Perkins Engine 2506-15 Service Manual

Operation and Maintenance Manual
July 2006
2506-15 Industrial Engine
MGA MGB (Engine) MGD (Engine)
Important Safety Information
Most accidents that involve product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observe basic safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous situations before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This person should also have the necessary training, skills and tools to perform these functions properly.
Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could result in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have read and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.
Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If these hazard warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or to other persons.
The hazards are identified by the “Safety Alert Symbol” and followed by a “Signal Word” such as “DANGER”, “WARNING” or “CAUTION”. The Safety Alert “WARNING” label is shown below.
The meaning of this safety alert symbol is as follows:
Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is Involved.
The message that appears under the warning explains the hazard and can be either written or pictorially presented.
Operations that may cause product damage are identified by “NOTICE” labels on the product and in this publication.
Perkins cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The warnings in this publication and on the product are, therefore, not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure, work method or operating technique that is not specifically recommended by Perkins is used, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and for others. You should also ensure that the product will not be damaged or be made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair procedures that you choose.
The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information that was available at the time that the publication was written. The specifications, torques, pressures, measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other items can change at any time. These changes can affect the service that is given to the product. Obtain the complete and most current information before you start any job. Perkins dealers or Perkins distributors have the most current information available.
When replacement parts are required for this product Perkins recommends using Perkins
replacement parts.
Failure to heed this warning can lead to prema­ture failures, product damage, personal injury or death.
SEBU8313 3
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Foreword ................................................................. 4
Safety Section
Safety Messages .................................................... 5
General Hazard Information ................................... 6
Burn Prevention ...................................................... 7
Fire Prevention and Explosion Prevention .............. 8
Crushing Prevention and Cutting Prevention ........ 10
Mounting and Dismounting ................................... 10
Before Starting Engine ........................................... 11
Engine Starting ...................................................... 11
Engine Stopping .................................................... 11
Electrical System .................................................. 12
Warranty Secti
Warranty Information ............................................ 75
Index Section
Index ..................................................................... 76
Engine Electronics ................................................ 13
Product Information Section
General Information .............................................. 14
Model Views ......................................................... 15
Product Identification Information ........................ 18
Operation Section
Lifting and Storage ................................................ 23
Gauges and Indicators .......................................... 24
Features and Controls .......................................... 25
Engine Diagnostics ............................................... 30
Engine Starting ..................................................... 32
Engine Operation .................................................. 34
Engine Stopping ................................................... 35
Cold Weather Operation ....................................... 36
Maintenance Section
Refill Capacities .................................................... 39
Maintenance Interval Schedule ............................ 51
4 SEBU8313 Foreword
Literature Information
This manual con lubrication and maintenance information. This manual should be stored in or near the engine area in a literatur study and keep it with the literature and engine information.
English is the primary language for all Perkins publications. The English used facilitates translation and consiste
Some photographs or illustrations in this manual show details from your engine. Guards and covers may have been removed for illustrative purposes. Continuing improvemen may have caused changes to your engine which are not included in this manual. Whenever a question arises reg consult with your Perkins dealer or your Perkins distributor for the latest available information.
This safety section lists basic safety precautions. In addition, this section identifies hazardous, warning si precautions listed in the safety section before operating or performing lubrication, maintenance and repair on
this product.
tains safety, operation instructions,
e holder or literature storage area. Read,
or attachments that may be different
t and advancement of product design
arding your engine, or this manual, please
tuations. Read and understand the basic
Recommended se appropriate intervals as indicated in the Maintenance Interval Schedule. The actual operating environment of the engine a Schedule. Therefore, under extremely severe, dusty, wet or freezing cold operating conditions, more frequen specified in the Maintenance Interval Schedule may be necessary.
The maintenance schedule items are organized for a preventive maintenance management program. If the prevent periodic tune-up is not required. The implementation of a preventive maintenance management program should mini avoidances resulting from reductions in unscheduled downtime and failures.
ive maintenance program is followed, a
mize operating costs through cost
rvice should be performed at the
lso governs the Maintenance Interval
t lubrication and maintenance than is
Maintenance Intervals
Perform maintenance on items at multiples of the original requirement. We recommend that the maintenan near the engine as a convenient reminder. We also recommend that a maintenance record be maintained as part of
Your authorized Perkins dealer or your Perkins distribu maintenance schedule to meet the needs of your operating environment.
ce schedules be reproduced and displayed
the engine’s permanent record.
tor can assist you in adjusting your
Operating techniques outlined in this manual are basic. Th techniques required to operate the engine more efficiently and economically. Skill and techniques develop engine and its capabilities.
