RISCO Group ProSYS – ACM User Manual

((MMooddeellss:: AACCMM AAAA0011,, AACCMM AABB0011)
FFoorr uussee wwiitthh RRIISSCCOO GGrroouupp''ss SSeeccuurriittyy
2 Advanced Communication Module
Table of Contents
ACM FEATURES........................................................................................5
MOUNTING & CONNECTIONS..................................................................6
TERMINAL BLOCK WIRING......................................................................8
JUMPER SETTINGS ..................................................................................8
LED INDICATION.......................................................................................9
PROGRAMMING THE ACM - GENERAL .................................................11
DDING DELETING THE ACM..................................................................11
EFINING MS CONNECTION TYPE...........................................................11
EFINING ACM PARAMETERS ................................................................13
EFINING THE ACM CONTROL PARAMETERS ...........................................15
EFINING THE NETWORK CONTROL PARAMETERS ....................................16
EFINING ACM SPECIAL FUNCTIONS ......................................................16
IEWING ACM VERSION AND PARAMETERS .............................................16
REPORT BY THE ACM...............................................................17
VENTS REPORT OVER IP .....................................................................18
ETTING ACM IP ADDRESS...................................................................18
APPENDIX - A: IP ADDRESS TABLE (ACM CHANNEL)........................19
APPENDIX - B: PORT TABLE..................................................................19
APPENDIX - C: COMMON TERMS AND DEFINITIONS..........................20
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION.................................................................22
ORDERING INFORMATION.....................................................................22
CUSTOMER INFORMATION ...................................................................22
Advanced Communication Module 3
The ACM (Advanced Communication Module) is a communication accessory for the ProSYS control panel, for enhancing its hardware and software connectivity. It enables TCP/IP Ethernet connectivity and enables usage of existing LAN and WAN infrastructures for the transfer of security data. The ACM offers full functionality of the ProSYS over TCP/IP, and provides Ethernet and Fast Modem Interface. ACM Encryption is of the SSL/TLS type. The module can be simultaneously accessed by multiple clients and seamlessly connects to Upload/Download software, thus enabling remote access and monitoring. ACM versions include:
Ê ACM Basic - includes RS485 and Ethernet interfaces Ê ACM Basic + Modem - includes Ethernet interfaces plus fast modem
Ê ACM Full future configuration with interfaces is shown in Figure 1.
1. The programming options described in this manual refer to both Universal and UK ProSYS versions. The UK differences in programming locations are indicated below the Universal programming options.
2. The ACM AB01 is UL approved only as supplementary and cannot be relied upon for MS communication , hence the DACT(PSTN) must be the primary communicator to MS.
Figure 1: ACM Interfaces - Full Configuration
4 Advanced Communication Module
ACM Features
i Provides IP connectivity over networks supporting the TCP/IP
protocol (LAN and WAN).
i Fully supervised accessory of the ProSYS i Secure communication with full SSL stack, 256 bit encryption,
cipher key changed frequently making it difficult to break the code
i IP Receiver software available for compatibility with Monitoring
Station applications
i Compatible with 10BaseT and 100BaseT networks i Supports simultaneous multiple channel Ethernet communication i Selected events may be reported to two different email addresses.
Security Manager can receive security events, while installer receives technical indications only.
i Embedded web server with application links into the ProSYS control
i Supports dynamic network addressing (DHCP) i Module firmware is remotely upgradeable when a new version is
i Customizable according to project requirements i Optional fast modem interface 56-kbps
The ACM module is compatible with the ProSYS 40 (UK version only) and ProSYS 128 (All versions), software version 4.xx and above. The ACM is compatible with RISCO Group's Upload/Download Software Version 1.8 and above.
Advanced Communication Module 5
Mounting & Connections
The ACM may be mounted onto the ProSYS main board using the provided plastic spacers or in a special accessory box (P/N: RP128B300UKA).
1. Handle the ACM module with care when installing it.
2. When attaching an ACM box to the wall, it is recommended to use Ø4.2mm, 32mm
length screws (DIN 7981 4.2X32 ZP).
3. In order to meet EMC requirements, it is recommended that when the ACM is
installed in a special accessory box use a ferrite bead manufactured by Fair-Rite p/n 2643626502 with one turn at the 4-wire cable Bus close to the connector inside the metal box.
4. The ACM is only UL listed for installation on the main ProSYS boa rd.
To connect the ACM to the ProSYS, perform the following steps:
1. Disconnect all power sources from the ProSYS panel prior to servicing the ACM or
connecting it to the panel BUS!
2. Before connecting the ACM, calculate and check that the power drawn by the ACM,
together with all accessories connected to the ProSYS, is within the power supply current range! Add a power supply module if required.
For UL installation only UL listed burglar alarm power supply can be used.
1. Mount the ProSYS main board inside the BOX as described in the Installer manual 5IN128IM.
2. Attach the 4 plastic spacers using the provided plastic screws to the ProSYS main holes shown in Figure 2.
3. Connect 2 plastic support spacers to the ACM board (using plastic screws) as shown in Figure 2.
4. Align the ACM mounting holes with the spacers on the ProSYS panel and snap into place.
5. Connect the provided 4-wire cable from the ACM BUS connector to the ProSYS BUS connector.
6. Connect the ACM to the Ethernet by plugging an appropriate Ethernet cable plug into the RG-45 connector on the ACM (see Figure 2).
In order to meet EMC requirements, it is recommended to use a ferrite bead manufactured by Fair-Rite p/n 0446167281 with one turn at the Ethernet cable close to the connector inside the metal box.
6 Advanced Communication Module
Figure 2: ACM Layout with Spacers
UL approved unit ACM AB01 does not include any of the optional items which appear in figure 2.
Advanced Communication Module 7
Terminal Block Wiring
Terminal Description
Used to connect the ACM to the ProSYS Panel board (the terminals are connected in parallel to the panel BUS connector).
Provision for optional functionality
Used for PSTN telephone line connection (for ACM version that includes the modem option).
Jumper Settings
Jumper Description
CFG2 Provision for optional functionality
Used to enable a local U/D connection to the ProSYS using a local PC, while the ACM is connected to the BUS. 2 pins configuration: The ACM U/D channel is disabled, and a local U/D connection to the ProSYS Bus is enabled.
Sending information from the panel via the ACM is functioning normally.
1 pin (default): Local U/D connection to the ProSYS Bus is disabled, and the ACM channel is enabled. Used to restore the default software provided by the manufacturer (e.g. when remote software upgrade fails). 2 pins configuration: Enables restoring of the default manufacturer’s software. To restore the ACM to the default manufacturers software:
1) Disconnect power from the ACM
2) Place the DFLT jumper on its 2 pins.
3) Reconnect the power to the ACM. 1 pin (default): Restoring of the default manufacturer’s software is not enabled.
8 Advanced Communication Module
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