Comprehensive Support Document
Model 1097 Series Revision Date: 3/19/96
Document: 273926
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Comprehensive Support Document
Model 1097 Series Revision Date: 3/19/96
Software Driver and technical information
Model 1097 Select HP laserjet III if using in the HP emulation mode.
Model 1097 Select postscript or NEC 1097 if using in the postscript mode.
WIN31ALL.EXE is the Windows 3.1x driver, and can be download from one of the on-line services.
95-1097.EXE is the Windows 95 driver and can be download from one of the on-line services.
The driver for the MAC is PSPRT811.SEA this can be downloaded from America On-line and the NEC
BBS. If you need just a PPD file download NECPPDS
NECBBS 508-635-4706
America On-line keyword NECTECH
Microsoft Network keyword NECTECH
ftp site ftp.nectech.com
webpage www.nec.com
Compuserve go NECTECH
Fax Option for Win 95
At the present time NEC is not planning to offer updated PostScript Fax drivers for Windows 95.
Adobe Systems, the developer of the original PS Fax software has decided not to offer a Win95
compatible PS Fax driver. PostScript Fax was offered on NEC Silentwriter models 95, 97, and 1097.
All three models have been discontinued.
PCPanel for Win 95
Because of significant technical changes required to update the current PcPanel software for Win95,
as well as having limited resources, NEC Technologies, Inc. currently does not have plans to offer
updates to this Software.
QuickDraw GX Drivers Macintosh
Due to QDGX's limited acceptance in the Macintosh market and the amount of development effort
required to develope QDGX drivers for older model printers, NECTECH currently does not have plans
to offer QDGX drivers for older NEC printers. However it important to know that these printers can
function with the existing LaserWriter GX drivers which Apple ships with System 7.5.x. Apple ships an
extension called Desktop Print Monitor. This ships with 7.5.2 operating system and Apples 8.3 driver
and supports drag and drop, and True Type GX fonts.
To order parts for this printer please call 800-233-6321 in the U.S. and 800-727-2787 in Canada.
A second source for parts, manuals and supplies is Good Impressions at 800-370-9500 or 617-935-9500
Part number for user’s guide 808-870536-500A
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Comprehensive Support Document
Model 1097 Series Revision Date: 3/19/96
Document: 273926
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Comprehensive Support Document
Model 1097 Series Revision Date: 3/19/96
Memory Switch Settings
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Comprehensive Support Document
Model 1097 Series Revision Date: 3/19/96
Memory Switch Settings (Cont'd)
Document: 273926
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