The oper Photographs and illustrations guide the operator through procedures of inspecting, starting, operating and sto discussion of electronic diagnostic information.
ey assist with developing the skills and
as the operator gains knowledge of the
ation section is a reference for operators.
pping the engine. This section also includes a
The mai The illustrated, step-by-step instructions are grouped by service hours and/or calendar time maintenance interv referenced to detailed instructions that follow.
ntenance section is a guide to engine care.
als. Items in the maintenance schedule are
Major engine overhaul details are not covered in the Operation and Maintenance Manual except for the i interval. Major repairs should only be carried out by Perkins authorized personnel. Your Perkins dealer or your P regarding overhaul programs. If you experience a major engine failure, there are also numerous after f your Perkins dealer or your Perkins distributor for information regarding these options.
nterval and the maintenance items in that
erkins distributor offers a variety of options
ailure overhaul options available. Consult with
California Proposition 65 Warning
Diesel engine exhaust and some of its constituents are known to the State of California to cause cancer,
defects, and other reproductive harm. Battery
birth posts, terminals and related accessories contain lead and lead compounds. Wash hands after handling.
SEBU8313 5
Safety Section
Safety Messages
Safety Section
Safety Messages
There may be s engine. The exact location and a description of the warning signs are reviewed in this section. Please become famil
Ensure that all of the warning signs are legible. Clean the warning s the words cannot be read or if the illustrations are not visible. Use a cloth, water, and soap to clean the warning other harsh chemicals. Solvents, gasoline, or harsh chemicals could loosen the adhesive that secures the warning si could drop off of the engine.
Replace an missing.Ifawarningsignisattachedtoapartofthe engine that is replaced, install a new warning sign on the replac distributor can provide new warning signs.
everal specific warning signs on your
iar with all warning signs.
igns or replace the warning signs if
signs. Do not use solvents, gasoline, or
gns. The warning signs that are loosened
y warning sign that is damaged or
ement part. Your Perkins dealer or your
(1) Universal Warning
Do not operate or work on this equipment unless you have r and warnings in the Operation and Maintenance Manuals. Failure to follow the instructions or heed the or death.
ead and understand the instructions
warnings could result in serious injury
Illustration 1
The Universal Warning label (1) is located on both sides o
f the engine. Refer to illustration 2.
6 SEBU8313 Safety Section General Hazard Information
Illustration 2
ation 3
azard Information
Typical ex
General H
Attach a “Do Not Operate” warning tag or a similar
g tag to the start switch or to the controls
warnin before you service the equipment or before you repair the equipment.
Illustration 4
Wear a hard hat, protective glasses, and other protective equipment, as required.
Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry that can snag on controls or on other parts of the engine.
Make sure that all protective guards and all covers are secured in place on the engine.
Keep the engine free from foreign material. Remove debris, oil, tools, and other items from the deck, from walkways, and from steps.
SEBU8313 7
Safety Section
Burn Prevention
Never put maint Drain all liquids into a suitable container.
Obey all local
Use all cleaning solutions with care.
Report all necessary repairs.
Do not allow un equipment.
Ensure that th you work on the bus bar or the glow plugs.
Perform maint equipment in the servicing position. Refer to the OEM information for the procedure for placing the equipment in
Pressure Air
Pressurized air and/or water can cause debris and/or hot wa personal injury.
The direct a pressurized water to the body could result in personal injury.
When pressurized air and/or water is used for cleaning, wear protective clothing, protective shoes, and eye prot oraprotectivefaceshield.
The maximu must be below 205 kPa (30 psi). The maximum water pressure for cleaning purposes must be below 275 kPa (40
Fluid Pene
Pressure can be trapped in the hydraulic circuit long after the e cause hydraulic fluid or items such as pipe plugs to escape rapidly if the pressure is not relieved correctly.
Do not remove any hydraulic components or parts until pressure has been relieved or personal injury may occur components or parts until pressure has been relieved or personal injury may occur. Refer to the OEM informa relieve the hydraulic pressure.
tion for any procedures that are required to
enance fluids into glass containers.
regulations for the disposal of liquids.
authorized personnel on the
e power supply is disconnected before
enance on the engine with the
the servicing position.
and Water
pplication of pressurized air or
ection. Eye protection includes goggles
m air pressure for cleaning purposes
ngine has been stopped. The pressure can
. Do not disassemble any hydraulic
Illustration 5
Always use a board or cardboard when you check for a leak. Leaking fluid that is under pressure can penetrate body tissue. Fluid penetration can cause serious injury and possible death. A pin hole leak can cause severe injury. If fluid is injected into your skin, you must get treatment immediately. Seek treatment from a doctor that is familiar with this type of injury.
