Scheppach FS85000 User Manual

5906703850 | 05/2014
Tile-cutting machine
Translat ion from th e origi nal manua l
Nur für EU-Länder. Werfen Sie Elektrowerkzeuge nicht in den Hausmüll! Gemäß europäischer Richtlinie 2012/19/EU über Elektro- und Elektronik­Altgeräte und Umsetzung in nationales Recht müssen verbrauchte Elektro­werkzeuge getrennt gesammelt und einer umweltgerechten Wiederverwer­tung zugeführt werden.
Only for EU countries. Do not dispose of electric tools together with household waste material! In observance of European directive 2012/19/EC on wasted electrical and electronic equipment and its implementation in accordance with national law, electric tools that have reached the end of their life must be collected separately and returned to an environmentally compatible recycling facility.
Pour les pays européens uniquement. Ne pas jeter les appareils électriques dans les ordures ménagères! Conformément à la directive européenne 2012/19/EG relative aux déchets d’équipements électriques ou électroniques (DEEE) et à sa transposition dans la législation nationale, les appareils électriques doivent être collec­tés à part et être soumis à un recyclage respectueux de l’environnement.
Solo per Paesi EU.
Non gettare le apparecchiature elettriche tra i rifi uti domestici! Secondo la Direttiva Europea 2012/19/CE sui rifi uti di apparrecchiature
elettriche ed elettroniche e la sua attuazione in conformità alle norme nazionali, le apparecchiature elettriche esauste devono essere raccolte
separatamente, al fi ne di essere reimpiegate in modo eco-compatibile.
Allen voor EU-landen. Geef elektrisch gereedschap niet met het huisvuil mee! Volgens de europese richtlijn 2012/19/EG inzake oude elektrische en elektronische apparaten en de toepassing daarvan binnen de nationale wetgeving, dient gebruikt elektrisch gereedschap gescheiden te worden ingezameld en te worden afgevoerd naar en recycle bedrijf dat voldoet aan de geldende milieu-eisen.
Sólo para países de la EU ¡No deseche los aparatos eléctricos junto con los residuos domésticos! De conformidad con la Directiva Europea 2012/19/CE sobre residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos y su aplicación de acuerdo con la legislación nacional, las herramientas electricas cuya vida útil haya llegado
a su fi n se deberán recoger por separado y trasladar a una planta de
reciclaje que cumpla con las exigencias ecológicas.
Apenas para países da UE. Não deite ferramentas eléctricas no lixo doméstico! De acordo cum a directiva europeia 2012/19/CE sobre ferramentas eléctricas e electrónicas usadas e a transposição para as leis nacionais, as ferramentas eléctricas usadas devem ser recolhidas em separado e encaminhadas a uma instalação de reciclagem dos materiais ecológica.
Gåller endast EU-länder. Elektriska verktyg får inte kastas i hushållssoporna! Enligt direktivet 2012/19/EG som avser äldre elektrisk och elektronisk utrustning och dess tillämpning enligt nationell lagstiftning ska uttjänta eletriska verktyg sorteras separat och lämnas till miljövänlig återvinning.
Koskee vain EU-maita. Älä hävitä sähkötyökalua tavallisen kotitalousjätteen mukana! Vanhoja sähkö- ja elektroniikkalaitteita koskevan EU-direktiivin 2012/19/ ETY ja sen maakohtaisten sovellusten mukaisesti käytetyt sähkötyökalut on toimitettava ongelmajätteen keräyspisteeseen ja ohjattava ympäristöy­stävälliseen kierrätykseen.
Kun for EU-land. Kast aldri elektroverktøy i husholdningsavfallet! I henhold til EU-direktiv 2012/19/EF om kasserte elektriske og elektroniske produkter og direktivets iverksettning i nasjonal rett, må elektroverktøy som ikke lenger skal brukes, samles separat og returneres til et miljøvennlig gjenvinningsanlegg.
Kun for EU-lande. Elværktøj må ikke bortskaffes som allmindeligt affald! I henhold til det europæiske direktiv 2012/19/EF em bortskaffelse af elektriske og elektroniske produkter og gældende national lovgivning skal brugt elværktoj indsamles separat og bortskaffes på en måde, der skåner miljøet mest muligt.
Kun for EU-lande. Elværktøj må ikke bortskaffes som allmindeligt affald! I henhold til det europæiske direktiv 2012/19/EF em bortskaffelse af elektriske og elektroniske produkter og gældende national lovgivning skal brugt elværktoj indsamles separat og bortskaffes på en måde, der skåner miljøet mest muligt.
Samo za drzave EU. Elektricnega orodja ne odstranjujte s hisnimi odpadki! V skladu z Evropsko direktivo 2012/19/EG o odpani elektricni in elektronski opremi in z njenim izvajanjem v nacionalni zakonodaji je treba elektricna orodja ob koncu nijihove zivljenjske dobe loceno zbirati in jih predati v postopek okulju prijaznega recikliranja.
