Olympus C-2000 User Manual

Olympus C-2000 Zoom Instructions for OneShot360
Recommended Camera Settings for OneShot360
Put Your Olympus C-2000 Zoom in A mode before turning the camera on.
Press the menu button located directly above the LCD screen, and use the jog dial to set
the image quality to SHQ for best quality. When the selection is shown in green, press the OK button to finalize the selection.
Press the menu button, then select the first option which selects the metering type. Select the full screen meter method, verses the spot metering, then press OK to confirm the selection. This will give better results with the oneshot360.
Set the white balance. Automatic setting is usually adequate. To set the white balance, press the menu button, and press the down arrow on the jog dial until you have selected WB. Use the right arrow to see the white balance options, and select the AUTO setting. Press the OK button to finalize your selection
Disable the flash by pressing menu button and navigating to the flash menu. Select the Flash-off icon and press OK to confirm selection.
To focus your OneShot image, it is recommended to manually set the distance. To do this, press the Menu button, and then press the jog dial to select the focus menu. Select the infinity symbol. Press the OK button to confirm the selection.
Set the aperture to f/7 by using the jog dial’s up/down arrows. Make sure the Exposure value in the right corner of the LCD screen is set to 0.0. You can adjust this by using the right/left arrows. If the light level is low, you may need a tripod when the shutter speed is slower than 1/125sec. To check the shutter speed, you can press lightly on the shutter release, to depress it half way. The shutter speed will be displayed in a white number in the LCD screen.
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