Anritsu MP1861A User Manual

56G/64Gbit/s MUX
Operation Manual
For safety and warning information, please read this
manual before attempting to use the equipment.
Additional safety and warning information is provided
in the MP1800A Signal Quality Analyzer Installation Guide and the MT1810A 4 Slot Chassis Installation Guide. Please also refer to one of these documents before using the equipment.
Keep this manual with the equipment.
Document No.: M-W3756AE-2.0

Safety Symbols

To prevent the risk of personal injury or loss related to equipment malfunction, Anritsu Corporation uses the
following safety symbols to indicate safety-related information. Ensure that you clearly understand the meanings of
the symbols BEFORE using the equipment. Some or all of the following symbols may be used on all Anritsu
equipment. In addition, there may be other labels attached to products that are not shown in the diagrams in this
Symbols used in manual
This indicates a very dangerous procedure that could result in serious injury or death if not performed properly.
This indicates a hazardous procedure that could result in serious injury or death if not performed properly.
This indicates a hazardous procedure or danger that could result in light-to-severe injury, or loss related to equipment malfunction, if proper precautions are not taken.
Safety Symbols Used on Equipment and in Manual
The following safety symbols are used inside or on the equipment near operation locations to provide information
about safety items and operation precautions. Ensure that you clearly understand the meanings of the symbols and
take the necessary precautions BEFORE using the equipment.
This indicates an obligatory safety precaution. The obligatory operation is
This indicates a warning or caution. The contents are indicated symbolically in or
This indicates a note. The contents are described in the box.
These indicate that the marked part should be recycled.
This indicates a prohibited operation. The prohibited operation is indicated symbolically in or near the barred circle.
indicated symbolically in or near the circle.
near the triangle.
MP1861A 56G/64Gbit/s MUX Operation Manual
15 May 2015 (First Edition) 10 July 2015 (Second Edition)
Copyright © 2015, ANRITSU CORPORATION. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced without the prior written permission of the publisher. The contents of this manual may be changed without prior notice. Printed in Japan

