Nihon Kohden BSM-6000 User manual

Operator’s Manual
Bedside Monitor
BSM-6000 series BSM-6301A BSM-6301K BSM-6501A BSM-6501K BSM-6701A BSM-6701K
If you have any comments or suggestions on this manual, please contact us at:
Copyright Notice
may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded,
or otherwise) without the prior written permission of Nihon Kohden.
The mark printed on the SD card that is used in this instrument is a trademark. The company name and model name are
trademarks and registered trademarks of each company.
About this Manual ....................................................... 1
Related Documentation .............................................. 1
Intended Purpose ....................................................... 2
Precautions ................................................................. 4
General Handling Precautions .............................. 4
EMC Related Caution ............................................ 4
Other Caution ........................................................ 6
Responsibility of the Manufacturer ............................. 6
Conventions Used in this Manual and Instrument ...... 7
Warnings, Cautions and Notes .............................. 7
Text Conventions in this Manual ............................ 7
Explanations of the Symbols in this Manual and
Instrument ............................................................. 8
General Safety Information ....................................... 11
Panel Description ..................................................... 13
MU-631R Main Unit ............................................. 13
MU-651R/MU-671R Main Unit ............................ 15
AY-661P/AY-663P/AY-671P/AY-673P Input Unit ... 17
AA-672P/AA-674P Smart Expansion Unit ........... 19
Installation ................................................................ 21
General ................................................................ 21
Grounding the Monitor .................................... 22
Environment for External Instruments ............ 22
Warnings and Cautions for Connecting the
Monitor to a Network ...................................... 23
Inserting and Removing the Battery Packs ......... 24
Inserting the Battery Pack .............................. 24
Removing the Battery Pack ............................ 25
Inserting and Removing the Input Unit ................ 26
Inserting the Input Unit ................................... 26
Removing the Input Unit ................................. 26
Loading Recording Paper .................................... 27
Turning the Monitor On or Off ................................... 28
Turning the Monitor On ........................................ 28
Check Before Turning On the Power .............. 28
Check After Turning On the Power and
During Monitoring ........................................... 29
Power and Battery Status Indications............. 30
Battery Pack Handling and Operation ............ 31
Charging the Battery Pack ............................. 33
Monitor Status on Power Interruption .................. 34
Turning the Monitor Off ........................................ 34
Check After or Before Turning the Power Off .. 34
Basic Operation ........................................................ 35
Using the Hard Keys on the Bedside Monitor
and Touch Screen ................................................ 35
Using the Remote Control ................................... 35
Using the Mouse ................................................. 35
Home Screen Description......................................... 36
Settings for the Home Screen ............................. 37
Trendgraph on the Home Screen (Current
Trendgraph) ......................................................... 38
OCRG ............................................................. 38
Freezing Waveforms ............................................ 38
Using Sleep Mode ............................................... 38
MENU Window Description ...................................... 39
Changing Settings .................................................... 40
Administrator Settings ......................................... 40
Changing Parameter Settings and Other
Settings ............................................................... 40
Changing Settings .......................................... 40
Changing Settings on the VOLUME
Window ........................................................... 41
Admitting a Patient/Discharging a Patient (Deleting
Data) ......................................................................... 42
Admitting a Patient .............................................. 43
Discharging a Patient (Deleting Data) ................. 44
Transport .................................................................. 45
Warnings and Cautions for Transport ............. 45
Alarms ...................................................................... 47
Alarm Types and Levels ....................................... 47
Alarm Control Marks............................................ 48
Flow of Alarm Function ........................................ 49
Silencing/Suspending Alarms .............................. 50
Silencing Alarms ............................................ 50
Suspending Alarms ........................................ 50
Canceling Technical Alarms ................................ 53
Alarm Sound Volume ........................................... 53
Alarm Recording .................................................. 53
Alarm Setting ....................................................... 53
Changing Vital Sign Upper/Lower Alarm
Limits .............................................................. 55
Changing the Arrhythmia Alarm Settings ....... 57
Interbed Alarm ..................................................... 58
Review Windows....................................................... 59
General ................................................................ 59
Event Bar ........................................................ 60
TREND Window .................................................. 61
GRAPH 1, GRAPH 2, GRAPH 3 Page ........... 61
TABLE 1, TABLE 2, TABLE 3 Page ................. 62
NIBP TREND Page ........................................ 63
Operator’s Manual BSM-6000 C.1
C.2 Operator’s Manual BSM-6000
HEMO Page ................................................... 64
Registering the Acquired Data to the
Hemodynamics Table Window ........................ 64
LUNG TREND Page ....................................... 65
RECALL Window ................................................. 66
ARRHYTH HISTORY Page ............................ 66
ALARM HISTORY Window .................................. 67
ALARM HISTORY Page ................................. 67
FULL DISC Window ............................................ 68
FULL DISC Page ............................................ 68
ST Window .......................................................... 70
ST INTERVAL Page ....................................... 70
OCRG Window .................................................... 71
12 LEAD/12 LEAD ANALYSIS Windows .................. 72
General ................................................................ 72
Performing 12 Lead ECG Interpretation ......... 72
12 LEAD Window ................................................ 74
Viewing the 12 Lead Analysis Result ............. 74
DRUG/LUNG FUNCTION Windows ......................... 76
DRUG Window .................................................... 76
LUNG FUNCTION Window ................................. 78
Recording ................................................................. 80
Recording Modes ................................................ 80
When More than One Recording Modes is
Triggered ........................................................ 80
Changing Recording Settings .............................. 80
Selecting Recording Waveforms .................... 81
Changing Recording Speed ........................... 81
Selecting Recording Interval for Periodic
Recording ....................................................... 81
Turning Alarm Recording On or Off ................ 81
INTERBED Window .................................................. 82
Registering/Removing Interbed Beds .................. 82
Displaying the Interbed Bed Data ........................ 83
Interbed Alarm ..................................................... 84
Settings Related to Interbed Alarm ................ 84
Monitoring Parameters ............................................. 85
ECG ..................................................................... 85
Preparation ..................................................... 85
Monitoring Arrhythmia .................................... 88
Changing ECG Settings ................................. 90
Respiration .......................................................... 97
Preparation ..................................................... 97
Changing Respiration Settings ....................... 98
CO2 .................................................................... 100
Preparation ................................................... 101
Changing CO2 Settings ................................ 104
Inspection of Measuring Accuracy ............... 106
SpO2 with Nihon Kohden Probes (AY-660P/
AY-661P/AY-663P/AY-671P/AY-673P) ................ 107
Silencing SpO2 Alarm ................................... 108
Preparation ................................................... 108
Changing SpO2 Settings ............................... 110
SpO2 with Nellcor Probes (AY-651P/AY-653P) ... 114
Silencing SpO2 Alarm ................................... 115
Preparation ................................................... 115
Changing SpO2 Settings ............................... 117
SpO2 with Masimo Probes (AY-631P/AY-633P) .. 120
Silencing SpO2 Alarm ................................... 121
Preparation ................................................... 121
Changing SpO2 Settings ............................... 124
NIBP .................................................................. 128
Preparation ................................................... 128
Changing NIBP Settings ............................... 130
Starting and Stopping NIBP Measurement .. 132
IBP ..................................................................... 136
Preparation ................................................... 136
Connecting Cables to the Unit ...................... 136
Assembling the Transducer .......................... 137
Adjusting Zero Balance ................................ 138
The CHECK ZERO Page ............................. 139
Changing IBP Settings ................................. 139
Temperature ...................................................... 144
Preparation ................................................... 144
Using the Insulation Pad .............................. 145
Changing Temperature Settings ................... 145
BIS ..................................................................... 147
Preparation ................................................... 147
Changing the BIS Settings ........................... 150
Cardiac Output .................................................. 153
Preparation ................................................... 153
Measuring the Pulmonary Capillary Wedge
Pressure ....................................................... 154
Measuring Cardiac Output ........................... 155
Deleting the Data from the CO Table ........... 158
Adding the Acquired Data to the HEMO
Page of the TREND Window ........................ 159
GAS ................................................................... 160
Preparation ................................................... 160
Changing Gas Settings ................................ 160
Inspection of Measuring Accuracy ............... 164
O2 ...................................................................... 165
Preparation ................................................... 165
Changing O2 Settings ................................... 166
Other Parameters .............................................. 167
Screen Messages ................................................... 169
Troubleshooting ...................................................... 185
Monitoring .......................................................... 185
Network ............................................................. 185
Transport ........................................................... 186
Remote Control ................................................. 187
Recording .......................................................... 187
Printing .............................................................. 187
ECG ................................................................... 188
Respiration ........................................................ 189
Impedance Method ....................................... 189
Thermistor Method ....................................... 189
CO2 ................................................................... 190
Mainstream Method ...................................... 190
Sidestream Method ...................................... 190
When Using Microcap® Monitor .................... 191
SpO2 ................................................................. 191
When Using Nellcor/Masimo Pulse
Oximeter ....................................................... 192
NIBP .................................................................. 192
IBP ..................................................................... 193
Temperature ...................................................... 193
BIS ..................................................................... 193
When Using BIS Processor/BISx ................. 193
When Using BIS Monitor .............................. 193
Cardiac Output .................................................. 194
GAS ................................................................... 194
When Using AG-920R Multigas Unit ............ 194
When Using GF-110PA Multigas Unit or
GF-120PA Multigas/Flow Unit ...................... 195
When Using GF-210R Multigas Unit or
GF-220R Multigas/Flow Unit ........................ 196
When Using Dräger Medical Primus/
Fabius® Anesthesia Workstation ................... 197
O2 ..................................................................... 197
Ventilation .......................................................... 197
TOF ................................................................... 198
CCO .................................................................. 198
When Using Vigilance Monitor ..................... 198
When Using PiCCO Monitor ......................... 198
CCO/SvO2 ........................................................ 199
FLOW/Paw ........................................................ 199
When Using GF-110PA Multigas/Flow Unit .. 199
When Using GF-220R Multigas/Flow Unit .... 199
EEG ................................................................... 200
tcPO2/tcPCO2 .................................................... 201
Transmitter ......................................................... 201
12 Lead ECG ..................................................... 201
Maintenance ........................................................... 202
MU-631R, MU-651R and MU-671R Main Unit .. 202
Cleaning and Disinfecting the Main Unit ...... 202
Cleaning the Touch Screen .......................... 203
Disposing of the Main Unit ........................... 204
WS-671P Recorder Module .............................. 204
Cleaning the Thermal Head ......................... 204
Cleaning the Sensors ................................... 204
Disposing of the Recorder Module ............... 204
AY Series Input Unit and AA-672P/AA-674P
Smart Expansion Unit........................................ 205
Cleaning and Disinfecting the Units ............. 205
Disposing of the Units .................................. 205
SB-671P Battery Pack ....................................... 205
Battery Lifetime ............................................ 205
Replacing the Batteries ................................ 205
Disposing of Batteries .................................. 205
RY-910P Remote Controller .............................. 205
Cleaning and Disinfecting the Remote
Controller ...................................................... 205
Disposing of the Remote Controller ............. 205
Replacing the Batteries ................................ 205
Disposing of Batteries .................................. 205
QF series Interface and IF series
