Welltech ePBX40 User Manual V.2.0

ePBX40 A built-in 4-port analog FXO IP-PBX
User’s Manual
Version: V2.0
Released Date : 04-2014
CH1. Overview ......................................................................................... 9
1.1 Specifications .................................................................................................. 9
1.2 Hardware Overview ..................................................................................... 10
1.2.1 Front Panel ................................................................................................. 10
1.2.2 The Back Panel .......................................................................................... 11
CH2. Start to configure ePBX40 ................................................. 12
2.1 Connection ePBX40 ..................................................................................... 12
2.1.1 Network Configuration ............................................................................. 13
2.1.2 Extension Configuration .......................................................................... 15
CH3. Full Web Configurations ..................................................... 25
3.1 Telephony ........................................................................................................ 27
3.1.1 Line Setting ................................................................................................ 27
3.1.2 Tone Setting ............................................................................................... 30
3.1.3 Disconnect Tone Recording ..................................................................... 31
3.2 Configuration ................................................................................................. 34
3.2.1 IP PBX ................................ ................................ ................................ ......... 34
3.2.2 Office Call Rule .......................................................................................... 40
3.2.3 Feature Code ............................................................................................. 43
3.2.4 SIP Extension ............................................................................................ 47
3.2.5 SIP Trunk .................................................................................................... 55
3.2.6 SIP Trunk Registration ............................................................................. 60
3.2.7 Outgoing Routing ...................................................................................... 64
3.2.8 Incoming Routing Call Rule ..................................................................... 68
3.2.9 Dial Group .................................................................................................. 70
3.2.10 Speed Dial .............................................................................................. 71
3.3 Information .................................................................................................... 73
3.3.1 Subscriber Information ............................................................................ 73
3.3.2 Call Monitor ................................................................................................ 74
3.3.3 System Info ............................................................................................... 76
3.4 Network ........................................................................................................... 77
3.4.1 Network ...................................................................................................... 77
3.4.2 DDNS Srv. .................................................................................................. 80
3.5 Management .................................................................................................. 81
3.5.1 Time Setting .............................................................................................. 81
3.5.2 SMTP Setting ............................................................................................. 83
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3.5.3 VM Setting .................................................................................................. 84
3.5.4 Security....................................................................................................... 85
3.5.5 Firmware Upload ....................................................................................... 86
3.5.6 Music Upload .............................................................................................. 87
3.5.7 Import Setting ........................................................................................... 88
3.5.8 Export Setting ........................................................................................... 89
3.5.9 Reset To Default ........................................................................................ 90
3.5.10 Reboot System ....................................................................................... 90
CH4. Application Setting ............................................................... 91
4.1 Call Features .................................................................................................. 91
4.1.1 Authentication ........................................................................................... 91
4.1.2 Automated Attendant ............................................................................... 91
4.1.3 Call Forward on Busy ............................................................................... 91
4.1.4 Call Forward on No Answer ..................................................................... 91
4.1.5 Call Forward Unconditional ................................................................ ..... 91
4.1.6 Call Forward Unavailable ......................................................................... 91
4.1.7 Call Hold/Retrieval (Client based) ......................................................... 92
4.1.8 Call Routing ................................................................................................ 92
4.1.9 Call Waiting (Client or extension devices based Only ) ..................... 92
4.1.10 Caller ID .................................................................................................. 92
4.1.11 CLIR (Caller Line Identification Restriction) ..................................... 92
4.1.12 Do Not Disturb (Client based) ............................................................ 92
4.1.13 Flexible Extension Logic ....................................................................... 93
4.1.14 Music On Hold ........................................................................................ 93
4.1.15 Music On Transfer .................................................................................. 93
4.1.16 Call Pickup .............................................................................................. 93
4.1.17 Call Park .................................................................................................. 93
4.1.18 Time and Date ....................................................................................... 93
4.1.19 Trunk (i.e. WellGate 2540 or 2680 FXO Gateway) ......................... 93
4.1.20 IP Phone .................................................................................................. 93
4.1.21 Call Monitor ............................................................................................ 93
CH5 Appendix ................................ ................................ ........................ 94
5.1 Application between Welltech CPE device and ePBX40 ................... 94
5.1.1 The VOIP Gateway (2504 and 2608) can register to ePBX40 ......... 97
5.1.2 ePBX40 register to IP Telephony Service Provider(ITSP) as a SIP
trunk 102
5.1.3 Subscriber in ITSP side should be able to contact Extension of
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Figure List
ePBX40.................................................................................................................... 106
5.2 Application of multiple ePBX40 ............................................................ 108
5.2.1 Connect multiple ePBX40 and call extensions between them ........... 108
5.2 CDR Concept (Real Time) ........................................................................ 115
5.3 How to convert audio files ...................................................................... 117
5.4 How to analyze disconnect tone ........................................................... 119
5.5 Small office IP-PBX application ............................................................ 124
Figure 1.2.1 front panel ................................................................. 10
Figure 2.1.1 Network Setting ........................................................ 13
Figure 2.1.2-1 Line Setting (up to 8 Lines) ............................. 15
Figure 2.1.2-2 SIP Extension (up to 60 external IP devices) 15
