Tuning Instructions6–3–2
Required Equipment6–3–3
Accuracy of the Equipment During Measurement6–3–3
Equipment Setup6–3–4
Equipment Setup for Tuning a Phone without Removing Covers6–3–5
Equipment Setup for Tuning a Phone Removing Covers6–3–6
Equipment Setup For Tuning A Booster6–3–7
Starting The Program6–3–8
Starting options for service software6–3–8
Tuning Steps of Radio Unit6–3–9
1. Bias Current Tuning6–3–9
2. TX Output Power6–3–10
3. FM Modulator Tuning6–3–11
4. AFC tuning6–3–12
5. RFI TX–IQ D.C. Offset Tuning6–3–13
6. AMPS Demodulation Tuning6–3–14
7. Analog mode RSSI6–3–15
8. Digital mode AGC6–3–16
9. Battery Voltage Adjustment6–3–17
10. Charge Voltage Adjustment6–3–17
11. SINAD Level Checking6–3–18
Tuning Steps of Booster6–3–19
1. Output Power Tuning6–3–19
2. Transmitter Frequency Tuning6–3–20
3. Output Power Check6–3–21
4. Receiver Calibration6–3–22
5. Voltage Calibration6–3–22
Technical Documentation
Copyright Nokia Mobile Phones
Technical Documentation
Tuning Instructions
In contrast to earlier second–generation analog cellular phones tuning operations of the NHC–4 are carried out using the Service software. The Service program turns the phone into the Locals mode, in which the phone can be outwardly controlled via the M2BUS interface.
The tuning values of the phone reside on the EEPROM. Before tuning these
values are read to the Service software and the user can change these values
with tuning functions.
N.B.During tuning, proceed as follows:
– Take care not to damage sensitive measuring instruments with excessive
RF power.
– Carry out all tuning steps in the shortest possible time to avoid excessive
heating of RF units.
Copyright Nokia Mobile Phones
– Perform all tuning steps in the order presented.
– Never try to mask a fault by tuning it out!
Required Equipment
– PC/AT computer with the Service software; see Sect. 5 for intructions on
installation and use.
– M2BUS adapter DAU–2 and other service accessories; see equipment set-
up pictures.
– Audio analyzer
– Spectrum analyzer
– RF power meter, power measurement sensitivity –10 dBm.
– Modulation analyzer with precise frequency measurement.
– RF generator
– Device to provide specified testmodulation to modulate RF generator.
– DMR tester
– Multimeter or DVM.
Technical Documentation
Copyright Nokia Mobile Phones
– Attenuator and branching unit.
– Power supply 1, nom. voltage 12 V.
– Power supply 2, nom. voltage 6 V. This is needed only in that case, if you
want to connect the dummy battery direct to the to power supply.
Accuracy of the Equipment During Measurement
– Power supply 1; nominal voltage 12 ±0.5 V current cap. min. 1.5 A for ser-
vice box (JBS–7). If you test or tune also the RF booster BSH–4, you need
power supply, which has 5 A output capacity.
– Power supply 2 ;nominal voltage 6.0 ±0.1 V, current cap. min. 1.5 A.
– Mod. analyzer power level resolution 0.1 dB, accuracy ±0.5 dB. Frequency
counter accuracy 0.1 ppm 〈±80 Hz).
– RF generator; frequency res. 10 Hz amplitude res. 0.1 dB frequency stab.
±0.25 ppm.
– Spectrum analyzer; dynamic range 70 dB, accuracy ±1 dB (For power level
measurement accuracy ±0.5 dB).
Equipment Setup
Caution:Make sure that you have switched off the PC and the printer before
making connections !
Caution:Do not connect the PKD–1 key to the serial port. You may damage
your PKD–1 !
Attach the protection key PKD–1 to parallel port one (25–pin female D–connector) of the PC. When connecting the PKD–1 to the parallel port be sure that you
insert the PC end of the PKD–1 to the PC (male side). If you use a printer on
parallel port one, place the PKD–1 between the PC and your printer cable.
Next connect the M2BUS adapter to the serial port (RS–232) of the computer.
In case you are using a 9–pin serial port (normal with an AT set) use the mating
adapter supplied with the M2BUS adapter.
Attach one end of the XCM–1 modular cable to the DAU–2 PC/M2BUS adapter
and the other end to the JBS–7 service box. Use suitable adapter, SCS–1 service cable when the covers of the phone are in place, JBS–8 test frame with the
phone covers off, and attach it to the phone. Then connect it to the service box.
Technical Documentation
Copyright Nokia Mobile Phones
Technical Documentation
Copyright Nokia Mobile Phones
Equipment Setup for Tuning a Phone without Removing Covers