Communication Cable ....................................... 205
Cleaning and Disinfecting the Interface and
Communication Cable .................................. 205
Disposing of the Interface and
Communication Cable .................................. 205
Leads, Cables and Cords .................................. 206
Cleaning the Leads, Cables and Cords ........ 206
Disinfecting the Leads, Cables and Cords ... 206
Disposing of Leads, Cables and Cords ........ 206
Electrodes, Probes, Cuffs, Thermistors,
Transducers, Catheters and Other
Consumables..................................................... 206
Yearly Inspection ............................................... 206
Safety Information for Maintenance on
Optional Units .................................................... 207
AG-920R, GF-110PA or GF-210R Multigas
Unit and GF-120PA or GF-220R Multigas/
Flow Unit ...................................................... 207
AG-400R CO2 Unit ....................................... 207
AE-918P Neuro Unit ..................................... 208
Specifications ......................................................... 209
Measuring Parameters ................................. 209
Influence on Measuring Accuracy by
Discharge ..................................................... 209
Display .......................................................... 209
Alarm ............................................................ 210
Alarm Delay Time ......................................... 211
ECG ............................................................. 211
Operator’s Manual BSM-6000 C.3
C.4 Operator’s Manual BSM-6000
Respiration (Transthoracic impedance
pneumography) ............................................ 214
SpO2 ............................................................ 214
Non Invasive Blood Pressure, NIBP ............. 217
Multi Socket .................................................. 218
Invasive Blood Pressure, IBP ....................... 218
Temperature ................................................. 219
Carbon Dioxide, CO2 (Mainstream
method) ....................................................... 219
Inspired Oxygen Fractional Concentration,
O2 ................................................................. 220
Cardiac Output, CO ...................................... 220
Respiration (Thermistor method).................. 221
Bispectral Index, BIS .................................... 221
ECG/BP Output ............................................ 221
RGB Socket (when QI-631P or QI-671P is
connected) .................................................... 222
RS-232C Socket (when QI-631P or
QI-671P is connected) .................................. 222
Alarm Socket (when QI-632P or QI-671P
is connected) ................................................ 222
When WS-671P Recorder Module is
Connected .................................................... 222
When ZS-900P Transmitter is Connected .... 223
Gas ............................................................... 223
Carbon Dioxide, CO2 (Sidestream method) .. 226
FLOW/Paw ................................................... 226
EEG .............................................................. 227
Battery (SB-671P Battery Pack) ................... 228
Power Requirement ...................................... 228
Clock Accuracy ............................................. 228
Environment ................................................. 228
Mechanical Strength ..................................... 229
Electromagnetic Compatibility ...................... 229
Safety Standard ............................................ 229
Dimensions and Weight (approximate)......... 230
Electromagnetic Emissions .......................... 231
Electromagnetic Immunity ............................ 232
Recommended Separation Distances
between Portable and Mobile RF
Communications Equipment ........................ 234
System Composition for EMC Test ............... 235
Factory Default Settings ......................................... 236
Event Bar ........................................................... 236
TREND Window ................................................ 237
RECALL Window ............................................... 240
FULL DISC Window .......................................... 240
ST Window ........................................................ 240
OCRG Window .................................................. 241
ADMIT Window .................................................. 241
ALARM LIMITS Window .................................... 242
Vital Signs Alarms ........................................ 242
Arrhythmia Alarms ........................................ 245
DATE Window .................................................... 245
VOLUME Window .............................................. 246
DISPLAY Window .............................................. 246
RECORD Window ............................................. 246
ECG Window ..................................................... 247
RESP/CO2 Window ........................................... 248
SpO2 Window .................................................... 248
NIBP Window .................................................... 249
PRESS Window ................................................. 250
TEMP Window ................................................... 251
BIS Window ....................................................... 251
CO Window ....................................................... 251
GAS Window ..................................................... 252
O2 Window ......................................................... 252
VENT Window ................................................... 252
CCO Window ..................................................... 253
FLOW/Paw Window ........................................... 253
EEG Window ..................................................... 254
12 LEAD ANALYSIS Window ............................ 255
DRUG Window .................................................. 255
LUNG FUNCTION Window ............................... 257
INTERBED Window ........................................... 257
Standard Accessories ............................................ 258
MU-631RA/MU-651RA/MU-671RA Main Unit ... 258
MU-631RK/MU-651RK/MU-671RK Main Unit ... 258
Options/Consumables ............................................ 259
Accessory Set ................................................... 259
MU-631RA/MU-651RA/MU-671RA Main Unit ... 260
MU-631RK/MU-651RK/MU-671RK Main Unit ... 260
WS-671P Recorder Module .............................. 261
Units and Modules ............................................. 261
Network ............................................................. 261
Interfaces for Connecting External
Instruments ........................................................ 262
Cart and Attaching Parts ................................... 263
For ECG and Respiration (Impedance Method)
Monitoring .......................................................... 263
For Respiration Monitoring (Thermistor
Method) ............................................................. 264
For CO2 Monitoring (Mainstream Method) ......... 264
For SpO2 Monitoring .......................................... 265
For NIBP Monitoring .......................................... 266
For IBP Monitoring............................................. 267
For Temperature Monitoring .............................. 268
For BIS Monitoring (Using the BIS Processor/
BISx) .................................................................. 268
For CO Monitoring ............................................. 268
For O2 Monitoring .............................................. 269
For CO2 Sidestream Monitoring ......................... 269
For BIS Monitoring (Using the BIS Monitor) ...... 269
For Anesthetic Agent Monitoring ....................... 269
For FLOW/Paw Monitoring ................................ 269
For EEG Monitoring ........................................... 269
General Requirements for Connecting Medical
Electrical Systems ...................................................... 270
Operator’s Manual BSM-6000 C.5
About this Manual
This Operator’s Manual describes the most common features and functions of the BSM-6301A/K, BSM-
6501A/K and BSM-6701A/K bedside monitors.