Figure 2.1.2-3 Line Setting (built-in 8 port FXO) ................... 17
Figure 2.1.2-4 Extension Setting (External 60 IP devices ) . 17
Figure 2.1.3-1 SIP Trunk ............................................................ 21
Figure 2.1.3-2 Trunk Setting ...................................................... 22
Figure 3.1.1-1 Line Setting (built-in 8-port FXO gateway
account number) ............................................................................. 27
Figure 3.1.1-2 Line Setting (Details setting of built-in 8-port
FXO Lines) ........................................................................................ 28
Figure 3.1.3-1 Disconnect tone Recording Procedures ......... 32
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Figure 3.2.1-1 IP PBX Setting .................................................... 35
Figure 3.2.2-1 Office Call Rule ................................................... 40
Figure 3.2.1-2 Office 1 Call Rule ............................................... 41
Figure 3.2.3-1 Feature Code ...................................................... 43
Figure 3.2.4-1 SIP Extension ..................................................... 47
Figure 3.2.4-2 Extension Setting .............................................. 48
Figure 3.2.4-3 Extension Setting of Quick add ....................... 51
Figure 3.2.4-4 Extension Setting .............................................. 54
Figure 3.2.5-1 SIP Trunk ............................................................ 55
Figure 3.2.5-2 Trunk Setting ...................................................... 56
Figure 3.2.5-3 Trunk Setting ...................................................... 59
Figure 3.2.6-1 SIP Trunk Registration page ............................ 60
Figure 3.2.6-2 SIP Trunk Setting .............................................. 61
Figure 3.2.6-3 SIP Trunk Setting .............................................. 63
Figure 3.2.7-1 Outgoing Call Routing ....................................... 64
Figure 3.2.7-1 Outgoing Routing ............................................... 65
Figure 3.2.8-2 Incoming Routing Setting ................................ 68
Figure 3.2.9-2 Dial Group Setting ............................................. 70
Figure 3.2.10-1 Speed Dial Table .............................................. 71
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Table List
Figure 3.2.10-2 Speed Dial ........................................................ 71
Figure 3.3.1-1 Subscriber Info .................................................. 73
Figure 3.3.2-1 Call Monitor ........................................................ 74
Figure 3.3.3-1 System Info ........................................................ 76
Figure 3.4.1-1 Network Setting ................................................. 77
Figure 3.4.1-2 Network Routing ................................................ 79
Figure 3.4.2-1 DDNS Setting ..................................................... 80
Figure 3.5.1-1 Time Setting ....................................................... 81
Figure 3.5.2-1 Security ............................................................... 85
Figure 3.5.3-1 Firmware Upload ................................................ 86
Figure 3.5.4-1 Music Upload ...................................................... 87
Figure 3.5.5-1 Import Setting ................................................... 88
Figure 3.5.6-1 Export Setting .................................................... 89
Figure 3.5.7 Rest To Default ...................................................... 90
Figure 3.5.8 Reboot System ....................................................... 90
Table 1.2.1 front panel .............................................................................................. 10
Table 1.2.2 back panel .............................................................................................. 11
Table 2.1.1 Network Setting ................................................................................... 13
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Table 2.1.2-1 Line Setting........................................................................................ 15
Table 2.1.2-2 SIP Extension .................................................................................... 16
Table 2.2.1-3 Line Setting........................................................................................ 17
Table 2.2.1-4 Extension Setting ............................................................................ 18
Table 2.1.3-1 SIP Trunk ............................................................................................ 21
Table 2.1.3-2 Trunk Setting .................................................................................... 22
Table 3.1.1-1 Line Setting ....................................................................................... 27
Table 3.1.1-2 Line Setting ....................................................................................... 28
Table 3.1.2-1 Tone Setting ...................................................................................... 30
Table 3.1.3-1 Disconnect tone Recording Commands .................................. 33
Table 3.2.1-1 IP PBX .................................................................................................. 35
Table 3.2.2-1 Office Call Rule ................................................................................. 40
Table 3.2.1-2 Extension Setting ............................................................................ 41
Table 3.2.3-1 Feature Code ..................................................................................... 44
Table 3.2.4-1 Extension ............................................................................................ 47
Table 3.2.4-2 Extension Setting ............................................................................ 48
Table 3.2.4-3 Extension Setting ............................................................................ 51
Table 3.2.4-4 Extension Setting ............................................................................ 54
Table 3.2.5-1 SIP Trunk ............................................................................................ 55
Table 3.2.5-2 Trunk Setting..................................................................................... 56
Table 3.2.6-1 SIP Trunk Setting ............................................................................ 60
Table 3.2.6-2 SIP Trunk Setting ............................................................................ 61
Table 3.2.7-1 Outgoing Call Routing .................................................................... 64
Table 3.2.7-2 Outgoing Routing ............................................................................ 65
Table 3.2.8-2 Incoming Routing Setting ............................................................ 68
Table 3.2.9-1 Dial Group Setting .......................................................................... 70
Table 3.2.10-2 Speed Dial ....................................................................................... 71
Table 3.3.1-1 Subscriber Info ................................................................................. 73
Table 3.3.2-1 Call Monitor ........................................................................................ 74
Table 3.3.3-1 System Info ....................................................................................... 76
Table 3.4.1-1 Network Setting ............................................................................... 77
Table 4.2.1-2 Network Routing .............................................................................. 79
Table 3.4.2-1 DDNS Setting (IPV4) ..................................................................... 80
Table 3.5.1-1 Time Setting ...................................................................................... 81
Table 3.5.2-1Security................................................................................................. 85
Table 3.5.3-1 Firmware Upload .............................................................................. 86
Table 3.5.4-1 Music Upload ..................................................................................... 87
Table 3.5.5-1 Import Setting .................................................................................. 88
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Table 3.5.6-1 Export Setting ................................................................................... 89
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CH1. Overview
ePBX40 is an IP based PBX which includes legend digital PABX telephony services, Auto Attendant and Music Ring Back Tone features together. It has built-in 4-port FXO gateway to reduce installation extra jobs. ePBX40 is not only an IP-PBX, but also an efficient communication tool to help your business and management more efficient. With flexible and full functionality, ePBX40 gives a complete transition from traditional PABX to the new generation IP-PBX.
