APPENDIX 2 TIME ZONE TO COUNTRY MAPPING LIST........................................... 159
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Chapter 1 WellBilling 6600 Introduction
System Description
WellBilling 6600
WellBilling 6600 is a high performance, reliable and scalable
RADIUS billing server. Its flexible rate plan and reseller/subscriber
features fulfill the requirements of service provider. With built-in
prepaid and postpaid subscriber service, service provider can
provide their time to market VOIP service. It is the best shoot of a
cost/effective solution.
WellBilling 6600 provides active and stand-by redundant
technologic which provides hot standby and seamless fail-over for
stable call to reach mission-critical service requirement. It keeps
your service continues running.
- Authentication Message
- Authorization Message
- Billing Start/Stop Message
RFC 2865, 2866 Compliance with Selected Attributes
Support High Available Redundant
Up-to 500k subscribers support
Fully Web Management Interface
Support Multi-Language
Support Prepaid/Postpaid User
Max Call Duration Protection
Immediate Response
Share Secret with MD5 Protection
Wellgate 5250 and WellSIP 6500 Full Interoperability
Automatic 6500 provision
Detail Access Log
Support Real Time Subscriber Status Monitor
Provide Call Reports
- Administrator Cost Report
- Subscriber Prepaid Statement Report
- Subscriber Postpaid Statement Report
WellBilling 6600 7
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- Reseller Postpaid Statement Report
- Reseller Profit Report
- Subscriber Prefix Summary
- Prefix Summary Report
- Carrier Statistics Report
- Trunk Group Statistics Report
Support Coin Phone Service
Support Calling ID (ANI) Validation
Support Charge Account
Auto Monthly Charge Deduction
Subscriber based Time Zone
Max Concurrent Call Control
Least Cost Routing*
Quality of Service Route*
Priority Route*
RADIUS Recharge*
Inter-Proxy Subscriber Routing*
Flexible Granularity of Rounding Call Seconds
Up-to 5 level User Management
- Administrator
- Distributor
- Group Reseller
- Reseller
- Subscriber
Prepaid Service
- Real Time Balance Deduct
- Subscriber/Reseller Recharge & Rollback
- Recharge Log
- Effective Date/Expired Date
- PIN Code Generate and Consume
- First Call Activation
- Low Balance Call Restriction & Announcement*
Postpaid Service
- Call Detail Record Storage
- Effective Date/Expired Date
- Provides Billing Statement
WellBilling 6600 8
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- CDR Report
Flexible Rate Plan Support
- Up-to 5 Charge Segments per Rate Prefix
- Effective Date/Expired Date
- Longest Prefix Match
- Programmable charge unit, amount and cycle
- Support Per Call Charge
- Call Screening
- Holiday & Night Time Charge
- Free Monthly Minutes
- Monthly Free Charge
- Deductible Monthly Fee
- Tax Rate and Profit Rate for Reporting
- Charge by Incoming Called Number*
- Time Restriction Rate Plan
- Programmable Rate Group Currency
External Database support
- Built-in DB Connection Pool management
*Call for Detail
Application Diagram
Support 2 Ethernet Leg modes which allow database server seating
on private network.
WellBilling 6600 9
Welltech Computer Co., Ltd.
WWeellllPPrrooxxyy 66550000
WWeellllBBiilllliinngg 66660000
Private Network
Database Server
Public Network
WellBilling 6600 Appearance Description
WellBilling 6600 Front Panel:
4 5
6 7
1: Power LED
2: H/D LCD
3: System Status LED
4: LAN or Management Interface
5: Billing Service Interface
6: Power Switch
7: LCD Panel
8: LCD Touch Panel
9: USB
WellBilling 6600 10
Welltech Computer Co., Ltd.
Wellbilling 6600 Rear Panel:
1 2
1: Electric Fan
2: AC Power outlet
3: Console port
4: External Monitor Connector
5: LAN or Management Interface
6: Billing Service Interface
7: Keyboard/Mouse
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Welltech Computer Co., Ltd.
Chapter 2 Logon WellBilling 6600
After connected Ethernet cables into the WellBilling6600,
turned on the power. The first step is to logon the system and set up
the IP address.
Before you can use the browser to config WellBilling 6600, you
need to install Java Plug-in. Please confirm your JRE version is
1.4.2 (preferred & tested), if your PC has already installed Java.