Related Documentation

The BSM-6301A/K, BSM-6501A/K and BSM-6701A/K Bedside Monitors come with the following
manuals in addition to the Operator’s Manual.
Administrator’s Guide
Describes how to install the bedside monitor. It also explains about the password protected settings on the
SYSTEM SETUP window and SYSTEM CONFIGURATION screen which only an administrator can
User’s Guide, Part I
Gives supplemental information on the operation of the bedside monitor.
User’s Guide, Part II
Describes the features and settings of the monitoring parameters.
Service Manual
Describes information on servicing the bedside monitor. Only qualied service personnel can service the
bedside monitor.
Operator’s Manual BSM-6000 1

Intended Purpose

The Life Scope TR BSM-6301A/K, BSM-6501A/K and BSM-6701A/K bedside monitors are for one
patient. The BSM-6301A/K bedside monitors have a 10.4 inch TFT color display, BSM-6501A/K have a
12.1 inch TFT color display, and BSM-6701A/K have a 15 inch TFT color display. All the monitors can
display 15 waveforms on the screen.
The bedside monitors are to be installed near the patient. With the basic conguration of the system, ECG,
respiration in impedance or thermistor method, SpO2, NIBP, IBP, temperature, CO2 and O2 of all hospital
patients can be monitored and alarms are generated.* The monitor is designed so the operator can directly
touch the screen from the operator position. The basic conguration of the system is the following units.
This manual is based on this conguration.
* Essential performance in EMC standard.
Do not use the same monitor for more than one
patient at the same time. Do not connect different
sensors from different patients to the same
• MU-631RA/RK, MU-651RA/RK, MU-671RA/RK main unit
• QI-631P, QI-632P, QI-634P, QI-671P, QI-672P interface
• AY series input unit
Input Unit Model AY-631P AY-633P AY-651P AY-653P AY-660P*
No. of MULTI sockets 1 3 1 3 1 1 3
Available parameters using MULTI sockets
No. of TEMP sockets 2 1 2
ECG measurement using 10 electrodes
12 lead analysis Yes No Yes
SpO2 probe Masimo Nellcor Nihon Kohden
Dual SpO
NIBP PWTT measurement
Smart expansion unit
Analog ECG
Analog BP
HT output
*1 AY-660P, AY-661P and AY-663P input units are not available for BSM-6000A series. *2 IF-925P communication cable is required. *3 IF-919P communication cable is required. *4 Dual SpO2 is available when the MULTI socket on the JA-694PA data acquisition unit is used. *5 JL-500P1 or JL-500P2 SpO2 adapter is required.
RESP (Thermistor), CO2, SpO2, IBP, TEMP, BIS, CO, O
Do not diagnose a patient based only on data
acquired by the bedside monitor. Overall
judgement must be performed by a physician who
understands the features, limitations and
characteristics of the bedside monitor and by
reading the biomedical signals acquired by other
Yes No Yes
No Yes
Yes No Yes
RESP (Thermistor), CO2, SpO2, IBP, TEMP, BIS, CO, O
• AA-672P/AA-674P smart expansion unit
• WS-671P recorder module
• SB-671P battery pack
2 Operator’s Manual BSM-6000
For simplicity, the model number sufx A/G/K is omitted in this manual.
• This monitor must be used by qualified medical personnel with a full knowledge of operating
this monitor.
• Upgrade the main unit and each optional unit to the Nihon Kohden recommended software
version. Only use the specified configuration of units. If more than one BSM-6000 series
bedside monitor is used in the same facility, make sure the bedside monitors have the same
software version. If BSM-6000 series monitors with different software versions are used
together, correct system operation cannot be guaranteed.
• Only use Nihon Kohden parts and accessories to assure maximum performance from your
Operator’s Manual BSM-6000 3


General Handling Precautions

• This device is intended for use only by qualied medical personnel.This device is intended for use only by qualied medical personnel.
• Only use Nihon Kohden approved products with this device. Use of non-approved products or in aOnly use Nihon Kohden approved products with this device. Use of non-approved products or in a
non-approved manner may affect the performance specications of the device. This includes, but is not
limited to, batteries, recording paper, extension cables, electrode leads, input units and AC power.
• This device must receive expert, professional attention for maintenance and repairs. When the device isThis device must receive expert, professional attention for maintenance and repairs. When the device is
not functioning properly, it should be clearly marked to avoid operation while it is out of order.
• This device must not be altered or modied in any way.This device must not be altered or modied in any way.

EMC Related Caution

This equipment and/or system complies with IEC 60601-1-2 International Standard for
electromagnetic compatibility for medical electrical equipment and/or system. However,
an electromagnetic environment that exceeds the limits or levels stipulated in IEC
60601-1-2, can cause harmful interference to the equipment and/or system or cause the
equipment and/or system to fail to perform its intended function or degrade its intended
performance. Therefore, during the operation of the equipment and/or system, if there
is any undesired deviation from its intended operational performance, you must avoid,
identify and resolve the adverse electromagnetic effect before continuing to use the
equipment and/or system.
The following describes some common interference sources and remedial actions:
1. Strong electromagnetic interference from a nearby emitter source such as an
authorized radio station or cellular phone:
Install the equipment and/or system at another location. Keep the emitter source such
as cellular phone away from the equipment and/or system, or turn off the cellular
2. Radio-frequency interference from other equipment through the AC power supply of
the equipment and/or system:
Identify the cause of this interference and if possible remove this interference source.
If this is not possible, use a different power supply.
3. Effect of direct or indirect electrostatic discharge:
Make sure all users and patients in contact with the equipment and/or system are free
from direct or indirect electrostatic energy before using it. A humid room can help
lessen this problem.
4. Electromagnetic interference with any radio wave receiver such as radio or television:
If the equipment and/or system interferes with any radio wave receiver, locate the
equipment and/or system as far as possible from the radio wave receiver.
5. Interference of lightning:
When lightning occurs near the location where the equipment and/or system is
installed, it may induce an excessive voltage in the equipment and/or system. In such
a case, disconnect the AC power cord from the equipment and/or system and operate
4 Operator’s Manual BSM-6000
the equipment and/or system by battery power, or use an uninterruptible power
6. Use with other equipment:
When the equipment and/or system is adjacent to or stacked with other equipment,
the equipment and/or system may affect the other equipment. Before use, check that
the equipment and/or system operates normally with the other equipment.
7. Use of unspecified accessory, transducer and/or cable:
When an unspecified accessory, transducer and/or cable is connected to this
equipment and/or system, it may cause increased electromagnetic emission
or decreased electromagnetic immunity. The specified configuration of this
equipment and/or system complies with the electromagnetic requirements with the
specified configuration. Only use this equipment and/or system with the specified
8. Use of unspecified configuration:
When the equipment and/or system is used with the unspecified system
configuration different than the configuration of EMC testing, it may cause increased
electromagnetic emission or decreased electromagnetic immunity. Only use this
equipment and/or system with the specified configuration.
9. Measurement with excessive sensitivity:
The equipment and/or system is designed to measure bioelectrical signals with
a specified sensitivity. If the equipment and/or system is used with excessive
sensitivity, artifact may appear by electromagnetic interference and this may
cause mis-diagnosis. When unexpected artifact appears, inspect the surrounding
electromagnetic conditions and remove this artifact source.
If the above suggested remedial actions do not solve the problem, consult your Nihon
Kohden representative for additional suggestions.
The CE mark is a protected conformity mark of the European Community. Products with
the CE mark comply with the requirements of the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC.
BSM-6301 and BSM-6501 (JA-690PA/JA-694PA data acquisition unit, QE-910P BIS
processor and QI-320PA wireless LAN station are not connected) comply with
International Standard IEC 60601-1-2: 2001 and Amendment 1: 2004 which requires
CISPR11, Group 1, Class B. Class B EQUIPMENT is equipment suitable for use in
domestic establishments and in establishments directly connected to a low voltage
power supply network which supplies buildings used for domestic purposes.
BSM-6301, BSM-6501 (JA-690PA/JA-694PA data acquisition unit, QE-910P BIS processor
and QI-320PA wireless LAN station are connected) and BSM-6701 comply with
International Standard IEC 60601-1-2: 2001 and Amendment 1: 2004 which requires
CISPR11, Group 1, Class A. Class A EQUIPMENT is equipment suitable for use in
industrial or light industrial establishments and commercial environment.
BSM-6301 and BSM-6501 (when QE-910P and ZS-900P are connected) are CLASS A
Operator’s Manual BSM-6000 5
equipment if the equipment complies with IEC 60601-1-2: 2001 36 201.1.5 in the countries
which do not have national wireless rule.
In IEC 60601-1-2 Medical Electronic Equipment, Part 1: General Requirements for Safety,
2. Collateral Standard: Electromagnetic compatibility-Requirements and test. Section 36.
202. 2 Radiated radio-frequency electromagnetic fields, PATIENT COUPLED EQUIPMENT
and/or SYSTEMS applicable IMMUNITY test methods are under consideration at SC62A/
WG13. The 3 V/m IMMUNITY level may be inappropriate especially when measuring
SpO2 because physiological signals can be much smaller than those induced by a 3 V/m
electromagnetic field.
When measuring SpO2, various interference may produce false waveforms which look
like pulse waveforms. SpO2 value and pulse rate may be measured from these false
waveforms, causing the alarm to function improperly.
When installing the monitor, avoid locations where the monitor may receive strong
electromagnetic interference such as radio or TV stations, cellular phone or mobile two-
way radios.

