Zoom MS-50G User Manual

Effect Types and Parameters (Ver.3)
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Effect Types and Parameters
Additional effects
Parameter range
Effect type Effect explanation
SmoothDly This wide delay is modeled on the BOSS DD-20 in SMOOTH mode.
Effect screen
TIME 1–3000
Sets the delay time. Adjusts the feedback amount.
TONE 0–100 Tail OFF/ON
Adjusts the tone.
Parameter explanation
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
F.B 0–100 E.LVL 0–100
When ON, effect s ound c ontinues even after effect is turned off. When OFF, effect sound stops righ t wh en effect is turned off.
Adj ust s amo unt of ef fec t so und mixed with original sound.
Tempo synchronization possible icon
Effect Types and Parameters
Comp This compressor in the style of the MXR Dyna Comp.
Sense 0–10 Tone 0–10 Level 0–150
Adjusts the compressor sensitivity. Adjusts the tone. Adjusts the output level.
ATTCK Slow, Fast
Set s co mpress or atta ck sp eed to Fast or Slow.
RackComp This compressor allows more detailed adjustment than Comp.
THRSH 0–50 Ratio 1–10 Level 0–150
Set s t he leve l that a cti vate s t he compressor.
ATTCK 1–10
Adjusts the compressor attack rate.
SlowATTCK This effect slows the attack of each note, resulting in a violin-like performance.
Time 1–50 Curve 0–10 Level 0–150
Adjusts the attack time.
ZOOM's unique noise reduction cuts noise during pauses in playing without affecting the tone.
THRSH 1–25 DETCT GtrIn, EfxIn Level 0–150
Adjusts the effect sensitivity. Sets control signal detection level. Adjusts the output level.
M Comp This compressor provides a more natural sound.
THRSH 0–50 Ratio 1–10 Level 0–150
Se ts t he l eve l tha t ac ti va te s th e compressor.
ATTCK 1–10
Adjusts the compressor attack rate.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Adjusts the compression ratio. Adjusts the output level.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Set the curve of volume change during attack.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Adjusts the compression ratio. Adjusts the output level.
Adjusts the output level.
2 3
Effect Types and Parameters
OptComp This compressor is in the style of an APHEX Punch FACTORY.
Drive 0–10 Tone 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the depth of the compression.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Adjusts the tone.
NoiseGate This is a noise gate that cuts the sound during playing pauses.
THRSH 1–25 Level 0–150
Adjusts the effect sensitivity. Adjusts the output level.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
DirtyGate This vintage style gate features a characteristic way of closing.
THRSH 1–25 Level 0–150
Adjusts the effect sensitivity.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Adjusts the output level.
OrangeLim This models an ORANGE SQUEEZER.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
GrayComp This models a ROSS Compressor.
SUSTN 0–100 OUT 0–100
Adjusts the sustain. Adjusts the output level.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
GraphicEQ This unit has a 6-band equalizer.
Sound input into the LineSel effect is sent directly to the OUTPUT jacks when OFF and to the next effect in order when ON.
EFX_L 0–150 OUT_L 0–150
Adjusts level sent to next effect.
160Hz -12–12 400Hz -12–12 800Hz -12–12
Boosts or cuts the low (160 Hz) frequency band.
3.2kHz -12–12 6.4kHz -12–12 12kHz -12–12
Boos ts o r cu ts the high (3.2 kHz) frequency band.
Level 0–150
Adjusts the output level.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Adjusts level sent directly to the outputs.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Boosts or cuts the low-middl e ( 400 Hz) frequency band.
Boosts or cuts the ext remely high (6.4 kHz) frequency band.
Adjusts the output level.
Boosts or cuts the midd le (800 Hz) frequency band.
Boos ts o r cuts the harmon ics (12 kHz) frequency band.
Effect Types and Parameters
ParaEQ This is a 2-band parametric equalizer.
Freq1 20Hz–20kHz Q1
Adjusts center frequency of EQ1. Adjusts EQ1 Q. Adjusts EQ1 gain.
Freq2 20Hz–20kHz Q2
Adjusts center frequency of EQ2. Adjusts EQ2 Q. Adjusts EQ2 gain.
Level 0–150
Adjusts the output level.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16
0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16
AutoWah This effect varies wah in accordance with picking intensity.
Sense -10– -1, 1–10 Reso 0–10 Level 0–150
Adjusts the sensitivity of the effect.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Adjusts the intensity of the resonance sound.
Cry This effect varies the sound like a talking modulator.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Adjusts the intensity of the modulation resonance sound.
Adjusts the output level.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Sets effect sensitivity. Sets effect resonance.
Adjusts the output level.
2Pole, 4Pole
Range 1–10 Reso 0–10 Sense -10– -1, 1–10
Adjusts the frequency range processed by the effect.
Bal 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the balance between original and effect sounds.
This envelope filter has the flavor of a Moog MF-101 low pass filter and can be set in a wide range.
Freq 0–100 Sense 0–10 Reso 0–10
Sets m inimum frequency of enve lope filter.
Sets filter type. Adjusts amount of filter applied. Sets speed of filter action.
Bal 0–100 Level
Adjusts the balance between original and effect sounds.
Step This special effect gives the sound a stepped quality.
Depth 0–100 Rate 0–50
Sets the depth of the modulation. Sets the speed of the modulation.
Shape 0–10 Level 0–150
Adjusts the effect envelope. Adjusts the output level.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
SeqFLTR The sequence filter has the flavor of a Z.Vex Seek-Wah.
Step 2–8 PTTRN 1–8 Speed 1–50
Adjusts number of sequence steps. Sets effect pattern. Sets modulation speed.
Shape 0–10 Reso 0–10 Level 0–150
Sets effect sound envelope. Sets effect resonance. Adjusts the output level.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Exciter Adjusts the depth of the compression.
Bass 0–100 Trebl 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the amount of low-frequency phase correction.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Adjusts the amount of high-frequency phase correction.
Gain1 -12–12
Gain2 -12–12
Adjusts the output level.
Adjusts the sensitivity of the effect.
VLCTY Fast, Slow
Reso 0–10
Adjusts the intensity of the modulation resonance sound.
Adjusts the level of the signal after it has passed through the module.
Effect Types and Parameters
This effect uses the comb filter that results from fixing the modulation of the flanger like an equalizer.
Freq 1–50 Reso -10–0–10 Mix 0–100
This sets the emphasized frequency.
HiDMP 0–10 Level 0–150
Adjusts the treble attenuation of the effect sound.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Adjusts the intensity of the resonance sound of the effect.
Adjusts the output level.
Adjusts the amount of effected sound that is mixed with the original sound.
Resonance This effect varies the resonance filter frequency according to picking intensity.
Sense -10– -1, 1–10 Reso 0–10 Level 0–150
Adjusts the sensitivity of the effect.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Adjusts the intensity of the resonance sound.
Adjusts the output level.
RndmFLTR This filter effect changes character randomly.
Speed 1–50
Sets modulation speed. Adjusts frequency range affected. Sets effect resonance.
Sets filter type. Adjusts amount of filter applied.
Level 0–150
Adjusts the output level.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Range 0–100 Reso 0–10
2Pole, 4Pole
Bal 0–100
Adjusts the balance between original and effect sounds.
fCycle This filter effect changes tone characteristics cyclically.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Rate 1–50
Sets the sp
eed of the modulation. Sets the modulation waveform. Adjusts the output level.
Depth 0–100 Reso 0–10
Sets the depth of the modulation.
Adjusts the intensity of the modulation resonance.
Sine, Tri, SawUp, SawDn
Level 0–150
SlowFLTR The frequency of this filter effect changes, triggered by picking.
Time 1–50 Curve 0–10 Level 0–150
Sets the time taken to chan ge the sound.
Reso 0–10 Chara 2Pole, 4Pole DRCTN Open, Close
Adjusts the intensity of the modulation.
This stereo graphic equalizer has 6 bands that suit guitar frequencies.
160Hz -12–12 40 0Hz -12–12 800Hz -12–12
Boo sts or cut s the l ow (16 0 Hz) frequency band.
3.2kHz -12–12 6.4kHz -12–12 12kHz -12–12
Boos ts o r cu ts the high (3.2 kHz) frequency band.
Level 0–150
Adjusts the output level.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Adjusts the curve of the sound change.
Adjusts amount of filter applied. Sets the direction of the change.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Boosts or cuts the low-middl e ( 400 Hz) frequency band.
Boosts or cuts the ext remely high (6.4 kHz) frequency band.
Adjusts the output level.
Boosts or cuts the midd le (800 Hz) frequency band.
Boos ts o r cuts the harmon ics (12 kHz) frequency band.
Effect Types and Parameters
Booster The booster increases signal gain to make the sound more powerful.
Gain 0–100 Tone 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts the tone. Adjusts the output level.
T Scream
Simulation of the BOSS OD-1, the compact effect box that was the first to take the “overdrive” title.