1.1 Specifications
SIP RFC 3261 Compliance WAN Network: Support Fixed IP, DHCP, And PPPoE mode
Web Based Auto Attendant Call Rule Scheduled And Fixed Greeting Support Branch Office (2 offices) different greeting
Toll Restriction
Provide Different Level Toll Restriction Services Support Call Duration Restriction Support Personal Password Support Outgoing Call Routing Password
PBX Call Features
Flexible PSTN/FXO interface incoming/outgoing features Call Transfer (Consultant, Blind) Call Forward (Busy, No Answer, Unconditional, Unavailable) Call Hold and Retrieval Call Routing Call Waiting Call Pickup (Global, Specific) Call Park CLIR (Caller Line Identification Restriction) DND (Do Not Disturb) Dial Group (Ring All, Sequential Ring, Dynamic Ring) Speed Dial Music Ring Back Tone Music On Hold Music On Transfer Built-in CDR Report Call Monitor BLF, Busy Lamp Field (RFC 4235) Voice mail T38
FXO Call Features
Up-to 4 ports built-in FXO Gateway Caller ID detection (DTMF and FSK Bellcore)
PSTN line Disconnect Detection
PSTN Loop Current Drop
Disconnect Tone
Configurable Incoming Ring Count Before Answer
Dial Delay Setting after Off-Hook PSTN line (To wait for Dial tone before sending
DTMF digits)
G.711 a-Law
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When the power adapter is connected, the LED will light up green.
When system is startup successfully, the LED will light up green.
When click the reset key over 5 seconds, this will light up green until the system
automatically reboot.
This will light up green when the gateway’s WAN port is physically connected to
the public internet. When data is transmitted through this port, it will flash
The default IP of WAN port is DHCP.
This will light up green when the gateway’s LAN port is physically connected to a
local network (Refer to Rear Panel section in page number for location of LAN
port). When data is transmitted through this port, it will flash green.
The default IP of LAN port is
G.711 u-Law G.729 pass through
Note: ePBX40 DOES NOT support either Transcodes or Video codec (Video Phone).
Both ends of IP devices can only use one of above Codecs to talk by registering to ePBX40.
Technical Features
Support DDNS (WAN port only) Built-in NTP Client and Server Subscriber NAT Traversal (IP extension devices talk between WAN and LAN port) Behind NAT Support (up to 8 NAT concurrent Calls) Multilingual Web User Interface Management: Web Browser Management (Support Windows IE only) HTTP Firmware Upgrade Export/Import Configuration to back-up your configuration Network Interface: WAN x 1 port, LAN x 1 port. DTMF: RFC2833 and SIP-Info
4 FXO ports(Built-in) and external 60 SIP subscribers 8 NAT concurrent calls
1.2 Hardware Overview
1.2.1 Front Panel
Front panel LEDs of ePBX40 indicates network activities and FXO gateway ports status.
Figure 1.2.1 front panel
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The status LED for FXO port 1-4, this will light up amber orange when the
connected phone is engaged in a conversation. It will flash amber orange when
there is an incoming call.
LED and COM port
When the power adapter is connected, the LED light up green.
This LED light up green when the gateway’s WAN port is physically connected to the public internet. It will flash green. The default IP of
WAN port is DHCP.
WAN status
When data is transmitted through this port, it flashes green.
This LED light up green when the gateway’s LAN port is physically connected to a local network (Refer to Rear Panel section for location of LAN port). The default IP of LAN port is
LAN status
When data is transmitted through this port, it will flash green.
Line1 to Line4
The LED status of FXO ports 1-4 are as follows.
1. Flashing: No PSTN/PBX line connects to RJ-11 FXO port.
2. Steady OFF: PSTN/PBX line connects to RJ-11 FXO port and in Idle
3. Flashing: An incoming Ring to FXO port.
4. Steady ON: FXO port is in busy status.
Line 1 to Line 4
The RJ-11 socket for PSTN/FXO line (the color is gray)
10/100 Base-T RJ-45 socket for LAN port, connects to computer for Webpage configuration. And also let SIP IP devises connect at private IP
address. It doesn’t support data Internet connection.
10/100 Base-T RJ-45 socket for WAN port, connects to the Internet IP network. The IP address of WAN port is used for other extensions to register at ePBX40 IP-PBX.
The power socket, input with DC 12V at 1.5A rating.