Containing Fluid Spillage
Care must be taken in order to ensure that fluids are contained during performance of inspection, maintenance, testing, adjusting and repair of the engine. Make provision to collect the fluid with a suitable container before any compartment is opened or before any component is disassembled.
Only use the tools that are suitable for collecting
fluids and equipment that is suitable for collecting fluids.
Only use the tools that are suitable for containing
fluids and equipment that is suitable for containing fluids.
Obey all local regulations for the disposal of liquids.
Burn Pre
Do not touch any part of an operating engine. Allow the engine to cool before any maintenance is perform
ed on the engine.
8 SEBU8313 Safety Section Fire Prevention and Explosion Prevention
Contact with high pressure fuel may cause fluid penetration and burn hazards. High pressure fu­el spray may cause a fire hazard. Failure to fol­low these inspection, maintenance and service in­structions may cause personal injury or death.
After the engine has stopped, you must wait for 60 seconds in order to allow the fuel pressure to be purged from the high pressure fuel lines before any service or repair is performed on the engine fuel lines.
Allow the pressure to be purged in the air system, in the hydraulic system, in the lubrication system, or in the cooling system before any lines, fittings or related items are disconnected.
When the engine is at operating temperature, the engine coolant is hot. The coolant is also under pressure. The radiator and all lines to the heaters or to the engine contain hot coolant.
Any contact with hot coolant or with steam can cause severe burns. Allow cooling system components to cool before the cooling system is drained.
Check the coolant level after the engine has stopped and the engine has been allowed to cool.
Ensure that the filler cap is cool before removing the filler cap. The filler cap must be cool enough to touch withabarehand.Removethefillercapslowlyin order to relieve pressure.
Cooling system conditioner contains alkali. Alkali can cause personal injury. Do not allow alkali to contact the skin, the eyes, or the mouth.
Hot oil and hot lubricating components can cause personal injury. Do not allow hot oil to contact the skin. Also, do not allow hot components to contact the skin.
Fire Prevention and Explosion Prevention
on 6
All fuels, most lubricants, and some coolant mixtures are flammab
Flammable fluids that are leaking or spilled onto hot surfaces or a fire. Fire may cause personal injury and property damage.
After the emergency stop button is operated ensure that you allow 15 minutes, before the engine covers are remove
Determinewhethertheenginewillbeoperatedinan environme drawn into the air inlet system. These gases could cause the engine to overspeed. Personal injury, property
If the application involves the presence of combustible gases, co Perkins distributor for additional information about suitable protection devices.
Remove all flammable combustible materials or conductive materials such as fuel, oil, and debris from the engi materials or conductive materials to accumulate on the engine.
onto electrical components can cause
nt that allows combustible gases to be
damage, or engine damage could result.
nsult your Perkins dealer and/or your
ne. Do not allow any flammable combustible
Electrolyte is an acid. Electrolyte can cause personal injury. Do not allow electrolyte to contact the skin or the eyes. Always wear protective glasses for servicing batteries. Wash hands after touching the batteries and connectors. Use of gloves is recommended.
Store fuels and lubricants in correctly marked containers away from unauthorized persons. Store oily rag containers. Do not smoke in areas that are used for storing flammable materials.
Do not expose the engine to any flame.
s and any flammable materials in protective
SEBU8313 9
Safety Section
Fire Prevention and Explosion Prevention
Exhaust shield
s (if equipped) protect hot exhaust components from oil or fuel spray in case of a line, a tube, or a seal failure. Exhaust shields must be installed cor
Do not weld on lines or tanks that contain flammable fluids. Do no
t flame cut lines or tanks that contain flammable fluid. Clean any such lines or tanks thoroughly with a nonflammable solvent prior to welding or fl
ame cutting.
Wiring must be kept in good condition. All electrical wires must be
correctly routed and securely attached. Check all electrical wires daily. Repair any wires that are loose or frayed before you operate the engine. Cle
an all electrical connections and tighten
all electrical connections.
Eliminate a
ll wiring that is unattached or unnecessary. Do not use any wires or cables that are smaller than the recommended gauge. Do not bypass any fuses and/or cir
cuit breakers.
Arcing or sparking could cause a fire. Secure connectio
ns, recommended wiring, and correctly maintained battery cables will help to prevent arcing or sparking.
Illustration 7
Use caution when you are refueling an engine. Do not smoke while you are refueling an engine. Do not refuel an engine near open flames or sparks. Always stop the engine before refueling.
Contact w
ith high pressure fuel may cause fluid penetration and burn hazards. High pressure fu­el spray may cause a fire hazard. Failure to fol­low these
inspection, maintenance and service in-
structions may cause personal injury or death.
After the
engine has stopped, you must wait for 60 seconds in order to allow the fuel pressure to be purged from the high pressure fuel lines before any service
or repair is performed on the engine fuel lines.
Ensure that the engine is stopped. Inspect all lines and hose
s for wear or for deterioration. The hoses must be correctly routed. The lines and hoses must have adequate support and secure clamps.
Oil filters and fuel filters must be correctly installed. The filter housings must be tightened to the correct
. Refer to the Disassembly and Assembly
torque manual for more information.
Illustration 8
Gases from a battery can explode. Keep any open flames or sparks away from the top of a battery. Do not smoke in battery charging areas.
Never check the battery charge by placing a metal object across the terminal posts. Use a voltmeter or ahydrometer.
10 SEBU8313 Safety Section Crushing Prevention and Cutting Prevention
Incorrect jump an explosion that can result in injury. Refer to the Operation Section of this manual for specific instructions
Do not charge a frozen battery. This may cause an explosion.
The batteries must be kept clean. The covers (if equipped recommended cables, connections, and battery box covers when the engine is operated.
er cable connections can cause
) must be kept on the cells. Use the
Fire Extinguisher
Make sure that a fire extinguisher is available. Be familiar with the operation of the fire extinguisher. Inspect the f extinguisher regularly. Obey the recommendations on the instruction plate.
ire extinguisher and service the fire
Lines, Tubes and Hoses
Do not bend high pressure lines. Do not strike high pressure lines. Do not install any lines that are damaged.
Leaks can cause fires. Consult your Perkins dealer or your Per
Replace the parts if any of the following conditions are presen
kins distributor for replacement parts.
Crushing Preventio n and Cutting Preve
Support the component properly when work beneath the component is performed.
Unless other maintenance instructions are provided, never attempt adjustments while the engine is running.
Stay clear of all rotating parts and of all moving parts. Leave is performed. After the maintenance is performed, reinstall the guards.
Keep objects away from moving fan blades. The fan blades will throw objects or cut objects.
When objects are struck, wear protective glasses in order to avoid injury to the eyes.
Chips or other debris may fly off objects when objects are struck. Before objects are struck, ensure that no one will be i
the guards in place until maintenance
njured by flying debris.
Mounting and Dismounting
High pressure fuel line or lines are removed.
End fittings are damaged or leaking.
Outer cove
Wires are exposed.
Outer coverings are ballooning.
Flexible p
Outer covers have embedded armoring.
End fittings are displaced.
Make sure t are installed correctly. During engine operation, this will help to prevent vibration, rubbing against other parts, an
rings are chafed or cut.
art of the hoses are kinked.
hat all clamps, guards, and heat shields
d excessive heat.
Inspect the steps, the handholds, and the work area before mounting the engine. Keep these items clean and keep these items in good repair.
Mount the engine and dismount the engine only at locations that have steps and/or handholds. Do not climb on the engine, and do not jump off the engine.
Face the engine in order to mount the engine or dismount the engine. Maintain a three-point contact with the steps and handholds. Use two feet and one hand or use one foot and two hands. Do not use any controls as handholds.
Do not stand on components which cannot support your weight. Use an adequate ladder or use a work platform. Secure the climbing equipment so that the equipment will not move.
Do not carry tools or supplies when you mount the engine or when you dismount the engine. Use a hand line to raise and lower tools or supplies.
SEBU8313 11
Safety Section
Before Starting Engine
Before Starting Engine
The initial sta or repaired make provision to shut the engine off, in order to stop an overspeed. This may be accomplished supply to the engine.
Overspeed shu engines that are controlled electronically. If automatic shutdown does not occur, press the emergency stop buttoninord
Inspect the engine for potential hazards.
Before starting the engine, ensure that no one is on, underneath, or close to the engine. Ensure that the area is free
If equipped, ensure that the lighting system for the engine is su lights work correctly, if equipped.
All protect be installed if the engine must be started in order to perform service procedures. To help prevent an accident t around the parts carefully.