Other Caution

United States law restricts this product to sale by or on the order of a physician.

Responsibility of the Manufacturer

Nihon Kohden Corporation (NKC) shall warrant its products against all defects in materials and
workmanship for one year from the date of delivery. However, consumable materials such as recording
paper, ink, stylus and battery are excluded from the warranty.
NKC or its authorized agents will repair or replace any products which prove to be defective during the
warranty period, provided these products are used as prescribed by the operating instructions given in the
user’s guide, operator’s and service manuals.
This warranty does not apply to products that have been modied, disassembled, reinstalled or repaired
without Nihon Kohden approval or which have been subjected to neglect or accident, damage due to
accident, re, lightning, vandalism, water or other casualty, improper installation or application, or on
which the original identication marks have been removed.
6 Operator’s Manual BSM-6000

Conventions Used in this Manual and Instrument

Warnings, Cautions and Notes

Warnings, cautions and notes are used in this manual to alert or signal the reader to specic information.
A warning alerts the user to possible injury or death associated with the use or misuse of
the instrument.
A caution alerts the user to possible injury or problems with the instrument associated with
its use or misuse such as instrument malfunction, instrument failure, damage to the
instrument, or damage to other property.
NOTE: A note provides specific information, in the form of recommendations, prerequirements,
alternative methods or supplemental information.

Text Conventions in this Manual

• Names of hard keys on the bedside monitor are enclosed in square brackets: [Menu]
• Messages that are displayed on the screen are enclosed in quotation marks: “CHECK ELECTRODES”
• Names of items that are displayed on the screen are enclosed in angle brackets: <SENSITIVITY>
Operator’s Manual BSM-6000 7

Explanations of the Symbols in this Manual and Instrument

MU-631R/MU-651R/MU-671R Main Unit
Symbol Description Symbol Description
“On” only for a part of instrument Network socket
“Off” only for a part of instrument Output terminal
Alternating current Equipotential terminal
Battery charging Attention, consult operator’s manual
Out of paper Serial number
Record Date of manufacture
Alarm silence BIS processor/BISx
Attention, consult operator’s manual Battery slot 1/Battery slot 2 (MU-631R only)
NIBP interval CSA mark*
NIBP start MR unsafe*
NIBP stop
Data input/output
SD card slot
* The CSA mark and MR unsafe mark only apply to the MU-631RA/MU-651RA/MU-671RA. ** The CE mark and WEEE mark only apply to the MU-631RK/MU-651RK/MU-671RK.
AY Series Input Unit
Symbol Description Symbol Description
ZS socket
The CE mark** is a protected conformity mark of the European Community. Products marked with this symbol comply with the requirements of the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC.
Products marked with this symbol** comply with the European WEEE directive 2002/96/EEC and require separate waste collection. For Nihon Kohden products marked with this symbol, contact your Nihon Kohden representative for disposal.
Debrillation-proof type CF applied part Serial number
Output terminal Date of manufacture
The CE mark is a protected conformity mark of the European Community. Products marked with this symbol comply with the requirements of the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC.
8 Operator’s Manual BSM-6000
Attention, consult operator’s manual
AA-672P/AA-674P Smart Expansion Unit
Symbol Description Symbol Description
Debrillation-proof type CF applied part Date of manufacture
Attention, consult operator’s manual
Serial number
QI-631P Interface
Symbol Description Symbol Description
Serial interface (RS-232C socket) Attention, consult operator’s manual
External display (RGB socket)
QI-632P Interface
Symbol Description Symbol Description
Input/output terminal (USB socket and Multi-link socket)
Output terminal (Alarm socket)
The CE mark is a protected conformity mark of the European Community. Products marked with this symbol comply with the requirements of the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC.
Attention, consult operator’s manual
QI-634P Interface
Symbol Description Symbol Description
Input/output terminal (USB socket and Multi-link socket)
QI-671P Interface
Symbol Description Symbol Description
Input/output terminal (Multi-link socket) External display (RGB socket)
Serial interface (RS-232C socket) Attention, consult operator’s manual
Output terminal (Alarm socket)
QI-672P Interface
Symbol Description Symbol Description
Input/output terminal (USB socket and Multi-link socket)
Attention, consult operator’s manual
Attention, consult operator’s manual
Operator’s Manual BSM-6000 9
WS-671P Recorder Module
Symbol Description Symbol Description
Attention, consult operator’s manual
Serial number
The CE mark is a protected conformity mark of the European Community. Products marked with this symbol comply with the requirements of the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC.
Date of manufacture
SB-671P Battery Pack
Symbol Description Symbol Description
Recycle mark Environmental protection use period: 10 years
Products marked with this symbol comply with The CE mark is a protected conformity mark of the European Community. Products marked with this symbol comply with the requirements of the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC.
the European WEEE directive 2002/96/EEC
and require separate waste collection. For Nihon
Kohden products marked with this symbol,
contact your Nihon Kohden representative for
On screen
Symbol Description Symbol Description
Alarm silence Accessing to SD card
Alarm suspended Checking SD card
All alarms off or vital sign alarm limit off SD card failure
Non-paced Adjust setting/Scroll data
QRS/pulse sync mark Zoom in/Zoom out
Respiration sync mark Left end/Right end
Battery status
Touch panel calibration
10 Operator’s Manual BSM-6000