For Safety

Electric Shock
ALWAYS refer to the operation manual when working near locations
at which the alert mark shown on the left is attached. If the advice in
the operation manual is not followed, there is a risk of personal injury
or reduced equipment performance. The alert mark shown on the left
may also be used with other marks and descriptions to indicate other
Overvoltage Category
This equipment complies with overvoltage category II defined in IEC
61010. DO NOT connect this equipment to the power supply of
overvoltage category III or IV.
To ensure that the equipment is grounded, always use the supplied
3-pin power cord, and insert the plug into an outlet with a ground
terminal. If power is supplied without grounding the equipment, there
is a risk of receiving a severe or fatal electric shock or causing
damage to the internal components.
Only qualified service personnel with a knowledge of electrical fire and
shock hazards should service this equipment. This equipment cannot
be repaired by the operator. DO NOT attempt to remove the
equipment covers or unit covers or to disassemble internal
components. There are high-voltage parts in this equipment
presenting a risk of severe injury or fatal electric shock to untrained
personnel. In addition, there is a risk of damage to precision
For Safety
Falling Over
The performance-guarantee seal verifies the integrity of the equipment.
To ensure the continued integrity of the equipment, only Anritsu
service personnel, or service personnel of an Anritsu sales
representative, should break this seal to repair or calibrate the
equipment. Be careful not to break the seal by opening the
equipment or unit covers. If the performance-guarantee seal is
broken by you or a third party, the performance of the equipment
cannot be guaranteed.
This equipment should always be positioned in the correct manner. If
the cabinet is turned on its side, etc., it will be unstable and may be
damaged if it falls over as a result of receiving a slight mechanical
Always set up the equipment in a position where the power switch
can be reached without difficulty.
For Safety
Check Terminal
Use in a Residential
Use in Corrosive
Always remove the main power cable from the power outlet before
cleaning dust around the power supply and fan.
Clean the power inlet regularly. If dust accumulates around the
power pins, there is a risk of fire.
Keep the cooling fan clean so that the ventilation holes are not
obstructed. If the ventilation is obstructed, the cabinet may
overheat and catch fire.
Never input a signal of more than the indicated value between the
measured terminal and ground. Input of an excessive signal may
damage the equipment.
This equipment is designed for an industrial environment.
In a residential environment, this equipment may cause radio
interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate
Exposure to corrosive gases such as hydrogen sulfide, sulfurous acid,
and hydrogen chloride will cause faults and failures.
Note that some organic solvents release corrosive gases.
solvents release corrosive gases.
Equipment Certificate
Anritsu Corporation certifies that this equipment was tested before shipment using calibrated measuring instruments with direct traceability to public testing organizations recognized by national research laboratories, including the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, and the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, and was found to meet the published specifications.
Anritsu Warranty
Anritsu Corporation will repair this equipment free-of-charge if a malfunction occurs within one year after shipment due to a manufacturing fault. However, software fixes will be made in accordance with the separate Software End-User License Agreement. Moreover, Anritsu Corporation will deem this warranty void when:
The fault is outside the scope of the warranty conditions separately
described in the operation manual.
The fault is due to mishandling, misuse, or unauthorized modification or
repair of the equipment by the customer.
The fault is due to severe usage clearly exceeding normal usage.
The fault is due to improper or insufficient maintenance by the customer.
The fault is due to natural disaster, including fire, wind, flooding,
earthquake, lightning strike, or volcanic ash, etc.
The fault is due to damage caused by acts of destruction, including civil
disturbance, riot, or war, etc.
The fault is due to explosion, accident, or breakdown of any other
machinery, facility, or plant, etc.
The fault is due to use of non-specified peripheral or applied equipment
or parts, or consumables, etc.
The fault is due to use of a non-specified power supply or in a
non-specified installation location.
The fault is due to use in unusual environments
The fault is due to activities or ingress of living organisms, such as
insects, spiders, fungus, pollen, or seeds.
In addition, this warranty is valid only for the original equipment purchaser. It is not transferable if the equipment is resold.
Anritsu Corporation shall assume no liability for injury or financial loss of the customer due to the use of or a failure to be able to use this equipment.
Note: For the purpose of this Warranty, "unusual environments" means use:
In places of direct sunlight
In dusty places
In liquids, such as water, oil, or organic solvents, and medical fluids, or
places where these liquids may adhere
In salty air or in place chemically active gases (sulfur dioxide, hydrogen
sulfide, chlorine, ammonia, nitrogen dioxide, or hydrogen chloride etc.) are present
In places where high-intensity static electric charges or electromagnetic
fields are present
In places where abnormal power voltages (high or low) or instantaneous
power failures occur
In places where condensation occurs
In the presence of lubricating oil mists
In places at an altitude of more than 2,000 m
In the presence of frequent vibration or mechanical shock, such as in
cars, ships, or airplanes
Anritsu Corporation Contact
In the event of this equipment malfunctions, contact an Anritsu Service and Sales office. Contact information can be found on the last page of the printed version of this manual, and is available in a separate file on the CD version.
Notes On Export Management
This product and its manuals may require an Export License/Approval by
the Government of the product's country of origin for re-export from you
Before re-exporting the product or manuals, please contact us to confirm
whether they are export-controlled items or not.
When you dispose of export-controlled items, the products/manuals need
to be broken/shredded so as not to be unlawfully used for military purpose.
Crossed-out Wheeled Bin Symbol
Equipment marked with the Crossed-out Wheeled Bin Symbol complies with
council directive 2012/19/EC (the “WEEE Directive”) in European Union.
For Products placed on the EU market after August 13, 2005, please contact
your local Anritsu representative at the end of the product's useful life to
arrange disposal in accordance with your initial contract and the local law.

