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U.S. Department of Labor Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (nonmandatory form)
May be used to comply with OSHA’s
Hazard Communication Standard, 29
CFR 1910.1200. Standard must be
consulted for specific requirements.
Section 1 – Chemical Product Information Date Prepared: January 1, 2014
Product: Ceramic Bead 1/4" and 1/2” (Prebed)
(Denstone 57: Bed support)
Part No.: 33-0114, 33-0281, 33-0389, 33-0390 and 33-0375
Section 2 – Hazardous Ingredients/Identity Information
Hazardous Components Other Limits
(Specific Chemical Identity/Common Name(s)) OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV Recommended % Optional
CAS# mg/m3
Silicon Dioxide 14808-60-7 0.1 These shaped articles are not a 67.4
Aluminum Oxide 1344-28-1 5 regulated chemical as they do 24.1
Titanium Oxide 13463-67-7 5 not release or otherwise result in 1.18
Ferric Oxide 1309-37-1 5 exposure to a hazardous chemical 1.65
Calcium Oxide 1305-78-8 2 under normal conditions of use. 0.39
Magnesium Oxide 1309-48-4 5 0.51
Potassium Oxide 12136-45-7 10 3.28
Sodium Oxide 1313-59-3 10 1.18
Section 3 – Physical Chemical Characteristics
Boiling Point: Not applicable.
Specific Gravity (Water=1): 2.6
Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): Not applicable.
Melting Point: Not applicable.
Vapor Density (Air=1): Not applicable.
Solubility in Water: Insoluble.
Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate=1): Not applicable.
Appearance and Odor: Buff – colored solid spheres – odorless.
Section 4 – Fire and Explosion Hazard Information
Flammable Properties
Flash Point: Not applicable.
Method Used: Not applicable.
Flammability Limits
LEL: Not applicable.
UEL: Not applicable.
Fire Fighting Instructions: Non-flammable.
Extinguishing Media: Not applicable.
Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Not applicable.
Material Safety Data Sheet

Van Air Systems Ceramic Bead 1/2” (Prebed) Material Safety Data Sheet Page 2 of 2
Date Prepared: January 1, 2012
Section 5 – Reactivity Information
Stability (Conditions to avoid): Stable. Active fluorides.
Incompatibility (Materials to avoid): Silicate products may react, although not violently, with hydrofluoric
acid or active fluorides.
Hazardous decomposition/byproducts: None.
Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur.
Section 6 – Health Hazard Information
Potential Health Effects: Inhalation, skin and eye contact.
Health Hazards (acute and chronic): Excessive exposure to silica can lead to Silicosis. Silica may also be
a possible carcinogen. Most of the silica is chemically combined as
Carcinogenicity: No information available.
NTP: No.
IARC Monographs: No.
OSHA Regulated: No.
Signs and Symptoms of Exposure: May cause eye irritation or dry skin after long exposure. Breathing in
dust may aggravate conditions of the upper respiratory tract.
Emergency and First Aid Procedures
Eyes: Flush with water for at least 15 minutes. Examine for physical
presence of particles.
Skin: Wash with soap and water. Treat for dry skin.
Inhalation: Remove to fresh air.
Section 7 – Precautions for Safe Handling and Use
Small/Large Spills: Minimize dust. Sweep, shovel or vacuum up immediately. Watch
footing if articles fall onto walking surface.
Waste Disposal Method: Landfill in accordance with local, federal and state regulations. Be
guided by extraneous matter to which these articles may have been
exposed in the user’s process.
Handling & Store: Store in a dry area. Avoid over stacking to the point of deforming
Other precautions: Avoid rough handling to avoid abrading or crushing the articles.
Suppress dust when unloading (wear respirator). Protect against
sharp broken edges.
Section 8 – Control Measures
Respiratory Protection (specific type): NIOSH approved disposable or other dust masks. See OSHA CFR
Ventilation: Use adequate ventilation.
Local & Mechanical Exhaust – Yes, if dust levels exceed limits.
Special and other Exhaust – Not applicable.
Protective Gloves: Recommended.
Eye Protection: Recommended.
Other Protective Clothing & Equipment: These articles are hard and abrasive. Minimize bodily contact with
gloves, safety goggles and adequate covering.
Work/Hygienic Practices: Wash thoroughly after handling.