Do not bypa disable the automatic shutoff circuits. The circuits are provided in order to help prevent personal injury. The circuits engine damage.
See the Se adjustments.
rt-up of an engine that is new, serviced
by shutting off the air and/or fuel
tdown should occur automatically for
er to cut the fuel and/or air to the engine.
of personnel.
itable for the conditions. Ensure that all
ive guards and all protective covers must
hat is caused by parts in rotation, work
ss the automatic shutoff circuits. Do not
are also provided in order to help prevent
rvice Manual for repairs and for
All protective be installed if the engine must be started in order to perform service procedures. To help prevent an accident that around the parts carefully.
Start the eng from the engine start switch.
Always start that is described in the Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Engine Starting” topic in the Operation Section. Kno prevent major damage to the engine components. Knowing the procedure will also help to prevent personal in
To ensure that the jacket water heater (if equipped) is working c gauge and/or the oil temperature gauge during the heater operation.
Engine exhaust contains products of combustion which can be harmful to your health. Always start the engine and area. If the engine is started in an enclosed area, vent the engine exhaust to the outside.
Note: Theenginemaybeequippedwithadevicefor cold starting. If the engine will be operated in very cold cond be required. Normally, the engine will be equipped with the correct type of starting aid for your region of operat
guards and all protective covers must
is caused by parts in rotation, work
ine from the operator’s compartment or
wing the correct procedure will help to
orrectly, check the water temperature
operate the engine in a well ventilated
itions, then an extra cold starting aid may
Engine Stopping
Engine Starting
Do not use aerosol types of starting aids such as ether. Such use could result in an explosion and personal injury.
If a warning tag is attached to the engine start switch or to the controls DO NOT start the engine or move the controls. Consult with the person that attached thewarningtagbeforetheengineisstarted.
Stop the the Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Engine Stopping (Operation Section)” in order to avoid overhea the engine components.
Use the in an emergency situation. Do not use the Emergency Stop Button for normal engine stopping. After an emerge problem that caused the emergency stop has been corrected.
Stop the engine if an overspeed condition occurs during the initial start-up of a new engine or an engine that h by shutting off the fuel supply to the engine and/or shutting off the air supply to the engine.
engine according to the procedure in
ting of the engine and accelerated wear of
Emergency Stop Button (if equipped) ONLY
ncy stop, DO NOT start the engine until the
as been overhauled. This may be accomplished
12 SEBU8313 Safety Section Electrical System
To stop an elect
ronically controlled engine, cut the
power to the engine.
Electrical System
Never disconnect any charging unit circuit or battery circuit cable from the battery when the charging unit is operating. A spark can cause the combustible gases that are produced by some batteries to ignite.
To help prevent sparks from igniting combustible gases that are produced by some batteries, the negative “í” jump start cable should be connected last from the external power source to the negative “í” terminal of the starting motor. If the starting motor is not equipped with a negative “í” terminal, connect thejumpstartcabletotheengineblock.
Check the electrical wires daily for wires that are loose or frayed. Tighten all loose electrical wires before the engine is started. Repair all frayed electrical wires before the engine is started. Refer to the “Engine Starting” section of this Operation and Maintenance Manual for specific starting instructions.
Grounding Practices
Illustration 9
Typical example
Grounding Stud To Battery Ground
SEBU8313 13
Safety Section
Engine Electronics
Engine Electronics
Tampering with the electronic system installation or the OEM wiring installation can be dangerous and could result in personal injury or death and/or engine damage.
This engine has a comprehensive, programmable Engine Monitoring System. The Engine Control Module (ECM) has the ability to monitor the engine operating conditions. If any of the engine parameters extend outside an allowable range, the ECM will initiate an immediate action.
The following actions are available for engine monitoring control: WARNING, ACTION ALERT, and SHUTDOWN.
Illustration 10
Typical ex
Alternate Grounding Stud To Battery Ground
Proper grounding for the engine electrical system is necessary for optimum engine performance and relia uncontrolled electrical circuit paths and in unreliable electrical circuit paths.
Uncontrolled electrical circuit paths can result in damage to main bearings, to crankshaft bearing journal
Engines that are installed without engine-to-frame ground s discharge.