You also need to set newer versions of stored pages in Internet
Explorer to “Every visit to the page.” Click Tool > Internet Option >
General > Setting.
After success, restart your browser to take effect.
Logon WellBilling 6600
Step1: Start IE6.0 (or later version) to navigate WellBilling 6600
web management system by typing the default URL is
WellBilling 6600 12
Welltech Computer Co., Ltd. The screen will display User
Level, User ID and Password as figure 2.1-1.
Figure 2.1-1
☺Note: The default network IP address is and
subnet mask is
Step 2: Enter login user name and password (the default user ID is
root and user password is root).
Figure 2.1-2
Step 3: The screen shows the Home Page of WellBilling 6600 as
figure 2.1-3.
Figure 2.1-3
WellBilling 6600 13
Welltech Computer Co., Ltd.
WellBilling 6600 comes with dual redundant 10/100/1000
Ethernet port. It is required to connect these 2 ports to different
switch for redundant network.
Step 1: After successfully logon to the system, we need to change
the network configuration. Click Control > Network to setup
the network parameters as figure 2.2-1.
Figure 2.2-1
Step 2: Enter the deserved IP address, Submask and default
gateway. Apply the change by clicking apply button as figure
Figure 2.2-2
Step 3: When screen shows “Change network configuration may
cause server disconnected, are you sure?” click OK button to
changes IP address as figure 2.2-3.
WellBilling 6600 14
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Figure 2.2-3
Step 4: When screen shows “After configuration changed, please
re-login system with new IP address and execute
Soft-Reset!” click OK button as figure 2.2-4.
Figure 2.2-4
Step 5: When screen shows “Setup network configuration
successfully!” click OK button as figure 2.2-5.
Figure 2.2-5
☺Note: Network control takes around 5-second to apply the
new network configuration. Please logon again with new
IP address after 5 seconds.
System Time
Step 1: When relogon to the new IP address; the next is to setup
the system time zone. Click Control > System Time to setup
the system. Enter current date and time. Apply the change by
clicking Apply button as figure 2.3-1.
Figure 2.3-1
Step 2: If you would like to use SNTP to sync time with a SNTP V4
Server, click Time Sync button to setup it as figure 2.3-2.
WellBilling 6600 15
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Figure 2.3-2
Step 3: After successfully base setup, restart WellBilling 6600 to
take effect as figure 2.3-3.
Figure 2.3-3
Apply Change
When you new a working configuration or change any configuration,
you need click “Apply Change” to take effect as figure 2.4-1.
Figure 2.4-1
Chapter 3 Configuration Reference
System Config
System Parameters Setting
Start Path: Configuration > System Config
WellBilling 6600 16
Welltech Computer Co., Ltd.
Figure 3.1-1
System Parameter Description:
Authentication Port: RADIUS listen port for Authentication and
Authorization message
Accounting Port: RADIUS listen port for Accounting message
Currency Type: The type of currency
- USD: Dollar
- EUR: Euro
- GBP: Sterling
- NTD: NT Dollar
Max Talk Time (sec): The maximum talking time for a user
WellBilling 6600 17
Welltech Computer Co., Ltd.
On Net Max Extend Days: The maximum recharge extended
days for a on net user
Off Net Max Extend Days: The maximum recharge extended
days for a off net user
On/Off Net Max Extend Days: The maximum recharge extend
day for a on/off net user
Subscriber Service Modification: Allow subscriber to change
their service setting or not.
Max ANI per Subscriber: Max ANI allowed per subscriber
Apply Change Mode: The way system will take the change
- DB Pooling: System will periodically pool the system
changes and take effective automatically.
- Manual: The system will only take the change when user
click the apply change.
Apply Change Polling Interval (sec): The DB checking interval. It
you set it too small, it might hit the 6600 and DB server’s
Display Plain-text Password: Display password in plaintext
Change Tel-No: Allow to change WellSIP Tel-no or not? When
your change the Tel-no, the system will delete from 6500 and
insert a new one there. Also the subscriber CPE also needs to
make the same change.
Rate Plan Hunting Policy:
- Continue: If the prefix doesn’t found on the highest priority
rate plan, it will go for next priority rate plan.
- First Only: If the prefix doesn’t found on the highest priority
rate plan, WellBilling 6600 will reject the request.
