This device combines the functions of sound level meter, light meter, humidity meter, temperature meter and digital
multimeter for both professional and home use in an easy-to-use pocket-size lightweight device with a 3 1/2–digit
large LCD for your reading convenience.
The sound level function can be used to measure sound levels in schools, offices, airports, etc. and to check the
acoustics of auditoriums, studios and hi-fi installations.
The light function is used to measure luminous intensity. The device is fully cosine corrected for the angle of
incidence. The light-sensitive component is a very stable long-life silicon diode.
Measure temperatures using the built-in temperature-sensitive semiconductor or the K-type thermocouple.
Perform relative humidity measurements with the built-in semiconductor.
The digital multimeter can be used for measuring AC/DC voltage, DC current, resistance, diodes and transistor hFE.
It also features an audible continuity test.
2. Safety precautions
Do not use your DVM501 if the device itself or the test leads look damaged, or if you suspect that it is not
operating properly.
Never ground yourself when making electrical measurements. Do not touch exposed metal objects which might
be at ground potential. Keep your body isolated from ground by wearing dry clothing and shoes with rubber soles
and using rubber mats or other approved insulating material.
Turn off the power to the circuit under test before uniting, unsoldering or breaking it. Current can be dangerous.
• Be cautious when working above 60Vdc or 30Vac as such voltages pose a shock hazard.
• When using the probes, make sure to keep your fingers behind the finger guards on the probes.
Measuring voltage that exceeds the limits of the multimeter may damage your DVM501 and expose the operator
to a shock hazard. Always respect the meter voltage limits as stated on the front of the meter.
3. Specifications
Display 1999 counts and the following indications: Lux, °C, %, dB
Polarity automatic negative polarity indication
Overrange indication “OL”
Low-Battery indication “BAT” is displayed when the battery voltage drops below operating level
Measurement rate 1.5 times per second, nominal
Operating temperature 0°C to 50°C (32°F to 122°F) @ <70%RH
Storage temperature -10°C to 60°C (14°F to 140°F) @ <80%RH
Power source one 9V-battery (e.g. 6F22)
Dimensions 121.5 x 61 x 40 (H x W x D)
Weight approx. 280g including holster
Fuse F 250V / 200mA fast blow
All accuracy indications below are valid for 18-28°C (65-83°F) @ <70% RH.
Measurement Range 35 – 100dB (C-weighting) @ resolution 0.1dB
Typical Frequency Range 30Hz to 10kHz
Time Weighting fast
Accuracy ±3.5dB at 94dB, 1kHz sine wave
Microphone electric condenser microphone
Measurement Range 200, 20000Lux (20000Lux reading x 10)
Overrange Indication “1”
Accuracy ±5% of reading + 10 digits (calibrated with standard incandescence lamp
at a colour temperature of 2856K)
Thermal sensitivity ±0.1°C
Photo detector silicon photo diode with filter
Measurement Range 25 to 95%RH
Resolution 0.1%RH
Accuracy (after calibration) ±5%RH (at 25°C, 35 to 95%RH)
±6%RH (at 25°C, 10 to 35%RH)
Response time ≤10 min. @ 45%→95%RH
≤15 min. @ 95%→45%RH
Measurement Range –20°C to +1300°C (-4°F to +2552°F)
Resolution 0.1°C/0.1°F
Accuracy (after calibration) ±3% rdg ±1°C (from –20°C to +200°C)
±3.5% rdg ±5digits (from –20°C to +750°C)
Response time 1°C/2sec
Overload protection: 0.2A/250V fuse
(10A range unfused)
Measuring voltage drop: 200mV
200 Ω 0.1Ω±0.8% rdg ±4 digits
2000 Ω 1Ω
200kΩ 100 Ω
±0.8% rdg ±2 digits
Overload protection on all ranges: 250Vdc/ac during
max. 15 seconds
Max. open circuit voltage: 2.8V
2000kΩ 1kΩ±1.0% rdg ±2 digits
0-1000 Base current: 10µA @ Vcd=2.8Vdc
Diode: test current 1.4mAdc and open circuit voltage 2.8Vdc
Continuity: built-in buzzer will sound if the circuit resistance is less than 100 Ω.