To e ns u r systems function properly, an engine-to-frame ground strap with a direct path to the battery must be used. This pa ground, a starting motor ground to the frame, or a direct engine ground to the frame.
bility. Improper grounding will result in
surfaces, and to aluminum components.
traps can be damaged by electrical
e that the engine and the engine electrical
th may be provided by way of a starting motor
Many of the parameters that are monitored by the ECM can be programmed for the engine monitoring functions. The following parameters can be monitored as a part of the Engine Monitoring System:
Atmospheric Pressure
Inlet Manifold Pressure
Coolant Temperature
Engine Oil Pressure
Crankshaft Position
Camshaft Position
Fuel Temperature
Inlet Manifold T emperature
System Voltage
The Engine Monitoring package can vary for different engine models and different engine applications. However, the monitoring system and the engine monitoring control will be similar for all engines.
All grounds should be tight and free of corrosion. The engine alternator must be grounded to the negative
tery terminal with a wire that is adequate to
“-” bat handle the full charging current of the alternator.
14 SEBU8313 Product Information Section General Information
Product Information Section
General Information
Welding on Engines with Electronic Controls
NOTICE Proper welding procedures are necessary in order to avoid damage to the engine’s ECM, sensors, and associated components. When possible, remove the component from the unit and then weld the compo­nent. If removal of the component is not possible, the following procedure must be followed when you weld with a unit that is equipped with an Electronic Engine. The following procedure is considered to be the safest procedure to weld a component. This pro­cedure should provide a minimum risk of damage to electronic components.
NOTICE Do not ground the welder to electrical components such as the ECM or sensors. Improper grounding can cause damage to the drive train bearings, hydraulic components, electrical components, and other com­ponents.
Clamp the ground cable from the welder to the com­ponent that will be welded. Place the clamp as close as possible to the weld. This will help reduce the pos­sibility of damage.
1. Stop the engine. Turn the switched power to the
OFF position.
2. Disconnect the negative battery cable from the
battery. If a battery disconnect switch is provided, open the switch.
Illustration 11
Use the ex ample above. The current flow from the welder to the ground clamp of the welder will not cause damage to any associated components.
(1) Engine (2) Welding rod (3) Keyswitch in the OFF position (4) Battery disconnect switch in the open position (5) D isconnected battery cables (6) Battery (7) Elec trical/Electronic component (8) Maximum distance between the component that is being
welded and any electrical/electronic component (9) The component that is being welded (10) Current path of the welder (11) Ground clamp for the welder
4. Connect the welding ground cable directly to the
part that will be welded. Place the ground cable as close as possible to the weld in order to reduce the possibility of welding current damage to bearings, hydraulic components, electrical components, and ground straps.
Note: If electrical/electronic components are used as a ground for the welder, or electrical/electronic components are located between the welder ground and the weld, current flow from the welder could severely damage the component.
3. Disconnect the J1/P1 connectors from the ECM.
Move the harness to a position that will not allow the harness to accidentally move back and make contact with any of the ECM pins.
5. Protect the wiring harness from welding debris
and spatter.
6. Use standard welding practices to weld the
SEBU8313 15
Product Information Section
Model Views
Model Views
Model View Illustrations
The following model views show the 2506 Engine features. Due may appear different from the illustrations.
to individual applications, your engine
Illustration 12
Typical example
Left side view
(1) F ront timing gear housing (2) Fuel priming pump (3) Electronic Control Module (ECM)
(4) Flywheel housing (5) Fuel filters (6) Fuel transfer pump
(7) Vibration Damper
16 SEBU8313 Product Information Section Model Views
Illustration 13
Typical example
Right side view
(8) Exhaust manifo ld (9) Turbocharger
(10) Temperature regulator housing (11) Water pump
Engine Description
Table 1
2506 Engine Specifications
Cylinders and Arrangement In-line six cylinder
Bore 137.2 mm (5.4 inch)
Stroke 171.5 mm (6.8 inch)
Firing Order
Rotation (flywheel end) Counterclockwise
15.2 L (928 in3)
(12) Oil cooler (13) Oil filter
The electronic engines that are covered by this manual have the following characteristics: direct fuel injection, electronic unit injection that is mechanically actuated, turbocharged, and air-to-air aftercooled (ATAAC).
The electronic engine control system provides the following functions: electronic governing, automatic air to fuel ratio control, injection timing control, and system diagnostics.
An electronic governor controls the output of the unit injectors in order to maintain the engine rpm that is desired.
SEBU8313 17
Product Information Section
Model Views
Very high injec electronically controlled, mechanically actuated unit injectors. The injectors combine the pumping and the electronic fu injection. The unit injectors accurately control smoke limiting, white smoke, and engine acceleration rates.