Enable Balance Transfer: Allow transferring balance in between
subscriber or reseller, reseller or group reseller, group reseller or
Recharge Report for Subscriber: Allow the subscriber to see the
recharge report or not when a subscriber is login.
Talk Time After Deduct Ignore Seconds: Whether to show the
talk time which already deduct the ignore time (defined in rate
plan) or not. For example, you have ignore time setting (e.g. 5
seconds) in the applied rate plan and your original talk time is 60
seconds, the CDR will show 55 seconds if you turned on this
Accounting Start: Whether to write RADIUS account start in
CDR or not.
Scheduled Job Running Time: The possible running period to
WellBilling 6600 18
Welltech Computer Co., Ltd.
run the following task in the beginning of month: free minutes
charge; monthly fee charge; deductible month charge; and reset
balance for expired user.
Monthly Job Running Period: The possible days in the
beginning of month to run the schedule job. This parameter will
consult with “Scheduled Job Running Time “to decide when to
run the schedule job. For example, the scheduled job running
time is 01-03 and monthly job running period is 1-4 days and this
month is February, the scheduled job will be ran on 01:00 to
03:00 each night of Feb. first to Feb. fourth.
Load Expired User: Whether to Load the expired user into
memory of Wellbilling 6600 or not.
Routing Rule: The RADIUS routing policy. It is required to use
WellSIP 6500 release 3.0 or later and the Welltech extended
attributes need to be turned on. If you need to specify the trunk
group, Wellgate 5260 release 6.2 is required or the gateway
need support RFC draft-ietf-iptel-trunk-group-10.
- Least Cost Route: Select the routing whose cost is least. It is
required to define the trunk group, gateway and carrier
together with carrier cost group.
- Carrier Priority Route: select the routing according to the
carrier’s priority.
- QoS routing based on ASR (answer rate): The best routing
based on the highest answer rate.
- QoS routing based on Mean Hold Time: The best routing
based on the longest average talk time.
- QoS routing based on Post Dial Delay: The best routing
based on the minimal dial delay (receive ring back signal).
QOS Route Start Threshold: When system startup, this is the
minimal calls required before starting the QOS routing. The
large count can make more accuracy routing but longer to start
the QOS route. It is recommended to use the number between 3
and 10.
Separate Administrator Login: Whether to separate the
administrator login, when enable this, the login page will don’t
include the Administrator user level. The administrator needs to
use \\\Admin to login.
Inter Proxy subscriber routing: To enable the subscriber lookup
and routing. It can be used to route the subscriber from multiple
SIP proxies. It requires WellSIP 6500 to make it work.
Display line per page: The max lines the every web page can
WellBilling 6600 19
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display. The default value is 20.
Report line per page: The max lines in per page when display
the log. The default value is 30.
Remove Access Code from CDR: Remove international access
code from CDR report for called number or not.
Display Rate ID: Show Rate ID in CDR for subscriber or not
CDR Timezone: The time zone used for CDR
- Auto Daylight Saving: Auto adjust daylight saving timer or not
Value Added tax rate (%): Define the value added tax rate
Price with tax: Whether the price includes the tax or not
Calculate Profit: Enable to calculate the profit or not.
Default postpaid percentage (%): Set the default postpaid profit
rate to calculate the administrator cost
Default prepaid percentage (%): Set the default prepaid profit
rate to calculate the administrator cost.
Display disconnect time for reseller: Whether to display the
disconnect time for reseller or not. The default is no.
License: System license.
Figure 3.1-3
License Parameter Description:
Feature: System parameter
Serial No: System parameter
License Key: System parameter
☺Note: Please don’t change it unless in Welltech’s instruction.
Debug can be turn on or off based on each system module and
level to minimum the debug information.
Start Path: Configuration > Debug config
WellBilling 6600 20
Welltech Computer Co., Ltd.
Figure 3.2-1
☺Note: Please only turn on the debug information for debug
purpose under Welltech FAE’s instruction and turn off when
complete. Or the system performance will be greatly hit.
Event Config
Configure the system event.
Start Path: Configuration > Event Config
Figure 3.3-1
Parameter Description:
WellBilling 6600 21
Welltech Computer Co., Ltd.
Enable System Log: Enable to send system event to syslogd
server or not
SyslogD Server IP 1, 2: syslogd server IP address
SNMP Sending Interface: The SNMP trap sending network
interface. It is used for 2 Ethernet legs.
