SAB 83C515A-5 Microcontroller with factory mask-programmable ROM
SAB 80C515A Microcontroller for external ROM
SAB 80C515A / 83C515A-5, up to 18 MHz operation frequency
32 K
Additional 1 K
8 ROM (SAB 83C515A-5 only, ROM-Protection available)
8 on-chip RAM
8 on-chip RAM (XRAM)
Superset of SAB 80C51 architecture:
s instruction cycle time at 12 MHz
666 ns instruction cycle time at 18 MHz
256 directly addressable bits
Boolean processor
64 Kbyte external data and program memory addressing
Three 16-bit timer/counters
Versatile "fail-safe" provisions
Twelve interrupt vectors, four priority levels selectable
Genuine 10-bit A/D converter with 8 multiplexed inputs
Full duplex serial interface with programmable Baudrate-Generator
Functionally compatible with SAB 80C515
Extended power saving mode
Fast Power-On Reset
Seven ports: 48 I/O lines, 8 input lines
Two temperature ranges available:
0 to 70 ° C (T1)
– 40 to 85 ° C (T3)
Plastic packages: P-LCC-68 and P-MQFP-80
The SAB 80C515A/83C515A-5 is a high-end member of the Siemens SAB 8051
microcontroller family. It is designed in Siemens ACMOS technology and based on the
SAB 8051 architecture. ACMOS is a technology which combines high-speed and density
characteristics with low-power consumption or dissipation.
While maintaining all the SAB 80C515 features and operating characteristics the
SAB 80C515A/83C515A-5 contains more on-chip RAM/ROM. Furthermore a new 10-bit A/DConverter is implemented as well as extended security mechanisms. The SAB 80C515A is
identical with the SAB 83C515A-5 except that it lacks the on-chip program memory. The
SAB 80C515A / 83C515A-5 is supplied in a 68-pin plastic leaded chip carrier package
(P-LCC- 68) and in a 80-pin plastic metric quad flat package (P-MQFP-80).
Versions for extended temperature range – 40 to + 110
C are available on request.
Semiconductor Group108.95
SAB 80C515A/83C515A-5
Ordering Information
8-Bit CMOS microcontroller
SAB 80C515A-N18Q67120-C0581P-LCC-68for external memory, 18 MHz
SAB 83C515A-5N18Q67120-DXXXX P-LCC-68with mask-programmable ROM,
18 MHz
SAB 80C515A-N18-T3Q67120-C0784P-LCC-68for external memory, 18 MHz
ext. temperature − 40 to + 85 ° C
SAB 83C515A-5N18-T3 Q67120-DXXXX P-LCC-68with mask-programmable ROM,
18 MHz
ext. temperature − 40 to + 85 ° C
SAB 80C515A-M18-T3Q67120-C0851P-MQFP-80 for external memory, 18 MHz
ext. temperature − 40 to + 85 ° C
SAB 83C515A-5M18-T3 Q67120-DXXXX P-MQFP-80 with mask-programmable ROM,
18 MHz
40 to + 85 ° C
ext. temperature
Versions for extended temperature range − 40 to + 110
The ordering number of ROM types (DXXXX extension) is defined after program release
(verification) of the customer.
C on request.
Semiconductor Group2
SAB 80C515A/83C515A-5
Logic Symbol
Semiconductor Group3
SAB 80C515A/83C515A-5
The pin functions of the SAB 80C515A are identical with those of the SAB 80C515 with
following exception:
is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal
pull-up resistors. Port 4 pins that have 1’s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullup resistors, and in that state can be used as
inputs. As inputs, port 4 pins being externally
pulled low will source current ( I
, in the DC
characteristics) because of the internal pull-up
P4 also contains the external A/D converter
control pin. The output latch corresponding to
a secondary function must be programmed to
a one (1) for that function to operate. The secondary function assigned to port 6:
(P4.0): external A/D converter start
Power saving mode enable/Start Watchdog Timer
A low level on this pin allows the software to
enter the power down, idle and slow down
mode. In case the low level is also seen during
reset, the watchdog timer function is off on default.
Use of the software controlled power saving
modes is blocked, when this pin is held on
high level. A high level during reset performs
an automatic start of the watchdog timer immediately after reset.
When left unconnected this pin is pulled high
by a weak internal pull-up resistor.
