Forced Induction Racing
VQ35DE Install Kit Instructions
2002+ Nissan SE-R Spec-V (W/6spd)
Revised Date: 2/16/06
Thank you for purchasing our VQ35DE install kit. We have spent
numerous hours, designing, and perfecting this kit, over the past 8
months. The end result, is a user-friendly, easy to work with kit, that
will allow you to “bolt-in” a VQ35DE engine and 6 speed
Recommended Tools:
Metric/Standard socket sets (3/8 and 1/2)
Torque wrench and Pry-Bar
Metric/Standard wrenches
Jack and jack stands
Eye/Ear and Respiratory protection
Disc Grinder and extension cord
Engine hoist and chain

This kit was design with simplicity in mind. Installing the VQ drive-
train will be fairly straight-forward. However, it will require moderate
automotive knowledge, and the right tools to complete the job. If your
are unsure about the installation, PLEASE, bring your vehicle to a
qualified automotive shop to complete your installation. The hardest
aspect of this installation, is the wiring of the ECU (Engine Control
Unit) harness and sub-harness. Diagrams can be supplied upon
request, which will help you to complete this task. However, the
wiring aspect of this swap is fairly complicated, and should be left to a
very experienced automotive technician. Again, if you are unsure,
PLEASE, ask for help, or have someone who is qualified, do the work
for you. Forced Induction Racing and it’s associates will NOT be held
liable for any damages or injury from the use or misuse of this
product. You are responsible for making your vehicle emissioncompliant. This kit is sold as a off-road kit. It is up to you to bring
your vehicle up to compliance with state/federal laws. Now, on to the
fun part. ☺
At this time, please take the time to go through your parts, and verify
that you have all of the following pieces:
(1) Rear VQ35DE steel mount bracket
(1) Front VQ35DE steel mount bracket
(1) Front QR to VQ stainless mount adaptor
(1) Aluminum VQ35DE passenger side mount bracket
(1) Passenger side QR to VQ stainless mount adaptor
(1) VQ35DE cast iron axle bracket (bearing carrier)
(1) Stainless VQ35DE axle bracket adaptor
(3) “C-shaped” washers (for axle spacing)
(1) Plastic bag of washers (for shimming passenger mount)
(10) M10 x 1.50 bolts (30mm long) and washers
(1) M10 x 1.50 bolt (45mm long) and washer
(1) 3/8” bolt (1.5” long) 2 washers/1 lock nut
(1) 3/8” bolt (2.5” long) 2 washers/1 lock nut
(1) 3/8” bolt (3” long) 1 washer/1 lock nut

(1) 1/2” bolt (6” long) 2 washers/1 lock nut
(2) 1/2” bolts (5” long) 4 washers/1 lock nut
(1) M10 x 1.75 lock nut and 1 washer
If you have purchased a full kit with the VQ35DE bell-housing, please
take the time to make sure the following is installed:
(1) Throw out bearing pivot ball
(1) Input shaft seal
(1) Passenger side axle seal

Once you have verified the contents of your kit, it’s time to move on to
the installation.
We will begin, with the assumption that you have removed your
QR25DE and transmission. We will also assume that you have
swapped over your bell-housing on your transmission, or, you have
purchased a 6 speed Maxima transmission. If you are attempting to
swap the bell-housing yourself, then you should be familiar with the

Factory Service Manual. If you need the manual for this particular
application, it will be saved in a separate folder on this installation
CD. Here is a picture, showing the difference between the QR and
VQ 6 speed bell-housings:
The VQ bell-housing is shown on the left side, with the QR internals
already installed. The old QR bell-housing is shown on the right. It is
important to check clearances and re-shim the main/input shaft and
gear stacks if necessary. As stated, please use the Factory Service
Manual, if you are have the knowledge/tools to perform this part of
the swap. If you do not, then please consult a local transmission
specialist to take care of this part of your swap.
Once you have your transmission squared away, it’s time to move on
to mounting the transmission to the engine. If your engine was mated
to an automatic transmission, you will need to source a VQ35DE
2002+ 6 speed flywheel and clutch. I recommend using a Jim Wolf
Technology aluminum flywheel, teamed with their 250mm/900Kg
clutch setup. This will yield a stock-like feel, as far as pedal pressure
and feedback are concerned. This combination is good for 450-500
wheel horsepower. Also, make sure to purchase new flywheel bolts
for a 6 speed flywheel. The automatic flex-plate bolts are too short to
be used with a manual transmission flywheel. You should torque
the flywheel bolts to 80ft lbs, and use a few dabs of Red LocTite. You should torque the pressure plate bolts to 20-22ft lbs,
and use a dab of Red Loc-Tite on those as well. I recommend the

use of a high quality clutch alignment tool. This will make the next
step a lot easier.
Grab a buddy, and have him/her help you lift the transmission up a
few inches. Slide the input shaft into the clutch disc splines. The
transmission should slide onto the two dowel pins that line it up
perfectly with the engine block. Thread in the 17mm and 14mm bolts.
If your engine did not come with the bolts, you will need to order them
from Nissan. Torque the 17mm bolts to 45ft lbs. Torque the
14mm bolts to 35ft lbs. You should go ahead and install your starter
at this time. Also, install your speedometer sensor and other misc.
sensors that you should have with your wiring.
Next, it’s time to move on to the engine mount brackets/adaptors.
Let’s start with the rear engine mount bracket:
A. Torque to 35-40ft lbs (back side of block)
B. Torque to 55ft lbs (goes through rear mount on cross-member
to be torqued down later)
Once you have the rear mount torqued down to the block, you can
install the passenger-side axle bracket and adaptor. The bracket and
adaptor will come loosely assembled as pictured: