While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document,
Schneider Electric SA assumes no liability for any omissions or errors it may contain,
nor for any damages resulting from the application or use of the information herein.
The products and options descr ibed in th is document may be changed or modifi ed at
any time, either from a technical point of view or in the way they are operated. Their
description can in no way be considered contractual.
Before you begin_____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4
Documentation structure_______________________________________________________________________________________ 5
Introduction_________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6
Installing the CANopen adapter ______________________________________________________________________________ 7
Connecting to the CANopen bus ____________________________________________________ _________________________ 8
Profiles ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 22
PDO (Process Data Objects) _______________________________________________________________________________ 23
SDO (Service Data Objects)________________________________________________________________________________ 26
Other available services___________________________________________________________________________________ 26
Description of identifiers taken into account____________________________________________________________________ 27
Software setup with PL7 and SyCon ____________________________________________________________________________ 28
Detailed description of services ________________________________________________________________________________ 40
Heartbeat service ________________________________________________________________________________________ 55
Object dictionary____________________________________________________________________________________________ 56
Communication profile zone objects__________________________________________________________________________ 57
1755865 11/20103
Before you begin
Read and understand these instructions before performing any procedure with thi s drive.
• Read and understand this manual before insta lling or operating the Alti var drive. Installation, a djustment, repair, and
maintenance must be performed by qualified personnel.
• The user is responsible for compliance with all international and national electrical standards in force concerning
protective grounding of all equipment.
• Many parts in this variable speed drive, including printed wiring boards, operate at line voltage. DO NOT TOUCH.
Use only electrically insulated tools.
• DO NOT touch unshielded components or terminal strip screw connections with volta ge present.
• DO NOT short across terminals PA and PC or across the DC bus capacitors.
• Install and close all covers before applying power or starting and stopping the drive.
• Before servicing the variable speed drive:
- Disconnect all power
- Place a "DO NOT TURN ON" label on the variable speed drive disconnect
- Lock the disconnect in the open position
• Disconnect all power including external control power that may be present before servicing the drive. WAIT 15
MINUTES for the DC bus capacitors to discharge. Then follow the DC bus voltage measurement procedure given
in the Installation Manual to verify that the DC voltage is less than 45 Vdc. The drive LEDs are not accurate indicators
of the absence of DC bus voltage.
Electric shock will result in death or serious injury
Do not operate or install any drive that appears damaged.
Failure to follow this instruction can result in equipment damage.
41755865 11/2010
Documentation structure
Installation manual
This manual describes:
• How to assemble the drive
• How to connect the drive
Programming manual
This manual describes:
• The functions
• The parameters
• How to use the drive display terminal (integrated display terminal and graphic display terminal)
Communication parameters manual
This manual describes:
• The drive parameters with specific information for use via a bus or communication network
• The operating modes specific to communication (state chart)
• The interaction between communication and local control
• Configuration of the communication-specific parameters via the integrated display terminal or the graphic display terminal
They describe the protocol communication services in detail.
Altivar 58/58F migration manual
This manual describes the differences between the Altivar 71 and the Altivar 58/58F.
It explains how to replace an Altivar 58 or 58F, including how to replace drives communicating on a bus or network.
Altivar 38 migration manual
This manual describes the differences between the Altivar 61 and the Altivar 38.
It explains how to replace an Altivar 38, including how to replace drives communicating on a bus or network.
1755865 11/20105
The CANopen protocol is available on the Altivar speed drive via a VW3 CAN A71 adapter, which must be ordered separately.
The CANopen adapter features a CANopen-compliant 9-way male SUB-D connector referred to as the “CANopen port” in this manual.
The CANopen port on the Altivar can be used for the following functions:
• Configuration
• Adjustment
• Control
• Monitoring
This manual describes how to set up the Altivar drive on CANopen and also describes the CANopen servi ces that are available on this drive.
Drive terminal displays
The graphic display terminal menus are shown in square brackets.
Example: [1.9 COMMUNICATION].
The integrated 7-segment display terminal menus are shown in round brackets.
Example: (COM-).