Semiconductor Group6
Reset pin
A low level on this pin for the duration of two
machine cycles while the oscillator is running
resets the SAB 80C515A. A small internal
pullup resistor permits power-on reset using
only a capacitor connected to
Reference voltage for the A/D converter
Reference ground for the A/D converter
Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d)
SAB 80C515A/83C515A-5
Input (I)
Output (O)
P6.7-P6.0 13-205-12I
P3.0-P3.7 21-2815-22I/O
Port 6
is an 8-bit unidirectional input port to the A/
D converter. Port pins can be used for digital
input, if voltage levels simultaneously meet
the specifications high/low input voltages, and
for the eight multiplexed analog inputs.
Port 3
is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal
pullup resistors. Port 3 pins that have1's
written to them are pulled high by the internal
pullup resistors, and in that state can be used
as inputs. As inputs, port 3 pins being
externally pulled low will source current (
, in
the DC characteristics) because of the internal
pullup resistors. Port 3 also contains the
interrupt, timer, serial port and external
memory strobe pins that are used by various
options. The output latch corresponding to a
secondary function must be programmed to a
one (1) for that function to operate. The
secondary functions are assigned to the pins
of port 3, as follows:
D (P3.0): serial port’s receiver data
input (asynchronous) or data
input/output (synchronous)
D (P3.1): serial port’s transmitter data
output (asynchronous) or
clock output (synchronous)
is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal
pullup resistors. Port 1 pins that have 1's
written to them are pulled high by the internal
pullup resistors, and in that state can be used
as inputs. As inputs, port 1 pins being
externally pulled low will source current (
the DC characteristics) because of the internal
pullup resistors. The port is used for the loworder address byte during program
verification. Port 1 also contains the interrupt,
timer, clock, capture and compare pins that
are used by various options. The output latch
corresponding to a secondary function must
be programmed to a one (1) for that function to
operate (except when used for the compare
functions). The secondary functions are
assigned to the port 1 pins as follows:
Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and
input to the internal clock generator circuits.
(P1.4):interrupt 2 input
reloadtrigger input
Semiconductor Group8
Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d)
SAB 80C515A/83C515A-5
Input (I)
Output (O)
P2.0-P2.7 41-4838-45I/O
Output of the inverting oscillator amplifier.
To drive the device from an external clock
source, XTAL2 should be driven, while XTAL1
is left unconnected. There are no requirements on the duty cycle of the external clock
signal, since the input to the internal clokking circuitry is divided down by a divide-bytwo flip-flop. Minimum and maximum high and
low times and rise/fall times specified in the
AC characteristics must be taken into account.
Port 2
is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal
pullup resistors. Port 2 pins that have 1's
written to them are pulled high by the internal
pullup resistors, and in that state can be used
as inputs. As inputs, port 2 pins being
externally pulled low will source current (
the DC characteristics) because of the internal
pullup resistors.
Port 2 emits the high-order address byte
during fetches from external program memory
and during accesses to external data memory
that use 16-bit addresses (MOVX@DPTR). In
this application it uses strong internal pullup
resistors when issuing 1's. During accesses to
external data memory that use 8-bit
addresses (MOVX@Ri), port 2 issues the
contents of the P2 special function register.
4947OThe Program Store Enable
output is a control signal that enables the
external program memory to the bus during
external fetch operations. It is activated every
six oscillator periods, except during external
data memory accesses. The signal remains
high during internal program execution.
output is used for latching the address into
external memory during normal operation. It is
activated every six oscillator periods, except
during an external data memory access.
Semiconductor Group9
Address Latch enable
Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d)
SAB 80C515A/83C515A-5
Input (I)
Output (O)
EA5149IExternal Access Enable
When held high, the SAB 80C515A executes
instructions from the internal ROM as long as
the PC is less than 32768. When held low, the
SAB 80C515A fetches all instructions from
external program memory. For the SAB
80C515A this pin must be tied low.
P0.0-P0.7 52-5952-59I/OPort 0
is an 8-bit open-drain bidirectional I/O port.
Port 0 pins that have 1's written to them float,
and in that state can be used as highimpedance inputs.
Port 0 is also the multiplexed low-order
address and data bus during accesses to
external program and data memory. In this
application it uses strong internal pullup
resistors when issuing 1's.
Port 0 also outputs the code bytes during
program verification in the SAB 80C515A.
External pullup resistors are required during
program verification.
P5.7-P5.0 60-6760-67I/OPort 5 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with
internal pullup resistors. Port 5 pins that have
1's written to them are pulled high by the
internal pullup resistors, and in that state can
be used as inputs. As inputs, port 5 pins being
externally pulled low will source current
in the DC characteristics) because of the
internal pullup resistors.