Csak EU-országok számára. Az elektromos kéziszerszámokat ne dobja a háztartási szemétbe! A használt villamos és elektronikai készülékekról szóló 2012/19/EK irányelv és annak a nemzeti jogba való átültetése szerint az elhasznált elektromos kéziszerszámokat külön kell gyüjteni, és környezetbarát módon
újra kell hasznositani.
Samo za EU-države. Električne alate ne odlažite u kućne otpatke! Prema Europskoj direktivi 2012/19/EG o starim električnim i elektroničkim strojevima i usklađivanju s hrvatskim pravom istrošeni električni alati moraju se sakupljati odvojeno i odvesti u pogon za reciklažu.
Jen pro státy EU. Elektrické náradi nevyhazujte do komunálniho odpadu! Podle evropské smêrnice 2012/19/EG o nakládání s použitými elecktrický­mi a elektronickými zarizeními a odpovídajícich ustanoveni právnich pred­pisú jednotlivých zemí se použitá elektrická náradí musí sbírat oddêlenê od ostatniho odpadu a podrobit ekologicky šetrnému recyklování.
Tylko dla państw UE. Proszę nie wyrzucać elektronarzędzi wraz z odpadami domowymi! Zgodnie z europejską Dyrektywą 2012/19/WE dot. zużytego sprzętu elek-
trycznego i elektronicznego oraz odpowiednikiem w prawie narodowym
zużyte elektronarzędzia muszą być oddzielnie zbierane i wprowadzane do ponownego użytku w sposób nieszkodliwy dla środowiska.
Numai pentru ţările din UE. Nu aruncaţi echipamentele electrice la fel ca reziduurile menajere!
Conform Directivei Europene 2012/19/EC privitoare la echipamente
electrice şi electronice scoase din uz şi în conformitate cu legile naţionale, echipamentele electrice care au ajuns la fi nalul duratei de viaţă trebuie să fi e colectate separat şi trebuie să fi e predate unei unităţi de reciclare.
Kehtib vaid EL maade suhtes. Ärge kasutage elektritööriistu koos majapidamisjäätmetega! Vastavalt EÜ direktiivile 2012/19/EC elektri- ja elektroonikaseadmete jäät­mete osas ja kooskõlas igas riigis kehtivate seadustega, kehtib kohustus koguda kasutatud elektritööriistad eraldi kokku ja suunata need keskkon­nasõbralikku taasringlusesse.
Tikai attiecībā uz ES valstīm. Neutilizējiet elektriskas ierīces kopā ar sadzīves atkritumiem! Ievērojot Eiropas Direktīvu 2012/19/EK par elektrisko un elektronisko iekārtu atkritumiem un tās ieviešanu saskaņā ar nacionālo likumdošanu, elektriskas ierīces, kas nokalpojušas savu mūžu, ir jāsavāc dalīti un jāatgriež videi draudzīgās pārstrādes vietās.
Tik ES šalims. Nemesti elektros prietaisų kartu su kitomis namų ūkio atliekomis! Pagal Europos Sąjungos direktyvą 2012/19/EB dėl elektros ir elektroninės įrangos atliekų ir jos vykdymo pagal nacionalinius įstatymus elektros įrankius, kurių tinkamumo naudoti laikas pasibaigė, reikia surinkti atskirai ir perduoti aplinkai nekenksmingo pakartotinio perdirbimo įmonei.
Aðeins fyrir lönd ESB:
Ekki henda rafmagnstækjum með heimilisúrgangi! Í fylgni við evrópsku tilskipunina 2012/19/EC um fargaðan rafbúnað og rafrænan búnað og framkvæmd þess í samræmi við innlend lög, verða rafmagnstæki sem úr sér gengin.
Tile-cutting machine
4 - 17
scheppach Fabrikation von Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen GmbH Günzburger Straße 69 D-89335 Ichenhausen
Total Tools: Unit 5B, 730 Lorimer St. Port Melbourne, 3207. 0332611900
We wish you lots of fun and success in working with your new scheppach machine.
As per the applicable Product Liability Law, the manu ­facturer of this device will not be liable for damages that occur in this device or that are caused by this device in the following cases:
• Improper handling,
• Non-observation of the operating instructions,
• Repair by third parties, unauthorized technicians,
• Installation and replacement with non-original spare parts,
• Use not in conformity with the manufacturer‘s speci ­fications,
• Failures of the electrical system attributable to non­observation of the electrical specifications and VDE clauses 0100, DIN 57113 / VDE0113.
Please read the instructions in the present manual care ­fully before using the tile-cutting machine.
