy energy and, if not insta lled and used in acc ordancewith the ins tructions, may cau se harmful interfere nce to radio communi cations.However, there i s noguarantee that inte rference will not oc cur in a particularinstallation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can b e determinedby turn ing the equipment of f andon, the user is en couraged to try to cor rect the interfere nce by one or more ofthe fol lowing measures:
• Reorien t or relocatethe rece iving antenna.
• Increase t heseparation bet ween the equip ment and receiver.
• Connect the equi pmentto an outlet on a c ircuit different f rom that to which the re ceiver isconnec ted.
• Consult t he dealer oran expe rienced radio/T V technician for he lp.
Important: Changes or modications to this product not authorized by Apple could void the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and wireless compliance and negate your authority to operate the product. This product has demonstrated EMC compliance under conditions that included the use of compliant peripheral devices and shielded cables between system components. It is important that you use compliant peripheral devices and shiel ded cables bet ween system compon ents to reduce the po ssibility of cau sing interferen ce to radios, television sets, and other electronic devices.
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Responsible party (contact for FCC matters only):
Apple Inc. One Appl e Park Way, MS 911-AHW Cupert ino, CA 95014 USA ww
Class 1 Laser Information
This devi ce is classied as a C lass 1 Laser produc t per IEC60825 -1:2007 and IEC6 0825-1:2014. This device comp lies with 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11, except for deviat ions pursuant to Las er Notice No. 50, date d June 24, 2007. Caution: T his device contain s one or more lasers. U se other than as desc ribed in the user g uide, repair, or disasse mbly may cause dam age, which could re sult in hazardous exp osure to infrared las er emissions tha t are not visibl e. This equipment s hould be servic ed by Apple or an auth orised servic e provider.
SÉCURITÉ ET MANIPULATION Renseignements importants concernant la sécurité
Manipul ez le Powerbeats Pro et l ’étui avec soins. I ls contiennent de s composants éle ctroniques sens ibles, incluant l es piles, et peuvent ê tre endommagés, e ntraver son bon fonct ionnement, ou entraî ner des blessure s si échapp és, brûlés, écras és, désassembl és ou exposés à une cha leur excessive ou un l iquide ou à un environnement comportant une forte concentration de produits chimiques industriels, incluant près des gaz liquéé s évaporants tel que l’ hélium. Ne pas uti liser le Powerbea ts Pro ou l’étui endo mmagés.
Pour éteind re le Bluetooth sur le Po werbeats Pro, met tez-les dans l’ét ui, fermez le couver cle, et débranchez l e Câble Lig htning vers USB de l ’étui.
Ne tentez pas d e remplacer la pil e du Powerbeats Pro ou d e l’étui vous-m ême; vous pourrez end ommager les piles, qu i pourraient surcha uffer et causer d es blessures.
Chargez l’étui avec le câble de chargement et un adaptateur électrique ou un ordinateur. Pour charger l’appareil, utilisez seulement un adaptateur conforme aux règlements applicable de votre pays et aux normes de sécurité internationales et régionales, y compris la norme internationale IEC 60950-1 pour la Sécurité des matériels de traitement de l’information. Les autres adaptateurs peuvent ne pas être conformes aux normes de sécurité, e t l’utilisation de ce s adaptateurs peu t entraîner un risqu e de décès ou de ble ssures. Utiliser d es câbles ou chargeu rs endommagés o u charger l’appareil e n présence d’humi dité peut causer un i ncendie, un choc électri que, des blessures o u des dommages à l’ étui ou d’autre propri été.
Exposition prolongée à la chaleur
Évitez tout co ntact prolongé entre l a peau et un apparei l, son adaptateur d’alim entation, et le câbl e de chargem ent et le connecteur l orsqu’il est branc hé dans une source d’ali mentation car cel a peut causer de l’inconf ort ou des blessu res. Par exemple, lors que l’étui est en co urs de chargemen t à l’aide d’un câble de chargem ent et un adaptateur d’alim entation, ne vous as soyez pas et ne dormez pa s sur l’étui, le câb le de chargem ent, le connecteur, ou l’ada ptateur d’alimentatio n, ni les placer sou s une couverture , un oreiller ou votre corps. P renez un soin tout par ticulier si vous a vez une condition p hysique qui affe cte votre capacité à détecter la c haleur contre votre c orps.
Perte auditive
Écouter de s sons élevés peut en dommager la facul té auditive de faço n permanente. Les bru its de fond, en plus d’une exposition continue aux niveaux de son élevés, peuvent donner l’impression que les sons sont plus bas qu’ils l e sont actuellem ent. Vériez le volume ap rès avoir inséré le Powe rbeats Pro dans votr e oreille et avant de faire joue r l’audio. Pour plus de re nseignements co ncernant la per te auditive et comm ent régler la limite maximale du volume, consultez le
AVERTISSEMENT : Pour préven ir la perte audit ive possible, n’éc outez pas avec le son à u n niveau trop élevé pour des longues périodes.
Risque lors de la conduite
L’utilisation du P owerbeats Pro pend ant que vous condui sez un véhicule n’est pas rec ommandée et est il légale à certains endroits. Vériez et suivez les lois et règlements applicables à l’utilisation des écouteurs lors de la conduite d ’un véhicule. Soyez prud ent et attentif pe ndant que vous condu isez. N’écoutez pa s votre appareil audio si vou s trouvez cela per turbant ou distraya nt pendant que con duisez n’importe q uel type de véhic ule ou effectuez une activité qui demande votre entière attention.
Risque d’étouffement
Les petites p ièces incluses a vec le Powerbeats P ro peuvent présenter u n risque d’étouf fement ou peuvent entraîne r d’autres blessures au x jeunes enfants. Ga rdez-les hors de l a portée des enfan ts.
Interférence avec les dispositifs médicaux
Le Powerbe ats Pro et l’étui comp rennent des compos ants et des radios qui é mettent des champ s électromagnétiques. Le Powerbeats Pro et l’étui comprennent également des aimants. Ces champs électromagnétiques et ces aimants peuvent interférer avec les stimulateurs cardiaques, les débrillateurs, ou d’autres dispositifs médicaux. Maintenez une distance sécuritaire entre votre dispositif médical et le Powerbeats Pro et l’étui. Consultez votre médecin et le fabricant de votre dispositif médical pour les informations spéciques à votre dispos itif médical. C essez d’utiliser le Po werbeats Pro et l’ét ui si vous croyez qu’ils i nterfèrent avec votre stimulateur cardiaque, débrillateur, ou autre dispositif médical.
Irritation cutanée
Les écoute urs peuvent provoque r une infection à l’oreil le s’ils ne sont pas net toyés correctement. Nettoyez le Powerbea ts Pro régulièreme nt avec un linge dou x non pelucheux. N e laissez pas d’hum idité pénétrer da ns les
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