Parameter names are displayed on the graphic display terminal in square brackets.
Example: [Fallback speed]
Parameter codes are displayed on the integrated 7-segment display terminal in round brackets.
Example: (LFF).
In this manual, hexadecimal values are written as follows: 16#.
61755865 11/2010
Hardware setup
Modbus terminal port (HMI)
Example: ATV71HU22M3
Modbus network port
CAN _H -7-
Installing the CANopen adapter
Install the VW3 CAN A71 CANopen adapter in the RJ45 port located on the drive's control terminals.
Note: This adapter MUST be screwed to the drive via its CANopen bus metal groun ding plate.
Modbus network port pinout
View from underneath
(1)Modbus signal
(2)Power supply for an RS232/RS485 converter (to PC-Software)
Pinout of 9-way male SUB-D connector on
CANopen adapter
CAN_L -2-CAN_GND -3-
1755865 11/20107
Hardware setup
Connecting to the CANopen bus
The diagram below illustra tes an e xampl e conf ig uration co mprisi ng f our Altivar drives connec ted to a TSX Premium mast er PLC fitted with
a TSX CPP 110 CANopen master PCMCIA card.
Connection accessories should be ordered separately (please consult our cat alogs). See also below.
2. Drop cable and cable connector supplied with TSX CPP 110
3. TSX CAN KCDF 180T 9-way female SUB-D connector with
active line terminator
100 or 300 m
5. VW3 CAN A71 CANopen adapter + VW3 CAN KCDF 180T
9-way female SUB-D connector with deactivated line
6. VW3 CAN A71 CANopen adapter + VW3 CAN KCDF 180T
9-way female SUB-D connector with active line terminator
••• CANopen cable, available in lengths of 50,
DescriptionLength (m)Catalog number
CANopen adapter to be installed
in the RJ45 port on the drive's control terminals.
The adapter provides a 9-way male SUB-D connector conforming to the CANopen standard
(CIA DRP 303-1).
CANopen connector (1)
9-way female SUB-D connector with line terminator (can be deactivated)
CANopen cables LSZH
CE certification. Low smoke, halogen free and flame retardant (IEC 60332-1).
CANopen cables UL / IEC 60332-2
UL certification. Non flame propagating (IEC 60332-2).
CANopen cables flexible LSZH HD
For heavy duty or mobile applications. Low smoke, halogen free and flame retardant (IEC
60332-1). Oil resistant.
(1) For ATV 71H
TSX CAN KCDF 180T connector.
•••M3, ATV 71HD11M3X, HD15M3X and ATV 71H075N4 to HD18N4 drives, this connector can be replaced by the
–VW3 CAN A71
100TSX CAN CA 100
300TSX CAN CA 300
100TSX CAN CB 100
300TSX CAN CB 300
100TSX CAN CD 100
300TSX CAN CD 300
Length of CANopen bus
The maximum length of the bus depends on the communication speed:
Communication speed20 kbps50 kbps125 kbps250 kbps500 kbps1000 kbps
Maximum length of bus2500 m1000 m500 m250 m100 m25 m
These lengths are for a CANopen bus and take into account actual dispersions on the components as well as when certain devices are
optocoupled to the bus.
Schneider-Electric will not accept liability for longer lengths specified in other documents.
The configuration of the CANopen communication functions on the Altivar is accessed via the [1.9 - COMMUNICATION] (COM-), menu (
[CANopen] (CnO-) submenu) on the graphic display terminal or integrated display terminal.
The configuration can only be modified when the motor is stopped and the drive locked.
In order for modifications to take effect, the drive must be shut down then restarted.
ParameterPossible valuesTerminal displayDefault value
In this user’s manual, the [CANopen address](AdC0) parameter is referred to as the "NODE-ID".
Set this parameter to its default value, (0FF), to deactivate CANopen communication on the Altivar.
To activate CANopen communication on the Altivar, write a value other than zero to the [CANopen address](AdC0) parameter.
The value of the [CANopen bit rate](bdC0) parameter must correspond to the communication speed of all other devices connected to the
CANopen bus.
