Steinberg Electric Bass Instruction Manual

Matthias Klag, Michael Ruf
Cristina Bachmann, Heiko Bischoff, Lillie Harris, Christina Kaboth, Insa Mingers, Matthias Obrecht, Sabine Pfeifer, Benjamin Schütte, Marita Sladek
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Electric Bass_1.0.0_en-US_2019-09-03

Table of Contents

4 Electric Bass
4 Parameter Section 8 Key switches 10 Effects Section 17 Fretboard Section

Electric Bass

With Electric Bass, you can easily hand pick exactly the right bass sound that you need for your song.
From soulful ’70s jams to classic jazz vibes to that big bass sound that can cut through every mix, you can combine your bass sound with the included bass amp, a range of effects, and different playing styles.
The window is divided into three sections: the parameter section on the left, the effects on the right, and the fretboard in the lower part of the panel.

Parameter Section

This section provides parameters that allow you to shape the sound and control the playing behavior of the bass. You can choose a pickup conguration, select a player, adjust Level and
Electric Bass Parameter Section
Tone. Here, you can dene how your playing on a keyboard is best translated into bass articulations such as legato and slide, for example.
Allows you to set up the mix between the two busses that are used: DI and Amp/FX.
The DI bus delivers the pure dry signal of the bass.
The Amp/FX bus hosts the effects and bass ampliers.
Allows you to select a pickup conguration. Electric Bass comes with a single coil neck and a Humbucker bridge pickup that can also be used as separate single coil pickups. This exible setup allows you to emulate the pickup congurations that can be found on well-known classic electric bass models, but also delivers further combinations to expand the sonic possibilities.
J-Bass uses two single coil pickups, one in bridge and one in neck position.
P-Bass uses one single coil pickup in neck position.
MM-Bass uses one Humbucker pickup in bridge position.
All Pickup uses all pickups combined.
Neck Only uses one single coil pickup in neck position.
Compared to P-Bass, the behavior of the Tone control is slightly different.
Bridge Only uses one single coil in bridge position.
StereoRick uses two single coil pickups spread one to the left and one to the right in the stereo signal.
Electric Bass provides seven different articulations.
Articulations are saved in the program, that is, if you load a new program, the Articulation setting can change.
If the Sustain articulation is selected, the strings are played with ngers.
If the Slap articulation is selected, the strings are slapped.
If the Sustain Pick articulation is selected, the strings are played with a pick.
If the Slap-Pull articulation is selected, the three lower strings (B, E, A) are slapped and the upper two strings (D, G) are pulled.
If the Mute articulation is selected, the strings are muted and played with
Electric Bass Parameter Section
If the Articial Harmonics articulation is selected, harmonics are played on pressed strings.
If the Natural Harmonics articulation is selected, harmonics are played on open strings.
All harmonics of one string are mapped to the corresponding MIDI note and distributed over the velocity range.
Allows you to select a bass player. The available players differ mainly in the strategies used to determine on which string and in which fret position a note is played, either to minimize hand movement across the fret board or to create a more varied playing style.
The default Standard player moves to the nearest and best reachable position on the fretboard for the next note.
Avoid Open Strings is based on the same algorithm, however, this player avoids playing open strings.
In addition, the following players are available:
Walking Bass
These players are based on musical styles and the playing techniques used by famous bass players of the genre.
Adjusts the output level of the bass.
Allows you to shape the tone of the bass.
The behavior of the Tone control depends on the Pickup parameter setting.
Ghost Notes
Activate this option to trigger ghost notes for lower velocities. The value eld on the right allows you to specify the threshold for the ghost notes.
Ghost notes are not available for the Mute, Natural Harmonics, and Articial Harmonics articulations.
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