Overload protection on all ranges: 250Vdc/ac during max. 15 seconds
4. Front Panel Description
1. LCD display: 3 ½-digit LCD. Displays a wide variety of units: Lux, x 10 Lux,
°C, %, dB and low battery ‘BAT’ indication.
2. Selection switch: to turn the power on or off and select the measurement
4. Built-in humidity sensor + semiconductor sensor (for temperature
5. Microphone: built-in electric condenser microphone.
6. Socket for transistor hFE test.
7. V / Ω / mA / °C input jack.
8. COM input jack.
9. 10A input jack.
5. Operating Instructions
a) Measuring Sound Levels
1. Set the selection switch (#2) to the dB position.
2. Hold the microphone at a horizontal angle to the source to be measured.
3. The C-weighting curve has a frequency range of 30-10.000Hz, thus giving an indication of the overall sound level.
4. The fast response is ideal to measure short bursts of sound and peak values.
5. The sound level is displayed.
Note: strong wind (> 10m/sec.) blowing on the microphone can cause false measurements. Use a windscreen when
working in windy locations.
b) Measuring Light Levels
1. Set the selection switch (#2) to the desired LUX-position (Lux or x10Lux).
2. Hold the detector at a horizontal angle to the source to be measured.
3. Read the nominal value from the display.
4. The overrange indication (“1”) is displayed if the input signal exceeds the range limit. Select a higher range.
5. Remove the photo detector from the light source when the measurement is completed.
6. The spectral sensitivity of this device is very similar to the CIE curve (International Commission on Illumination):
relative sensitivity
relatieve gevoeligheid
sensibilité relative
sensibilidad relativa
relative Empfindlichkeit
spectral sensitivity
spectrale gevoeligheid
sensibilité spectrale
sensibilidad espectral
spektrale Empfindlichkeit
Wavelength (Nm)
Golflengte (Nm)
Longueur d’onde (Nm)
Longitud de la onda
7. Recommended illumination: see table below.
conference room, reception area 200 – 750 Lux
At the Office
clerical work 700 – 1500 Lux
Typing, drawing 1000 – 2000 Lux
packing work 150 – 300 Lux
In a Factory
production lines 300 – 750 Lux
inspection work 750 – 1500 Lux
electronic parts assembly line 1500 – 3000 Lux
In a Hotel
public room, cloakroom 100 – 200 Lux
Reception 200 – 1000 Lux
staircase 150 – 200 Lux
show window 750 - 1500 Lux
front of show window 1500 – 3000 Lux
sick room, warehouse 100 - 200 Lux
operating room 300 – 750 Lux
Emergency room 750-1500 Lux
auditorium, gymnasium 100 – 300 Lux
classroom 200 – 750 Lux
library, laboratory 500 - 1500 Lux
c) Measuring Humidity
1. Set the selection switch (#2) to the %RH position.
2. Read the measured value from the LCD.
3. The device needs a couple of minutes to catch up when the relative humidity of the tested area changes.
d) Temperature Measurements
1. Set the selection switch (#2) to the 0.1°C or 1°C position.
2. Read the measured value from the display.
3. Insert the temperature probe in the appropriate sockets: black plug in COM, red plug in V/Ω/mA/°C.
4. Touch the target surface with the extremity of the probe and read the measured temperature from the LCD.
e) Voltage Measurements
NOTE: to avoid damage to the device, don't measure values over 600Vdc or ac rms.
1. Set the selection switch (#2) to the desired Vdc or Vac position.
2. Plug the black test lead in COM and the red test lead in V/Ω/mA/°C and put them over the load to be measured.
3. Read the measured value from the LCD. When measuring Vdc, the polarity of the red test lead will be indicated.
f) Current Measurements
NOTE: to avoid damage to the device, don't measure values over the selected value.
1. Set the selection switch (#2) to the desired current measuring position.
2. Plug the black test lead in COM and the red test lead in V/Ω/mA/°C for max. 200mA measurements (fuse
protected) or in 10A (unfused) for max. 10A measurements.