Table 1.2.1 front panel
1.2.2 The Back Panel
Here are back Panel photo.
Figure 1.2.2 Back Panel
Table 1.2.2 back panel
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CH2. Start to configure ePBX40
2.1 Connection ePBX40
Step 1: Connect LAN port of ePBX40 with your computer via crossover cable directly or
connect with Switch/Hub via straight through cable.
Step 2: Prepare one computer, and change the IP address to be static (fixed) IP at with subnet mask
Please use Windows XP IE 6.0 web browser or above version to configure ePBX40
webpage setting. Welltech products don’t support other Web Browser such as Firefox to
configure. Otherwise, you may not be able to save your changes at webpage.
Step 3: Open IE Browser and link to default LAN IP address of ePBX40 at
with default port number 10087, i.e.
Step 4: Login ePBX40 with default user ID: root, and Password: root. After login
ePBX40, you can start to configure basic and advanced features.
Step 5: To start
To make ePBX40 work, some basic and advanced configurations have to be done first, those include Network (WAN and LAN IP address), Extensions (extension number and password) and Line (FXO ports account number and dial rule).
Notice: please remember to back up your configuration and IVR package
after you have configured them. Please go to page of Export Setting to export and save them at your computer.
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WAN Port Setting:
Select ePBX40 WAN port network mode to be Fixed IP, DHCP or PPPoE.
Note: If you want other extensions IP devices from Internet to register to ePBX40 via WAN port, you have to select Fixed IP mode and give a static and physical IP address.
IP Address
Enter the IP Address, If ePBX40 was set to fixed IP mode.
Subnet Mask
Enter the Subnet Mask Address, If ePBX40 was set to fixed IP mode.
Default Gateway
Enter the Default Gateway Address, If ePBX40 was set to fixed IP mode.
Primary DNS
Enter the IP address for Primary DNS. The default is
Secondary DNS
Enter the IP address for Secondary DNS. The default is null.
Default Gateway Backup
Select Enable option, if there are any connection problem occurred on primary default gateway connections, all the traffic
2.1.1 Network Configuration
To change your Network Setting, click Network, and then click the Network Setting table. The screen appears as follows.
Figure 2.1.1 Network Setting
The following table describes the features in this screen.
Table 2.1.1 Network Setting
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will be guided and switched to the secondary default gateway for proper operation. The default is Disable.
Secondary Default Gateway
Enter the Secondary Default Gateway. If you choose the Default Gateway Backup to Enable.
Check Point
Enter the Check Point IP address if you choose the Default Gateway Backup to Enable. ePBX40 uses the ping command to PING this IP address in order to check if there are any connection problem occurred on primary default gateway connections.
Current used Default Gateway
This field display existing used Default Gateway IP address. PPPoE ID
Enter the PPPoE ID if you choose the Mode to PPPoE.
Enter the PPPoE Password if you choose the Mode to PPPoE.
This field shows the MAC address. The MAC address cannot be modified.
LAN Port Setting:
IP Address
Enter the IP Address. The default is
Subnet Mask
Enter the Subnet Mask Address. The default is
This field shows the MAC address. The MAC address cant be changed.
Network Routing Table:
Select this check box, then modify or delete it.
This field shows the IP address.
This field shows the Subnet Mask address.
This field shows the Default Gateway address.
When you enable this feature, ePBX40 sends all packets to this
gateway instead of WAN or LAN gateway. Default is blank.
Click on the Add button, then display Network Routing screen.
IP address can be modified by clicking on the check box next to the IP address and click on the Modify button.
IP address can be deleted by clicking on the check box next to the IP address and click on the Delete button.
Click on the Apply button to save your customized settings and exit this screen.
Click on the Cancel button to give up these changes.
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Select this check box, then modify or delete each FXO line. The total amount was limited to 4.
Line ID
This field shows the Line ID from 1 to 4 which is reference to connection port at front and rear panel.
Line Number
This field shows the Line Number which is not a PSTN number or PBX extension number. Instead, this number is for ePBX40
internal SIP account used only.
This field shows the remark information such as user name, PSTN line number or PBXs extension number for system
2.1.2 Extension Configuration
Both Line Setting (built-in 4-port FXO Gateway) and external SIP extensions (up to 60 IP devices) have to configure its unique account to register on ePBX40. To configure Extension account, click Configuration, and then click the Extension table. The screen appears as follows.
Figure 2.1.2-1 Line Setting (up to 4 Lines)
Line Setting (built-in 4-port FXO Gateway) only support configuration built-in up to 4
Lines FXO gateway parameters. Both External FXO Gateway device (via local LAN port)
and Remote FXO Gateway devices (via Internet) register on ePBX40, Only use SIP Trunk
command to configure.
Figure 2.1.2-2 SIP Extension (up to 60 external IP devices)
The following table describes the features in this screen.
Table 2.1.2-1 Line Setting
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manager notice.
This field shows built-in 4-port Type information. Currently, ePBX40 only provide FXO port and it shows Local Trunk.
Dial Plan
This field shows the Dial Plan information includes routes plans.
One of 4-Line configuration can be modified by clicking on the checkbox next to the Line ID and click on the Modify button.
Select this check box, then modify or delete.
Extension Number
This field shows the Extension Number.
This field shows the remark information such as user name.