Software End-User License Agreement (EULA)

Please read this Software End-User License Agreement (hereafter this EULA) carefully before using (includes executing, copying, registering, etc.) this software (includes programs, databases, scenarios, etc., used to operate, set, etc., Anritsu electronic equipment). By reading this EULA and using this software, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of its contents and Anritsu Corporation (hereafter Anritsu) hereby grants you the right to use this Software with the Anritsu-specified equipment (hereafter Equipment) for the purposes set out in this EULA.
1. Grant of License and Limitations
1. Regardless of whether this Software was purchased from or provided free-of-charge by Anritsu, you agree not to rent, lease, lend, or otherwise distribute this Software to third parties and further agree not to disassemble, recompile, reverse engineer, modify, or create derivative works of this Software.
2. You may make one copy of this Software for backup purposes only.
3. You are not permitted to reverse engineer this software.
4. This EULA allows you to install one copy of this Software on one piece of Equipment.
2. Disclaimers
To the extent not prohibited by law, in no
event shall Anritsu be liable for personal injury, or any incidental, special, indirect or consequential damages whatsoever, including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, loss of data, business interruption or any other commercial damages or losses, arising out of or related to your use or inability to use this Software.
3. Limitation of Liability
a. If a fault (bug) is discovered in this Software,
preventing operation as described in the operation manual or specifications whether or not the customer uses this software as described in the manual, Anritsu shall at its own discretion, fix the bug, or exchange the software, or suggest a workaround, free-of-charge. However, notwithstanding the above, the following items shall be excluded from repair and warranty.
i) If this Software is deemed to be used for
purposes not described in the operation manual or specifications.
ii) If this Software is used in conjunction with
other non-Anritsu-approved software. iii) Recovery of lost or damaged data. iv) If this Software or the Equipment has been
modified, repaired, or otherwise altered
without Anritsu's prior approval. v) For any other reasons out of Anritsu's direct
control and responsibility, such as but not
limited to, natural disasters, software virus
infections, etc.
b. Expenses incurred for transport, hotel, daily
allowance, etc., for on-site repairs by Anritsu engineers necessitated by the above faults shall be borne by you.
c. The warranty period for faults listed in
article 3a above covered by this EULA shall be either 6 months from the date of purchase of this Software or 30 days after the date of repair, whichever is longer.
4. Export Restrictions
You may not use or otherwise export or
re-export directly or indirectly this Software except as authorized by Japanese and United States law. In particular, this software may not be exported or re-exported (a) into any Japanese or US embargoed countries or (b) to anyone on the Japanese or US Treasury Department's list of Specially Designated Nationals or the US Department of Commerce Denied Persons List or Entity List. By using this Software, you warrant that you are not located in any such country or on any such list. You also agree that you will not use this Software for any purposes prohibited by Japanese and US law, including, without limitation, the development, design and manufacture or production of missiles or nuclear, chemical or biological weapons of mass destruction.
5. Termination
Anritsu shall deem this EULA terminated if
you violate any conditions described herein. This EULA shall also be terminated if the conditions herein cannot be continued for any good reason, such as violation of copyrights, patents, or other laws and ordinances.
6. Reparations
If Anritsu suffers any loss, financial or
otherwise, due to your violation of the terms of this EULA, Anritsu shall have the right to seek proportional damages from you.
7. Responsibility after Termination
Upon termination of this EULA in
accordance with item 5, you shall cease all use of this Software immediately and shall as directed by Anritsu either destroy or return this Software and any backup copies, full or partial, to Anritsu.
8. Dispute Resolution
If matters of dispute or items not covered by
this EULA arise, they shall be resolved by negotiations in good faith between you and Anritsu.
9. Court of Jurisdiction
This EULA shall be interpreted in
accordance with Japanese law and any disputes that cannot be resolved by negotiation described in Article 8 shall be settled by the Japanese courts.