(1)Do not select [20 kbps](20), possible malfunction.
101755865 11/2010
Control-signal configuration
Numerous control-signal configurations are possible. Please consult the Programming Manual.
The following configurations are just some of the possibili ties available.
Control via CANopen in I/O profile
The command and target come from CANopen.
The command is in I/O profile.
Configure the following parameters:
ProfileI/O profileThe run command is simply obtained by bit 0 of the control word.
Target 1 configurationCANopenThe target comes from CANopen.
Command 1 configurationCANopenThe command comes from CANopen.
Configuration via the graphic display terminal or the integrated display terminal:
Control via CANopen or the terminals in I/O profile
Both the command and target come from CANopen or the terminals. Input LI5 at t he terminals is used t o switch between CANop en and the
The command is in I/O profile.
Configure the following parameters:
ProfileI/O profile
Target 1 configurationCANopenTarget 1 comes from CANopen.
Target 1B configurationAnalog input 1 on the terminalsTarget 1B comes from input AI1 on the terminals.
Target switchingInput LI5Input LI5 switches the target (1
Command 1 configurationCANopenCommand 1 comes from CANopen.
Command 2 configurationTerminalsC ommand 2 comes from the terminals.
Command switchingInput LI5Input LI5 switches the command.
Target 1B is connected to the functions (summing, PID, etc.) that remain active, even after switching.
Configuration via the graphic display terminal or the integrated display terminal:
The run commands are in DSP402 profile, the command and the
target come from the same channel.
Control via CANopen or the terminals in DSP402 profile
Both the command and target come from CANopen or the terminals. Input LI5 at t he terminals is used t o switch between CANop en and the
The command is in DSP402 profile (not separate mode).
Configure the following parameters:
ProfileDSP402 profile not separate
Target 1 configurationCANopenTarget 1 comes from CANopen.
Target 2 configurationAnalog input 1 on the terminalsTarget 2 comes from input AI1 on the terminals.
Target switchingInput LI5Input LI5 switches the target (1
Warning: Target 2 is directly connected to the drive reference limit. If switching is performed, the functions that affect the reference
(summing, PID, etc) are inhibited.
Configuration via the graphic display terminal or the integrated display terminal:
Command in DSP402 profile via CANopen and target switching at the terminals
The command comes from CANopen.
The command comes either from CANopen or from the terminals. Inp ut LI5 at the te rmina ls is us ed to swit ch the targ et bet ween CANopen
and the terminals.
The command is in DSP402 profile (separate mode).
Configure the following parameters:
ProfileSeparate DSP402 profile
Target 1 configurationCANopenTarget 1 comes from CANopen.
Target 1B configurationAnalog input 1 on the terminalsTarget 1B comes from input AI1 on the terminals.
Target switchingInput LI5Input LI5 switches the target (1
Command 1 configurationCANopenCommand 1 comes from CANopen.
Command switchingChannel 1Channel 1 is the command channel.
Target 1B is connected to the functions (summing, PID, etc.), which remain active, even after switching.
The run commands are in DSP402 profile, the command and the
target can come from different channels.
↔ 1B).
Configuration via the graphic display terminal or the integrated display terminal:
It is possible to select up to 4 parameters to display their values in the [1.2 - MONITORING] menu on the graphic display terminal.
The selection is made via the [6 - MONITORING CONFIG.] menu ([6.3 - COM. MAP CONFIG.] submenu).
Each parameter in the range [Address 1 select] ... [Address 4 select] can be
used to select the parameter logic address. An address at zero is used to
disable the function.
In the example given here, the monitored words are:
• Parameter 1 = Motor current (LCR): logic address 3204, signed decimal
• Parameter 2 = Motor torque (OTR): logic address 3205, signed decimal
On the display terminal, the [1.2 - MONITORING] (SUP-) menu ([COMMUNICATION MAP](CMM-) submenu,
[CANopen MAP] submenu) can be used to display the communication status on CANopen.