General Safety Information

Never use the monitor in the presence of any
flammable anesthetic gas or high concentration
oxygen atmosphere. Failure to follow this warning
may cause explosion or fire.
When the monitor is used with an electrosurgical
unit (ESU), firmly attach the entire area of the ESU
return plate. Otherwise, the current from the ESU
flows into the electrodes of the monitor, causing
electrical burn where the electrodes are attached.
For details, refer to the ESU manual.
Before defibrillation, all persons must keep clear of
the bed and must not touch the patient or any
equipment or cord connected to the patient. Failure
to follow this warning may cause electrical shock
or injury.
Never use the monitor in a hyperbaric oxygen
chamber. Failure to follow this warning may cause
explosion or fire.
When performing defibrillation, discharge as far as
possible from electrodes, patches and any gel,
cream or medicine on the chest of the patient. If
there is a possibility that the defibrillator paddle
could touch these materials, remove them from the
patient. If the defibrillator paddle directly contacts
these materials, the discharged energy may cause
skin burn to the patient.
Do not perform defibrillation when the cables are
located between the defibrillator paddles. The
discharged energy may be insufficient.
When performing MRI test, remove all electrodes
and transducers from the patient which are
connected to this instrument. Failure to follow this
warning may cause skin burn on the patient. For
details, refer to the MRI manual.
After attaching electrodes, probes and sensors on
the patient and connecting cables to the bedside
monitor, check that there is no error messages and
the waveforms and numeric data are appropriately
displayed on the screen. If there is an error
message, or waveform or numeric data is not
appropriate, check the electrodes, probes and
sensor attachment, patient condition and settings
on the bedside monitor and remove the cause.
Do not allow the conductive part of the connector
which is connected to the patient to contact other
conductive parts including earth. This causes
leakage current and incorrect measurement value
and leads to wrong diagnosis.
Do not use the same monitor for more than one
patient at the same time. Do not connect different
sensors from different patients to the same
Do not leave the SD card near the patient or in
reach of children.
Operator’s Manual BSM-6000 11
Only use Nihon Kohden specified electrodes,
probes, transducers, thermistors and catheters.
Otherwise, the maximum performance from the
monitor cannot be guaranteed.
Make sure that the electrodes and cords attached
to the patient are properly connected to the
monitor. Otherwise, incorrect data may be
displayed and lead to wrong diagnosis.
Turn off the power of mobile phones, small
wireless devices and other devices which produce
strong electromagnetic interference around a
patient (except for devices allowed by the hospital
administrator). Radio waves from devices such as
mobile phones or small wireless devices may be
mistaken as pulse waves and the displayed data
may be incorrect.
Do not reuse disposable parts and accessories.
After the monitor power is turned on, parameter-
related alarms do not function until the parameters
are monitored.
When admitting a new patient, first delete all data
of the previous patient. Otherwise, the data of the
previous patient and new patient will be mixed
If fluids are accidentally spilled into the monitor,
take the monitor out of service and contact your
Nihon Kohden representative. The monitor must be
disassembled, cleaned, dried and tested for safety
and function.
When the “CONNECTOR OFF” message appears
on the screen, check that the connection cords are
connected to the sockets properly. The patient
cannot be monitored and the alarm does not
function while this message is displayed.
When using a ZS-900P transmitter, the
measurement values and displayed waveform on
the bedside monitor and receiving monitor may
differ due to timing delay of the display and other
factors. Be careful when reading the value and
The ZS-900P transmitter can only transmit
temperature data from 5 to 45°C (41 to 113°F). Be
careful when reading the value.
NOTE: Operate the monitor on battery power if you cannot confirm the grounding or wiring in your facility.
Using External Instruments
The ZS-900P transmitter can only transmit CO2
data from 0 to 100 mmHg (0 to 13.3 kPa). When
the transmitting data is out of this range, the
receiving monitor displays it as 100 mmHg. Be
careful when reading the value.
When connecting an external instrument using an interface or communication cable to the
monitor, some alarms and messages from the external instrument might not be displayed
on the monitor. When the waveform or data is abnormal, check the alarm and message on
the external instrument.
12 Operator’s Manual BSM-6000

Panel Description

AC power lamp
Lights when the power cord is connected between the AC SOURCE socket and AC outlet.
Touch screen
Displays monitoring data. Touching a key or data on the screen changes the displayed screen and settings.
Alarm indicator
Red or yellow lamp blinks, or yellow or cyan lamps lights according to the alarm settings. Green lamp blinks in synchronization with the patient’s QRS or pulse.
For carrying the monitor.
Silence Alarms key
Silences the alarm sound.
NIBP Interval key
Selects NIBP measurement mode. Pressing this key changes the mode.
NIBP Start/Stop key
Starts NIBP measurement in selected mode. Pressing the key during measurement stops measurement.
Menu key
Displays the MENU window.
Home key
Closes all opened windows and displays the home screen.
Power switch
Press and hold for more than one second to turn the monitor power on. When turning the monitor power off, press and hold for more than three seconds.
Power lamp
Lights when the monitor power is turned on.
Record/Stop key (option)
Press to start or stop recording.
Remote control sensor
Receives an infrared signal from the remote control.
Error lamp (option)
Blinks when out of paper. Lights when the recorder door is open.
For alarm and sync sound.
Battery lamp 1
Indicates a battery status of the battery in the battery slot 1.
Battery lamp 2
Indicates a battery status of the battery in the battery slot 2.
Battery pack holder 1 (Battery slot 1)
For an SB-671P battery pack.
Input unit socket
Connects an AY series input unit.
When the AY-673P input unit installed
When the AY-673P input unit and AA-674P smart expansion unit are installed