Cautions Against Computer Virus Infection
Copying files and data
Only files that have been provided directly from Anritsu or generated
using Anritsu equipment should be copied to the instrument.
ll other required files should be transferred by means of USB or
CompactFlash media after undergoing a thorough virus check.
Adding software
Do not download or install software that has not been specifically
recommended or licensed by Anritsu.
Network connections
Ensure that the network has sufficient anti-virus security protection in
Protection Against Computer Virus Infections
Prior to the software installation
Before installing this software or any other software recommended o
approved by Anritsu, run a virus scan on your computer, including
removable media (e.g. USB memory stick and CF memory card) you
want to connect to your computer.
When using this software and connecting with the measuring instrument
Copying files and data
On your computer, do not save any copies other than the following:
Files and data provided by Anritsu
Files created by this software
Files specified in this document
Before copying these files and/or data, run a virus scan, including
removable media (e.g. USB memory stick and CF memory card).
Connecting to network
Connect your computer to the network that provides adequate
protection against computer viruses.
Cautions on Proper Operation of Software
This software may not operate normally if any of the following operations
are performed on your computer:
Simultaneously running any software other than that recommended or
approved by Anritsu
Closing the lid (Laptop computer)
Turning on the screen saver function
Turning on the battery-power saving function (Laptop computer)
For how to turn off the functions, refer to the operation manual that came
with your computer.
CE Conformity Marking
Anritsu affixes the CE Conformity marking on the following product(s) in
accordance with the Council Directive 93/68/EEC to indicate that they
conform to the EMC and LVD directive of the European Union (EU).
CE marking
1. Product Model
Model: MP1861A 56G/64Gbit/s MUX
2. Applied Directive and Standards
EMC: Directive 2004/108/EC
LVD: Directive 2006/95/EC
3. Applied Standards
EMC: Emission: EN 61326-1: 2013 (Class A)
Immunity: EN 61326-1: 2013 (Table 2)
IEC 61000-4-2 (ESD) B IEC 61000-4-3 (EMF) A IEC 61000-4-4 (Burst) B IEC 61000-4-5 (Surge) B IEC 61000-4-6 (CRF) A IEC 61000-4-8 (RPFMF) A IEC 61000-4-11 (V dip/short) B, C *: Performance Criteria
A: The equipment shall continue to operate as intended
during and after the test. No degradation of performance or loss of function is allowed below a performance level specified by the manufacturer, when the equipment is used as intended. The performance level may be replaced by a permissible loss of performance. If the minimum performance level or the permissible performance loss is not specified by the manufacturer, either of these may be derived from the product description and documentation and what the user may reasonably expect from the equipment if used as intended.
Performance Criteria*
B: The equipment shall continue to operate as intended
after the test. No degradation of performance or loss of function is allowed below a performance level specified by the manufacturer, when the equipment is used as intended. The performance level may be replaced by a permissible loss of performance. During the test, degradation of performance is however allowed. No change of actual operating state or stored data is allowed. If the minimum performance level or the permissible performance loss is not specified by the manufacturer, either of these may be derived from the product description and documentation and what the user may reasonably expect from the equipment if used as intended.
C: Temporary loss of function is allowed, provided the
function is self-recoverable or can be restored by the operation of the controls.
Harmonic current emissions:
EN 61000-3-2: 2006 +A1:2009 A2:2009 (Class A equipment) No limits apply to this equipment with an active input power
under 75 W.
LVD: EN 61010-1: 2010 (Pollution Degree 2)
4. Authorized representative
Name: Murray Coleman Head of Customer Service EMEA ANRITSU EMEA Ltd. Address, city: 200 Capability Green, Luton Bedfordshire, LU1 3LU Country: United Kingdom
C-Tick Conformity Marking
Anritsu affixes the C-Tick mark on the following product(s) in accordance
with the regulation to indicate that they conform to the EMC framework of
Australia/New Zealand.
C-Tick marking
1. Product Model
Model: MP1861A 56G/64Gbit/s MUX
2. Applied Standards
EMC: Emission: EN 61326-1: 2013 (Class A equipment)
Configuration of Signal Quality Analyzer Series Operation Manual
indicates this document.