NAT Traversal
This field shows the NAT Traversal enable or disable.
Dial Plan
This field shows the Dial Plan information includes routes plans.
Click on the Add button, and then display a new Extension Setting screen.
An extension can be modified by clicking on the checkbox next to the extension and click on the Modify button.
An extension can be deleted by clicking on the checkbox next to the extension and click on the Delete button.
Quick Add
Click on the Add button, then display an new Extension Setting screen.
Quick Delete
Click on the Quick Delete button, then display a batch of Extension number to be deleted.
Total Count
This field shows Total subscriber Counts information.
Number Search
Enter the search number, then click enter key. The screen will display matched search data.
Total Page
This field shows Total Pages of subscriber information.
This field shows Page Number information where you are. You can Enter page number, then click enter key. The screen will display this page data.
Click on the Next/Prev to Next/Previous Page. The system will auto display the Next or Previous page Information.
Table 2.1.2-2 SIP Extension
Click Add/Modify. The screen appears as follows to configure more in details parameters.
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Line Number
Assign one number which is also the SIP registration name for this Line.
Dial Plan
A PSTN/FXO incoming Call behavior description. Define the dialing plan for Extension. It specifies the location of the instruction used to control what extension is allowed to do, and what to do with incoming calls to this extension. In this field, you can Choose 5 dial levels for Extension, including
[ext-only], [ext+R1], [ext+R12], [ext+R123], [ext+allroutes].
You can define an “Outgoing call” record, to a certain Route Level, as R1, R2…, etc. [ext-only] means this FXO Line
Figure 2.1.2-3 Line Setting (built-in 4 port FXO)
Figure 2.1.2-4 Extension Setting (External 60 IP devices)
The following table describes the features at above screen.
Table 2.2.1-3 Line Setting
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incoming call only go to Extension. [ext+R1] means this FXO Line incoming call only go to Extension and Route Level with R1. [ext+R12] means this FXO Line incoming call only go to Extension and Route Level with R1 and R2. [ext+R123] means this FXO Line incoming call only go to Extension and Route Level with R1, R2 and R3. [ext+allroutes] means this FXO Line incoming call only go to Extension and Route Level with R1, R2, R3 and R4(allroutes).
Note: For more information about Route Level, please refer to the user manual: Chapter 3.2.7 Outgoing Routing.
Each FXO Line incoming call can directly Hotline (Direct forward) to your predefined Office 1, Office 2 (a group of extensions) and your desire extensions(such as operator) or Mobile phone (select one free FXO line to dial out or use SIP trunk to dial) or City phone call.
Caller ID Detection
Your local Telco PSTNs caller ID specification could be either DTMF or FSK Bellcore protocol. You need to consult your local PSTN companys specification and give proper Caller ID type configuration in order to detect and carry Caller ID to extension when there is an incoming call.
Current Drop For Disconnect
PSTN line or PBX extension drop tip/ring loop current to present a disconnect call. ePBX40 has this feature to detect the absence of loop current in order to release FXO Line.
Answer Ring Count
FXO port answers an incoming call automatically after pre-configured Ring count reached. The Ring Count has to set
up to 2 if you want to detect FSK type caller ID from PSTN line.
Dial Delay Time
This delay time was used to wait for Dial tone before sending DTMF digits. Some PSTN line may not give dial tome immediately after Off Hook.
Adjust volume from PSTN line to FXO port (default is 0 dB).
Manual Hunt
To allow all of extension to get this line. Default is disable.
Adjust volume from FXO port to PSTN line (default is 0 dB).
You can enter a 20 letter words of note here.
Click on the Apply button to save your customized settings and exit this screen.
Click on the Cancel button to give up changes.
Extension Number
Assign one number which is also the SIP registration name for this extension.
Assign the register password for SIP IP devices (for instance, IP Phone or FXS gateway) to register on ePBX40.
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Table 2.2.1-4 Extension Setting
Select the office group in which this extension was belonged to.
Call Group
You can use the Call Group parameter to assign an Extension to one or more groups.
Pickup Group
You can use the Pickup Group option in conjunction with this parameter to allow a ringing phone to be answered from another extension.
Note: The Pickup Group is to allocate extensions to the same Call Pickup Group. One extension is only authorized to pick up remote ring extensions when they are assigned to the same Call Pickup Group. By default code, remote ringing extensions can be answered by pressing digit *1. Extension can be defined to multiple Call Groups. To enter multiple Call Pickup Group number at one Extension by a
“comma”. For example, input “1,3,5” into Call Group or Pickup
Dial Plan
Describe extension dial out authority behavior. Define the dialing plan for Extension. It specifies the location of the instruction used to control what extension is allowed to do, and what to do with incoming calls for this extension. In this field, you can Choose 5 dial levels for Extension, including [ext-only], [ext+R1], [ext+R12], [ext+R123], [ext+allroutes]. You can define an “Outgoing call” record, to a certain Route Level, as R1, R2…, etc. [ext-only] means this subscriber can only call to Extension. [ext+R1] means the subscriber with such Dial Plan can call to Extension and Route Level with R1. [ext+R12] means the subscriber with such Dial Plan can call to Extension and Route Level with R1 and R2. [ext+R123] means the subscriber with such Dial Plan can call to Extension and Route Level with R1, R2 and R3. [ext+allroutes] means the subscriber with such Dial Plan can call to Extension and Route Level with R1, R2, R3 and R4(allroutes).
Note: For more information about Route Level, please refer to the user manual: Chapter 3.2.7 Outgoing Routing.
NAT Traversal
If the Extension device is installed behind a device performing NAT such as firewall or router, and need to register to ePBX40 on public network, this extension has to enable this function. Enable NAT Traversal to force ePBX40 to ignore the contact information for the Extension and use the address from which the packets have been received.
Fixed Trunk ID
User can define a Fixed Trunk for a certain extensions. When such extension makes an outgoing call via routing table, ePBX40 will check “Fixed Outgoing Call Rule” first. If “Fixed Outgoing Call Rule” is enabled, ePBX40 will confirm the Fix Trunk ID for the calling party. That means the outbound call will
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be routed by Fixed Trunk ID, if you define the Fixed Trunk ID for
the calling party and you also enable “Fixed Outgoing Call Rule”.
Note: For more information about Fixed Outgoing Call Rule, please refer to the user manual: Chapter 3.2.7 Outgoing Routing.
Absolute Timeout
(Toll Restriction)
Specify the timeout value for the outgoing calls. Please also go to Outgoing Call Rule page to enable the Route Timeout function to restrict talking time (Toll Restriction).
Enable Busy Line Field functions for extensions if your extension support BLF feature such as iP380 IP Phone.
Forward CallerID
By default, the “from header of SIP invite” contains the caller’s line number when forward function is activated. But this may make some errors occurred for some SIP Trunk services. So we add this function in the “Extension Setting” page, let user modify the line number of SIP Invite’ s from header, from calling party’s number to the called party’s number. In other words, the receiver sees the forwarders extension number instead.
Unconditional FWD
Enable Unconditional forward function by adding forwarding number.
No Answer FWD
Enable No Answer forward function by adding forwarding number.
Busy FWD
Enable Busy forward function by adding forwarding number.
Unavailable FWD
Enable Unavailable forward function by adding forwarding number.
You can input a 20 bytes note for each extension here.
User can select to disable or enable mail box function. If this function is enabled, user could input e-mail address for the Extension. When having voice mail of incoming call, system will send this voice mail to the specified e-mail address.
Click on the Apply button to save your customized settings and exit this screen.
Click on the Cancel button to give up these changes.
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Select this check box and modify or delete it.
Trunk Number
This field shows the Trunk Number information which register at ePBX40.
This field shows the remark information.
NAT Traversal
This field shows the NAT Traversal information if this device was installed behind router.
Dial Plan
This field shows the Dial Plan information when either IP Trunk
or External FXO Gateway has incoming call to extensions of
Maximum Channels
This field shows the Maximum concurrent call to this trunk. For example, the concurrent call from ePBX40 to external SIP Server or IP-PBX. There is no limitation if this field left blank.
Click on the Add button to display a new Trunk Setting screen.
A Trunk can be modified by clicking on the checkbox next to the Trunk and click on the Modify button to modify its contents.
A Trunk record can be deleted by clicking on the checkbox next to that Trunk and click on the Delete button.
Total Count
This field shows Total Counts of trunk information.
Number Search
Enter the search number, then click enter key. The screen will display matched search data.
Total Page
This field shows Total Pages of trunk information.
This field shows Page Number information. You can Enter page number, then click enter key. The screen will display this page data.
Click on the Next/Prev to Next/Previous Page. The system will
auto display the Next or Previous trunk Information.
SIP Trunk Configuration
When external FXO devices were installed at either local LAN or remote locations as well as IP Trunk, for instance, WellGate 2540 or 2680 (or connect to other SIP Server or IP-PBX via external IP network), the SIP Trunk field has to configure properly. To change SIP Trunk configuration, click Configuration, and click the SIP Trunk table as well. The screen appears as follows.
Figure 2.1.3-1 SIP Trunk
The following table describes the features at above screen.
Table 2.1.3-1 SIP Trunk
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Trunk Number
Assign one number to Trunk. This number is also the registration name for this Trunk device (On-Net or Off-Net FXO devices).
Note: The Trunk Number can also be a “Trunk ID”. In the Routing Table page, you should define the destination of prefix route. When you define the prefix route, you should set the Trunk ID (Trunk Number) in the Trunk page first; then you could enter correct Trunk ID in the Destination field.
Assign registration password of Trunk device to register at
Setting the Host field to Dynamic enable one trunk device to
register to ePBX40. Then ePBX40 knows how to reach that
trunk device. When the Host field was set to [Pre-define], an
IP address or FQDN (domain name) field pop up and need to
define properly. ePBX40 only recognizes external SIP trunk
with this Pre-define IP address to connect with.
Dial Plan
Define the dialing plan for SIP Trunk. It specifies the location of
the instruction used to control which phone number is allowed
to go, and what to do with incoming calls for this Trunk. In this
field, you can Choose 6 dial levels for Extension, including
[from-pstn], [ext-only], [ext+R1], [ext+R12], [ext+R123],
Example 1: Set up SIP Trunk number to external FXO gateway and IP Trunk.
This example is to configure Trunk Number to external FXO gateway and IP Trunk. See the following screen at Figure 2.1.3-2.
