For applications where an electrical circuit is used to control
a pneumatically operated device. Used to direct supply air to
a pneumatic device when the coil is energized or deenergized depending on the supply and exhaust air connects.
• Brass body provides long life.
• High capacity of AL-150 series allows more devices to be
used with fewer solenoid air valves.
Applicable Literature
• TAC Cross-Reference Guide, F-23638
• TAC Reference Manual , F-21683
• TAC Application Manual, F-21335
• EN-123 Air Quality Requirements for Pneumatic HVAC
Control Systems F-22516
AL-150 Series
Solenoid Air Valve
General Instructions
Table 1:
Volt ag e
(AC 60 Hz)
Valve Inputs:
Power Input: 6.1 Watts (energized).
Available Voltages: See Table-1.
Electrical Connections: 18" (457 mm) leads on the coil.
Threaded hole for 1/2" conduit.
Maximum Inlet Air Pressure: 40 psig (276 kPa). Clean,
dry, oil free air is required (reference EN-123).
Air Connections: 1/8" NPT.
N.C., Normally closed, Port 2.
N.O., Normally open, Port 3.
COM, Common, Port 1.
Valve Outputs:
Flow Capacity: 1.15 scfm (580 ml/sec) @15 psig (138 kPa)
supply with 1 psig (6.9 kPa) drop.
Environment: Ambient Temperature Limits
Shipping, -40 to 150°F (-40 to 65°C).
Operating, 32 to 125°F (0 to 52°C).
Supply Air, 40 to 130°F (4 to 54°C).
Humidity: 5 to 95% RH, non-condensing.
Location: NEMA Types 1, 2, 3, 3S, 4, and 4X .
AL-150 24
AL-151 120
Inspect the carton for damage. If damaged, notify the appropriate carrier immediately. Inspect the device for obvious damage.
Return damaged products.
Job wiring diagrams
• Tools (not provided)
• Training: Installer must be a qualified, experienced techni-
• Disconnect the power supply (line power) before installation
to prevent equipment damage.
• Make all connections in accordance with the wiring diagram
and in accordance with national and local electrical codes.
Use copper conductors only.
• Do not exceed ratings of the device(s).
• Avoid locations where excessive moisture, corrosive fumes,
or vibration is present.
Printed in U.S.A. 1/10 Copyright 2010 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved. F-24752-4

On Octobe r 1s t, 2009, TAC beca me th e Buildi n gs bus in ess of it s pare nt co mpan y Sc hne ide r Elect ric. This document refl ect s the vis ual ident ity of Schn eider El ectr ic ,
however t he re r emains r eference s to T AC as a c orp ora te bran d in t he bo dy co py. As each do cument i s upd at ed , t he bo dy copy wil l be change d to reflect appropriate
Go No Go Test
Remote Mounting
This method requires the use of the enclosure on the coil. An integral mounting plate is
1. Fasten to wall or duct with two #8 sheet metal screws or equivalent.
2. Rotate the soleniod enclosure to position the wiring compartment, if necessary.
Inside Cabinet Mounting
1. Fasten to subpanel of cabinet with two #8 sheet metal screws.
2. Remove red cap.
3. Remove name plate by sliding out of coil.
4. Remove coil.
5. Install plunger tube through hole in electrical enclosure.
6. Re-install coil and coil hold down name plate snap red cap back on solenoid.
Do not over-tighten as this may cause distortion of plunger tube or damage coil.
1. Connect solenoid ports.
2. Apply air to Port #1, Ports #1 and #3 should be connected.
3. Apply power to the solenoid, Ports #1 and #2 should be connected.
4. If Ports #1 and #2 are not connected, check to see if the proper voltage is applied.
5. Replace the solenoid with a functional unit if solenoid is powered and Ports #1 and #2
e not conn
corporate brand chan
Regular maintenance of the total system is recommended to assure sustained optimum
None. Replace with a functional solenoid.
Figure-1 AL-150 Dimensional Drawing.
Copyright 2010, Schneider Electric
All brand names, trademarks and registered
trademarks are the property of their respective
owners. Information contained within this
document is subject to change without notice.