About This Manual

A testing system combining an MP1800A Signal Quality Analyzer or MT1810A 4 Slot Chassis mainframe, module(s), and control software is called a Signal Quality Analyzer Series. The operation manuals of the Signal Quality Analyzer Series consist of separate documents for the installation guide, the mainframe, remote control operation, module(s), and control software, as shown below.
Installation Guide
Installation guide from module installation to the start of use. The Installation Guide varies depending on the mainframe used.
Mainframe Operation Manual
Describes basic operations of the mainframe. The Mainframe Operation Manual varies depending on the mainframe used.
Remote Control Operation Manual
Describes remote control using the GPIB interface and LAN interface.
Module Operation Manual
Operation manual for the module. The Module Operation Manual varies depending on the module(s) used.
MP1861A 56G/64Gbit/s MUX
Describes how the as well as how to operate and maintain it.
Control Software Operation Manual
Operation manual of the software that controls the Signal Quality Analyzer Series.
is configured

Table of Contents

For Safety .................................................... iii
About This Manual........................................ I
Chapter 1 Overview ........................................... 1-1
1.1 Product Overview ......................................................... 1-2
1.2 Product Composition .................................................... 1-3
1.3 Specifications ................................................................ 1-6
Chapter 2 Before Use ........................................ 2-1
2.1 Preparation Before Use ................................................ 2-2
2.2 Getting Started with MX180000A ............................... 2-10
2.3 Other Usage Methods ................................................. 2-19
2.4 Preventing Damage .................................................... 2-24
Chapter 3 Panel Layout and Connectors ........ 3-1
3.1 Panel Layout ................................................................. 3-2
3.2 Inter-Module Connection .............................................. 3-5
Chapter 4 Window Operations ......................... 4-1
4.1 Configuration of Operation Screen ............................... 4-2
4.2 Configuration of the Operation Window ........................ 4-3
4.3 Setting Output Interface ................................................ 4-4
4.4 Operating the Linked Module ...................................... 4-13
4.5 Multi Channel Functions ............................................. 4-15
Chapter 5 Use Examples ................................... 5-1
5.1 Achieving Error-Free Data Transmission ..................... 5-2
5.2 Measuring Optical Transceiver Module ........................ 5-4
5.3 Testing Jitter Tolerance ................................................ 5-6
Chapter 6 Performance Test ............................. 6-1
6.1 Overview ....................................................................... 6-2
6.2 Devices Required for Performance Tests ..................... 6-3
6.3 Performance Test Items ............................................... 6-4
Chapter 7 Remote Commands ......................... 7-1
7.1 Status Commands ........................................................ 7-2
7.2 Common Commands .................................................... 7-5
7.3 64G MUX Commands ................................................. 7-15
Chapter 8 Maintenance ..................................... 8-1
8.1 Daily Maintenance ........................................................ 8-2
8.2 Cautions on Storage ..................................................... 8-2
8.3 Transportation ............................................................... 8-3
8.4 Calibration ..................................................................... 8-3
8.5 Disposal ........................................................................ 8-4
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting ............................... 9-1
9.1 Problems That May Occur When Starting MP1861A ... 9-2
9.2 Problems That May Occur During Output Waveform
Observation ................................................................... 9-3
9.3 Problems That May Occur During Error Rate
Measurement ................................................................ 9-4
Appendix A List of Initial Settings .................. A-1
Appendix B Setting Restrictions ................. B-1
Appendix C Performance Test Record Sheet C-1
Appendix D Fault Diagnosis Tool ................... D-1
Appendix E Sequence Examples ..................... E-1
Chapter 1
This chapter provides an overview of the MP1861A 56G/64Gbit/s MUX (MP1861A hereafter).
Product Overview ......................................................... 1-2
1.2 Product Composition .................................................... 1-3
1.2.1 Standard composition ....................................... 1-3
1.2.2 Options ............................................................. 1-4
1.2.3 Application parts ............................................... 1-5
1.3 Specifications ................................................................ 1-6
1.3.1 Specifications for MP1861A ............................. 1-6
Chapter 1 Overview