Gain 0–100 Tone 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts the tone. Adjusts the output level.
Simulation of the Ibanez TS808, which is loved by many guitarists as a booster and has inspired numerous clones.
Gain 0–100 Tone 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts the tone. Adjusts the output level.
Dist+ Simulation of the MXR distortion+ effect that made distortion popular worldwide.
Gain 0–100 Tone 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts the tone. Adjusts the output level.
Dist 1 Simulation of the BOSS DS-1 distortion pedal, which has been a long-seller.
Gain 0–100 Tone 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts the tone. Adjusts the output level.
Squeak Simulation of the popular Pro Co Rat famous for its edgy distortion sound.
Gain 0–100 Tone 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts the tone. Adjusts the output level.
Simulation of the Electro-Harmonix Big Muff, which is loved by famous artists around the world for its fat, sweet fuzz sound.
Gain 0–100 Tone 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts the tone. Adjusts the output level.
Simulation of the BOSS Met al Zone, whi ch is characterized by long sust ain an d a powerful lower midrange.
Gain 0–100 Tone 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts the tone. Adjusts the output level.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Effect Types and Parameters
HotBox Simulation of the compact Matchless Hotbox pre-amplifier with a built-in tube.
Gain 0–100 Tone 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts the tone. Adjusts the output level.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Z Clean ZOOM original unadorned clean sound.
Gain 0–100 Tone 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts the tone. Adjusts the output level.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
ExtremeDS This distortion effect boasts the highest gain in the world.
Gain 0–100 Tone 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts the tone. Adjusts the output level.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Aco.Sim This effect changes the tone of an electric guitar to make it sound like an acoustic guitar.
Top 0–100 Body 0–100 Level 0–150
Adju sts the unique stri ng t one of acoustic guitars.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Adjusts the body resonance of acoustic guitars.
Adjusts the output level.
Governor Simulation of the Guv'nor distortion effect from Marshall.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Gain 0–100 Tone 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts the tone. Adjusts the output level.
Simulation of the Fuzz Face, which has made rock history with its humorous panel design and smashing sound.
Gain 0–100 Tone 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts the tone. Adjusts the output level.
An original sound cr eat ed by merging characteristics of an ADA MP1 and a M ars hall JCM800.
Gain 0–100 Tone 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts the tone. Adjusts the output level.
Z Bottom A high gain sound that emphasizes low and middle frequencies.
Gain 0–100 Tone 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts the tone. Adjusts the output level.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Effect Types and Parameters
Z Dream
A high gain sound for lead playing based on the Mesa Boogie Road King Series II Lead channel.
Gain 0–100 Tone 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts the tone. Adjusts the output level.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Z Scream An original high gain sound balanced from low to high frequencies.
Gain 0–100 Tone 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts the tone. Adjusts the output level.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Z Neos A crunch sound modeled on the sound of a modified British class A combo amplifier.
Gain 0–100 Tone 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts the tone. Adjusts the output level.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Z Wild A high gain sound with even more overdrive boost.
Gain 0–100 Tone 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts the tone. Adjusts the output level.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Lead Lead a bright and smooth distortion sound.
Gain 0–100 Tone 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts the tone. Adjusts the output level.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
CentaGold This effect models a famous gold overdrive boutique pedal.
GAIN 0–100 TRBL 0–100 OUT 0–100
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts volume of high frequencies. Adjusts the output level.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
NYC Muff This models an Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi.
TS Drive
VOL 0–100 TONE 0–100 SUSTN 0–100
Adjusts the output level. Adjusts the tone. Adjusts the gain.
Simulation of the Ibanez TS808.
O.DRV 0–10 0 TONE 0–100 LEVEL 0–100
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts the tone. Adjusts the output level.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Effect Types and Parameters
BG THROTTLE This models the sound of the Mesa Boogie THROTTLE BOX.
LEVEL 0–100 LO/HI LO, HI GAIN 0–100
Adjusts the output level. Sets the gain range. Adjusts the gain.
MdCut 0–10 0 TONE 0–100 BOOST OFF, ON
Adjusts volume of middle frequencies.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Adjusts the tone. Sets the low frequency boost.
OctFuzz This fuzz effect adds an octave above.
VOL 0–100 COLOR 1, 2 BOOST 0–100
Adjusts the output volume. Sets the sound color. Adjusts the gain.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
BG GRID This models a Mesa Boogie GRID SLAMMER.