Event Email Notice: Enable to send email notice for system
event or not.
SMTP Event Filter Level: The Filter Level for Email Event
SMTP Server: SMTP server host for email notice
Email From: Email sender account
Email To: Email receiver (semicolon is used for multiple
Subject: Email subject to be send to receiver. The following
variable parameters can be used to create dynamic subject for
system notice:
- $LOGLEVEL$: Information Level
- $HOSTNAME$: Host name
- $HOSTIP$: Host IP address
DB Config
Configure the system database.
Start Path: Configuration > DB Config
Figure 3.4-1
Database Parameter Description:
DataBase Type: The type of database which WellBilling 6600
connected to
DataBase Server: The database server IP address
DataBase Name: The database name
Driver Type: Driver type for database type
- OLEDB: Connect to database sever by MS OLEDB
WellBilling 6600 22
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connection. It is recommended for all the type of database.
- ODBC: Connect to database sever by ODBC connection. It
can be used when MYSQL DB requires user ID and
password authentication.
Port: The access port of database (default: 1433). We do not
need to define the port when use OLEDB.
User ID: Database user ID which opened to Billing
Password: Database
user ID password
Click DB Test button:
Test the WellBilling 6600 whether can connect with database or not.
When screen shows “Database connection test OK!”
it indicates
that Billing can access database correctly.
Figure 3.4-2
Radius Client
WellBilling 6600 provides AAA server to the radius client.
Start Path: Configuration > Radius Client
Figure 3.5-1
Click Add button to create client information.
Figure 3.5-2
Parameter Description:
WellBilling 6600 23
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Client ID: The client ID
IP: The client IP address
Name: The client name
Type: The proxy server type
- WS6500 V2.0/V2.1/V2.1.2/V2.1.3/V2.1.4/V3.0: Selected when
a subscriber belonged to a WellSIP 6500 and need to be sync
- Normal: Non WellSIP 6500 proxy server
- Sync:Replicate account information to WellSIP 6500 or not
- ANI Validation: Use ANI to validate a user or not. If it is
enabled, 6600 will check calling party number first for
authentication, authorization and accounting. The calling
party’s corresponding account will be charged.
- User ANI as User ID/PWD: Automatically set RADIUS user ID
and password for RADIUS authenticator validation or not.
When you are using WG5250 with ANI validation, it is
recommended to enable it.
- Check ANI against User ID: When the calling no isn’t found in
ANI, should WellSIP 6500 search subscriber ID for the calling
no or not. If it is set and the user ID is found, the validation will
- Ignore Telephone Originate: Ignore those Accounting
messages whose h323-call-origin is “originate” and
h323-call-type is “Telephony”.
- Ignore VOIP Originate: Ignore those Accounting messages
which h323-call-origin is “originate” and h323-call-type is
Skip Authenticator: Replicate account information to WellSIP
6500 SIP proxy server or not
Secret Key: The shared secret key between WB 6600 and client
Radius recharge password: The Radius server recharge
password. When use RADIUS to do the recharge, this is the
RADIUS password used for authentication.
Provisional ID: The WS 6500 system user ID
Provisional Password: The WS 6500 password
Provisional Port: Provisional TCP port (default: 10091)
Proxy SIP UDP Service Port : It is mainly used for inter-proxy
subscriber routing. It is normally the port you defined in WellSIP
WellBilling 6600 24
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Customize TimeZone
Here you can define the customized time zone which the system is
not supported. Please use this feature when you are not able to find
the corresponding time zone from the system standard.
Start Path: Configuration > Customize TimeZone
Figure 3.6-1
Click the Add button:
Figure 3.6-2
Parameter Description:
• Timezone ID: The timezone ID
• Time Bias: The offset added to the Bias
• Auto Daylight Saving: Auto adjust daylight saving timer or not
• Daylight Bias: The offset added to the Bias when the time zone
is in daylight saving time
• Daylight Start: The date that a time zone enters daylight time
- Month: 01 to 12
- Week Day: Sunday to Saturday
- Apply Week(Day:01 to 05,Specifies the occurrence of day in
the month;01=First occurrence of day,02=Second
occurrence of day, …and 05 = Last occurrence of day)
- Hour:00 to 23
• Standard Start: The date that a time zone enters daylight time
- Month: 01 to 12
- Week Day: Sunday to Saturday
- Apply Week(Day:01 to 05,Specifies the occurrence of day in
the month;01= First occurrence of day,02=Second
occurrence of day, …and 05 = Last occurrence of day)
- Hour:00 to 23
WellBilling 6600 25
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• Description: The description
Click the Apply and List button, the item displays as figure 3.6-3.