1.1 Product Overview

The MP1861A is a plug-in module that can be built into a Signal Quality Analyzer main frame. This equipment 2:1 multiplexes the output signal of the MU183020A 32 Gbit/s and MU181021A 32 Gbit/s 4ch PPG (hereafter MU18302xA) to generate 8 to 64.2 Gbit/s PRBS, DATA and Zero-Substitution patterns.
Various option configurations are available for the MP1861A. This module is therefore useful for research, development, and production of various types of digital communication equipment, modules, and devices.
Features of the MP1861A:
Operating rates: 8 to 56.2 Gbit/s (64.2 Gbit/s using additional options)
Multiplexes input data signal to 2:1
High-quality output signal waveform
Flexible for functional expansion in the future, by installing additional
Controlled by MX180000A Signal Quality Analyzer Control Software
(hereafter MX180000A) when either MP1800A or controller PC connected
1.2 Product Composition

1.2 Product Composition

1.2.1 Standard composition

Table 1.2.1-1 shows the standard composition of the MP1861A.
Table 1.2.1-1 Standard composition for MP1861A
Item Model Product name Q’ty Remarks
Main frame MP1861A 56G/64Gbit/s MUX 1 Accessory J1658A Coaxial skew match pair cable
(1.3 m, K connector)
J1652A Coaxial cable
(0.5 m, K connector)
J1654A U Link Cable B 1 Delayed Clock
J1363A Protection cap 2 Data
41V-6 Precision fixed attenuator 6 dB 2 Data
J1632A Terminator 4 Clock Output1/2
J1341A Open 3 External Clock
J1655A Semi-rigid Cable (0.2 m, V) 1 J1475A USB cable 1 Z1312A AC Adapter 1 G0342A ESD Discharger 1 Power cord 2.6 m 1 Z0897A MP1800A Manual CD 1 CD-ROM version Z0918A MX180000A Software CD 1 CD-ROM version
1 Data Input1/2
1 External Clock
Output to Mux Clock Input
Output/XData Output
Output/XData Output
1/2 Clock OutputBuffered Clock Output
Input Data Input1/2
Chapter 1 Overview

1.2.2 Options

Table 1.2.2-1 shows the options for the MP1861A. All options are sold separately.
Table 1.2.2-1 Options for MP1861A
Model name Product name Remarks
MP1861A-x01 64 Gbit/s Extension MP1861A-x11 Variable Data Output (0.5 to 2.5 Vp-p) Mandatory option
Cannot be installed together with MP1861A-x13.
MP1861A-x13 Variable Data Output (0.5 to 3.5 Vp-p) Mandatory options
Cannot be installed together with MP1861A-x11.
MP1861A-x30 Variable Data Delay
Option name format is as follows:
MP1861A- x x x
Indicates function. This value is recognized by the mainframe.
nritsu management number.
This value is not recognized by the mainframe.

1.2.3 Application parts

Table 1.2.3-1 shows the application parts for the MP1861A. All application parts are sold separately.
1.2 Product Composition
Table 1.2.3-1 Application parts
Model Product name Remarks
J1600A Skew match pair cable
(0.2 m, V connector)
J1656A Coaxial cable set
(MP1861A-MP1862A) J1646A Passive Equalizer 6dB (V connector) Z0306A Wrist strap J1678A ESD Protection Adapter-K K connector J1679A ESD Protection Adapter-V V connector
Cable for measurement
Two (a pair) for jitter tolerance measurement
Chapter 1 Overview