MU-631R Main Unit

Front Panel
Operator’s Manual BSM-6000 13
Left Side Panel
Right Side Panel
When the WS-671P recorder module is installed
Recorder module holder For the WS-671P recorder module.
SD card slot
For an SD card or program card.
ZS socket
For the ZS-900P* transmitter.
Network socket
Connects to monitor network system via the network separation unit.
Battery pack holder 2 (Battery slot 2)
For an SB-671P battery pack.
* ZS-900P transmitter is not available for BSM-6000A series.
RGB socket (QI-631P)
Outputs the RGB video signal. Connects to the slave display.
QI-631P interface socket
Connects the QI-631P interface.
QI-632P/QI-634P interface socket
Connects the QI-632P or QI-634P interface.
AC SOURCE power cord socket
For the AC power cord.
Equipotential grounding terminal
For an equipotential grounding lead.
USB socket (QI-632P/QI-634P)
Connects a mouse or bar code reader.
Multi-link socket (QI-632P/QI-634P)
Connects a QF series interface, IF series communication cable or multi-link cable of an external unit.
RS-232C socket (QI-631P)
Not available.
Alarm socket (QI-632P)
Connects a YJ-672P nurse call cable.
Rear Panel
Example shows the QI-631P and QI-632P interfaces installed.
14 Operator’s Manual BSM-6000

MU-651R/MU-671R Main Unit

AC power lamp
Lights when the power cord is connected between the AC SOURCE socket and AC outlet.
Touch screen
Displays monitoring data. Touching a key or data on the screen changes the displayed screen and settings.
Alarm indicator
Red or yellow lamp blinks, or yellow or cyan lamps lights according to the alarm settings. Green lamp blinks in synchronization with the patient’s QRS or pulse.
For carrying the monitor.
Silence Alarms key
Silences the alarm sound.
NIBP Interval key
Selects NIBP measurement mode. Pressing this key changes the mode.
NIBP Start/Stop key
Starts NIBP measurement in selected mode. Pressing the key during measurement stops measurement.
Menu key
Displays the MENU window.
Home key
Closes all opened windows and displays the home screen.
Power switch
Press and hold for more than one second to turn the monitor power on. When turning the monitor power off, press and hold for more than three seconds.
Power lamp
Lights when the monitor power is turned on.
Record/Stop key (option)
Press to start or stop recording.
Remote control sensor
Receives an infrared signal from the remote control.
Error lamp (option)
Blinks when out of paper. Lights when the recorder door is open.
For alarm and sync sound.
Battery lamp 1
Indicates a battery status of the battery in the battery slot 1.
Battery lamp 2
Indicates a battery status of the battery in the battery slot 2.
When the AY-673P input unit installed
When the AY-673P input unit and AA-674P smart expansion unit are installed
Battery pack holder
For an SB-671P battery pack.
Input unit socket
Connects an AY series input unit.
Front Panel
Operator’s Manual BSM-6000 15
Left Side Panel
Right Side Panel
When the WS-671P recorder module is installed
Recorder module holder For the WS-671P recorder module.
SD card slot
For an SD card or program card.
ZS socket
For the ZS-900P* transmitter.
Network socket
Connects to monitor network system via the network separation unit.
* ZS-900P transmitter is not available for BSM-6000A series.
RGB socket
Outputs the RGB video signal. Connects to the dual display or slave display.
QI-671P interface socket
Connects the QI-671P interface.
QI-672P interface socket
Connects the QI-672P interface.
AC SOURCE power cord socket
For the AC power cord.
Equipotential grounding terminal
For an equipotential grounding lead.
USB sockets
Connects a mouse or bar code reader.
Multi-link sockets
Connects a QF series interface, IF series communication cable or multi-link cable of an external unit.
RS-232C socket
Not available.
Alarm socket
Connects a YJ-672P nurse call cable.
Rear Panel
16 Operator’s Manual BSM-6000
AY-631P/AY-633P/AY-651P/AY-653P/AY-660P/AY-661P/AY-663P/AY-671P/AY-673P Input
NIBP socket
Connects to the air hose.
MULTI socket
Connects to the connection cord of the parameter to be monitored (IBP, temperature, CO, CO2, O2, respiration by thermistor method, SpO2-2 (AY-661P/663P/671P/ 673P only) or BIS). The type of parameter is automatically recognized.
TEMP socket
Connects to the temperature probe cord.
SpO2 socket
Connects to the SpO2 connection cord.
ECG/RESP socket
Connects to the ECG connection cord.
ECG/BP OUT socket
Outputs 100 mmHg/V IBP waveform and 1 mV/V ECG waveform and heart rate trigger by using the YJ-910P or YJ-920P ECG/BP output cable. These analog signals can be used as the synchronization signal for other equipment, such as IABP.
Front Panel
AY-660P: One TEMP socket, one MULTI socket, no ECG/BP OUT socket
AY-631P/AY-651P/AY-661P/AY-671P: Two TEMP sockets, one MULTI socket
AY-633P/AY-653P/AY-663P/AY-673P: Two TEMP sockets, three MULTI sockets
Example is AY-673P input unit.
When performing defibrillation during cardiac
output monitoring, never touch the CO connection
cord. The discharged energy may cause electrical
shock or injury.
When using the output signal from the monitor as
the synchronization signal for other equipment
such as an IABP (intra-aortic balloon pump) or
• Set the timing of the IABP by checking the
waveform on the IABP screen.
• Check the condition of the bedside monitor at all
times. The output signal may become unstable.
• Check that the delay time of the output signal is
within the range of the connected equipment.
Only a Nihon Kohden defibrillator can use the
output signal from the monitor as a
synchronization signal. Check that the delay time
of the output signal (heart rate trigger 20 ms
maximum) is within the range of the connected
Operator’s Manual BSM-6000 17
When the side panel is removed
Side panel
Remove to attach an AA-672P or AA-674P smart expansion unit.
Smart expansion unit socket
Connects an AA-672P or AA-674P smart expansion unit.
• When using an IBP waveform as a synchronization signal for other equipment, connect
the IBP line to the MULTI socket on the input unit. The IBP waveform that is used for the
synchronization signal depends on the “IBP ANALOG OUT” setting in the SYSTEM SETUP
The IBP line connected to the top MULTI socket on the input unit is used.
When more than one IBP waveform is acquired, the IBP waveform of the highest priority
label is used.
IBP label priority:
ART > ART2 > RAD > DORS > AO > FEM > UA > LVP > P1 > P2 > P3 > P4 > P5 > P6 > P7
• Analog ECG, analog BP and heart rate trigger output are not available when an AY-660P input
unit is used.
• The output signal from the ECG/BP OUT socket may become unstable in the following
- Electrode is dry or detached.
- Electrode lead is damaged or disconnected from the electrode.
- Electrode lead is pulled.
- AC interference or EMG noise superimposed.
- Air bubbles or blood clog in the circuit for monitoring IBP.
- Cord or cable is disconnected or damaged.
• All instruments which are to be connected to the ECG/BP OUTPUT socket must use a YJ-
910P or YJ-920P ECG/BP output cable and comply with the IEC 60601-1 safety standard for
medical equipment.
Left Side Panel
18 Operator’s Manual BSM-6000
Right Side Panel
Match the tabs on the input unit to the slots on the bedside monitor.
Input unit socket
For connecting a bedside monitor.
Lock release lever
Lift up the lever to remove the input unit from the bedside monitor.
MULTI socket
Connects to the connection cord of the parameter to be monitored (IBP, temperature, CO, CO2, O2, respiration by thermistor method, SpO2-2 (AY-661P/663P/671P/ 673P only) or BIS). The type of parameter is automatically recognized.
Rear Panel