Figure 3.6-3
Define the currency for accounting and report.
Start Path: Configuration > Currency
Figure 3.7-1
Click the Add button:
Figure 3.7-2
Parameter Description:
• Currency Name: The currency name. After define the currency,
you can assign it.
• Description: The description
Click the Apply and List button and the display as figure 3.7-3:
Figure 3.7-3
Parameter Description:
• : You can modify the item by clicking this button.
• : You can delete the item by click this button.
A carrier is a VoIP service provider. Each carrier has certain
trunk group which associated inside a gateway. The carrier can
have its own cost and use it for least cost routing or QOS route.
WellBilling 6600 26
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Start path: Configuration > Carrier
Figure 3.8-1
Click the Add button:
Figure 3.8-2
Parameter Description:
• Carrier ID: The carrier ID
• Carrier name: The carrier name
• State: Enable the carrier or not
• Least cost route: Whether to support the least cost route or not.
If it is enabled, this carrier will be one of the least cost route
candidates. Otherwise, it will not be in the candidate list of LCR
• Carrier cost rate group: The carrier cost will be used for LCR
and profit calculation. You can click to select the rate group.
• Added prefix: The prefix will be added to the called number
sending to this carrier.
Click the List button and you can see the carrier information:
Figure 3.8-3
Each gateway can have one or multiple trunk group. The gateway
can be a SIP gateway or proxy server.
Start Path: Configuration > Gateway
Figure 3.9-1
WellBilling 6600 27
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Click the Add button:
Figure 3.9-2
Parameter Description:
• Gateway ID: The gateway ID
• Gateway name: The gateway name
• State: Enable the gateway or not
• Out of Service: Whether to set this gateway to be “out of
service” state or not. When the state is out of service, it will not
be in the routing candidate list.
• Gateway IP: The gateway IP address
• Gateway port: The gateway’s SIP service port
• SIP Protocol: The SIP protocol to be used to connect to this
gateway. It could be SIP UDP, SIP TCP or Welltech proprietary
encryption protocol.
Click the List button:
Figure 3.9-3
Trunk Group
After you define a gateway, you also need define the carrier trunk
group. If you need specify the trunk group to that gateway, the trunk
group RFC (draft-itef-iptel-trunk-group-10) need to be supported.
Start Path: Configuration > Trunk Group
Figure 3.10-1
Click the Add button to create a Trunk Group:
WellBilling 6600 28
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Figure 3.10-2
Parameter Description:
• Trunk group ID: The trunk group ID
• Trunk group name: The trunk group name. This trunk group
need also be defined in gateway (such as Wellgate 5260).
Otherwise, it will not work correctly.
• State: Enable the trunk group or not
• Out of service: Whether to set this trunk group to be “out of
service” state or not. When the state is out of service, it will not
be in the routing candidate list.
• Carrier ID: This trunk group belongs to which carrier. It will be
associated to that carrier and can be used for LCR and QOS
• Gateway ID: This trunk group is installed in which gateway.
Click the List button:
Figure 3.10-3
Prefix Routing
This Prefix Routing is used when you are trying to manually assign
the route instead of using LCR or QOS route. The carrier which has
higher priority will be route first. To select the LCR, QOS or priority
route, please define it in reseller profile or use system default.
Start Path: Service > Call Routing
Figure 3.11-1
WellBilling 6600 29
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Click the Add button to create a prefix routing:
Figure 3.11-2
Parameter Description:
• Prefix Code: The called number prefix to be matched
• You can select the carrier ID by clicking.
• Priority: Call will be hunted based on priority set. The highest
priority will be tried first.
Click the List button and display the Prefix Routing list:
Figure 3.11-3
System User
Start Path: Configuration > System User
Figure 3.12-1
Parameter Description:
User ID: All system users are equipped as system administrator.
Click Add button to create a user as figure 3.12-2:
Figure 3.12-2
WellBilling 6600 30
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