Native Instruments Reaktor Blocks Framework Manual

Framework Manual
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Document authored by: David Forrester
Software version: 1.0 (09/2015)


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Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1 Anatomy of a Block ...................................................................................................
1.1 System Info Macro ...................................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Panel Macro ................................................................................................................................10
1.3 Process Core Cell ........................................................................................................................ 16
1.4 A Completed Block ...................................................................................................................... 19
1.2.1 Size Macro ................................................................................................................. 11
1.2.2 A/B Buttons Macro ..................................................................................................... 12
1.2.3 Panel Elements .......................................................................................................... 13
1.2.4 Mod Ring and Mod Return ......................................................................................... 14
1.3.1 Display Clk Distributor ............................................................................................... 16
1.3.2 A and B Distributors .................................................................................................. 17
1.3.3 Smoother Attributes ................................................................................................... 17
1.3.4 Smooth + A/B Mod .................................................................................................... 17
2 Connections and Signals ...........................................................................................
2.1 Audio Rate Connections .............................................................................................................. 21
2.2 Value Range ............................................................................................................................... 22
2.3 Pitch Scaling .............................................................................................................................. 23
2.4 Gate Signals ............................................................................................................................... 24
2.5 Gate Signals and Velocity ........................................................................................................... 25
3 Panel Widgets ...........................................................................................................
3.1 Color Schemes ............................................................................................................................ 29
3.2 Template Blocks ......................................................................................................................... 31
3.3 Process Macros ........................................................................................................................... 32
3.4 Knobs ......................................................................................................................................... 33
3.1.1 Additional Knob Colors .............................................................................................. 30
3.4.1 Basic Knobs ............................................................................................................... 33
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Table of Contents
3.5 Customizing Knobs ..................................................................................................................... 38
3.6 Buttons .......................................................................................................................................41
3.7 Meters ........................................................................................................................................ 46
3.4.2 Basic Knobs (Bipolar) ................................................................................................ 34
3.4.3 Modulation Knobs ...................................................................................................... 34
3.4.4 Modulation Knobs (Bipolar) ....................................................................................... 35
3.4.5 OSC Tuning ................................................................................................................ 36
3.4.6 Multiplex Knobs ......................................................................................................... 37
3.5.1 Color .......................................................................................................................... 38
3.5.2 Labels ........................................................................................................................ 39
3.5.3 Values ....................................................................................................................... 39
3.6.1 Basic Button .............................................................................................................. 41
3.6.2 Basic Color Button ..................................................................................................... 41
3.6.3 Multistate Button ...................................................................................................... 42
3.6.4 Multistate Color Button ............................................................................................. 42
3.6.5 Radio Buttons ............................................................................................................ 43
3.6.6 Radio Color Buttons ................................................................................................... 43
3.6.7 Multiplex Buttons ...................................................................................................... 44
3.6.8 Multiplex Color Buttons ............................................................................................. 44
3.6.9 A/B Buttons ............................................................................................................... 45
3.7.1 Meter Mono ................................................................................................................ 46
3.7.2 Meter Stereo .............................................................................................................. 46
4 Process Macros ........................................................................................................
4.1 Inputs ......................................................................................................................................... 49
4.2 Smoothing and Modulation .........................................................................................................52
4.3 Select and Distribute .................................................................................................................. 55
4.4 Counting .....................................................................................................................................57
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4.5 Demultiplex ................................................................................................................................ 58
4.6 Outputs ...................................................................................................................................... 61
Table of Contents
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1 Anatomy of a Block

Anatomy of a Block

The Structure of a Block
Whatever the function, all REAKTOR Blocks are built in the same way. Three distinct Macros each carry out a particular task. The Panel Macro contains all front end elements of the Block. The System Info Macro houses all elements which provide the necessary system and project information. Both the Panel and System Info Macros feed into the process Core Cell. This Core Cell is where all of the actual processing happens, making use of the signals provided to it by both system and user.
On either side of these three Macros are the Block’s inputs and outputs. In order to maintain a degree of familiarity for the user, these ports should always be found in the same order.
Audio inputs are always in first position, followed by Pitch/Frequency inputs, Gate/Reset in­puts, and finally modulation bus inputs. Outputs are also ordered in the same way.
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The inputs and outputs in the Block Structure
Anatomy of a Block
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Anatomy of a Block

System Info Macro

1.1 System Info Macro
The System Info Macro serves to provide the Block with all necessary information from the sys­tem and project in which it resides. This might include system clocks, song position, tempo information, random seeds, and so on.
The System Info Macro
In this example, the System Info Macro is providing the Process Core Cell with 3 signals. Audio song position (SPos), display clock (DClk), and the master start/stop gate (S/S). These signals are then connected directly to the Process Core Cell, where they are distributed as required.
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Anatomy of a Block
1.2 Panel Macro
While the System Info Macro is providing the Process Core Cell with all system signals, the Panel Macro deals with all user signals. This includes panel elements such as knobs, buttons,
text, displays, and anything else pertaining to how the Block looks and how the user can inter­act with it.

