Supplementary Instructions for
ProSYS Version 7.xx
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................3
Triple End Of Line (TEOL) – New Zone Termination...........................................................3
Bus Accessories .................................................................................................................... 5
Touchscreen Keypad.........................................................................................................5
Zone Expanders with TEOL Termination ........................................................................5
Bus Zone Expanders .........................................................................................................5
Fast PSTN Modem - 2400 BPS..........................................................................................5
iWISE Grade 2 and 3 Bus Zone Detectors.......................................................................6
Bus Zone Parameters: iWISE DT Grade 2................................................................. 8
Bus Zone Parameters: iWISE DT AM Grade 3 .......................................................... 9
Bus Zone Parameters: iWISE QUAD Grade 2 ......................................................... 11
Bus Zone Parameters: iWISE QUAD AM Grade 3 .................................................. 12
Bus Detector Naming Conventions................................................................................13
New Firmware Capabilities.................................................................................................. 13
Tamper Test during Exit Programming .........................................................................13
WatchOUT Proximity Anti Mask in WatchOUT extreme...............................................13
Utility Output Operation Using Proximity Tag ..............................................................14
ACM Supported in ProSYS 16 and ProSYS 40..............................................................14
New SMTP User and Password Parameters .................................................................14
New Feature - MS Polling by IP/GPRS ...........................................................................14
2 ProSYS Version 7.XX - Supplementary Instructions
ProSYS now provides Freedom of Communication - locally between the panel
and the detectors, install detectors serially on the Bus, in star/relay connection or
wirelessly - and remotely via IP, GSM/GPRS or Fast PSTN.
This document describes the following improvements and changes in the ProSYS
version 7.xx due to market requirements and quality improvements:
x Triple EOL Zone Termination and TEOL Zone Expanders
x Fast PSTN modem – 2400 Bps
x Bus Zone Expander for installing up to 128 Bus detectors
x iWISE Bus detectors (Grade 2 and Grade 3) with extra zone input
x Bus detector naming conventions
x Monitoring Station polling via IP and GPRS
x Proximity Anti-Mask setting for WatchOUT DT Version B
x Output activation using a Proximity Tag
x SMTP user and password parameters for email
Please follow the instructions below and refer to the indicated documents for a
detailed description of all the software changes.
Triple End Of Line (TEOL) – New Zone Termination
The Triple End of Line (TEOL) termination type has been added to the zones in
the ProSYS system. TEOL termination is available for zones on the PCB main
board, on the new zone expanders and on the relay input zones on iWISE Bus
TEOL uses normally-closed (NC) contacts in a zone to distinguish between
alarm, tamper condition and fault/AM condition using 4.7 Kȍ +6.8 Kȍ + 12 Kȍ End-of-
Line resistors.
ProSYS Version 7.XX - Supplementary Instructions 3
The following figure illustrates all types of termination with the new resistor values
that should be used for zone connections on the main board, new zone
expanders and relay inputs on iWISE Bus zones.
Important Note:
For all existing 8 and 16 hardwired zone expanders, the resistor values remain 2.2Kȍ
(resistors supplied with the product).
4 ProSYS Version 7.XX - Supplementary Instructions
Bus Accessories
The information in this section describes new accessories that have been added
to the ProSYS Bus and modifications that have been implemented in parameters
under the Installer programming menu.
Touchscreen Keypad
There is a new 7" Touchscreen keypad with a slim and contemporary design. The
Touchscreen Keypad is compatible with any ProSYS version and is available with
or without a proximity reader.
Adding/deleting the Touchscreen keypad is identical to the procedure for the
adding/deleting of current ProSYS keypads.
Zone Expanders with TEOL Termination
There are two new wired zone expanders that support TEOL termination. See
TEOL explanation above.
When adding/deleting a zone expander there are two new types to choose from:
x G3Z08 (8 hardwired zone expander with TEOL termination)
x G3Z16 (16 hardwired zone expander with TEOL termination)
The current DEOL Zone Expander (ProSYS EZ8/EZ16/EZ8F) can still be used.
Bus Zone Expanders
A new wired Bus Zone Expander enables to expand the number of Bus zone
detectors in the ProSYS.
When adding/deleting a Bus Zone Expander select from the following options
depending on the amount of zones you want to use:
x BZE08 (8 Bus zone expander)
x BZE18 (16 Bus zone expander)
x BZE24 (24 Bus zone expander)
x BZE32 (32 Bus zone expander)
For detailed information refer to the instructions supplied with the Bus Zone
Fast PSTN Modem - 2400 BPS
The Fast PSTN Modem enables PSTN communication at 2400 Bps between a
remote PC and the ProSYS security panel when programming the system using
the Upload/Download software.
Communication with the fast modem is supported by ProSYS Version 7 and above and by
Upload/Download software version and above.
Adding the Fast PSTN Modem to ProSYS:
1. Access the Installer menu and select [7] Accessories > [1] Add Delete Module >
[9] More.. > [7] XMODEM.
Set the Type field to XModem.
ProSYS Version 7.XX - Supplementary Instructions 5