6869IHardware Power Down
A low level on this pin for the duration of one
machine cycle while the oscillator is running
resets the SAB 80C515A.
A low level for a longer period will force the
part to Power Down Mode with the pins floating. (see table 5)
3732, 33–Supply voltage
during normal, idle, and power-down operation.
N.C.–2, 13, 14, 23,
3834, 35–Ground (0 V)
–Not connected
46, 50, 51,
68, 70, 71
These pins of the P-MQFP-80 package must
not be connected.
Semiconductor Group10
SAB 80C515A/83C515A-5
Figure 1
Block Diagram
Semiconductor Group11
SAB 80C515A/83C515A-5
Functional Description
The SAB 80C515A is based on 8051 architecture. It is a fully compatible member of the
Siemens SAB 8051/80C51 microcontroller family being an significantly enhanced
SAB 80C515. The SAB 80C515A is therefore code compatible with the SAB 80C515.
Having an 8-bit CPU with extensive facilities for bit-handling and binary BCD arithmetics the
SAB 80C515A is optimized for control applications. With a 18 MHz crystal, 58 % of the
instructions are executed in 666.67 ns.
While maintaining all architectural and operational characteristics of the SAB 80C515 the SAB
80C515A incorporates more on-chip RAM. A new 10-bit A/D-Converter is implemented as well
as an oscillator watchdog unit. Also the maximum operating frequency of 18 MHz is higher than
at the SAB 80C515.
With exception of the ROM sizes both parts are identical. Therefore the therm SAB 80C515A
refers to both versions within this specification unless otherwise noted.
Memory Organisation
According to the SAB 8051 architecture, the SAB 80C515A has separate address spaces for
program and data memory. Figure 2 illustrates the mapping of address spaces.
Figure 2
Memory Map
Semiconductor Group12
SAB 80C515A/83C515A-5
Program Memory ('Code Space')
The SAB 83C515A-5 has 32 Kbyte of on-chip ROM, while the SAB 80C515A has no internal
ROM. The program memory can externally be expanded up to 64 Kbyte. Pin EA
whether program fetches below address 8000
are done from internal or external memory.
As a new feature the SAB 83C515A-5 offers the possibility of protecting the internal ROM
against unauthorized access. This protection is implemented in the ROM-Mask. Therefore, the
decision ROM-Protection 'yes' or 'no' has to be made when delivering the ROM-Code. Once
enabled, there is no way of disabling the ROM-Protection.
Effect:The access to internal ROM done by an externally fetched MOVC instruction is
disabled. Nevertheless, an access from internal ROM to external ROM is possible.
To verify the read protected ROM-Code a special ROM-Verify-Mode is implemented. This
mode also can be used to verify unprotected internal ROM.
The data memory space consists of an internal and an external memory space.The
SAB 80C515A contains another 1 Kbyte on On-Chip RAM additional to the 256-bytes internal
RAM of the base type SAB 80C515. This RAM is called XRAM ('extended RAM') in this
External Data Memory
Up to 64 Kbyte external data memory can be addressed by instructions that use 8-bit or 16-bit
indirect addressing. For 8-bit addressing MOVX instructions in combination with registers R0
and R1 can be used. A 16-bit external memory addressing is supported by a 16-bit datapointer.
Registers XPAGE and SYSCON are controlling whether data fetches at addresses F800
are done from internal XRAM or from external data memory.
Internal Data Memory
The internal data memory is divided into four physically distinct blocks:
– the lower 128 bytes of RAM including four register banks containing eight
registers each
– the upper 128 byte of RAM
– the 128 byte special function register area.
– a 1 K
chip at the address range from F800
× 8 area which is accessed like external RAM (MOVX-instructions), implemented on
to FBFFH. Special Function Register SYSCON
controls whether data is read from or written to XRAM or external RAM.
A map of the internal data memory is shown in figure 2. The overlapping address spaces of the
standard internal data memory (256 byte) are accessed by different addressing modes (see
User's Manual SAB 80C515). The stack can be located anywhere in the internal data memory.
Architecture of the XRAM
The contents of the XRAM is not affected by a reset or HW Power Down. After power-up the
contents is undefined, while it remains unchanged during and after a reset or HW Power Down
if the power supply is not turned off.
