1.
Parts
name
Thread
Presser
Thread
Presser
Needle
Presser
Needle
Sidebox
Cushion
je
car
gu
foot
ree’
Denter
toot
itt
ever
bar
foot
plate
rutber______________________
Carr
/
Neule
reguatDr
Right
oocer
ri
=
-.
regulator
Loft
egulator
ooper
Upper
trad
thread
rhread
Puley
Looper
g
Knife
a
tsion
ktiif
tension
tension
guard
cover
Upper
Right
Lower
kni
looper
knife
I,,
e
Thread
reel
Thread
guide
bar
center
%\
\N
,1
Motor
Operating
7.
the
machine
Precautions
I.
machine
if
the
obtain
to
Refer
machine
Always
Make
between
Use
a
the
to
correctly.
thread
sure
the
tweezers
Threading
Thread
rfl,
well
threading
that
thread
left
is
the
to
looper
When
threaded
mis
seam.
formed
diagram
threads
looper
thread
the
tension
threading
make
procedure
first.
Threading
it
impossible
is
threan
and
first.
passes
regulating
easier.
correctly
discs.
the
ng
spr
Make
between
discs.
—
sure
the
that
the
thread
thread
passes
tension
correctly
regulating
*
\
Ca.it’on
thread
Draw
trough
zz
aoujt
rh.
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of
50mm
he
r’
two
ocuer
ye.
Ott
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