ther e rem ai ns references to TAC as a corpor a te brand in the body copy. As ea ch document is updated, the body copy wi ll be changed to reflect a ppropriate cor porate bran d
1. Fasten to wall or duct with two #8 sheet metal screws or
2. Rotate the solenoid enclosure to position the wiring
compartment, if necessary.
Warning: Do not over-tighten as this may cause distortion of
plunger tube or damage coil.
CHECKOUT - Go, No Go Test
1. Connect solenoid ports to plastic tubing.
2. Apply air to port 3. Ports 3 and 2 should be connected.
3. Apply power to the solenoid. Ports 3 and 1 should be
4. If ports
3 and 1 are not connected, check to see if the proper
voltage is applied.
5. Replace the solenoid with a functional unit if solenoid is
powered and ports 3 and 1 are not connected.
Regular maintenance of the total system is recommended to
assure sustained optimum performance.
None. Replace with a functional solenoid.
Figure-2 AL-17 0 Dimensional Drawing.
Figure-3 AL-180 Dimensional Drawing.
On October 1 st, 2009, TAC became the B uildings business o f its parent comp a ny Schneider El ectric. This document reflects the vi sual identity of Schnei der Electric, howev e r
Copyright 2009, Schneider Electric
All brand names, trademarks and registered
trademarks are the property of their respective
owners. Information contained wihin this
document is subject to change wi hout notice.