1.3 Specifications

1.3.1 Specifications for MP1861A

The input/output specification value is defined assuming that a sampling oscilloscope range with 70 GHz is used.
Table 1.3.1-1 Specifications for MP1861A
Item Specifications Remarks
Operating Bit Rate 8 to 56.2 Gbit/s
8 to 64.2 Gbit/s (when MP1861A-x01 installed)
External Clock Input
Data Input Number of Input 2 (Data Input 1, Data Input 2) From MU18302xA
1/2 Clock Output Number of Output 1 (1/2 Clk Output) To be terminated
Clock Output Number of Output 2 (Clk Output1, Clk Output2) Output frequency:
Number of Input 1 (Ext Clk Input) From the Frequency 4 to 28.1 GHz
4 to 32.1 GHz (when MP1861A-x01 installed)
Input Amplitude 0.3 to 1.0 Vp-p Termination 50 Connector K (f.)
Level 0/–0.7 V (H:–0.15 to +0.05, L: –0.85 to
Termination 50 Connector K (f.)
Frequency 2 to 14.05 GHz
Output Amplitude 0.3 to 1.0 Vp-p Termination 50 Connector SMA(f.)
Frequency 4 to 28.1 GHz
Output Amplitude 0.4 to 1.0 Vp-p Termination 50 Connector K (f.)
2 to 16.05 GHz (when MP1861A-x01 installed)
4 to 32.1 GHz (when MP1861A-x01 installed)
MU18302xA Clock Output connector
(Full rate Clock Output setting)
Data Output
into 50  when not in use.
Output frequency: Half of the frequency input to the Ext Clk Input connector.
The same as the frequency input to the Ext Clk Input connector.
To the MP1862A Ext. Clock Input connector or DUT
Table 1.3.1-1 Specifications for MP1861A (Cont’d)
1.3 Specifications
Buffered Clock Output
Delayed Clock Output
MUX Clock Input
Data Output*1 MP1861A-x11
(Variable Data Output (0.5 to
2.5 Vp-p))
Item Specifications Remarks
Number of Output 1 (Buffered Clk Output) To be terminated Frequency 4 to 28.1 GHz
4 to 32.1 GHz (when MP1861A-x01
installed) Output Amplitude 0.2 to 1.0 Vp-p Termination 50 Connector K (f.)
Number of Output 1 (Delayed Clk Output) To be connected to Frequency 4 to 28.1 GHz
Output Amplitude 0.2 to 1.0 Vp-p Termination 50 Connector K (f.)
Number of Input 1 (MUX Clk Input) To be connected to Frequency 4 to 28.1 GHz
Input Amplitude 0.2 to 1.0 Vp-p Termination 50 Connector K (f.)
Number of Output 2 (Data Output/ Bit Rate 8 to 56.2 Gbit/s
4 to 32.1 GHz (when MP1861A-x01
4 to 32.1 GHz (when MP1861A-x01
8 to 64.2 Gbit/s (when MP1861A-x01
into 50  when not in use.
Output frequency: The same as the frequency input to the Ext Clk Input connector.
the Mux Clk Input connector.
Output frequency: The same as the frequency input to the Ext Clk Input connector.
the Delayed Clk Output connector.
Input frequency: The same as the frequency input to the Ext Clk Input connector.
*1: Defined under the following test pattern conditions:
• PRBS2^31–1
• Mark Ratio1/2
Chapter 1 Overview
Item Specifications Remarks
Data Output*1
MP1861A-x11 (Variable Data Output (0.5 to
2.5 Vp-p)) (Continued)
Offset –2.0 to +3.3 Voh /1 mV Step
Defined Interface NECL, SCFL, NCML, PCML, LVPECL Cross Point 45% to 55% / 0.1% Step (56.2 Gbit/s)
Tr/Tf*2, *3 Typ.8 ps (20 to 80%)*4,*5 Half Period Jitter –20 to 20/1 Step
Jitter (RMS)*2, *3 Typ. 450 fs, 550 fs*4,*7