Read the Instructions For Use:
Please read the Instructions for Use carefully before set ­ting up, commissioning or intervening in the machine.
Dangerous electric voltage
Caution! Switch o the mains power supply
before ma -
king any intervention in the tile-cutting machine.
Risk from sudden start
Caution! The tile-cutting machine can restart suddenly after a power failure. Please read the entire text of the operating instructions thoroughly before installation and start-up. This operating instructions manual will help you get to know the machine and utilize its use options better. The operating instructions manual contains important instruc ­tions of working safely, correctly and economically with the machine, and on how you can avoid risks, save on repair costs, reduce downtime and increase the reliability and shelf-life of the machine. In addition to the safety clauses of this operating instruc ­tions manual, you must also observe the specifications of your country applicable to the operation of the machine without fail. Keep the operating instructions manual in a plastic cover near the machine, protected against dirt and humidity. It must be read and observed carefully by all machine ope ­rators before starting work on the machine. Only persons who are trained to use the machine and who have been instructed about the risks involved should be allowed to operate the machine. The required minimum age of workers must to be observed.
Besides the safety instructions contained in this ope ­rating instructions manual and the specifications of your country, the generally recognized technical rules of engagement for the operation of the machine must also
be observed.
• After removing the packing, check the components for possible transport damage. In case of complaints, ple­ase inform the delivery agent immediately. Subsequent complaints will not be entertained.
• Check the delivery to ensure that it is complete.
• Familiarize yourself with the machine with the help of the operating instructions manual before using it.
• Use only original parts for accessories as well as con­sumables and spare parts. Spare parts can be obtained from your scheppach retailer.
• Please quote our article numbers as well as type and production year in all your orders.
Delivery scope
Cooling water pump
Angled stop
Table extension
4 legs
14mm w r en ch
Counter torque wrench
Technical d ata Production dimensions
L x W x H
1250 x 530 x 1090 mm
Cutting table
680 x 465 mm
Diamon d cut ting disc D
180 mm
Hole D
22,2 mm
Water filling quantity approx.
18,0 l
5800 1/min
40, 0 kg
Section dat a Max. cutting length
850 mm
Max. diagon al cut ting length
640 x 640 mm
Max 90 ° cut ting height
40 mm
Max. 4 5° cut ting height
14 mm
Drive Moto r
230 V/50 Hz
Power intake
1250 W (S3 20%)
Motor speed
2950 1/min
Insulating m aterial class
Protection type
Technical changes res erv ed!
Noise at the workplace can exceed 85 dB (A). In this case, noise protection measures are necessary for the user (wear hearing protection!).
LWA idling / processing of LWA = 108/111 dB (A) Noise pressure level at workplace in dB LPA idling / processing of LPA = 95/98 dB (A) according to DIN EN ISO 3744; EN ISO 11201
J Wear protective gloves
I Wear eye protection N Wear hearing protection Wear dust protection masks
We have marked the places that affect your safety with the following signs: m
m Safety instructions
Working with the tile-cutting machine can be risky, if sa­fe and correct work procedures are not followed. As with all machines, working with the product involves certain inherent risks. Working at the machine with respect and caution reduces the risk of physical injury considerably. Not observing the customary safety measures can lead to physical injuries to the operators. Safety equipment such as protective goggles, dust masks and ear protection can reduce the risks of possible injury. Even the best possible protection however, cannot match incorrect assessment, carelessness or negligence. Always use your healthy com­mon sense and caution in the workshop. If you feel an operation is risky, do not try it out. Think about an alter­native method which feels safer. Think of the following: Your physical integrity is your personal responsibility. This machine was designed to perform certain jobs. We recommend urgently that the machine should not be altered and it should not be used for application areas for which it was not designed. If you are not sure, please ask your dealer before working with the product. Warning: Non-observation of these specifications can lead to serious injuries.
• For your own safety: Please read this operating instruc­tions manual carefully before starting work. Familiarize yourself with the uses and restrictions as well as spe­cial risks.
• Maintain the protective devices at the workplace in good condition.
• Always wear a pair of safety goggles.
• Remove the adjusting wrench.
• Familiarize yourself and check whether all the tools ha­ve been removed from the machine before switching it on.
• Keep the workplace clean. Crammed areas can lead to accidents.
• Do not use the machine in risky conditions.
• Do not use electrical machines on humid or wet places, and do not expose them to rain.
• Keep children and visitors at a safe distance from the work area.
• Make the workshop safe for children with the help of padlocks, master switches, and by removing starter keys.
• Do not overload the machine. It works better and more safely at the power for which it was designed.
• Use the correct tool. Do not overstrain the tool or ac­cessory. You get a better result with the correct tool or accessory.
• Wear suitable clothing: Loose clothing or gloves, ties, rings, arm-bands or other ornaments can get entangled
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