Figure 2.1.3-2 Trunk Setting
The following table describes the features at above screen.
Table 2.1.3-2 Trunk Setting
Welltech Technology Co., Ltd.
[ext+allroutes]. You can define an “Outgoing call” record to a
certain route level, such as R1, R2…, etc.
1.[from-pstn] is used for Trunk only. An incoming call from
External FXO gateway or IP Trunk, it can only reach assigned
operator, extensions, group or matched schedule call rule.
2.[ext-only] means this External subscribers can reach not only
defined above from–pstn features and all Extensions, but
also activate applications such as DND, Call Forward, Extension
Password, CLID and etc. It can also uses PBX features such as
Pick up, Call Park, Speed dial and etc.
3.[ext+R1] means the external subscribers with such Dial Plan
can call to Extensions and Route Level with R1.
4.[ext+R12] means the external subscribers with such Dial
Plan can call to Extensions and Route Level with R1 and R2.
5.[ext+R123] means the external subscribers with such Dial
Plan can call to Extensions and Route Level with R1, R2 and R3.
6.[ext+allroutes] means the external subscribers with such
Dial Plan can call to Extension and Route Level with R1, R2, R3
and R4 (allroutes).
Note: For more information about Route Level, please refer to
Chapter 3.2.7 : Outgoing Routing.
Keypad (DTMF Tone
External FXO gateway and IP Trunk can select Keypad type to
be RFC2833, In-band, or SIP-Info and Auto. To choose
Auto to select Keypad type automatically. Choose RFC2833,
In-band or SIP-Info will force the Extension to use RFC2833,
In-band or SIP-Info accordingly and the setting should be
matched the Keypad setting of Trunk device.
NAT Traversal
If the SIP IP device is located at different location (via remote
Internet) with ePBX40 and install behind an NAT device, such
as firewall or router, and want to register at ePBX40 via IP
network. Then this function has to be enabled. Enable NAT
Traversal to force ePBX40 to ignore the contact information
from the IP Trunk and use the address from which the packets
had been received.
Port is used to define SIP signal port if you want to listen from
a different SIP signal port other than 5060. Welltech strongly
suggest not to use 5060 port because it is easy to be hacked to
make expensive international call. We suggest you to use port
Welltech Technology Co., Ltd.
between 8000 to 9000. You registration IP devices has to
configure the same port number if you configure SIP port other
than 5060.
External Server
Address (i.e. SIP
Server or IP-PBX)
This field is going to set up the domain name in the SIP From
URI. Setting up this to avoid from unexpected issues if the
service provider needs information for authentication.
Maximum Channels
This feature limits the maximum channels for this Trunk. For
example, you set up 2 at this field; only 2 outgoing calls could
go through this Trunk. Default is no limitation maximum calls.
Outbound Caller ID
Some service providers require the correct registered caller ID
if it received an incoming call. ePBX40 will send the Extension’s
caller ID to this Trunk as default value, if this field left empty.
Normally, SIP From URI contains the Extension’s calling ID
and ePBX40’s IP address, but some ITSP ( SIP Server ) may
reject this call due to security consideration. You can
modify the Calling ID and IP/Domain in the fields of
[External Server Address] and [Outbound Caller ID] when
the call is going through ePBX40 to the Destination (Trunk)
to avoid such security issue.
If you have installed a Welltech FXO gateway as the Trunk,
you can use the default Trunk number 888 and 889 as the
FXO’s register number.
For the FXO gateway, you may simply configure these
fields: Trunk Number, Password, Host, Dial Plan,
Keypad, NAT Traversal and RTP Mode.
If you set up the ITSP ( external SIP Server or IP-PBX ) as
the Trunk, you may need to set up the following
configuration : Port, External Server Address and
Outbound Caller ID.
Caller ID Display
When inbound call is coming from either external FXO Trunk or
IP trunk, such as 888. The caller ID Name will be the “PSTN
number” or “888”. Specify this field will be used as your desire
setting instead.
You can enter a 20 bytes note for each Trunk here.
CLIR Support
CLIR means "Caller Line Identification Restriction". This feature
is to hide the caller's number. For example, ext 101 call to ext
102. But 101 won’t like to show the caller ID to 102. So 101 can
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activate this feature to hide the caller ID. When 102 got a call
from 101, the LCD of 102 should display "Anonymous".
Click on the Apply button to save your settings and exit this
Click on the Cancel button to give up this change.
CH3. Full Web Configurations
After Login ePBX40, you will see screen as follows. There are five main categories. Click on
each category to extend detail items.
Telephony: Include all telephony configurations of ePBX40. (for built-in FXO Lines)
Line Setting Tone Setting (Disconnect Tone Frequency and ON/OFF time setting)
Configuration: Include all telephony configurations of ePBX40.
IP PBX Office Call Rule Feature Code SIP Extension SIP Trunk SIP Trunk Reg. Outgoing Routing Incoming Routing Dial Group Speed Dial T.38 FAX
Information: To show related information.
Subscriber Info. Call Monitor System Info.
Network: To show related information.
Network DDNS Server.
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Management: Include all system management of ePBX40.
Time Setting SMTP Setting VM Setting Security Firmware Upload Music Upload Import Setting Export Setting Reset To Default Soft Reset Reboot System: To reboot ePBX40.
