Before you start... b;g;;i zt;g’;n~l
Check location where washer/
dryer will be installed Proper
lnstollat~on IS vour resDonslbllitv
Make sure You hove’everythl~g
necessary for correct instollatlon
Grounded electrical outlet
IS required (See “Electrlcol
requirements” )
Standpipe drain system needs
o two-inch diameter standplpe
with o m~n~rnum carry-away
copaclty of 17 gallons per
minute The top of the
stondplpe must be at least
34 Inches high and no
higher than 72 Inches
from the floor
Floor drain system
requires cz siphon
break, Part No
285320 ova~lable
from WhIrlpool
outhorlzed parts
Dryer may be
exhausted from
the rear or left or
right side
throuqh the side
requlr&s Part No
3391335 (See
Panel B )
Four-inch metal
exhaust duct is
rt Floor must be sturdy enough
o support washer/dryer weight wlIh
water and clothes of 500 pounos
Check code requirements. Some codes
do not permit or limit the installation of
clothes dryers I” garages. closels.
moblIe homes and quarters
Level floor: MaxImum slope
under washer:‘dryer - 1 Inch
Protection from
weather: Do Not store
or operate washer/
drver below 32 F (some
waler may remal” I”
washer) Proper
operation of dryer
cycles requires
temperatures above
45 F See Use & Care
Guide for Wlnterizlng’
Water heater Set to
d&vcr 140 F
the washer
Laundry tub drown
~. system: needs 01 leasi
least 34 nches hlo” on j
:no h,gher lhon 7i
mnches f’orr f,cor
If u longer droln hose I!
needed drain hose
Port No 388423 onc
hose extenslo” kit Port
No 285442 ore
avolloble f!om
large enougn so aryer
door co” open fully - c:t
least 90 (See bock
cover for Recessed
and closet ~nstollatlo”
lnstruct’ons and
Product Dimensions’
. DO Not use or store gasoline,
paint, thinners and other
flammable materials near
washer/dryer Fumes from such
materials could result in fire or
. Never install washer/dryer up
against draperies or curtains or
on carpet. To do so may result
in a fire.
. Keep any and all items from
falling or collechng behind the
washer/dryer. Failure to do so
may result in a fire.
Replace all access panels
before operaiing washer/dryer.
Failure to do so may result in a
fire or electrical shock.
Fire Hazard
Tools and
materials needed
for installation:
Panel A
Electrical Shock Hazard
.Electrical ground IS requrred on
this product
-Improper connectjon of the
equipment-groundrng conduclor
can resull rn electrical shock
*Check with a qualrfred electrician
if you are in doubl OS to whether
the appliance is properly
Do Not modify the power supply
cord oluo. If it will not fit the outlet.
have.0 Goper outlet installed by
a qualified electrician. Modifying
the power supply cord plug
could result in electrical shock
-Use a new JO-ampere power
supply cord kit. Do Not reuse an
old power supply cord. Possible
electrical shock or fire hazard
could occur if old power supply
cord is used.
-Do Not use an extension cord
with this appliance. Such use
may result In 0 fire, electric01
shock or other personal injury
*Do Nol hove a fuse in the neutral
or grounding circuit Thus could
result In electrical shock.
1 A three-wire. single phase, 1201
240.volt. &Hz, AC only, electrical
supply, with a fourth wire OS o
grounding wire, (or three-wre, 1201
20%volt electrical supply with o
fourth wire as o grounding wire if
specified on nameplate) is required
on 0 separate 30.ampere clrcult.
fused on both sides of the line. The
fourth (groundIngI conductor must
be ldentlfied by a green or green1
yellow cover and the neutral
conductor bv o white cover
(Time-delay fuse or circuit breaker is
recommended )
It is the personal responslblllty of the
customer to contact o quaIllied
Installer to assure that the electrlcol
lnstallotlon IS adequate and I”
conformance with the National
ElectrIcal Code ANSl/NFPA 70 -latest
edition. and local codes and
2 This washer/dryer is equipped wltk
o 30.amp-rated. four-wire, flexible-
type. power supply cord (pigtail)
and o 314”. U L.-listed strain relief.
(See Figure 1 1 Where local codes
permit,.it must be plugged Into o
mating. 30-amp receptacle (NEMA
Type 14.30R) (See figure 2.)
Panels F and G ‘“Alternate electrlcal
connection”, for detailed
Instructions )
4 The power supply cord (pigtall)
co” be removed and the appliance
con be connected directly to a”
Indlvldual. 30.ampere. fuse or circuit
breaker box through flexible.
armored or non-metallic sheathed.
lo-gouge minimum, copper cable
It IS the personal responsibility and
obligation of the customer to

contact a quaIlfled electrIcIan to
OSSUE that the electrical
15 adequate and IS in conformance
v/lth National ElectrIcal Code
ANSl/NFPA 70.latest edItron. and
local codes and ordinances
Allow slack I” the line between the
wall and the appliance so that it
con be moved if servicing is ever
necessarv A 3/4”. U L -lIsted stratn
relref must be provided at each end
of the power supply cable (at the
appliance and at the IunctIon box)
Use duel lape to
seal all joints.
Four-inch, rigid,
metal pipe is
preferred Plan
lnstallatron to use lhe fewest number
of elbows and turns.