LEVEL 0–100 TONE 0–100 GAIN 0–100
Adjusts the output level. Adjusts the tone. Adjusts the gain.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
RED CRUNCH Use this effect for the famous "brown sound."
VOL 0–100 LO/HI LO, HI GAIN 0–100
Adjusts the output volume. Sets the gain range. Adjusts the gain.
PRES 0–100 COMP 1, 0, 2 TONE 0–100
Adjusts volume of super-high frequencies.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Select the clipping pattern. Adjusts the tone.
TB MK1.5 This is a classic fuzz effect.
LEVEL 0–100 COLOR 1, 2 ATTCK 0–100
Adjusts the output level. Sets the sound color. Adjusts the gain.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Sweet Drive This effect models a sweet sounding overdrive.
VOL 0–100 FOCUS 0–100 DRIVE 0–100
Adjusts the output level. Adjusts the tone. Adjusts the gain.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
RC Boost This booster covers sounds ranging from clean boosts to light drives.
GAIN 0–100 TRBL 0–100 BASS 0–100
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts volume of high frequencies. Adjusts volume of low frequencies.
VOL 0–100
Adjusts the output volume.
This effect easily achieves the warm drive tone of a tube amp.
LEVEL 0–100 TONE 0–100 GAIN 0–100
Adjusts the output level. Adjusts the tone. Adjusts the gain.
Sets the sound style.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Effect Types and Parameters
DELUXE-R This models the sound of a Fender Deluxe Reverb made in 1965.
US BLUES Crunch sound of a Fender Tweed Bassman.
VX JMI This simulates the sound of an early model of a class-A British combo amp.
MS 1959 This models the sound of a Marshall 1959 Plexi made in 1969.
Modeled sound of a Fender Twin Reverb ('65), which is loved by guitarists in various genres.
Gain 0–100 Tube 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts tube amp compression. Adjusts the output level.
Trebl 0–100 Middl 0–100 Bass 0–100
Adjusts volume of high frequencies.
Prese 0–100 CAB See Table 1 OUT See Table 3
Adjusts volume of super-high frequencies.
Gain 0–100 Tube 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts tube amp compression. Adjusts the output level.
Trebl 0–100 Middl 0–100 Bass 0–100
Adjusts volume of high frequencies.
Prese 0–100 CAB See Table 1 OUT See Table 3
Adjusts volume of super-high frequencies.
Gain 0–100 Tube 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts tube amp compression. Adjusts the output level.
Trebl 0–100 Middl 0–100 Bass 0–100
Adjusts volume of high frequencies.
Prese 0–100 CAB See Table 1 OUT See Table 3
Adjusts volume of super-high frequencies.
Gain 0–100 Tube 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts tube amp compression. Adjusts the output level.
Trebl 0–100 Middl 0–100 Bass 0–100
Adjusts volume of high frequencies.
Prese 0–100 CAB See Table 1 OUT See Table 3
Ad ju st s vo lum e o f su pe r- hi gh frequencies.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Adjusts volume of middle frequencies.
Selects cabinet. Selects type of connected device.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Adjusts volume of middle frequencies.
Selects cabinet. Selects type of connected device.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Adjusts volume of middle frequencies.
Selects cabinet. Selects type of connected device.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Adjusts volume of middle frequencies.
Selects cabinet. Selects type of connected device.
Adjusts volume of low frequencies.
Adjusts volume of low frequencies.
Adjusts volume of low frequencies.
Adjusts volume of low frequencies.
This crunch sound uses the drive ch annel of a Two Rock Emerald 50, an American boutique amplifier.
Gain 0–100 Tube 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts tube amp compression. Adjusts the output level.
Trebl 0–100 Middl 0–100 Bass 0–100
Adjusts volume of high frequencies.
Prese 0–100 CAB See Table 1 OUT See Table 3
Adjusts volume of super-high frequencies.
Gain 0–100 Tube 0–100 Level 0–150
Adjusts the gain. Adjusts tube amp compression. Adjusts the output level.
Trebl 0–100 Middl 0–100 Bass 0–100
Adjusts volume of high frequencies.
Prese 0–100 CAB See Table 1 OUT See Table 3
Adjusts volume of super-high frequencies.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Adjusts volume of middle frequencies.
Selects cabinet. Selects type of connected device.
Knob1 Knob2 Knob3
Adjusts volume of middle frequencies.
Selects cabinet. Selects type of connected device.
Adjusts volume of low frequencies.
Adjusts volume of low frequencies.
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