AA-672P/AA-674P Smart Expansion Unit

Front Panel
AA-672P AA-674P
Operator’s Manual BSM-6000 19
Right Side Panel
Connects an AY-631P, AY-633P, AY-651P, AY-653P, AY-661P, AY-663P, AY-671P or AY-673P input unit.
20 Operator’s Manual BSM-6000


10 cm
5 cm Rear Panel
5 cm
Side Panel


The monitor must be installed by qualied personnel. Details are in the Administrator’s Guide.s Guide. Guide.
Only use the provided power cord. Using other
power cords may result in electrical shock or injury
to the patient and operator.
Connect only the specified instrument to the
monitor and follow the specified procedure. Failure
to follow this warning may result in electrical shock
or injury to the patient and operator, and cause fire
or instrument malfunction.
Only use the specified stand, cart or equipment for
installing the monitor and instruments. Using non-
specified equipment may result in the instruments
falling and causing injury.
When several medical instruments are used
together, ground all instruments to the same one-
point ground. Any potential difference between
instruments may cause electrical shock to the
patient and operator.
• Do not install the monitor and optional units
above the patient.
• Only use the specified tools or equipment when
installing the monitor and units. Failure to follow
this warning may result in the monitor or unit
falling and injuring the patient.
When not using the specified cart, carefully set the
monitor to prevent it from falling off or tipping over.
Before connecting or disconnecting instruments,
make sure that each instrument is turned off and
the power cord is disconnected from the AC
socket. Otherwise, the patient or operator may
receive electrical shock or injury.
Make sure that there is more than 5 cm of space between the monitor and the wall for adequate
ventilation. When the monitor is surrounded, make sure that there is about 10 cm of space above the
monitor for ventilation so that the operating temperature does not exceed 40°C (104°F).
Operator’s Manual BSM-6000 21

Grounding the Monitor

Medically-used room
Patient Environment
Outside the Patient Environment
Non-medically used room
Sub display
(IEC 60601-1 complied or
using the isolation transformer
complied to IEC 60601-1)
Sub display
(IEC 60601-1 complied or
using the isolation transformer
complied to IEC 60601-1)
(IEC 60601-1 complied)
Central monitor Network printer
(IEC xxx complied)
Remote controller
QF series
IF series
(IEC 60601-1 complied)
Bar code reader
expansion unit
Hyper isolation
Input unit
AY-631P/633P AY-651P/653P
Wireless LAN
(For MU-631R)
(For MU-651R/671R)
(For MU-631R)
(For MU-651R/671R)
Main unit
Input unit
Multigas unit
Multigas/Flow unit
Neuro unit
* These units are not available for BSM-6000A series.
When more than one electrical instrument is used, there may be electrical potential difference between
the instruments. The potential difference between the instruments may cause current to ow to the patient
connected to the instruments, resulting in electrical shock (micro shock).
When equipotential grounding is required, connect the equipotential ground terminal on the instrument
to the equipotential ground terminal on the wall (equipotential grounding system) with the equipotential
grounding lead (potential equalization conductor).
• For details on connecting an external instrument to the monitor, contact your Nihon Kohden
• Leakage current may increase when interconnecting many medical instruments to the monitor.

Environment for External Instruments

Use external instruments in the following environment.
22 Operator’s Manual BSM-6000

Warnings and Cautions for Connecting the Monitor to a Network

Install all network devices, including printer and
hubs, outside the patient environment (IEC 60601-
1-1). If they are installed inside the patient
environment, the patient or operator may receive
electrical shock or injury. For installation, contact
your Nihon Kohden representative.
Connect the monitor to network as specified.
Otherwise the patient and operator may receive
electrical shock or injury. To connect the network,
contact your Nihon Kohden representative.
Do not use a damaged network cable. The patient
or operator may receive electrical shock when the
damaged part is touched.
Check the software version number of the monitor
before connecting it to the network. Different
software versions have different communication
methods. More than one communication method in
a network may cause communication failure. For
details, refer to the Network and System
Installation Guide.
In a network where this monitor is connected,
connect only the specified instruments.
Unspecified instruments may cause electrical
shock or injury to the patient and operator or
cause instrument malfunction, instrument stop, or
data loss.
When the monitor is connected to a central
monitor network, set the Bed Name (Bed ID) and
Group Name on the monitor. Otherwise, the default
settings are used for the bed name and group
name and the bed may be incorrectly identified on
the central monitor.
The network must be managed by the network
administrator. Make sure that each monitor in the
network has a different IP address. Otherwise,
data communication cannot be performed properly.
When adding a monitor to an already operating
network, set the IP address on the monitor before
connecting the monitor to the network.
Operator’s Manual BSM-6000 23
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