Random Jitter (RMS)
Waveform Distortion (0-peak)*
ON•OFF Can be switched ON/OFF Termination Can be switched between AC and DC, 50
Connector V (f.) Offset reference Can be switched between Voh, Vth and
Data/XData Tracking
Level Guard Yes
Table 1.3.1-1 Specifications for MP1861A (Cont’d)
2, *3
0.5 to 2.5 Vp-p/2 mV Step
0.5 to 2.5 Vp-p/2 mV Step (56.2 Gbit/s) *
1.0 to 2.5 Vp-p/2 mV Step (>56.2 Gbit/s) The range of 0.5 to 0.998 V is not
guaranteed but can be set.
Accuracy: 50 mV 17% of Amplitude*4,*5
Min. –4.0 Vol Accuracy:
65 mV 10% of Offset (Vth)
(Amplitude Accuracy/2)
Current Limit: Sourcing 100 mA/Sinking 100 mA
“Overload” is displayed in the following cases because the cross point of 50 % cannot be guaranteed.
• >56.2 Gbit/s
• When MP1861A-x01 is installed
With monitor display in units of UI.
Typ. 650 fs *
Typ. 200 fs *4,*7
Typ.  25 mV  10% of Amplitude *
/GND, –2 V, + 1.3 V (when DC selected)
Vol Yes
Data and
can be set separately.
External ATT Factor
*2: Defined based on the condition the cross point is 50%.
Yes Data and
can be set separately.
1.3 Specifications
*3: Defined based on the following observation conditions:
• The coaxial cable (J1655A) is used
• The sampling oscilloscope band is 70 GHz.
*4: At a bit rate of 56.2 Gbit/s
*5: At a bit rate of 64.2 Gbit/s (with MP1861A-x01 installed)
*6: At an output amplitude of 2.5 Vp-p
*7: The specified value applies when using an oscilloscope with residual
jitter of less than 200 fs (RMS).
Chapter 1 Overview
Item Specifications Remarks
Table 1.3.1-1 Specifications for MP1861A (Cont’d)
Data Output*1 (Cont’d)
MP1861A-x13 (Variable Data Output (0.5 to
3.5 Vp-p))
Number of Output 2 (Data Output /
Bit Rate 8 to 56.2 Gbit/s
8 to 64.2 Gbit/s (when MP1861A-x01 installed)
Data and can be set separately.
Amplitude*2, *3 0.5 to 3.5 Vp-p/2 mV Step
0.5 to 3.5 Vp-p/2 mV Step (56.2 Gbit/s)
1.0 to 3.5 Vp-p/2 mV Step (>56.2 Gbit/s) The range of 0.5 to 0.998 V is not
guaranteed but can be set.* Accuracy: 50 mV  17% of Amplitude*3
Offset –2.0 to + 3.3 Voh/1 mV Step
Min. –4.0 Vol Accuracy:
65 mV 10% of Offset (Vth)
(Amplitude Accuracy/2)
Current Limit:
Sourcing 100 mA/Sinking 100 mA Defined Interface NECL, SCFL, NCML, PCML, LVPECL Cross Point 45 to 55% /0.1% Step (56.2 Gbit/s)
“Overload” is displayed in the following
cases because the cross point of 50 %
cannot be guaranteed.
• >56.2 Gbit/s
• When MP1861A-x01 is installed Tr/Tf*2,*3 Typ.8 ps (20 to 80%)*4,*5 Half Period Jitter –20 to 20/1 Step
With monitor display in units of UI.
Jitter (RMS)*2,*3 Typ. 450 fs, 550 fs*4, *
Typ. 650 fs, *5, *7
Random Jitter
Typ. 200fs *4, *7
(RMS) Waveform Distortion
(0-peak) *
Typ.  25 mV  10% of Amplitude *
ON/OFF Can be switched ON/OFF Termination Can be switched between AC and DC,
50 /GND, –2 V, + 1.3 V (when DC
selected) Connector V (f.) Offset reference Can be switched between Voh, Vth and Vol
Yes Tracking
Level Guard Yes External ATT
Yes Data and Factor
can be set separately.
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