Panel Macro

The Panel Macro
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Anatomy of a Block
In this example, the Panel Macro contains a number of different panel elements. The outputs from all of these elements are connected directly to the Process Core Cell. The Panel Macro also receives signals from the Process Core Cell. These signals are sent into the various panel elements, where they are used to display any modulation that has been applied to that particu­lar parameter.
In addition to all panel elements, the Panel Macro also contains 2 further Macros, A/B Buttons and a size Macro.

1.2.1 Size Macro

Inside every Panel Macro is a size Macro. The size Macro does not contain any modules, but instead serves to determine that Block’s panel size.
In order for all Blocks to line up correctly in panel view, all panels are made to particular di­mensions. Panels should always be 252 pixels in height, but width will vary depending on the complexity of the panel. Never the less, width should still adhere to specific values for correct alignment.
Block widths are calculated on a grid where 1 ‘unit’ is 60 pixels, and panel widths are multi­ples thereof. The 4 pixel gap between instruments should also be taken into account when cal­culating panel width.
Panel Macro
• Panel width in pixels = number of units * 60 - 4 pixel gap.
• The smallest available width is 2 units or 116 pixels: 2 * 60 - 4 = 116
The size Macro is in fact an empty stacked Macro, and setting its width and height in the view properties menu will determine the size of the Block’s panel. REAKTOR always creates an ad­ditional border around any panel elements, which must be taken into consideration when set­ting the height and width. This border will always be 8 pixels on either side, and 6 pixels at the top and bottom, and these values should be subtracted accordingly.
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The Size Macro
Anatomy of a Block
Panel Macro
This example shows a 3 unit wide size Macro. The panel should be 176 pixels wide, and 252 pixels tall. To adjust for the border added by REAKTOR, the correct dimensions for the stacked Macro should be Width (Pixels) = 160, and Height (Pixels) = 240.

1.2.2 A/B Buttons Macro

The A/B Buttons Macro serves two purposes. When a signal is connected to a modulation bus input, the buttons on the panel will illuminate to display the signal’s strength and polarity. The A/B Buttons Macro also determines when the modulation sliders are visible on the panel, and so its output should be directly connected to the A/B Buttons input of all panel elements in­side of that Block.
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Anatomy of a Block
The A/B Buttons Macro, connected to Panel elements

1.2.3 Panel Elements

There is a wide variety of panel elements provided with the template, all of which are covered in more detail in the “Panel Widgets” section. However, the most commonly found element is the modulatable knob.
Panel Macro
The modulatable knob in the Panel Macro
The left image shows how the modulatable knob should be placed inside of the Panel Macro, while the right image shows the inside of the modulatable knob itself. The Mod Knob Macro is comprised of a number of different elements. Most important are the main control, and the A and B modulation sliders. The main control is found in the first level of the Mod Knob Macro, while the modulation sliders are to be found in the Mod A/B stacked Macro, the panel index of which is connected to the A/B Buttons Macro as discussed in the previous section.
Other elements found in the Mod Knob Macro are the Label & Value Macro, the Ctrl Pack Mac­ro the Mod Ring display, and the Scale picture.
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Anatomy of a Block
The Label & Value Macro contains a label for displaying the parameter name, a value display, as well as some additional modules which determine what is currently visible on the panel. Here you are able to change parameter names or use a different type of value display, depend­ing on what the knob is controlling. A variety of different Label & Value Macros are already pro­vided with the template which can be used to replace the default one, should a different value display be required.
The Ctrl Pack Macro packages the signals from the main control, and both modulation faders into a single signal which is then connected directly to the Process Core Cell. These signals are then unpacked and used to control modulation depths and so on. Further information on this can be found in the “Smooth + A/B Mod” section.