There is one unit injector per cylinder. Individual unit injectors meter the fuel. The individual unit injectors also pump the done under high pressure. High injection pressures help to reduce fuel consumption and emissions. The use of th electronic control of injection timing. The injection timing varies with engine operating conditions. The engine perf areas:
Fuel consu
The timing advance is achieved through precise control of controlled by adjusting the firing duration. The information is provided to the Electronic Control Module (EC the camshaft position sensor. The information is for detection of cylinder position and engine speed.
tion pressures are produced by
el metering (duration and timing) during
fuel. The metering and the pumping is
is type of unit injector provides total
ormance is optimized in the following
the injector firing. Engine speed is
M) by the crankshaft position sensor and
Engine efficie engine performance depend on adherence to proper operation and maintenance recommendations. This includes the u and lubrication oils.
ncy, efficiency of emission controls, and
se of recommended fuels, coolants
Aftermarket Products and Perkins Engines
When auxiliary devices, accessories, or consumables (filters, ad other manufacturers are used on Perkins products, the Perkins warranty is not affected simply because of such use.
However, failures that result from the installation or use of oth accessories, or consumables are NOT Perkins defects. Therefore, the defects are NOT covered under the P
ditives, catalysts, etc) which are made by
er manufacturers’ devices,
erkins warranty.
The engines have built-in diagnostics in order to ensure that all of the components are functioning and opera component deviation from the programmed limits, the operator will be alerted to the condition by a DIAGNOS panel. An electronic service tool that is provided by Perkins may be used to read the numerical code of the diag diagnostic codes: ACTIVE, LOGGED, and EVENT. These codes are logged and stored in the ECM. Refer t Diagnostics” for additional information.
The coo a centrifugal pump that is driven by a gear, water temperature regulator, an oil cooler, and a radiator that i
The engine lubricating oil is supplied by a gear type p filtered. Bypass valves provide unrestricted flow of lubrication oil to the engine parts when the oil visco filter elements (paper cartridge) become plugged.
ting properly. In the event of a system
TIC lamp that is mounted on the control
nostic flash code. There are three types of
o Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Engine
ling system consists of the following items:
ncorporates a shunt system.
ump. The engine lubricating oil is cooled and
sity is high or if either the oil cooler or the oil
18 SEBU8313 Product Information Section Product Identification Information
Product Identification Information
Plate Locations and Film Locations
Illustration 14
(1) Serial number plate
Perkins engines are identified by serial numbers. These numbers are shown on the engine serial number plate. Perkins distributors need these numbers in order to determine the components that were included with the engine. This permits accurate identification of replacement part numbers.
Serial Number Plate (1)
Theengineserialnumberplateislocatedonthe lower right side of the engine block.
Engine serial number
Designation _________________________________________________
Engine Rating ______________________________________________
SEBU8313 19
Product Information Section
Product Identification Information
Reference Numbers
Information fo
r the following items may be needed to order parts. Locate the information for your engine. Record the information in the appropriate space. Makeacopyoft
his list for a record. Keep the
information for future reference.
Record for Reference
Engine Model
Engine Serial number _____________________________________
Engine rpm __________________________________________________
Primary Fuel
Secondary Fuel Filter Element ___ _______________________
Lubrication Oil Filter Element ___________________________
Total Lubric
Total Cooling System Capacity _________________________
Air Cleaner Element _______________________________________
ation System Capacity
Fan Drive Bel
Alternator Belt ______________________________________________
20 SEBU8313 Product Information Section Product Identification Information
Emissions Certification Film
Label for compliant engines
Illustration 15
Typical example of a label that is installed on engines that comply with emissions
SEBU8313 21
Product Information Section
Product Identification Information
Illustration 16
Typical ex
ample o f a label that is installed on engines that comply with emissions
To record programmed specifications, use the followin
Customer Passwords (If required).
Rating Selection (L-N) __________________________________
Equipment ID ______________________________________________
Programmable Monitoring System (PMS)
First Password ___________________________________________
Second Pa
____________________________ __________
Inlet Manifold T emperature Sensor
Coolant Temperature Sensor
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor
Engine Crankshaft/Camshaft Sensors
Inlet Manifold Pressure Sensor
Fuel Temperature Sensor
The Programmable Monitoring System determines the leve response to a condition that can damage the engine. These conditions are identified by the ECM from the signals
that are produced from the following sensors.
