6.4 Mode description
• In Da t a Ho ld mod e, t he d i splay is not l o n ge r up dated .
• Press the HOLD butto n to enter Data Ho ld mode. H is shown on the display [F].
• When Data Hold mode is enabled in aut o range mode, t he meter switches to
manua l ranging mod e.
• To exit Data Ho ld mode, press t he RANGE or HOLD button
Manual / Auto ra nge mode
• The meter has both m anual and auto r ange opti ons.
• In the auto r ange m ode, the mete r se lects th e best r an ge f or th e in put d et ect ed.
This allows you to switch test points without having to reset the range. When the
me ter i s in the auto range mod e, AUTO is d isp la yed [D].
• In the ma nual ranging mod e , the range mu s t be selec t ed manu ally. This allows
the user to over r i de auto r an g e and lock the meter in a specif ic ran g e.
• The mete r de faults to auto range mode for measurement functions that have
more than one range.
• To enter and exit the manual range mode press t he RANGE button. Press
successively to scroll th rou g h the ava ilab le ranges .
• To exit the manual ranging mod e, press and ho ld down RANGE key for two
se con ds. Th e meter r etu rn s to the a uto range m ode and AUTO is d isp layed .
Sleep mo de
• Th e M e ter enters t h e "s l eep mode" a nd blanks the display if the meter is o n but
not used fo r 30 minut es.
• Press the HOLD button or rotate t he rotary sw itch to wake t he meter up.
• To disable Sleep mode, hold down the SELECT ke y while turning the mete r on.
Relative measure ment mode
• Relative measurement mod e is ava ilab le d u rin g a ll funct ions except fre q uenc y .
• To enter and exit t he relative measurement mode, start the measurement.
• Press REL k e y to st ore the measure d value and acti vate the rela tive
measur ement mode. The di ff er ence b etween th e ref erence val u e an d su bsequ ent
reading is displayed. REL is shown on the display [G].
• Press REL key for more than 2 seconds to retur n th e mete r to no rmal o p eration .
6.5 PC Link (model DVM4100 only)
• PC L ink is only compatible with Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit.
• The DVM4100 has a serial data output function.
• Befo re co ntinuing the nec essary USB driv e r and software must b e insta lled on the
PC. In se rt t he included CD ROM into a suit ab le PC. L oc ate an d ope n th e f ile
README .pd f for t he installatio n proc ed u re ( E nglis h on ly) . Fo llow t he inst ructions
on the s cr een
• F irst in stall t h e PC-link software followed by the USB driver , than restart the PC.
• log in on the PC as administrator. For Vista/Windows 7 system s, disable the
UAC (User Account Control) (via Control Panel – Syst em an d Secu r ity – Act ion
Center – User Accoun t Control settin gs -> Ne ver n otif y.)
• Connect the m eter to a U SB por t of a PC using the in clud ed data cabl e.
• Press and hold the Hz % b utton whi le tur n on the meter , the meter enter PC-Link
mode. T t he symbol “PC-LINK” will a p p ea r on t he LCD [E] and the serial data
output function i s act i v e.
• It is not possible to enter PC LINK during measurement; t he meter must be
swi tched off first.
• To disable the auto power off function, simult aneously hold down the SELECT
and Hz% button w hil e turning the meter on.
• Run the PC-LINK software, click the SET menu. Sele ct the System Set. Then
select the proper COM p ort i n th e S erial Po rt Selec t . To determine the COM port ,
go to Device Manager: