Pilz PNOZ e8.1p Operation Manual

PNOZ e8.1p
} Safety relays
Operating Manual-1002226-EN-06
This document is a translation of the original document.
All rights to this documentation are reserved by Pilz GmbH & Co. KG. Copies may be made for internal purposes. Suggestions and comments for improving this documentation will be gratefully received.
Pilz®, PIT®, PMI®, PNOZ®, Primo®, PSEN®, PSS®, PVIS®, SafetyBUS p®, SafetyEYE®, SafetyNET p®, the spirit of safety® are registered and protected trademarks of Pilz GmbH & Co. KG in some countries.
SD means Secure Digital
Introduction 5
Validity of documentation 5 Using the documentation 5 Definition of symbols 5
Safety 6
Intended use 6 Safety regulations 6 Safety assessment 6 Use of qualified personnel 7 Warranty and liability 7 Disposal 7 For your safety 7
Unit features 8
Safety features 8
Block diagram/terminal configuration 8
Function description 9
Operating modes 10 Selecting sensors 10
Installation 10
Wiring 11
Preparing for operation 12
Supply voltage 12 Input circuit 12 Start circuit/feedback loop 13 Application example 14
Logic connection between several units 15
Operation 16
Status indicators 16
Faults – Interference 17
Dimensions in mm 22
Technical details 22
Safety characteristic data 25
Operating Manual PNOZ e8.1p 1002226-EN-06
Remove plug-in terminals 26
Order reference 26
Product 26 Accessories 26
Operating Manual PNOZ e8.1p 1002226-EN-06
PNOZ e8.1p
Validity of documentation
This documentation is valid for the product PNOZ e8.1p. It is valid until new documentation is published.
This operating manual explains the function and operation, describes the installation and provides guidelines on how to connect the product.
Using the documentation
This document is intended for instruction. Only install and commission the product if you have read and understood this document. The document should be retained for future ref­erence.
Definition of symbols
Information that is particularly important is identified as follows:
This warning must be heeded! It warns of a hazardous situation that poses an immediate threat of serious injury and death and indicates preventive measures that can be taken.
This warning must be heeded! It warns of a hazardous situation that could lead to serious injury and death and indicates preventive measures that can be taken.
This refers to a hazard that can lead to a less serious or minor injury plus material damage, and also provides information on preventive measures that can be taken.
Operating Manual PNOZ e8.1p 1002226-EN-06
This describes a situation in which the product or devices could be dam­aged and also provides information on preventive measures that can be taken. It also highlights areas within the text that are of particular import­ance.
PNOZ e8.1p
This gives advice on applications and provides information on special fea­tures.
Intended use
The PNOZ e8.1p is the evaluation device for safe line inspection with PLID d1. As the eval­uation device for PLID d1, the PNOZ e8.1p achieves PL d (Cat. 2) in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1 and SIL CL 2 in accordance with EN IEC 62061.
The safety relay PNOZ e8.1p provides a safety-related interruption of two safety circuits.
It may be used in conjunction with PLID d1
} In emergency stop equipment
} In safety circuits in accordance with VDE0113 Part 1 and EN60204-1
} As an evaluation device for position switches with N/C / N/C combination
The following is deemed improper use in particular:
} Any component, technical or electrical modification to the product
} Use of the product outside the areas described in this manual
} Use of the product outside the technical details (see Technical details [ 22]).
NOTICE EMC-compliant electrical installation
The product is designed for use in an industrial environment. The product may cause interference if installed in other environments. If installed in other environments, measures should be taken to comply with the applicable standards and directives for the respective installation site with regard to in­terference.
Safety regulations
Safety assessment
Before using a unit it is necessary to perform a safety assessment in accordance with the Machinery Directive.
Functional safety is guaranteed for the product as a single component. However, this does not guarantee the functional safety of the overall plant/machine. In order to achieve the re­quired safety level for the overall plant/machine, define the safety requirements for the plant/machine and then define how these must be implemented from a technical and organ­isational standpoint.
Operating Manual PNOZ e8.1p 1002226-EN-06
PNOZ e8.1p
Use of qualified personnel
The products may only be assembled, installed, programmed, commissioned, operated, maintained and decommissioned by competent persons.
A competent person is a qualified and knowledgeable person who, because of their train­ing, experience and current professional activity, has the specialist knowledge required. To be able to inspect, assess and operate devices, systems and machines, the person has to be informed of the state of the art and the applicable national, European and international laws, directives and standards.
It is the company’s responsibility only to employ personnel who
} Are familiar with the basic regulations concerning health and safety / accident preven-
} Have read and understood the information provided in this description under "Safety"
} Have a good knowledge of the generic and specialist standards applicable to the spe-
cific application.
Warranty and liability
All claims to warranty and liability will be rendered invalid if
} The product was used contrary to the purpose for which it is intended
} Damage can be attributed to not having followed the guidelines in the manual
} Operating personnel are not suitably qualified
} Any type of modification has been made (e.g. exchanging components on the PCB
boards, soldering work etc.).
} In safety-related applications, please comply with the mission time TM in the safety-re-
lated characteristic data.
} When decommissioning, please comply with local regulations regarding the disposal of
electronic devices (e.g. Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act).
For your safety
The unit meets all the necessary conditions for safe operation. However, please note the following:
} Please make sure you shut down the supply voltage or open the input circuit (e.g. oper-
ate the E-STOP pushbutton) when performing maintenance work (e.g. when replacing contactors), otherwise the unit might switch on unexpectedly in the case of a wiring er­ror.
Operating Manual PNOZ e8.1p 1002226-EN-06
PNOZ e8.1p
PLIDdys Input
Test Pulse Output
14 24Y32
A1 A2
PNOZ e8.1p
Unit features
} Outputs using semiconductor technology:
2 safety outputs
2 auxiliary outputs
1 test pulse output
} Connection options:
E-STOP pushbuttons
Safety gate limit switches
Start button
Proximity switch
Position switch with N/C / N/C combination
} To process signals from output signal switching devices (OSSDs) on light grids
} LED display for:
Supply voltage
Switch state of safety outputs
} Feedback loops for monitoring external contactors
Safety features
The relay meets the following safety requirements:
} The circuit is redundant with built-in self-monitoring.
} The safety device remains effective in the case of a component failure.
} The safety outputs are tested periodically using an off-test.
Block diagram/terminal configuration
Operating Manual PNOZ e8.1p 1002226-EN-06
+ 18 hidden pages