Apple A1489, A1490, A1474, A1475 Users Guide

Apple Confidential
Note: Location information isn’t tracked or stored outside iPad. If you don’t want to use Location
Services, go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services to turn it o. You can still use Siri, but Siri
won’t be able to do anything that requires knowing your location.
Make corrections
Want to cancel that last command? Say “cancel,” tap the Siri icon, or press the Home button.
If Siri doesn’t get something right, you can tap to edit your request.
Innsbruck/LL//Art/" not found.
Or tap again and clarify your request. For example, “I meant Boston.” Don’t bother saying what you didn’t mean.
Siri settings
To set options for Siri, go to Settings > General > Siri. Options include:
turning Siri on or o
voice gender (may not be available in all areas)
voice feedback
My Info card
Prevent access to Siri when iPad is locked. Go to Settings > General > Passcode Lock. You can also disable Siri by turning on restrictions. See Restrictions on page 31.
Chapter 4 Siri 37
Tap to enter a search item or web address.
Share or save.
Revisit recent pages.
Open a new tab.
Your open tabs.
See pages open on other devices.
See your bookmarks, reading list, browsing history, and tweeted links.
Apple Confidential
Safari at a glance
Use Safari on iPad to browse the web. Add web clips to the Home screen for quick access. Use Reading List to collect sites to read later. Use iCloud to see pages you have open on other devices, and to keep your bookmarks and reading list up to date on your other devices. Safari features include:
Reader—view articles without ads or clutter
Reading list—collect articles to read later
Full-screen mode—when viewing webpages in landscape orientation
Revisit recent pages.
Share or save.
Tap to enter a search item or web address.
Open a new tab.
Your open tabs.
See pages open on other devices.
See your bookmarks, reading list, browsing history, and tweeted links.
Or tap a suggestion.
Enter what you’re searching
for, then tap Go.
Enter what you’re searching
Tap here to search the current page.
Touch and hold a link to see these options.
Apple Confidential
for, then tap Go.
Tap here to search the current page.
Or tap a suggestion.
Search the web. Enter a URL or search term in the search eld at the top of the page, then tap a
suggested term or tap Go on the keyboard to search for exactly what you typed.
Have your favorites top the list. Select them at Settings > Safari > Favorites.
Search the page. Scroll to the bottom of the suggested results list and tap the entry under
On This Page. Tap in the bottom left to see the next occurrence on the page. To search the
page for a dierent term, enter it in the eld at the bottom of the page. To continue browsing,
tap Done.
Choose your search tool. Go to Settings > Safari > Search Engine.
Browse the web
Touch and hold a link to see these options.
Look before you leap. To see the URL of a link before you go there, touch and hold the link.
Open a link in a new tab. Touch and hold the link, then tap Open in New Tab. If you’d like new
switch to new tabs when you open them, go to Settings > Safari and turn o Open New Tabs
in Background.
Switch tabs. Tap a tab at the top of the page.
Close a tab. Tap on the tab.
Pick up where you left o. If you turn on Settings > iCloud > Safari, you can Tap to view a page that’s open on one of your other devices.
Chapter 5 Safari 39
Links in tweets
Reading list
Apple Confidential
Get back to the top. Tap the top edge of the screen to return to the top of a long page quickly.
See the latest. Tap next to the address in the search eld to update the page.
Keep bookmarks
Links in tweets
Reading list
Bookmark the current page. Tap , then tap Bookmark. To revisit the page, tap , then tap the bookmark.
Get organized. To create a folder for bookmarks, tap , then tap Edit.
Choose which favorites appear when you tap the search eld. Go to Settings > Safari > Favorites.
Bookmarks bar on your Mac? Turn on Settings > iCloud > Safari if you want items from the bookmarks bar in Safari on your Mac to appear in Favorites on iPad.
Save a webclip shortcut on your Home screen. Tap , then tap Add to Home Screen. The webclip appears only on the device where you create it.
Chapter 5 Safari 40
Tap to share with a nearby friend using AirDrop.
Share using the usual methods.
Tap AutoFill instead of typing your contact info.
Apple Confidential
Share what you discover
Spread the news. Tap .
Tap to share with a nearby friend using AirDrop.
Share using the usual methods.
See who’s tweeting what. Go to Settings > Twitter and sign in, then tap and look under to see links tweeted by your friends and others you follow.
Fill in forms
Whether you’re logging in to a website, signing up for a service, or making a purchase, you can
ll in a web form using the onscreen keyboard or have Safari ll it in for you using AutoFill.
Tap AutoFill instead of typing your contact info.
Logging in to the same site frequently? When you’re asked if you want to save the password for
the site, tap Yes. The next time you visit, your user name and password will be lled in for you.
Fill in a form. Tap any eld to bring up the onscreen keyboard. Tap or above the keyboard to move from eld to eld.
Fill it in automatically. Go to Settings > Safari > Passwords & Autoll and turn on Use Contact Info. Then, tap AutoFill above the onscreen keyboard when you’re lling in the form. Not all
websites support AutoFill.
Enter your credit card information. Go to Settings > Safari > Autoll and save your credit
card information, then look for the AutoFill Credit Card button above the onscreen keyboard
whenever you’re in a credit card eld. Your card’s security code is not stored, so you still enter
that yourself.
Submit the form. Tap Go, Search, or the link on the webpage.
Chapter 5 Safari 41
Tap to view the page in Reader.
Tap to view the page in Reader.
Apple Confidential
Use AutoFill on all you devices. Turn on Settings > iCloud > Keychain to make your AuroFill information available on all of your iOS devices. For more about iCloud Keychain, see
iCloud Keychain.
Avoid clutter with Reader
Use Safari Reader to focus on a page’s primary content.
Focus on content. Tap at the left end of the address eld. If you don’t see the icon, reader isn’t available for the page you’re looking at.
Share only the good stu. Tap while viewing the page in Reader to share just the article text and a link to it.
Return to the full page. Tap the reader icon in the address eld again.
Save a reading list for later
Save interesting items in your reading list so you can return to them later. You can read pages in your reading list even when you’re not connected to the Internet.
Add the current page to your reading list. Tap , then tap Add to Reading List.
Add a linked page without opening it. Touch and hold the link, then tap Add to Reading List.
View your reading list. Tap , then tap .
Delete something from your reading list. Swipe left on the item in your reading list.
Privacy and security
You can adjust Safari settings to keep your browsing activities to yourself and protect yourself from malicious websites.
Chapter 5 Safari 42
Apple Confidential
Ask for a little privacy. Turn on Settings > Safari > Do Not Track. Safari will ask websites you visit to not track your browsing, but beware—a website can choose not to honor the request.
Control cookies. Go to Settings > Safari > Block Cookies. To remove cookies already on iPad, go to Settings > Safari > Clear Cookies and Data.
Use secure passwords. Tap the password eld when you create a new account, and Safari will oer to create a secure password and store it in your iCloud Keychain.
Erase your browsing history and data from iPad. Go to Settings > Safari > Clear History, and Settings > Safari > Clear Cookies and Data.
Visit sites without making history. Tap Private on either the open pages screen or the bookmarks screen. Sites you visit will not be added to History on your iPad.
Watch for suspicious websites! Turn on Settings > Safari > Fraudulent Website Warning.
Safari Settings
Go to Settings > Safari, where you can:
Choose your search engine
Provide AutoFill information
Choose which favorites are displayed when you search
Have new tabs open in the background
Display your Favorites at the top of the page
Block pop-ups
Tighten privacy and security
Clear your history, cookies, and data
Chapter 5 Safari 43
Compose a message.
Change mailboxes or accounts.
Delete, move, or mark multiple messages.
Search this mailbox.
Change the preview length in Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars.
Apple Confidential
Write messages
Mail lets you access all of your email accounts, on the go.
Change mailboxes or accounts.
Search this mailbox.
Change the preview length in Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars.
Insert a photo or video. Tap the insertion point. Tap the arrows to see more choices. Also see Edit
text on page 24.
Delete, move, or mark multiple messages.
Compose a message.
Quote some text when you reply. Tap the insertion point, then select the text you want to include. Tap , then tap Reply.
Send a message from a dierent account. Tap the From eld to choose an account.
Change a recipient from Cc to Bcc. After you enter recipients, you can drag them from one eld
to another or change their order.
+ 18 hidden pages