The additional On-Chip RAM is logically located in the "external data memory" range at the
upper end of the 64 Kbyte address range (F800
enabled the address range F800
to FFFFH is occupied. This is done to assure software
-FBFFH). Nevertheless when XRAM is
compatibility to SAB 80C517A. It is possible to enable and disable (only by reset) the XRAM. If
it is disabled the device shows the same behaviour as the parts without XRAM, i.e. all MOVX
accesses use the external bus to physically external data memory.
Semiconductor Group14
SAB 80C515A/83C515A-5
Accesses to XRAM
Because the XRAM is used in the same way as external data memory the same instruction
types must be used for accessing the XRAM.
If a reset occurs during a write operation to XRAM, the effect on XRAM depends on the
cycle which the reset is detected at (MOVX is a 2-cycle instruction):
Reset detection at cycle 1:The new value will not be written to XRAM. The old value
is not affected.
Reset detection at cycle 2:The old value in XRAM is overwritten by the new value.
Accesses to XRAM using the DPTR
There are a Read and a Write instruction from and to XRAM which use one of the 16-bit DPTR
for indirect addressing. The instructions are:
MOVX@DPTR, A (Write)
Normally the use of these instructions would use a physically external memory. However, in the
SAB 80C515A the XRAM is accessed if it is enabled and if the DPTR points to the XRAM
address space (DPTR ≥ F800
Accesses to XRAM using the Registers R0/R1
The 8051 architecture provides also instructions for accesses to external data memory range
which use only an 8-bit address (indirect addressing with registers R0 or R1). The instructions
MOVX A,@Ri (Read)
MOVX@Ri, A (Write)
In application systems, either a real 8-bit bus (with 8-bit address) is used or Port 2 serves as
page register which selects pages of 256-byte. However, the distinction, whether Port 2 is
used as general purpose I/O or as "page address" is made by the external system design. From
the device’s point of view it cannot be decided whether the Port 2 data is used externally as
address or as I/O data!
Hence, a special page register is implemented into the SAB 80C515A to provide the possibility
of accessing the XRAM also with the MOVX @Ri instructions, i.e. XPAGE serves the same
function for the XRAM as Port 2 for external data memory.
Semiconductor Group15
Special Function Register XPAGE
SAB 80C515A/83C515A-5
Addr. 91
The reset value of XPAGE is 00H.
XPAGE can be set and read by software.
The register XPAGE provides the upper address byte for accesses to XRAM with MOVX @Ri
instructions. If the address formed from XPAGE and Ri is less than the XRAM address range,
then an external access is performed. For the SAB 80C515A the contents of XPAGE must be
greater or equal than F8
in order to use the XRAM. Of course, the XRAM must be enabled if
it shall be used with MOVX @Ri instructions.
Thus, the register XPAGE is used for addressing of the XRAM; additionally its contents are
used for generating the internal XRAM select. If the contents of XPAGE is less than the XRAM
address range then an external bus access is performed where the upper address byte is
provided by P2 and not by XPAGE!
Therefore, the software has to distinguish two cases, if the MOVX @Ri instructions with paging
shall be used:
a) Access to XRAM:The upper address byte must be written to XPAGE or P2;
both writes selects the XRAM address range.
b) Access to external memory: The upper address byte must be written to P2; XPAGE will
be loaded with the same address in order to deselect the
Semiconductor Group16
SAB 80C515A/83C515A-5
Control of XRAM in the SAB 80C515A
There are two control bits in register SYSCON which control the use and the bus operation
during accesses to the additional On-Chip RAM (XRAM).
Special Function Register SYSCON
Addr. 0B1
XMAP0Global enable/disable bit for XRAM memory.
XMAP0 =0: The access to XRAM (= On-Chip XDATA memory) is en-
XMAP0 = 1: The access to XRAM is disabled. All MOVX accesses are
performed by the external bus (reset state).
XMAP1Control bit for / RD/WR
signals during accesses to XRAM; this bit has no
effect if XRAM is disabled (XMAP0 = 1) or if addresses exceeding the
XRAM address range are used for MOVX accesses.
XMAP1 = 0: The signals RD
and WR are not activated during accesses
to XRAM.
XMAP1 = 1: The signals RD
and WR are activated during accesses to
Reset value of SYSCON is XXXX XX01B.
The control bit XMAP0 is a global enable/disable bit for the additional On-Chip RAM (XRAM).
If this bit is set, the XRAM is disabled, all MOVX accesses use external memory via the external
bus. In this case the SAB 80C515A does not use the additional On-Chip RAM and is compatible
with the types without XRAM.
Semiconductor Group17
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