Part 2: Platform Software Options Select which E6474A platform software option matches your system needs.
License Description Option Number
Initialized parallel license key
Multiple phone license 010
Indoor mapping license 030
MapX Mapping software license 040
Client data measurement software license 700
Server data measurement software license
Wireless Application Measurement Software 740
Video Streaming 741
Video Telephony 742
Video Streaming plus non-reference video MoS 744
TechTool data logging and GPS 070
TechTool alarming capabilities 071
Platform software CD only 090
Table 2 - Platform software options
The E6474A licenses are only delivered on a USB key. A parallel key must be ordered separately if required.
Refer to the Software License section below for information on the Keyless License features.
MapX is required for release 10.0 onwards to support mapping features. Release 9.x and earlier did not require
this option.
E6474A-710 is a “server” application, used with E6474A-700, and requires to be run on a separate PC platform
from the optimization software. E6474A-710 is provided with a CD containing software and documentation, a
Server Installation Guide and a Parallel port software license key. Refer to the Wireless Data Measurements
data sheet for further details (literature number 5988-1507EN).
WAMS Lite is available as a low cost entry point to basic service testing. Tests included are FTP test, PING, voice
connectivity, video connectivity, AT commands, and DOS commands only.
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Server-based keyless software licensing is offered as an alternative to the default
hardware key-based licensing. Software licensing provides the ability to maintain a pool
of E6474A measurement licenses on a server and then distributes those licenses to client
drive-test PCs using a check-out process. Typically only one server application is required
per customer. This licensing option is aimed at customers managing more than twenty
E6474A systems.
License Description Option Number
Software licensing server application E6474A-081
Software licensing option delivery E6474A-080
Hardware key to software license exchange E6474A-083
Table 2a - Software license options
: The minimum license check-out period is seven days. Techtool options are not
available under the software licensing system. An E6474A-083 purchase is required for
every E6474A measurement license to be transferred.