LED display
• [RUN LED] LED ("OFF", "Stopped", "Pre-operational" or "Operational" state of the CANopen controller)
• [ERR LED] LED (CANopen error)
These LEDS are equivalent to the "CAN RUN" and "CAN ERR" LEDs on the 7-segment integrated terminal (where supplied together with
the drive).
The display on the screen opposite indicates that the CANopen controller is
in the "Operational" state ([RUN LED] LED permanently lit) and that the
controller has not detected any errors present ([ERR LED] not lit).
Canopen NMT state: Operational
Number of TX PDO: 2438
Number of RX PDO: 2438
Error code0
RX Error Counter0
TX Error Counter0
1755865 11/201017
In each of these screens and for each PDO transmitted or received, only the
[Transmit PDO•-•] or [Received PDO•-•] words actually transmitted and
received on the CANopen bus are displayed.
This means, for example, that for a recei ve PDO2 containing only 4 data bytes
(i.e., RP21 and RP22), the fields [Received PDO2-3] and [Received PDO2-4]
will not be displayed.
NMT chart display
The [CANopen NMT state] (NMTS) parame ter (logic add ress 6057, CANopen in dex/sub index 16#20 1E/3A) indicat es the NMT chart sta te.
The various possible values are [Boot], [Stopped], [Operational] and [Pre-Op] (Pre-operational).
PDO counter display
[Number of RX PDO] and [Number of TX PDO] indicate the number of PDOs received and the number of PDOs transmitted by the drive
(all PDO sets - PDO1, PDO2 and PDO3 - combined).
These counters are modulo 65 536 counters, i.e., the value is reset to zero once 65 535 is reached.
Last CANopen fault
The [Error code](ErCO) parameter (index/subindex 16#201E/39) indicates the last active CANopen fault and maintains its value until the
last fault has disappeared.
The possible values are listed below:
[0]No errors detected since the start of CANopen communication
[1]"Bus Off" requiring the drive to be restarted
[2]"Life Guarding" fault requiring a return to the NMT "Initialization" state
[3]"CAN overrun" error not requiring any specific action to be taken
[4]"Heartbeat" fault requiring a return to the NMT "Initialization" state
[5]NMT state chart fault (see section "CANopen NMT state chart")
The [RX Error Counter](rEC1)parameter (logic address 6059, CANopen index/subindex 16#201E/3C) counts the number of frames
received with errors for all types of frame (PDO, SDO, etc.).
The [TX Error Counter](tEC1) parameter (logic address 6058, CANopen index 16#201E/3B)counts the number of frames transmitted
with errors for all types of frame (PDO, SDO, etc.).
These types of error can be caused, for example, by network load problems or the short-circuiting of electrical signals on the bus.
The maximum count value supported by these two counters is 65 535.
PDO value display
A second level of submenus can be accessed via the [CANopen map] submenu: [PDO1 IMAGE], [PDO2 IMAGE] and
Each of these submenus can be used to access a screen displaying the values transmitted and received by each set respectively (PDO1,
PDO2 and PDO3).
Received PDO3-1: 1237
Received PDO3-2: 50
Received PDO3-3: 0
Received PDO3-4: 304
Transmit PDO3-1: 231
On the terminal, the [1.2 - MONITORING] menu ([COMMUNICATION MAP] submenu) can be used to display control-signal diagnostic
information between the Altivar drive and the CANopen master:
• Active command channel
• Value of the control word (CMD) from the active command channel
• Active target channel
• Value of the target from the active target channel
• Value of the status word
• Values of the four param e te rs se l ec t ed by th e u se r
•The [COM. SCANNER INPUT MAP] submenu: is unnecessary for CANopen
•The [COM SCAN OUTPUT MAP] submenu: is unnecessary for CANopen
• In the [CMD. WORD IMAGE] submenu: control words from all channels
• In the [FREQ. REF. WORD MAP] submenu: frequency targets produced by all channels
Example of the display of communication diagnostic information
Command Channel: CANopen
Cmd value: 000FHex
Active ref. channel: CANopen
Frequency ref.: 500.0Hz
Status word: 8627Hex