1.2.4 Mod Ring and Mod Return

The Mod Knob Macro sends all parameter values and modulation amounts into the process Core Cell, where the actual modulation signals are scaled and summed accordingly. The result of this summing will then be sent to wherever it is needed within the Process Core Cell. In ad­dition, it is also routed back to the Panel Macro, and to the original panel element, where it is displayed by the Mod Ring display.
Panel Macro
Connections between the Panel Macro and the Process Core Cell
The left image shows the connections between the Panel Macro and the Process Core Cell. Pa­rameter values are sent from the panel element via the {C0} output. All scaling of modulation signals occur within the Core Cell, and the result is returned to the panel element via the {C0}
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Anatomy of a Block
input. The right image shows how the Knob panel element is connected inside of the ‘Panel” Macro. Again, parameter values are sent via the {C0} output, and the resulting modulation is returned via the {C0} input.
Panel Macro
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Anatomy of a Block

Process Core Cell

1.3 Process Core Cell
Both the System Info and Panel Macros are connected to the Process Core Cell, where all of the actual signal processing occurs. The template includes several starter instruments, each of which contains an empty Process Core Cell.
The Process Core Cell
The left side of the image shows the connections between the System Info and Panel Macros, and the Process Core Cell. The right side of the image shows the inside of the Core Cell itself. By default, the template Core Cell will already contain many of the ports and elements re­quired to receive signals from the System Info and Panel Macros.

1.3.1 Display Clk Distributor

The Display Clk distribution bus sends the display rate clock, as provided by the System Info Macro, to the Display Latch Macros. This is where ‘modulation return’ signals are clocked be­fore being routed back to their associated panel elements. Within Blocks, modulation signals
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Anatomy of a Block
Process Core Cell
are audio rate, however this is a far higher rate than can be displayed on the panel. Attempting to display audio rate signals would be inefficient. Instead, before leaving the Process Core Cell ‘modulation return’ signals are latched by the display rate clock, resulting in a noticeable in­crease in efficiency.

1.3.2 A and B Distributors

The A and B buses distribute all signals arriving at the A and B modulation buses throughout the entire Core Cell, where they can be used as a modulation source. Typically, a completed block will have a number of modulatable parameters. By distributing the signals arriving at the A and B modulation buses in this way, it helps to keep structures cleaner and more organized.

1.3.3 Smoother Attributes

Any connection between two Blocks will be at audio rate, however the connection between a panel element and the Process Core Cell within a Block will be control rate. Therefore, some degree of smoothing is required in order to avoid potential discontinuity in signals, audible ‘pops’, and other such undesirable results. The Smoother Attributes Macro provides the various signals required for smoothing parameters at 2 different clock rates; 1K and 15K. These attrib­utes can be picked up anywhere within the Process Core Cell. In addition, the template also provides a selection of different smoothers, which will automatically pick up all relevant infor­mation provided by the Smoother Attributes Macro.

1.3.4 Smooth + A/B Mod

The Smooth + A/B Mod Macro is one of the most important Macros within the Blocks frame­work. This Macro serves a variety of purposes. As mentioned in the “Panel elements” section, before being sent to the Process Core Cell the 3 values inside of a modulatable parameter are packaged together into a single connection. The first thing the Smooth + A/B Mod Macro does is to unpack this connection into its individual components, the main control, and the 2 modu­lation sliders.
The second task of the Smooth + A/B Mod Macro is to apply smoothing to the 3 signals, before receiving, scaling, and summing any modulation signals.
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Anatomy of a Block
Process Core Cell
The Dmux and Prep Macros
The DMux Macro is responsible for unpacking the arriving signal, while the Prep Macro deals with smoothing of parameters, and scaling/summing of modulation signals.
The DMux Macro
Having been unpacked by the DMux Macro, the 3 signals provided by the panel element are routed to the Prep Macro and smoothed. In addition, signals connected to the A and B modu­lation buses are also received here before being scaled, summed with the main control value, and clipped to ensure the result remains within the [0, 1] range.
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1.4 A Completed Block
Anatomy of a Block

A Completed Block

A completed Block
The left image shows the connections between the System Info Macro, Panel Macro, and the Process Core Cell. The right image shows the inside of the Process Core Cell.
The packaged signals from the panel elements are routed into the Process Core Cell, where they are unpacked, smoothed, and summed with any modulation received via the A and B dis­tribution buses inside of the Smooth + A/B Mod Macros. The summed signals are then routed to wherever they are needed within the Core Cell. They are also routed to Display Latch Mac­ros, where they are latched at display rate by the clock received from the System Info Macro via the Display Clk distribution bus. Finally, the signals are returned to the Panel Macro, where they are used to display modulation.
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+ 42 hidden pages