InstructIons” on the back co”or for
adequate unobstructed afr opening
II the washer/dryer is installed in a
confined area such as a bedroom,
bathroom, or closel. it must be
exhausted to the outsrde and
provrsron must be made for enough
air for combustion and ventilation.
Check governrng codes and
ordinances. Also refer to the
Recessed and
closet rnstollation
Instructions on
the back cover.
5. If you must change to a
Three-wire. single phase, 120/240volt, 60-i+. AC only, electrical
supply system, and local codes
permit, a U.L.-listed. 120/240voll minimum, JO-ampere, dryer
power supply cord kil wilh a
receplocle of NEMA Type IO-30R
may be used. (See Figure 3.) This
cord must contain three. No.-10
copper conductors with ring
terminals or spade terminals with
upturned ends on the washer/dryer
end. Where local codes permit. it
must be plugged Into a mating 30.
amp receptacle (NEMA type
lo-30R). Cord should be Type SRD or
SRDT and be at leost four feet long
The three-wire power supply cord IS
not provided with the washer/dryer.
A kit, Part No. 687104. IS available
from your WhIrlpool dealer.
NOTE: If local codes requrre
permanently connected wiring, see
“Alternate electrlcol connection”.
Panels F and G.
To convert to three-wire electrlcal
system, the four-wve power supply
cord must be removed and the
appliance cabinet must be
grounded according to local codes
either by “sing the neutral terminal
or a separate grounding wire. (See
Panel F, “Alternate electrical
connectton”, for detolled
irstructions 1
Frgure 3
. Do Nol use non-metal, flexible
. Do Not use metal duct smaller
than four inches I” diameter.
- Do Not use exhaust hoods with
mognetrc latches.
Improper crir supply for exhausting
moy result In a fire.
- Check Ihat exhaust system is
not longer lhon spectfied.
Exhaust systems longer than
specrlied will:
Accumulate lint.
Shorten the life of the product.
Reduce performance. Result in
longer drying times and
increase energy usage.
Failure to follow specificolrons
may result In 0 fire.
. Do Not exhaust dryer into 0
chimney, furnace cold oil duct.
attic or crawl space, or ony
other duct used for venting.
. Clean the exhaust system every
other yeor.
- Do Not Install flexible duel
Accumulaled lent could result in o
fire or cause moisture domage.
Fire Hazard
celling or floor materlols
Exhaust aMlow Exhaurl Oi”,OW
Metal. flexible duct must be fully
extended and supported when the
dryer is in its frnal position. DO NOT
metal flexible duct must be
completely open to allow adequate
exhaust air to flow
Allow as much room as possible
Bend duct gradually to avoid
kinking. Remove
excess, flexible duct
to avoid sagging
and klnklno thai
may resultln
reduced alrflow.
The exhaust duct
Space requirements are provided on
the back cover of Installation
Instructions and on the rear panel of
the washer/dryer.
Maximum length of the exhaust
system depends upon the type of
duct used. number of elbows and
the type of exhaust hood. The
maximum length for both rigrd and
flexible duct is shown I” chart
For exhausl ryslems not covered by
the exhaust length char-t. see
&hlrlo00l Service
‘Exhausting Whirlpool Dry&s.’ Part
No. 603197, available from your
Whirlpool parts distributor.
Service check: The back pressure in
any exhaust system used must not
exceed 0 6 inches of water column
measured with an rncllne
manometer at the point that the
exhaust duct connects to the dryer.
Exhausting the dryer outside is
recommended. A closet instollotlon
m!&l be exhausted outside.
Recessed installatron that is not
exhausted outside must use Exhaust
Deflector Part No. 694609 available
from your Whrrlpool dealer. (See
“Recessed and closet installation
elbows or making turns.
An exhaust hood
should cap the
exhaust duct to
prevent exhausted
air from returning into the dryer. The
outlet of the hood must be ut least
12’ from the ground or any object
that may be in the path of the
a-inch outlet hood is preferred.
However, a 2-l/2 inch outlet exhaust
hood may be used A 2-l /2 Inch
outlet creates greater back pressure
than other hood types.
Exhausting the
dryer through
the side of the
requires the
use of Side
Exhaust. Part
No. 3391335.
Follow kit
Instructions for
proper exhaust
Exhausting your dryer indoors iS
nol recommended. The moisture
and lint indoors moy cause:
. FIRE HAZARD from lint collected
in dryer;
. Morsture damage to woodwork,
lurniture, point, wallpaper,
carpet. etc.;
. House-cleaning problems and
possible health problems.
Follure lo follow the above
precaution could result in fire.
personal rnjury or property
Fire Hozard
Mobile Home Installation
This appliance is suitable for mobile
home installations. The installation
of the washer/dryer
must conform to
the Manufactured
Home Construction
and Safety Standard.
Title 24 CFR, Part
3280 (formerly the
Federal Standard
for Mobrle Homes
Construction and
Safety. Title 24,
HUD Part 280.
1975) or latest d
Mobile home exhaust requirements:
The washer/dryer must have an
outside exhaust. If the dryer is
exhausted through the floor and the
area under the mobile home is
enclosed, the exhaust system must
terminate outside the enclosed
area Extension beyond the
enclosure will prevent lint and
moisture buildup under the mobile
1 i
\ 81
Panel B