22 SEBU8313 Product Information Section Product Identification Information
Table 2
Event Code Parameter State Trip Point Delay Time
E162 High Boost Pressure
-1 Warn Operator (1) On 300 kPa (43.5 psi) 30 seconds
-2 Action Alert (2) Always On None 5 seconds
-1 Warn Operator (1) On 2000 RPM 1 second
-2 Action Alert (2) Always On 2050 RPM 1 second
-3 Engine Shutdown (3) Always On 2140 RPM 0 second
Low Engine Oil Pressure
Warn Operator (1) On 300 kPa (43.5 psi)
Action Alert (2) Always On
Engine Shutdown (3) Always On
High Engine Coolant Temperature
Warn Operator (1) On 104°C(2190°F)
Action Alert (2) Always On 105 °C (221 °F)
Engine Shutdown (3) Always On 108 °C (226 °F)
Engine Ov
High Fuel Supply Temperature
Warn Operator (1) On 60 °C (140 °F)
Action Alert (2) Always On 68 °C (154 °F)
High Engine Intake Manifold Air Temperature
Warn Operator (1) On 75 °C (167 °F)
Action Alert (2) Always On 78 °C (172 °F)
None 2 seconds
None 2 seconds
60 seconds
60 seconds
10 seconds
10 seconds
60 seconds
60 seconds
60 seconds
10 seconds
Refer to Troubleshooting , “System Configuration Parameters” for additional information for the Programmable Monitoring System.
SEBU8313 23
Operation Section
Lifting and Storage
Operation Section
Lifting and Storage
Product Lifting
Illustration 17
Product Storage
Refer to Perkin for information on engine storage.
There is three Level “A, B and C”.
Level “A ”
Level “A” will engines and protection for one year for gas engines. This is for engines that are transported by a container or a truck.
Level “B ”
This level is additional to level “A”. Level “B ” will give protect í15° to +55°C (5.0000° to 99.0000°F) and “90%” relative humidity for one year.
Level “C ”
s Engine Company limited, Stafford
different levels of engine storage.
give protection for six month for diesel
ion under normal storage condition from
NOTICE Never bend the eyebolts and the brackets. Only load the eyebolts and the brackets under tension. Remem­ber that the capacity of an eyebolt is less as the angle between the supporting members and the object be­comes less than 90 degrees.
When it is necessary to remove a component at an angle, only use a link bracket that is properly rated for the weight.
Use a hoist to remove heavy components. Use an adjustable lifting beam to lift the engine. All supporting members (chains and cables) should be parallel to each other. The chains and cables should be perpendicular to the top of the object that is being lifted.
Some removals require lifting the fixtures in order to obtain proper balance and safety.
ToremovetheengineONLY,usetheliftingeyesthat are on the engine.
Lifting eyes are designed and installed for specific engine arrangements. Alterations to the lifting eyes and/or the engine make the lifting eyes and the lifting fixtures obsolete. If alterations are made, ensure that proper lifting devices are provided. Consult your Perkins dealer for information regarding fixtures for proper engine lifting.
This level is additional to level “B”. Level “C” will give protection for five year in tropical temperatures or arctic clim level “J” for europe, when engines are stored in a unheated building or in the open under waterproof covers.
ates. Level “C” also meets MOD NES 724
24 SEBU8313 Operation Section Gauges and Indicators
Gauges and Indicators
Gauges and Indicators
Your engine m the gauges that are described. For more information about the gauge package, see the OEM information.
Gauges provide indications of engine performance. Ensure that the gauges are in good working order. Determine th the gauges over a period of time.
Noticeable c potential gauge or engine problems. Problems may also be indicated by gauge readings that change even if the r Determine and correct the cause of any significant change in the readings. Consult your Perkins dealer or your Per
If no oil pressure is indicated, STOP the engine. If maximum co the engine. Engine damage can result.
ay not have the same gauges or all of
e normal operating range by observing
hanges in gauge readings indicate
eadings are within specifications.
kins distributor for assistance.
olant temperature is exceeded, STOP
Engine Oil
engine oil pressure is 420 kPa (61 psi).
Pressure – The range for the
Jacket Water Coolant Temperature –
Typical water temperature into the engine
is 88 °C (19 may occur under certain conditions. The water temperature reading may vary according to load. The reading s
1. A high water temperature switch is installed in the
indicator should be to the right side of “0” (zero).
hould never exceed 107 °C (224 °F).
cooling system.
Tachometer – This gauge indicates engine
speed (rpm).
Ammeter – This gauge indicates the
amount of charge or discharge in the
battery charging circuit. Operation of the
Service Hour Meter – The gauge indicates
operating hours of the engine.
0 °F). Higher temperatures
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