1901 Oxygen Combustion Apparatus
Operating Instruction Manual
These instructions cover the steps to be taken in
setting up and operating the equipment furnished
with a Parr 1901 Oxygen Combustion Apparatus for
combustion procedures with a Parr 1108 Oxygen
Combustion Vessel. Although the 1108 is normally
used with this apparatus, the apparatus can be used
equally well with other Parr combustion vessels,
namely the:
• 1104 High Strength Oxygen Combustion Vessel
for explosives and fast- burning samples
• 1121 Large Oxygen Combustion Vessel (1850 mL)
for testing large, slow-burning samples.
Separate instruction sheets are provided for each
oxygen combustion vessel, as listed below. The user
should study all applicable instructions carefully before starting to use this apparatus so that he will fully
understand the capabilities of the equipment and the
safety precautions to be observed in its operation.
Related Instructions
No. Description
205M Instructions for the 1108 Oxygen
Combustion Vessel
207M Analytical Methods for Oxygen Bombs
209M Instructions for the 1104 Oxygen Bomb
210M Instructions for the 1121 & 1122 Oxygen
Combustion Vessels
201M Limited Warranty
Note About Nomenclature:
Historically, burning a sample enclosed in a high
pressure oxygen environment is known as Oxygen Bomb Calorimetry and the vessel containing
the sample is known as an Oxygen Bomb. The
terms bomb and vessel are used interchangeably.

1901 Oxygen Bomb Apparatus
Assemble The Apparatus
Assemble the several parts of the apparatus on a table or bench with convenient access to cold running
water, a drain and to an electric outlet. About 8 sq.
ft. of work space will be required. Other necessary
accessories include a chemical balance sensitive to
0.1 mg and a tank of oxygen. A standard 1A cylinder
with a purity of 99.5% is usually suffi cient for bomb
combustion purposes.
The Oxygen Filling Connection
Unscrew the protecting cap from the oxygen tank
and inspect the threads on the valve outlet to be
sure they are clean and in good condition. Place the
ball end of the 1825 Oxygen Filling Connection into
the outlet socket and draw up the union nut tightly
with a wrench keeping the 0-55 atm. gage in an
upright position. Operating instructions for the 1825
oxygen connection are provided in Instruction Sheet
205M for the 1108 oxygen combustion vessel.
The Water Bath
Fill the water bath with enough water to completely
submerge the oxygen bomb.
The Ignition System
The 2901 ignition unit operates from a 115v or 230v,
50 or 60 Hz line to provide the proper low voltage
current for igniting the fuse wire in the oxygen
bomb. After the unit has been connected to an
outlet, do not press the fi ring button unless the lead
wires are connected to the bomb. If the bare terminals on the wire happen to be in contact with each
other when the circuit is closed, the short circuit
could damage the unit. Connect one of the lead
wires from the 1108 vessel to the terminal labeled
“10cm”. Connect the second lead to the terminal
labeled “common”.
• Precautions to be observed in oxygen bomb
• Instructions for preparing the charge and filling
the bomb with oxygen.
• Instructions for firing the bomb and recovering
the combustion products.
• Bomb maintenance and safety instructions.
Analyzing The Bomb Washings
Methods for analyzing the bomb washings to determine sulfur and other elements in the combustion
sample are provided in Instruction Sheet No. 207M.
Procedures for determining trace elements in coal
using a quartz liner in the 1108 vessel are included
in this material, also an extensive bibliography of
oxygen bomb methods.
Replacement Parts
Individual parts and operating supplies for the 1901
Oxygen Combustion Apparatus are identifi ed as follows:
Part No. Description
110 8 Oxygen combustion vessel
1825 Oxygen fi lling connection
2901EB Ignition unit, 115 v. 50/60 Hz
2901EE Ignition unit, 230 v. 50/60 Hz
A468E Ignition wire (2 per pk)
A387A Water bath, 8 qt. (7.5L)
A38A Bomb head support stand
421A Bomb lifter
43AS Combustion capsule, stainless steel
45C10 Fuse wire, 10 cm card
3601 Gelatin capsules, size 00, bottle of 100
Operating The 1108 Oxygen Combustion Vessel
Complete instructions for operating the 1108 Oxygen
Combustion Vessel are provided in a separate set
of instructions, No. 205M. Study these instructions
carefully before starting to use the 1108 vessel since
they contain essential information covering:
arr Instrument Company
211 53rd Street • Moline, Illinois 61265 USA 1-309-762-7716 • 1-800-872-7720 • Fax: 1-309-762-9453
E-mail: parr@parrinst.com • http://www.parrinst.com
Revision 05/13/13
Parr also offers “500 fi ring” bomb repair kits for routine maintenance of the oxygen combustion bomb.
Please contact the sales staff at Parr for pricing information.