3. Put the leads in series with the load in which the current is to be measured.
4. Read the measured value from the LCD. The polarity of the red test lead will be indicated.
g) Resistance Measurements
1. Set the selection switch (#2) to the desired Ω position (200, 2000, 200k, 2000k).
2. Plug the black test lead in COM and the red test lead in V/Ω/mA/°C
3. Make sure all power of the circuit to be measured is off.
4. Connect the test leads to the circuit to be measured.
5. Read the measured value from the LCD.
h) Diode Measurements
1. Set the selection switch (#2) to the
2. Plug the black test lead in COM and the red test lead in V/Ω/mA/°C
3. Make sure all power of the circuit to be measured is off.
4. Connect the red test lead to the anode and the black test lead to the cathode of the diode to be measured.
5. The forward voltage drop (mV) will be displayed. If the diode is reversed, figure "1" will be shown.
i) Transistor hFE Measurements
1. Set the selection switch (#2) to the hFE position.
2. Determine whether the transistor is NPN or PNP type and locate the emitter, base and collector leads. Insert the
leads into the correct holes of the hFE socket on the front panel.
3. The meter will display the approx. hFE value at a base current of 10µA and Vcd=2.8Vdc.
j) Audible Continuity Test
1. Set the selection switch (#2) to the
2. Plug the black test lead in COM and the red test lead in V/Ω/mA/°C.
3. Connect the test leads to two points of the circuit to be tested ; if the resistance is <100 Ω, the buzzer will sound.
6. Maintenance
CAUTION: Before opening the case, set the selection switch to OFF and disconnect all test leads in order to avoid
electric shock hazard.
a) Battery Replacement
The battery should be replaced when “BAT” appears on the display. Turn loose the screws at the back and open the
case. Replace the old battery (1 x 9V-battery type 6F22 or equivalent), close the case and tighten the screws.
b) Fuse Replacement
The fuse rarely needs to be replaced ; a blown fuse is usually the result of the operator's error. Turn loose the screws
at the back and open the case. Replace the old fuse (F 250V/200mA), close the case and tighten the screws.
Remark : The contents and specifications of this manual can be subject to change without prior notice
1. Inleiding
Dit multifunctionele toestel combineert vijf verschillende functies: decibelmeter, lichtmeter, vochtigheidsmeter,
thermometer en digitale multimeter. Het is een zeer handzaam, licht en compact toestel met een groot 3 ½-digit
LCD-scherm dat gemakkelijk afleesbaar is, en is zowel geschikt voor professioneel als vrijetijdsgebruik.
Gebruik het toestel als decibelmeter op school, op kantoor, op de luchthaven, enz. U kunt er ook de akoestische
eigenschappen van auditoriums, studio’s en hifi-installaties mee testen.
De lichtmeterfunctie dient om de heersende lichtintensiteit te meten. Het toestel houdt automatisch rekening met de
invalshoek van het licht. De lichtgevoelige component is een zeer stabiele en duurzame siliciumdiode.
Meet temperaturen dankzij de ingebouwde temperatuurgevoelige halfgeleider of via het K-type thermokoppel.
Meet de vochtigheidsgraad met de ingebouwde halfgeleider.
Met de digitale multimeter kunt u AC- en DC-spanningen, DC-stroom, weerstand, diodes en de hFE-waarde van
transistors meten. Er is ook een hoorbare continuïteitstest.
2. Veiligheidsvoorschriften
Gebruik uw DVM501 niet als het toestel zelf of de meetprobes er beschadigd uitzien, of als u vermoedt dat het
toestel niet naar behoren werkt.
Zorg ervoor dat u niet geaard bent als u elektrische metingen uitvoert. Raak geen metalen voorwerpen aan die op
aardepotentiaal kunnen zijn. Bescherm uw lichaam tegen aarding door droge kleren en schoenen met rubber
zolen te dragen en door rubber matjes te gebruiken (of een ander isolerend materiaal).
Koppel altijd de stroomtoevoer los naar een schakeling die u wilt onderbreken of waar u componenten wilt aan
toevoegen of van weghalen. Stroom kan gevaarlijk zijn.
• Wees voorzichtig bij spanningen hoger dan 60Vdc en 30Vac ; deze kunnen elektrische schokken veroorzaken.
• Als u de meetprobes gebruikt, hou deze dan vast achter de vingerbeschermingen.
Spanningen meten die boven de limiet van de multimeter liggen, kan uw DVM501 beschadigen en de operateur
elektrische schokken geven. Respecteer altijd de spanningslimieten die vooraan de meter aangegeven zijn.
3. Specificaties
Display 1999 punten en de aanduidingen: Lux, °C, %, dB
Polariteit automatische aanduiding van negatieve polariteit
Buiten-bereik aanduiding “OL”
Batterij-laag aanduiding “BAT” verschijnt op de display wanneer de batterij moet worden vervangen
Meetsnelheid 1.5 metingen per seconde, nominaal
Werktemperatuur 0°C tot 50°C (32°F tot 122°F) @ <70%RH
Opslagtemperatuur -10°C tot 60°C (14°F tot 140°F) @ <80%RH
Voedingsbron één 9V-batterij (bv. 6F22)
Afmetingen 251.5 x 61 x 40 (H x B x D)
Gewicht ong. 280g, holster inbegrepen
Zekering F 250V / 200mA snelle doorslag
Meetbereik 35 – 100dB (C-weging) bij resolutie 0.1dB
Typisch frequentiebereik 30Hz tot 10KHz
Tijdsweging snel
Nauwkeurigheid ±3.5dB bij 94dB, 1KHz sinusgolf
Microfoon elektrische condensatormicrofoon
Meetbereik 200, 20000Lux (20000Lux uitlezing x 10)
Buiten-bereik aanduiding “1”
Nauwkeurigheid ±5% van uitlezing + 10 digits
(gekalibreerd met standaard gloeilamp bij een kleurtemperatuur van 2856K)
Temperatuurgevoeligheid ±0.1%/°C
Fotodetector silicium fotodiode met filter
Meetbereik 25 tot 95%RH
Resolutie 0.1%RH
Nauwkeurigheid (na ijking) ±5%RH (bij 25°C, 35 tot 95%RH)
±6%RH (bij 25°C, 10 tot 35%RH)
Responstijd vochtigheidssensor ≤10 min. @ 45%→95%RH
≤15 min. @ 95%→45%RH
Meetbereik -20°C tot +1300°C (-4°F tot +2552°F)
Resolutie 0.1°C/0.1°F
Nauwkeurigheid (na ijking) ±3% uitlezing ±1°C (van –20°C tot +200°C)
±3.5% uitlezing ±5 digits (van –20°C tot +200°C)
Responstijd vochtigheidssensor 1°C / 2sec
Overbelastingsbeveiliging: zekering 0.2A/250V
(bereik 10A zonder zekering)
Spanningsval bij meting: 200mV
200 Ω 0.1Ω ±0.8% ±4 digits
2000 Ω 1Ω
200kΩ 100 Ω
±0.8% ±2 digits
Overbelastingsbeveiliging alle bereiken: 250Vdc/ac
gedurende max. 15 seconden
Maximumspanning open schakeling: 2.8V
2000kΩ 1kΩ ±1.0% ±2 digits
0-1000 Basisstroom: 10µA @ Vcd=2.8Vdc
Diode: teststroom 1.4mAdc en spanning open schakeling 2.8Vdc
Continuïteit: ingebouwde zoemer gaat af als de weerstand van de schakeling minder is dan 100 Ω.
Overbelastingsbeveiliging alle bereiken: 250Vdc/ac gedurende max. 15 seconden
4 Beschrijving frontpaneel (zie foto op blz. 3)
1. LCD-scherm: 3 ½-digits LCD. Geeft een aantal meeteenheden weer: Lux, x 10 Lux, °C, %, dB, en ‘BAT’.
2. Selectieschakelaar: om het toestel in en uit te schakelen en meetfunctie en -bereik te bepalen.
3. Fotodetector: ingebouwde silicium fotodiode met lange levensduur.