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Select this check box, then modify or delete it.
Line ID
This field shows the FXO Line ID physical or port number.
Line Number
This field shows the FXO Line Number information to register to
This field shows the Comment or remarks information to this
This field shows the Type information of this line.
Dial Plan
This field shows the Dial Plan information of this line.
3.1 Telephony
The webpage configuration helps you configure Line Setting, Tone Setting and Disconnect
Tone analysis.
3.1.1 Line Setting
Line Setting is going to configure built-in 4-port FXO gateway account number on
ePBX40. To change built-in 4-port FXO gateway account number, click Telephony, and then
click the Line Setting. The screen appears as shown below.
Figure 3.1.1-1 Line Setting (built-in 4-port FXO gateway account number)
Table 3.1.1-1 Line Setting
Welltech Technology Co., Ltd.
Line Number
Assign one number to this Line. This number is also the
registration name on ePBX40 IP-PBX.
Dial Plan
Define the dialing plan for each Line has come in to ePBX40. It
specifies the location of the instruction used to control what extension
is allowed to do, and what to do with incoming calls for this extension.
In this field, you can Choose 5 dial levels for Extension, including
[ext-only], [ext+R1], [ext+R12], [ext+R123], [ext+allroutes]. You
can define an “Outgoing call” record, to a certain Route Level, as R1,
R2…, etc.
1. [ext-only] means this FXO Line can only call to Extensions.
2. [ext+R1] means this FXO Line with such Dial Plan can call to
Extension and Route Level with R1.
3. [ext+R12] means this FXO Line with such Dial Plan can call to
Extension and Route Level with R1 and R2.
4. [ext+R123] means this FXO Line with such Dial Plan can call to
Extension and Route Level with R1, R2 and R3.
5.[ext+allroutes] means this FXO Line with such Dial Plan can call to
Extension and Route Level with R1, R2, R3 and R4(allroutes).
For more information about Route Level, please refer to the user
manual: Chapter 3.2.7 Outgoing Routing.
Enable BLF (Busy Line Field) function for this extension. In general
Figure 3.1.1-2 Line Setting (Details setting of built-in 4-port FXO Lines)
Table 3.1.1-2 Line Setting
Welltech Technology Co., Ltd.
case, BLF was used with IP Phone with LCD display to indicate your
desires extension or FXO line busy status.
Each FXO Line incoming call can directly Hotline (Direct forward) to
your predefined Office 1, Office 2 (a group of extensions) and your
desire extensions(such as operator) or Mobile phone (select one free
FXO line to dial out or use SIP trunk to dial) or City phone call.
Caller ID Detection
Your local Telco PSTNs caller ID specification could be either DTMF or
FSK Bellcore protocol. Consult your local PSTN companys specification
and give proper Caller ID type configuration in order to detect and
carry Caller ID to extension correctly when there is an incoming call.
DTMF: DTMF caller ID detect
FSK Bellcore: FSK Caller ID detect.
FSK Bellcore with Date and Time: to filter Date and time by FSK caller
ID. (only send caller ID)
Current Drop For
PSTN line or PBX extension drop tip/ring loop current to present an
disconnect call. ePBX40 has this feature to detect the absence of loop
current in order to release FXO Line.
Answer Ring Count
FXO port answers an incoming call automatically after pre-configured Ring count reached. The Ring Count has to set up to 2 if you want to detect FSK type caller ID from PSTN line.
Manual Hunt
To allow all of extension to get this line. Default is disable.
Adjust volume from PSTN line to FXO port (default is 0 dB).
Adjust volume from FXO port to PSTN line (default is 0 dB).
You can enter a 20 letter words of note here.
Click on the Apply button to save your customized settings and exit this screen.
Click on the Cancel button to give up changes.
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Disconnect Tone
Click button of Go to go to the Disconnect Tone Recording
page. See 3.1.3 Disconnect Tone Recording
Country Template
To select a Country to use the tone parameters. When you
select a country, the following tone was configured
automatically according to that countrys tone specification.
After you have selected country and press COPY command,
the corresponded tone of that country will be configured
Signal Type
Define desire Tone type such as continuous or Cadence tone.
Freq 1
In most case, the tone was generated by dual tone frequency.
This field was to fill in the low frequency if you have dual
frequency or single frequency.
Freq 2 (0,300-1980Hz)
The high frequency was filled in here if there is dual frequency tone.
Level 1 (0-63db)
The tone strength level of low frequency. Default is 13 dB.
Level 2 (0-63db)
The tone strength level of high frequency. Default is 13 dB.
On 1 (0-10230ms)
To configure ON time of the first cycle cadence Tone.
Off 1 (0-10230ms)
To configure OFF time of the first cycle cadence Tone.
On 2 (0-10230ms)
Some tone may provide the second cycle of tone cadence. This field support ON time of the second cadence tone. If your
3.1.2 Tone Setting
The configuration page is used to set up the disconnect tone to be detected. The detected tone is the Disconnect Tone 1 & 2 (for FXO Line) and the others tone are used for FXS gateway generating purpose. The disconnect tone was generated from PSTN Line to inform FXO Line that the remote party drop this call.
Figure 3.1.2-1 Tone Setting
Table 3.1.2-1 Tone Setting
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