Technical Academy
Page 6 of 28 01-34-RG-W-Ver:1
The MEMS-2J, VVC Engine Control Module, (ECM), monitors all normal functions as with
other engines, but with the ‘variable valve control’, the ECM controls the inlet valve
opening and closing periods.
• The ECM measures the cam period via the camshaft sensor, and also controls the
VVC mechanism with two solenoids: one which increases the period and one which
reduces the period.
• The ECM also implements tune select which means that each ECM may contain
engine calibrations for one or more vehicles. In order to prevent an ECM being fitted to
a vehicle with the wrong calibration selected, when first supplied, the ECM has no
calibration selected therefore the engine will not run. When fitted to a vehicle, the ECM
calibration for that particular vehicle must be selected using ‘Test Book’ diagnostic
equipment in addition to programming the ECM security code.
This Training workbook relates to the Service repairs and adjustments the VVC cylinder
Overhaul procedures and adjustments for the cylinder block, using the correct special tools
is the same for all 4 cylinder ‘K’ series engines.
Camshaft Timing Belt
NOTE: It is important that the camshaft drive belt adjustment is carried out when the
engine is ‘COLD’.
The front camshaft timing belt adjustment and replacement on the 1.8 VVC engine is
similar to any of the other 4 cylinder ‘K’ Series engines using the same special tool, 18G
1570 to lock the camshaft gears, and 18G 1742 to lock the crankshaft/flywheel from
turning, the latter fitted in the starter motor aperture.
NOTE: The front and rear camshaft drive belts are renewed at 60,000 miles (96,000km.)
The front timing belt is unique to the 1.8 VVC engine, and timing belts for standard ‘K’
engines must not be fitted. There are no routine adjustments recommended for the front
or rear camshaft drive belts.
• The timing belt is tensioned by special equipment at manufacture, eliminating the use
of a tensioner spring.
• A new timing belt for Service is supplied with the tensioner spring and pillar bolt.
• Inspection of the front and rear timing belts is by removing the top belt cover, (front),
and rear cover for the rear belt.
Check the timing belts for uneven wear, splitting or oil/water contamination.
If any of these faults are apparent, identify the cause of the fault and rectify,
then fit a new timing belt.